صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

Nick, out of all, beyond all calculation, Pack, to concert, to contrive, vi. 334;

i. 149

Nicking fools, ii. 170; viii. 80

Night-rule, night frolic, ii. 426
Nill, will not, viii. 311

Nine-men's morris, a game, ii. 407
Nobless, nobleness, iv. 186
Noddy, a game, i. 95

Noise, Sneaks, Sneaks' company of musi-
cians, iv. 379

Nonce, occasion, iv. 236
No point, ii. 306

Note, knowledge, vii. 417. 456

Novem, a game, ii. 370

Nourish, nurse, v. 9

Nowl, head, ii. 426

vii. 417

Pact, bargain, contract, ii. 265
Paction, contract, iv. 575
Paddock, toad, vii. 99. 293

Painted cloth, iii. 56; vi. 136
Palabras, words, ii. 240; iii. 107
Pale, to impale, to encircle, v. 247;
viii. 52

Pall, to wrap as in a pall, vii. 113
Pantaloon, iii. 152

Parcel-gilt, partly gilt, iv. 367
Parish top, iii. 331

Paritor, an officer of the Bishop's
court, ii. 317

Parlous, perilous, ii. 419 ; iii. 48 ; v. 401

Parrot and rope, ii. 159

Partake, to take part, viii. 541

Parted, endowed with parts, vi. 77

Obsequious, as at obsequies, v. 270. 352; Pash, head, iii. 437

vii. 206; viii. 490

Obstacle, obstinate, v. 96

Obstruct, obstruction, viii. 67

Occupy, the double sense of the word,
iv. 384

Eiliads, eyeings, looks, i. 190; vii. 455

O'erlook'd, bewitch'd, i. 269; ii. 519
O'ercount, viii. 46

O'ercrows, subdues, vii. 347

O'er-raught, over-reached, ii. 122

O'er-raught, overtook, vii. 258

Passes, surpasses, vi. 505

Pass not, care not for, v. 189

Patch, fool, i. 55; ii. 136. 426; vi. 54 ;
vii. 175
Patchery, folly, vi. 54

Path, to walk, vii. 28
Pavin, a dance, iii. 413
Peat, pet, iii. 121

Peevish, silly, i. 163. 193; ii. 150. 162;
iii. 348; iv. 286. 523; v. 95. 333.
466; vi. 121

Of all loves, by all means, i. 209; Peg a' Ramsey, a tune, iii. 355

ii. 418

Peised, poised, weighed, ii. 520; iv. 37

Old, an augmentative, i. 193; ii. 270. Pelting, petty, trifling, vi. 108; vii. 404


Once, sometimes, v. 513

Oozel-cock, ii. 423

Opal, changeable, iii. 363

Opposite, adversary, ii. 63; iii. 381.

392. 393; iv. 409; v. 221

Or, either, viii. 153

Ordinant, governing, vii. 335

Ostent, show, viii. 280

Over-scutched, scored over, iv. 407

Overseer of a will, viii. 449

Over-shut, shut in, viii. 393
Ouphes, elves, i. 255

Owe, to own, i. 27; ii. 45. 136. 297.
416; iii. 254. 348. 473 ; iv. 26. 70. 81.
188; vi. 215; viii. 252. 466. 555

Perdy, par Dieu, ii. 161; iv. 484;

vii. 277

Perjure, perjurer, vii. 420

Periapt, amulet, v. 88

Petty-ward, i. 219

Pew-fellow, companion, v. 452

Phantasm, ii. 321

Pheese, to beat, to humble, i. cclxxxv ;

iii. 107; vi. 59

Philip Sparrow, iv. 16

Phill-horse, shaft-horse, ii. 496; vi. 68.

See also" Thills."

Pick, to pitch, vi. 147

Pickt-hatch, the manor of, i. 206

Pied-ninny, i. 55

Pight, pitch'd, vi. 135; vii. 393

Pilch, leathern coat, viii. 291
Pilcher, scabbard, vi. 433

Pill'd, peel'd, ii. 11; v. 20

Punk, prostitute, i. 210

437; v. 434

Pin and web, cataract in the eye, iii. Purchase, booty, i. cclxxxvi; iv. 251.

444; vii. 428

Pin, cleaving the, i. cclxxxv ; ii. 323; Put on, to incite, viii. 232

vi. 418

Planched, boarded, planked, ii. 68

Plantage, the moon's effect upon,

vi. 73

Puttock, a degenerate hawk, viii. 144

Plantain, the medical virtues of, vi. Quart d'ecu, fourth part of a crown, iii.


