John Mordaunt Efq. The Rev. Mr. Morrice of Wobourn, in Bedfordshire. Walter Munday Efq. Ofmaston. James Mylton Efq. Ν. 1 Pendock Neale Efq. Mr. Roger Needham, of Dublin. Henry Newcome L. L. D. John Newcome D. D. Master of St. John's College, Cambridge. Benjamin Newton A. M. Fellow of Jesus College Cambridge. The Rev. Mr Newton. Mr. Norbury, Assistant to Eton. Right Rev. the Bishop of Norwich. Ο. Sir John Oglander Bart. Sir John Ogleden Bart. The Rev. William Oldham, A. M. Fellow of St. Peter's College, Cambridge. Mr. Ofborne Bookfeller, Grays-Inn. P. Sir John Packington Bart. Westwood Worcestershire. Capel Paine Esq. Inner Temple. His most serene Highness the Elector Palatine. W. Palgrave Pembroke Hall, Cambridge. Mr. Hugh Palmer Scholar of Trinity Col lege, Cambridge. The Rev. Francis Sawyer Paris D. D. Master of Sidney, and Principal Librarian to the University of Cambridge. The Rev. Mr. Harry Parker B. D. Fellow of Trinity College, Oxon. Mr. Francis Parrott Surgeon, Birmingham. two Books. Mr. Richard Perry B. D. Student of Christ John Ludford Efq. of Ansley. of St. John's College, Cambridge. William Lutwyche Efq. of Lutwyche in Shropshire. Reginald Lyggon Efq. William Lynch Efq. The Honourable Mr. Lyon, of Pembroke Hall, Cambridge. Right honourable Lord Lyttleton, Baron of Frankley. Μ. The Right honourable Lord Malpas. The Rev. Mr. Mander, Fellow of Oriel Col lege Oxon. Thomas Maningham M. D. Henry Maister Efq. of Hull. His Grace the Duke of Marlborough. John Martin Jun. Efq. of Overbury. Roger Martyn L. L. B. of Trinity College, Cambridge. The Rev. C. Mason D. D. Trinity College Mr. Jofeph Maffie, London. The Rev. Mr. Robert Masters B. D. Fellow of C. C. C. C. and F. R. S. Mr. Ifaac Mazyck, of Charles-Town in South The Right honourable Earl of Macclef- Mr. Merril Bookfeller, Cambridge. George Montgomery Matham Efq. Mr. Thomas Mist of Long-Acre London. John Monro M. D. The Rev. Mr. Monro Fellow of Corpus Chrifti College, Oxon. Henron Monfon, L. L. D. Charles Monfon Efq. Lord Montfort. Mr. Morgan A. M. Fellow of Trinity College, Mr. Richard Parrott of Hawksbury. Cambridge. Sir Charles Mordaunt Bart. Church, Oxon. William Paston Efq. Daniel Rich Esq. The Rev. Mr. Edward Patteson A. B. of Mr. Thomas Richards. Trinity College Oxford. Mr. Hugh Pearfon. Girton Peake Efq. Birmingham Mr. Chriftopher Pemberton A. M. Fellow of Catherine Hall, Cambridge. Mr. Thomas Pemberton, Jun. Birmingham. Thomas Penn Esq. Thomas Pennant Efq. of Downing in Flint- Mr. John Pennant Fellow Commoner of George Pitt Efq. The Rev. Mr. Pixell of Edgbaston. The Rev. Plumptree D. D. Archdeacon of Ely. German Pole Esq. Mr. Pote Bookfeller, at Eton College: two John Polehill Efq. of Queen's College Cam. Robert Price Efq. of Foxly, Herefordshire. R. Mr. Robert Raikes Jun. Gloucester. Mr. Joseph Rann, A. B. of Trinity College Oxford. Rich. Rawlinfon L. L. D. and F. R. S. and of the Society of Antiquarians, London. Samuel Ray M. D. Birmingham. Mr. William Reeve Emanuel College, Cambridge. Jonathan Richardfon Esq. The Rev. Mr. Rider, Fellow of Emanuel College Cambridge. Mr. William Rider A. B. late Scholar of Jefus College, Oxon. Mr. John Riland Commoner of Queen's College, Oxford. The Rev. Mr. Nehemiah Ring A. B. of John Robinfon D. D. Warden of Merton College, Oxon. The Rev. Mr. William Robinfon. Mr. T. Robinfon of Christ's College, Camb. Codrington College, Barbados. Jofeph Rutherford M. D. and P. Edinb. S. Mr. John Sadler, Liverpool. fix Books. Sir Thomas Salusbury Knt. Judge of the Admiralty, Doctors Commons. The Rev. Mr. Edwin Sandys Prebendary of Worcester. The honourable Mr. Sandys. Mr. Thomas Saunderfon A. M. Sir George Saville. Gervas Scroope Efq. Lincoln. The Rev. Mr. Seddon of Warrington. Robert Shafts Efq. of Benwell in Northumberland. Jacob Shard