pp. 470-82; Vol. 45, pp. 1-20; 97-107.) An authoritative work, written in a style of great charm. C. H. Moore. Development and character of Gothic architecture. New York, Macmillan's. Second edition, rewritten and enlarged, 1904. An admirable study of Gothic con struction. Gustav von Bezold. Die Entstehung und Ausbildung der gothischen Baukunst in Frankreich. Beiträge zur Denkmalkunde und zur Entwicklungsgeschichte des Stils. (In Zeitschrift für Bauswesen, Jahrgang XLI, 1891, p. 162 f.) An important and conscientious study of certain transitional and early Gothic monuments. Anthyme St. Paul. Simple mémoire sur l'origine du style ogival. (Bulletin monumental, Vol. 41, 1875, p. 5.) - A suggestive essay. Eug. J. Woillez. Archéologie des monuments religieux de l'ancien Beauvoisis pendant la métamorphose romane. Paris, Derache, 1839-49. Folio. - A scholarly publication of the Romanesque and transitional buildings of the diocese of Beauvais, illustrated by many measured drawings. Still most helpful, though Woillez was unable to determine the chronology of the monuments of which he wrote. G. Dehio. Die Anfänge des gothischen Baustils; zur Kritik des gegenwärtigen Standes der Frage. (Repertorium für Kunstwissenschaft XIX, 1896, p. 169.) A sane and stimulating paper, with a clear review of the points still at issue. Louis Regnier. Les origines de l'architecture gothique. (Mémoires de la société historique de Pontoise, 1895, tome XVI, p. 124.) Eug. J. Woillez. De l'apparition de l'ogive dans les monuments religieux de l'ancienne Picardie. (Mémoires de la société des antiquaires de Picardie, tome IX, 1848, p. 279.) E. Lefèvre-Pontalis. Les origines des gables. (Bulletin monumental LXXI, 1907, p. 92.) - An excellent study. Jules Quicherat. La croisée d'ogives et son origine. (Mélanges d'archéologie et d'histoire; tome II, p. 497.) A. Essenwein. Die Entwicklung des Pfeiler und Gewölbesystems in der kirchlichen Baukunst bis zum Schluss des XIII Jahrhunderts. Jahrbuch der Centr.-Comm., 1858 De Sidney-Hewkins. Recherches sur l'origine et l'établissement de l'architecture à ogives et sur la peinture sur verre. Félix de Verneilh. Sur les origines de l'art ogival et l'art roman. (Bulletin monumental, Vol. 21, 1855, pp. 105-125.) A polemic on the origin of the pointed arch. Of slight interest to-day. Dieulafoy. Les origines de l'architecture du moyen âge et ses rapports avec l'architecture perse. Conférence faite le 24 mars, 1887, à la Société Centrale des Architectes. FLAMBOYANT C. Enlart. Origine anglaise du style flamboyant. (Bulletin monumental, 1906, tome LXX, p. 38.) - The best study of the origins of the flamboyant style that has yet appeared. A. St. Paul. L'architecture religieuse en France pendant la Guerre de Cent Ans. (Bulletin monumental, LXVII, 1908, p. 5.) - A controversial article that brings forward few new facts. A. St. Paul. Les origines du gothique flamboyant en France. Caen, 1907. C. Enlart. Origine anglaise du style flamboyant. London, Harrison, 1906 (Reprint from Archaeological Journal LXIII) and Caen, Delesques, 1906 (Reprint from Bulletin Monumental). - A reply to M. St. Paul. The two editions differ slightly. R. Willis. On the characteristic interpenetrations of the flamboyant style. (In Transactions of the Royal Institute of British Architects, Vol. I, Part II, 1842, p. 81.) A valuable study. GUIDE-BOOKS Adolphe Joanne. Itinéraire général de la France. Paris, Hachette et Cie., 1880, 1890, etc., 20 vols. 16°. - All things considered the most satisfactory of the guide-books. Each volume comprises a division of territory roughly corresponding to one of the provinces. Adolphe Joanne. Géographie des départements. Paris, Hachette et Cie., 9me edition, 1903. 