Plates, money, viii. 122

Platforms, plans, plots, v. 33

Plausibly, with applause, viii. 468 Pleached, plaited, interwoven, ii. 198; iv. 565; viii. 108

Point, tag, iii. 500; iv. 345; viii. 86
Point device, with nicety, iii. 59. 371
Point, no, ii. 306

Poking-sticks, for setting ruffs, iii. 501
Polled, bared, vi. 236

Pomander, a ball of perfume, iii. 514
Pomewater, a kind of apple, ii. 324
Pouncet-box, perfume-box, iv. 238
Powder, to salt, iv. 332

Practisants, or partisans, v. 56

Pregnant, ready, prepared, accomplished,

iii. 376

Prest, ready, ii. 480; viii. 324

Pretence, intention, vii. 131. 371


Quarrel, square-headed arrow, v. 538 Quarry, a heap of dead game, vi. 147;

vii. 101. 169

Quell, to kill, vii. 119

Quern, a hand-mill, i. cclxxxv; ii. 405
Quintaine, iii. 20

Quips, scoffs, reproaches, i. 147
Quit, requite, iv. 506; v. 486; vii. 336
Quittance, repayment, iv. 347
Quoted, noted, observed, i. 115; iv. 74;
vi. 106. 393; vii. 234; viii. 438

Rabbit-sucker, a young rabbit, iv. 275 Race of night, iv. 53

Rack, capour, cloud, i. 70

Rank, butter-woman's, iii. 50

Pretend, to intend, i. 125; v. 67; viii. Rapier, for dancing, vi. 293


Prevent, to anticipate, iv. 359

Rascal deer, lean deer, iii. 62; v. 73

Rash, to tear away, vii. 440

Pricket, a stag of the second year, ii. Rats, rhiming them to death, iii. 52

[blocks in formation]

Print, in, exactly, with nicety, i. 110; ii. Rayed, made dirty, iii. 164


Prize, privilege, v. 250

Read, advice, counsel, vii. 214

Ready, dressed, v. 32

Proface, much good may it do you, iv. Rear-mice, bats, ii. 413

[merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

Regiment, government, command, viii. Scamels, i. 48


Scarre, rock, iii. 280

Reguerdon, reward, v. 53. See also Scathe, to injure, vi. 401


Remorseful, compassionate, i. 152
Renege, to deny, viis 399; viii. 5
Repured, purified, vi. 67

Resolveth, dissolveth, iv. 92; vii. 207
Respects, considerations, viii. 400
Rest, to set up, a phrase from gunnery,

ii. 155; vi. 474. 489

Riding the mare, being hanged, iv. 366 Riding the wild mare, the game of seesaw, iv. 388

Rigol, circle, iv. 431; viii. 465
Rim, the vitals, iv. 544
Rivage, shore, iv. 500

Rivo, a drinking term, iv. 264
Ronyon, scabby person, vii. 103
Rook'd, roosted, v. 334
Rope for a parrot, ii. 159

Sconce, head, ii. 128

Scotch'd, wounded, hack'd, vii. 140
Scroyles, scabs, iv. 31
Scrimers, fencers, vii. 317
Sculls, shoals, vi. 127
Seam, grease, vi. 58
Seeling, blinding, vii. 141
Seething, boiling, ii. 453

Sennet, sounding of trumpets, v. 151

Sere, tickled in the, vii. 246
Serpigo, the tetter, ii. 49; vi. 54
Servant, lover, i. 108

Sessa, iii. 107; vii. 428. 435

Several and common, ii. 308; viii. 536
Sewer, his office explained, vii, 116
Shales, shells, iv. 537

Shards, broken tiles, vii. 330
Shard-borne, vii. 140; viii. 58

Rother, ox, cow, or bull, i. cclxxxviii; vi. Sheen, shining, bright, ii. 404


Round, plain, unceremonious, ii. 125; iii. 356; iv. 532; vi. 527; vii. 265. 285 to whisper, to mutter, i. cclxxxvi;

iii. 441; iv. 37

Rouse, carouse, vii. 207

Roynish, scurry, scabby, iii. 29
Ruddock, red-breast, viii. 221

Rue, or herb of grace, iv. 181; vii. 310
Rushes, for strewing rooms, iv. 287;