Efq. Fellow Commoner of Queen's Mr. | Mr. Edward Sheircliff Merchant Bristol. William Shenston Esq. George Shelvocke Esq. Captain George Sheyne. Dr. Shuckburgh, Warwick. James Shuttleworth Efq. Afton Street. Mr. Thomas Skipwith Fellow Commoner of Trinity College Cambridge. T. The Honourable and Rev. Mr. George Talbot. Right Honourable Marquis of Tavistock. Taylor M. D. Physician to his Ma jesty. John Taylor L. L. D. Archdeacon of Buckinghamshire. : The Rev. Mr. John Taylor of Colton in Staffordshire. Mr. Ifaac Taylor Surveyor. hagen. A. Thistlewaite Esq. The Rev. H. Thomas D. D. Vice Chan cellor and Master of Christ's College Cambridge. Mr. Price Thomas Merchant, Birmingham. of Trinity College Cambridge. Mr. Joseph Thorpe A. M. of Catherine Hall Cambridge. The Rev. Mr. Tottie Archdeacon of Worcefter. Mr. Robert Tracy. The Rev. Mr. Robert Tracy A. M. of All Souls College Oxon. Mr. Sam. Trimer Bookfeller, Derby. Mr. Roger Twisden, Trinity College Cambridge. V. U. Wilmot Vaughan Esq. Edward Vernon M. D. Birmingham. The Rev. Mr. Vyfe, Rector of St. Philip's, Birmingham. Mr. Sleech Affistant to Eton School. The Rev. Mr. Smallbrook Archdeacon of The Rev. Mr. John Taylor Norwich. Litchfield. The Rev. Mr. Sam. Smallbrook А. М. Canon of Litchfield. Shropshire. Walter Smith Efq. Tongue Castle. Sir Edward Smith Bart. of Acton Burnell Mr. Niels Thaarup Merchant in Copen The Rev. Mr. Smith Rector of Stanmore, The Rev. Thomas Smith D. D. Master of Ralph Sneid Efq. Afton, Staffordshire. Stephen Soame Esq. Right honourable the Earl of Stamford. Philip Stanhope Efq. Charles Stanhope Efq. Thomas Stanley Efq. of Ashenhwft. William Stanley Efq. Mr. John Thomas Stanley Fellow Commo ner of Trinity College, Cambridge. Mr. Edward Stanley. Mr. Thomas Stephens London. John Strange Esq. Francis Stratford Efq. Merevale, Warwicksh. of Pembroke Hall, Cambridge. Mr. William Sturrock. Mr. Francis Stuart Wolverhampton. Mr. Charles Stuart Birmingham. The Earl of Suffolk and Berkshire. Mr. Sumner Assistant to Eton School. Mr. John Symonds A. M. of St. Peter's Col- Urmstone College. lege Cambridge, Barrister at Law. W Mr. Wade. W. The Rev. Richard Walker D. D. Vice Master of Trinity College Cambridge. John Rolle Walter Efq. Mr. John Warburton, Somerset Herald at Arms. The Honourable John Ward. The Rev. Mr. Ward Birmingham. Mr. Gregory Watkins Kidderminster. The Rev. Mr. Waugh A. B. Bromsgrove. William Weddell Efq. Fellow of St. John's The Rev. Mr. Whiffon Fellow of Trinity Mr. Thomas White A. М. Mr. Jofeph White Surgeon Birmingham. Mr. Richard Whitworth Fellow of Trinity College Cambridge. The Rev. Mr. Wilmott, Bromfgrove. Mr. John Williams, Felix Hall, Effex. The Rev. Mr. Wilkinson Master of the Free School Birmingham. John Winder Efq. Clements Inn. Mr John Windfor, Salop. Wingfield Efq. Gentleman Com moner of Merton College Oxon. The Rev. Mr. Wingfield, All-Souls Oxon. Sir Thomas Worfley Bart. Mr. Charles Wylde, Merton College Oxon. Frenegler in Cornwal. William Wynyard Efq. of Abingdon Cambridgeshire. Y. Sir William Yonge Bart. Knight of the Bath, P. C. The Rev. Mr. Young Affistant to Eton School. two Books. BUCOLICA ECLOGA I. cui nomen TITYRUS. T MELIB OE US, TITYRUS. ITYRE, tu patulæ recubans fub tegmine fagi T. O Melibœe, Deus nobis hæc otia fecit: 10 Ludere, quæ vellem, calamo permifit agrefti. M. Non equidem invideo; miror magis: undique totis Ufque adeo turbatur agris. en ipse capellas Protenus æger ago: hanc etiam vix, Tityre, duco: Hic inter denfas corylos modo namque gemellos, 15 Spem gregis, ah! filice in nuda connixa reliquit. Sæpe malum hoc nobis, fi mens non læva fuiffet, De cœlo tactas memini prædicere quercus: Sæpe sinistra cava prædixit ab ilice cornix. Sed tamen, iste Deus qui fit, da, Tityre, nobis. 20 T. Urbem, quam dicunt Romam, Melibœe, putavi |