صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

To Leuctra from the ruins of Platea | and above the upper town, in a most is 2 hrs., across the hills which se- picturesque situation, is a Monastery parate the plains of these names, of of the Panaghia. Zagora probably which the former is celebrated for the occupies the site of Ascra, the resivictory obtained here by the Thebans dence of Hesiod, and is a corruption under Epaminondas over a very su- of that name. A conspicuous Hellenic perior force of the Spartans, 371 tower also marks the spot. B.C. The site is marked by a large tumulus.

To Lebadea there are two roads from Leuctra, the lower 6 hrs., the upper 10 hrs. The lower road passes by the hamlet of Erimokastro, the site of Thespia, of which there are remains, and then falls in with the high road between Thebes and Lebadea, along the edge of the Copaic lake and under the jagged ridge of Helicon. The more picturesque route is the upper one, over the ridges of Helicon.

On leaving Zagora the road ascends to a high point of Helicon, whence the eye ranges over the plains of Charonea, Lebadea, and Orchomenus, and continues over magnificent scenery to Parnassus.

This part of the plain of Boeotia supported of old a number of flourishing towns, of which four were eminent. They stood in a semi-circular curve, at nearly equal intervals from each other, on rising grounds which skirt the plain. The first, at the N.E. verge of the plain, is Orchomenus; to the W. of it, at the distance of 5 m., separated from it by the river Kephissus, and placed upon a steep rock of gray granite, is the fortress of Charonea. To the S. of Charonea, at a similar distance, on the northern declivity of Helicon, and on the left bank of the Hercyna, is the citadel of Lebadea, rising from a precipitous cliff, at the eastern foot of which lies the modern town. Passing from this to the S.E. for the same number of miles, and along the roots of Helicon, we arrive at the base of the crested summit of Coronea.

Having enjoyed this extended prospect, the traveller will descend from the higher ridges of Helicon till he

The road lies along the N.E. side of the mountain, and in about 2 hrs. from the site of Leuctra reaches the suppressed monastery of St. Nicholas. It is surrounded on all sides by the mountain ridges, one small opening alone presenting a view of a tower upon an eminence in front. An inscription on a column found in a church near this spot gives interest to the place, by proving it to have been the Fountain of Aganippe, and the famous Hieron, or Sanctuary of the Muses. From the grove of the Muses the road descends, and crosses a rivulet, and then ascends to the higher parts of Helicon. A narrow rugged path leads to the heights above Zagora, or Sacra, whence the mountain has received its modern appellation. Here is seen a part of the Kutomula, a village 2 hrs. distant ancient causeway, leading from Thes-from Zagora, and in beautiful scenery. pice to Lebadea; the spot commands Hence we descend towards the plain a fine panoramic view. E. by N. is by the ruins of Coronea, on an insuthe highest mountain of Euboea; S.E. lated hill, at the entrance of a valley by E., Mount Parnes; S.E., Mount of the Helicon range. Here are reKitharon; the W. and S. parts are mains of a theatre, of a temple of Hera, concealed by Helicon. The plain of and of an agora. There is a fine view Lebadea appears through two gaps. from this hill over the Boeotian plain. Hence again descending, and passing two bridges over small streams, Lebadea soon appears in view, and having crossed the base of Helicon, which extends into the plain, we, in 4 hrs. from Kutomula, reach

Zagora is in a deep valley 2 hrs. distant from the grove of the Muses. A steep descent leads to the village, which is divided into two parts by a river. The lower part is in the plain,


Lebadea.-The ancient city stood on | 5 mouths. On the right hand of the

an isolated hill, at the point where the
valley of the Herkyna opens into the
plain of the Copaic Lake. This town,
before the revolution, was the most
flourishing of Northern Greece, and is
said to have contained 1500 houses;
it is situated on the bank of the Herk-mains of a small temple.
yna, a fine mountain-stream. Higher
up the valley, occupying the site of
the ancient Hieron, or sanctuary of
Trophonius, the river rushes with
great force from the rocks, which here
contract the valley into a narrow gorge,
with scenery of the same character as
that of Delphi. It is difficult to ascer-
tain exactly the 2 springs of Muemé
and Lethé; there are either too few
or too many to answer exactly the
description of ancient writers. Im-
mediately on the right of the gorge,
the rock is full of vestiges of the
oracle of Trophonius, of which the
most remarkable are a basin, now
overgrown with weeds (like that at
Delphi, commonly called the Pythia's
bath), into which flows a small spring,
several small niches in the face of
the rock, a large niche 4 feet high,
and 2 feet deep, and a small natural
aperture scarcely of sufficient depth
to answer the description in Pau-
sanias of the oracular cave. This,
according to the most reasonable con-
jecture, is yet to be discovered within
the walls of the modern castle on the
top of the hill, where it may exist
choked up with rubbish. The whole
of the gorge is very striking, and con-
tains several natural caverns of some