viii. 169

Rush-rings, marriages with, iii. 236

Sacring bell, v. 568

Sad, grave, i. 101; ii. 221. 499; iii. 384. 504; v. 282

Safe, to secure, viii. 96

Saffron dye, for dress, iii. 294
Sag, swag, vii. 175

Said, done, iii. 39; iv. 330; vi. 337

Sallet, helmet, v. 206
Saltiers, satyrs, iii. 504

Samingo, a drinking term, iv. 449
Sand-blind, ii. 494
Scaled, exposed, ii. 57
dispersed, vi. 144

weighed, vi. 196

Scambling, scrambling, iv. 467

Shekels, pieces of money, ii. 37
Shent, destroyed, ruined, rebuked, scolded,

i. cclxxxiv. 195; iii. 404; vi. 252; vii. 281

Sherriffs posts, iii. 342

Ship-tire, a kind of head-dress, i. 228
Shive, slice, vi. 295

Shove-groat, a game, iv. 386
Shovel board, a game, i. 182
Shrive, to confess, ii. 134
Side-sleeves, long sleeves, ii. 237
Siege, seat, i. 47; ii. 74; vii. 316
Sign, to denote, v. 546

Sink-a-pace, a dance, iii. 335
Similar, simulator, vii. 420

Sir, applied to the clergy, i. 177; iii. 393; v. 119. 415. 472

Sirrah, applied to women, i. celxxxix ; iv. 236; viii. 127

Sir-reverence, ii. 143
Sizes, allowances, vii. 411
Skains-mate, vi. 423

Skills not, it does not signify, iii. 416; v. 160

Skinker, drawer, iv. 261

Skirr, to scour, iv. 551; vii. 176 Sleave-silk, floss-silk, vi. 110; vii. 124 Sledded, sledged, vii. 198

Sleided-silk, untwisted silk, viii. 323, 546 Slip, counterfeit money, vi. 419

Slops, loose breeches, trousers, ii. 227
Slubber, to neglect, to obscure, ii. 511
Smack, taste, iii. 246; iv. 14
Smirched, dirtied, soiled, ii. 235. 246;
iii. 26; iv. 542; vii. 213. See also

Smoothing, flattering, v. 359

Stithy, a forge, vi. 107; vii. 269
Stock, stocking, i. 138; iii. 335. See
also "Nether-stocks."

Stomach, pride, haughtiness, v. 580
Stone-bow, a bow to shoot stones, iii. 366
Stoop of wine, two quarts of wine, iii. 352
Stories, clear, iii. 402

Sneak-cup, iv. 299. See also "Snick- Stover, coarse grass, fodder, i. 66


Sneap, snub, iv. 368

iii. 431; viii. 424

Strappado, a punishment, iv. 269
Stuck, thrust, vii. 320

Sneaping, snipping or nipping, ii. 286; Stuff, baggage, luggage, furniture, ii. 164 ;

vii. 177

Snick-up, a term of contempt, iii. 356. Subscrib'd, surrender'd, vii. 368. 440

See also "Sneak-cup."

Snuff, anger, dislike, ii. 461; vii. 417
Solve, solution, viii. 507

Sonties, God's, God's sanctities, ii. 495

Soon at night, ii. 119

Sooth, to flatter, iv. 43; vi. 183

Subject, for subjects, ii. 62; iii. 430

Suggest, to tempt, i. 129; iv. 115; v. 507; viii. 416

Suggestions, temptations, ii. 288; iii. 264. 296; iv. 427

Supposes, suppositions, iii. 192

Sort, company, collection, ii. 427; iv. Sumpter, horse or mule to carry luggage,

190; v. 139. 173


to select, i. 143; v. 335. 397 ; viii.

to accompany, iv. 384; viii. 393
to agree, to befit, vi. 16; vii. 199

to happen, to turn out, v. 121. 257 Sowle by the ears, to pull by the ears, vi. 236

Speaking thick, speaking rapidly, iv. 377; viii. 88

Sperr up, to bar up, vi. 11

or persons, vii. 412

Surcease, to finish, conclude, vii. 116
Swart, brown, black, iv. 40; vi. 300
Swashing, vi. 376

Swath, grass cut by mowers, iii. 358
Sweeting, a kind of apple, vi. 420
Sweet mouth, sweet tooth, i. 138
Sword and buckler, iv. 245

Spoons given at christenings, i. cclxiv; Table, picture, panel, i. ccxc; iii. 210;

v. 601

Sport alone, excellent sport, ii. 430

Sprag, active, nimble, i. 245

viii. 487

Table, palm of the hand, ii. 498

Tabor, used by fools, iii. 372

Square, to quarrel, ii. 190. 405; viii. Tabourines, drums, vi. 108; viii. 99 28. 81

Squash, an unripe peascod, ii. 425; iii.