aqueduct, near the theatre, is a sub-
terranean passage, appearing to go
under the theatre. The entrance is
like that of a well, and is 12 feet deep.
The passage was probably an aque-
duct. Near the fountain are some re-

Charonea was famous as the birthplace of Plutarch, who here spent the later years of his life. Pausanias mentions that the principal object of veneration in his time was the sceptre of Zeus, once borne by Agamemnon, and which was considered to be the undoubted work of the god Hephaestus, or Vulcan. Chæronea is not mentioned by Homer, but it is supposed by some writers to be one with the Boeotian Arne, which has been identified by others with Coronea. The town itself does not appear to have been ever of great importance; but it has obtained great celebrity from the battles fought in its neighbourhood. The position of the town, commanding as it does the entrance from Phokis into Boeotia, naturally made it the scene of military operations. In B.C. 447, an important battle, usually called after Coronea, was fought in the plain between that place and Charonea, by the Athenians and Boeotians, when the former were defeated, losing the supremacy which they had previously exercised over Boeotia. A second and more memorable battle was fought at Charonea (August 7, B.C. 338), when Philip of Macedon, by defeating the united Athenians and Boeotians, crushed the liberties of Greece. The lion described below is a monument of this battle. The third great battle here fought was that in which Sulla defeated the generals of Mithridates, (B.c. 86), of which engagement there is a long account in Plutarch.

Charonea. The ruins of Charonea are about 6 m. (2 hrs.) N. from Lebadea. On their site stands the village of Kaprena. The theatre of Charonea was one of the most ancient in Greece. The coilon is excavated in the rock; "In the village below (Charonea) there is no trace of the marble cover- the little church of the Panaghia is ing of the seats. The Acropolis is still entire, with its white marble above the theatre, and covers the top throne described by Dodwell, called by of a lofty precipice. Its remains pre- the learned of Capurna the throne of sent the usual mixture of Archaic and Plutarch. The dedicatory inscriptions, more recent Hellenic masonry. Near illustrative of the Egypto-Roman worthe theatre is an aqueduct, which sup-ship of Osiris, which have been replied a beautiful antique fountain with peatedly published, are also still in

their places in the front wall of the building, and on those of the little court contiguous.

"About a mile, or little more, from the khan, on the right side of the road towards Orchomenos, is the Sepulchre of the Baotians who fell in the battle of Charonea. At the period when this district was traversed by Leake, Dodwell, Gell, or any previous traveller to whose works I have had access, nothing was here visible but a tumulus. The lion, by which Pausanias describes it as having been surmounted, had completely disappeared. The mound of earth has since been excavated, and a colossal marble lion discovered deeply embedded in its interior. This noble piece of sculpture, though now strewed in detached masses about the sides and interior of the excavation, may still be said to exist nearly in its original integrity. It is evident, from the appearance of the fragments, that it was composed from the first of more than one block, although not certainly of so many as its remains now exhibit. Some of the fragments, however, seem to have been removed. The different pieces are so scooped out as to leave the interior of the figure hollow, with the twofold object, no doubt, of sparing material and saving expense of transport. I could obtain no authentic information as to the period and circumstances of this discovery. The story told on the spot was that the celebrated patriot chief Odysseus, when in occupation of this district, had observed a piece of marble projecting from the summit of the mound, which he further remarked, when struck, produced a hollow sound. Supposing, therefore, according to the popular notion, that treasure might be concealed in the interior of the tumulus, he opened it up, and under the same impression broke the lion, which at that time was entire, into pieces, or, as the tradition goes, blew it up with gunpowder. Another account is, that the lion was first discovered by that patriarch among the present race of Hellenic archæologers, the Austrian consul Gropius, Odysseus being only entitled to the credit of having severed

it in pieces. That the government, during the 10 years of comparative tranquillity the country has now enjoyed, should have done nothing for its preservation, is another proof how little the regeneration of Greece has done for that of her monuments. It would appear that the marble, with the lapse of ages, had gradually embedded itself in the soft material that formed its base, so as finally to have sunk, not only beneath the surface of the tumulus, but, to judge from the appearance of the excavation, even of the plain itself—a remarkable instance of the effect of time in concealing and preserving, as well as in destroying, monuments of ancient art.