343. 439

Tag-rag, multitude, vii. 17

Take me with you, let me understand you, iv. 276

Squire or square, a measure or rule, Take, to blast, to infect, i. 254; vii. 202.

[blocks in formation]

Tawney-coats, a bishop's livery, v. 20
Tender-hefted, vii. 411

Unanel'd, without extreme unction, vii. 225

Teen, sorrow, i. 14; v. 441; vi. 388; Unavoided, unavoidable, v. 78. 458

viii. 397. 551

Tent, to reside, to dwell, vi. 215

Tent, to search a wound, vi. 45; vii. 257
Tercel, male goss-hawk, i. cclxxxviii;
vi. 69

Tercel-gentle, i. cclxxxviii; vi. 412
Thewes, strength, vii. 22

Unbated, not blunted, vii. 319
Unbolted, unsifted, coarse, vii. 398
Uncape, to unearth, i. 231

Undertaker of other's quarrels, iii. 395
Under-wrought, undermined, iv. 21
Unear❜d, unploughed, viii. 478. See also

Thickly, rapidly, iv. 377; vi. 68; viii. Uneath, scarcely, v. 147

188. 466

Unexpressive, inexpressible, iii. 47

Thief and true man, ii. 72; iv. 251. Unhappy, mischievous, unlucky, iii. 296

255; v. 246

Thills, the shafts, ii. 496; vi. 68. See

also "Fill-horse," and "Phills."
Thou, used as a verb, iii. 380
Three-farthing pieces, iv. 12
Three-man beetle, iv. 359
Thrice-repured, thrice purified, vi. 67
Throw, time, moment, iii. 408
Tickle-brain, a kind of liquor, iv. 274
Tick-tack, or trick-track, a game, ii. 17
Tilly-vally, an exclamation, iv. 382
Tire on, to peck at greedily, iii. 465;
v. 238; vi. 551; viii. 196
Tiring, attiring, ii. 130
Tiring-house of a theatre, ii. 419
Toge, toga, vi. 190

Tom of Bedlam, vii. 346

Unhatch'd, unhack'd, iii. 392

Unhousel'd, not having received the

Sacrament, vii. 225
Unimprov'd, unproved, vii. 199
Union, a kind of pearl, vii. 343
Unmann'd, a term in falconry, vi. 439
Unpregnant, unready, unprepared, ii. 85
Unsisting, unresting? ii. 73
Unsmirched, unsullied, not dirtied, vii.
308. See also, "Besmirched," and

Unstate, to descend from rank, vii. 371
Urchin, hedgehog, vi. 301; viii. 406
Use, interest, v. 572; viii. 479
Usurer's chains, ii. 206

Utis, or utas, the seventh day after a
feast, iv. 379

Touze, to pull about, to pull from, i. Uttered, put out, ii. 271

cclxxxvi; iii. 519

Top, the parish, iii. 331

Touch, touchstone, v. 442; vi. 571

Trash, to check, or beat back, i. 15 ; vii. 538

Tray-trip, a game, iii. 372

Treachers, traitors, vii. 372

Trigon, fiery, iv. 389

Trol-my-dames, a game, iii. 491

Trossers, trousers, iv. 521

Trot, an old woman, ii. 59

255; v. 246

Utterance, extremity, vii. 136; viii. 186

Vail, to lower, ii. 89. 361. 476 ; iii. 200 ;
vi. 201; vii. 205; viii. 401
Validity, value, iii. 326

Vantbrace, armour for the arm, vi. 37
Varlet, knight's servant, vi. 13

Vast, i. 24; iii. 430; vii. 209

Vaward, advanced body, ii. 447 ; iv. 12. 543

True-man and thief, ii. 72; iv. 251. Venew, or veney, a hit in fencing, ii.

Truepenny, a mining term, vii. 228
Tuck, rapier, sword, iii. 391


Via, an exclamation, i. 211; v. 256
Vice, a character in old plays, vii. 289

Tucket, sound of a trumpet, ii. 557; Vice's dagger, iv. 407

iii. 263

Tucket-sonnance, iv. 537

Turk, to turn, to change completely, vii.


Twire, to peep, viii. 489

Vied, challenged, or staked, iii. 147;
viii. 122

Vinewd'st, most mouldy, vi. 41
Violenteth, compelleth ? vi. 93
Virago, or firago, iii. 393

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