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The lion may, upon the whole, be pronounced the most interesting sepulchral monument in Greece, perhaps in Europe. It is the only one dating from the better days of Hellas, with the exception, perhaps, of the tumulus of Marathon, the identity of which is beyond dispute. It is also an ascertained specimen of the sculpture of the most perfect period of Greek art. That it records the last decisive blow beneath which Hellenic independence sunk, never permanently to rise again, were in itself a sufficiently strong claim on our warmest sympathies. But the mode in which it records that fatal event renders the claim doubly powerful. For this monument possesses the affecting peculiarity of being erected, not, as usual with those situated like itselfon a field of battle, to commemorate the victory, but the misfortune of the warriors whose bodies repose in the soil beneath-the valour, not the success of their struggle for liberty. These claims are urged by Pausanias with his usual dry, quaint brevity, but with much simple force and pathos. approaching the city,' says he, 'is the tomb of the Boeotians, who fell in the battle with Philip. It has no inscription, but the figure of a lion is placed upon it, as an emblem of the spirit of these men. The inscription has been omitted, as I suppose, because the gods had willed that their fortune should not be equal to their prowess' (Boot. xl.). The word here rendered spirit


has no equivalent in our language; | but it describes very happily the expression which the artist, with an accurate perception of the affecting speciality of the case, has given to the countenance of the animal, and of which, for the reasons Pausanias assigns, the monument was to be the emblem rather than the record; that mixture, namely, of fierceness and of humiliation, of rage, sorrow, and shame, which would agitate the breasts of proud Hellenic freemen, on being constrained, after a determined struggle on a field bathed with the blood of their best citizens, to yield up their independence to the overwhelming power of a foreign and semi-barbarous enemy."-Col. Mure's Tour in Greece,' 1842, vol. i. p. 218.

At a short distance W. of Kapurna, on the road to Davlia, are some remains of the ancient city of Panopeus (Aghios Vlasius).


the E. over the rich plains of Lebadea and Thebes; at the top of the pass the road lies across a small plain, whence the descent commences to the village of Arachova.

Two hours' ride across the plain, and near the Copaic lake, will bring the traveller, following an eastern direction, from Kaprena to Scripu, that is, from the site of Charonea to the site of the Baotian Orchomenus. The well and fountain mentioned by Pausanias exist in a monastery here, which occupies the site of the Hieron of the Graces, who chose Orchomenus for their residence in consequence of this Sanctuary. Here games were celebrated in their honour. The treasury of Minyas is a ruin close to the monastery, similar to that at Mykenæ. A tumulus to the E. is probably the tomb of Minyas. There are many considerable and curious remains of the Acropolis of Orchomenus, of which Col. Leake gives a plan and description. The traveller who goes to Orchomenus ought not to omit the much more interesting rains of Abæ, only about 5 English miles N. of Orchomenus. It is described in the next Route. to Orchomenus, the river Melas or Mavronero, deriving its name from the colour of its waters, issues from 2 katabóthra, and flows into the Copaic lake.

From Charonea, the traveller may proceed to Davlia, the ancient Daulis, a village at the E. foot of Parnassus, beautifully situated among groves of pomegranate. On a hill above it are considerable remains of the walls and towers of the ancient Acropolis, of polygonal masonry, with mortar in the interior of the wall, which is the case with many of these ancient works, where it does not appear between the large stones of the external facing. Daulis is celebrated in Mythology as the scene of those impious acts, in consequence of which Philomela was changed into a nightingale. The thickets round the modern village still abound with this "Daulian bird." From Davlia a road proceeds along the foot of Parnassus to Arachova and Delphi; but in summer the former place may be reached by a very fine mountain pass. Commencing the ascent of Parnassus at Davlia, the traveller in about 2 hrs. enters a fine forest of spruce firs, and passing the beautifully situated convent of Jerusalem, the road continues for some way through the wild and picturesque forest, and afterwards between lofty and snow-clad cliff's commanding a splendid view to | Rte.)


Travellers who wish to go direct from Lebadea to Thermopylæ, and return hence to Delphi, &c., will also derive assistance from the next Rte. They will proceed from Lebadea by Charonea, or by Orchomenus to Abæ, about 5 hrs. either way: thence by the small village of Vogdáno (Hyampolis)

hour beyond Abæ, to Drachmáno (Elatea), 6 hrs. from Abæ. Thence, crossing Mt. Cnemis, immediately beyond Drachmáno, the view of Parnassus is remarkably fine, particularly to the traveller who reverses this route, and comes upon it first from the northward. About 7 or 8 hrs. from Drachmáno is Molo, and Thermopyla is 1 or 2 hrs. beyond it. (See next

Turning his back on the rich plain of Boeotia, and its many ancient ruins, the traveller now proceeds from Lebadea to Chryso in 8 hrs. For 3 hrs. the road lies along the ridge of hills which separates Phokis from Boeotia, whence there is a splendid view of Parnassus. The road then descends into the valley, which extends to the foot of Parnassus. On the right are two immense rocks, towering above the road. On the top of the highest is a remarkable ruin. Thence the road from Daulis to the S.W. leads along a rugged valley towards Delphi, and here falls in with another from Ambrysos (Distomo) on the S. at a point half-way between the two. This place was called oxIOTH ôôós, or the Divided Way; and the Tpíodos, or Triple Road. It was often crowded by the pilgrims and worshippers on their way to Delphi, and the narrowness and difficulty of the path make it the apt scene of such a collision as that of Edipus and his father. In short, this spot agrees in all respects with the description in Pausanias, of the place where Edipus slew his father, which happened on a spot where the roads from Daulis, Ambrysos, and Delphi met, just before entering the defile of Parnassus called Schiste.

The pass of Schiste between lofty precipices begins the ascent to Parnassus, The remains of the Via Sacra are seen in some places. Very high in the rock are several caverns in the defile. At 6 hrs.' distance from Lebadea the road begins to descend. Precipices are on all sides, except where the view extends through valleys and broken cliffs towards Delphi.

Chryso. See Rte. 13.

The mountain pass from Chryso along the W. side of Parnassus, by Salona to Gravia, presents some grand scenery; it occupies almost 4 hours. From Gravia the traveller may proceed to Thermopyla, or by Dadi to Lebadea. This route is the shortest way from Lamia to Delphi and the Gulf of Corinth. Leaving Lamia in the morning, the traveller

can cross the plain of the Sperchius, and visit the pass of Thermopyla; thence, retracing his steps for a short distance, he can cross the ridge of Eta, by the Anopæa, or path chosen by the Persians-and sleep the same night in the little khan of Gravia, in Doris. The second day he may proceed from Gravia along the W. side of Parnassus, and through the village of Topolia (leaving Salona a little to the right) to Delphi; or he may pass through Salona to Galaridi, and there embark for Patras or Vostitza.

Chryso to Delphi, 1 hr. Rte. 13.

Arachova, 2 hrs. Rte. 13. Arachova to the summit of Parnassus. Rte. 13.

From the summit of Parnassus to the Monastery of the Virgin is 44 hrs. This descent is on the N.W. side of the mountain, and subsequently bears to the E. It is steep and rugged. The Monastery of the Virgin is threefourths of the journey down, and is beautifully embowered in pine-groves, overlooking the mountains of Locri and Dryopes, and the plains watered by the Kephissus.

From the Monastery of the Virgin to Haghia Marina is 14 hr. The descent continues for hr., and then the road lies along the base of Par


From Haghia Marina to Velitza is 1 hr. The road passes two large pits with a tumulus on the edge, and beyond them is the foundation of a large building constructed with great masses of stone. After passing a torrent, several sepulchres are seen hewn in the rock.

Velitza contains fine remains of the ancient walls and towers of Tithorea. From this place, which is at the foot of a precipice of Parnassus, there is a very fine view of the peaks of that mountain. Above the ruins of the city, in the precipice, is a cavern, to which the approach is difficult. Here torrents sometimes rush down. The remains of the Agora, a square struc

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