16°. - A separate volume for each département. A more concise and portable work than the Itinéraire général. Karl Bädeker. Northern France. Belgium and the English channel to the Loire, excluding Paris and its environs. Handbook for travelers. - This guide, too well known to call for comment, is published in German, French, and English, and constantly kept up to date by new editions. John Murray. Handbook for travelers in France. London, John Murray, 1847, etc. 12°. - Leaves much to be desired from an architectural standpoint. G. de St. Fargeau. Guide pittoresque du voyageur en France. Paris, Firmin-Didot 1838. 6 vols. 8vo. - One of the earliest of the guide-books worthy of the name. Anonymous. Le conducteur français. Paris, Sorin, 1777-79. 3 vols. of the XVIII century. FRENCH CATHEDRALS A guide-book A. de Baudot et Perrault. Les cathédrales de la France. Paris, H. Laurens. In course of publication. 2 vols. 4to. Arthur Loth. Les cathédrales de France. Paris, Librairie Renouard, 1900. Folio. The plates are good, but the text leaves much to be desired. J. Barr Ferree. The chronology of the cathedral churches of France. New York, 1894. 8vo. Contains a bibliography and a certain amount of condensed information. Reprinted from the Architectural Record. J. J. Bourassé. Cathédrales de France. Tours, Ad. Mame et Cie., 1843. 8vo. An excellent little book in its day. Ephiphanius Wilson. Cathedrals of France. Popular studies of the most interesting French cathedrals. New York, The Churchman Company, 1900. Folio. The illustrations are fair; the text is of no value. J. Barr Ferree. The cathedrals of France. New York, 1895. 8vo. Reprinted from The Cosmopolitan Magazine for January, 1895. - Worthless. B. Winkles. French cathedrals. From drawings by R. Garland. London, Charles Tilt, 1837. Folio. - The engravings are artistic but very inaccurate. TRAVEL AND DESCRIPTION Nodier et Taylor. Voyage dans l'ancienne France. Paris, Firmin-Didot, 1845. 20 vols. Folio. - A monumental work, chiefly valuable to-day for the drawings which were often made before modern restorations had been executed. A. St. Paul. A travers les monuments historiques. (Bulletin monumental, 1877.) W. G. Davie. Architectural studies in France. London, 1877. Folio. A. Robida. La vieille France. Texte, dessins et lithographies. Paris, Librairie Illustrée, no date. - A single volume is devoted to each province. Distinctly a work of inferior merit. Tavernier et Née. Voyage pittoresque de la France. Paris, 1792. 10 vols. Folio. "Contient les dessins de plusieurs édifices religieux aujourd'hui disparus." (Lefèvre-Pontalis.) Thomas Rickman. Four letters on the ecclesiastical architecture of France. (Archaeologia XXV, 1833, p. 159; XXVI, 1834, p. 26.) - An early account of the architecture of Normandy through English eyes. F. C. Brown. A journey in search of the picturesque. (In Architectural Review V, 1903, p. 13, etc.) - A mediocre account of travels in England and France. Vitet. Histoire des anciennes villes de la France. J. F. Hunnewell. The historical monuments of France. Boston, 1884. G. C. de Médelsheim. L'architecture en France. Paris, Jouvet et Cie., 1883. 12°. Worthless. James M. Hoppin. Great epochs in art history. Boston and New York, Houghton, Mifflin & Co., 1903. Contains an article (without scientific value) on early French Gothic. Aristide Guilbert. Histoire des villes de France. Paris, Furne et Cie, 1848. 6 vols. 4to. Contains a few scraps of out-of-the-way historical information of value to the archaeologist. Goze. Églises, châteaux, beffrois. Th. Frognall Dibdin. A bibliographical, antiquarian, and picturesque tour in France and Germany. London, 1821. 3 vols. 8vo. A second edition appeared in 1829. Allom and Wright. France illustrated. London, Fisher, Son & Co. [1847]. 4to. Contains poor engravings of miscellaneous subjects. Rev. J. L. Petit. Architectural studies in France. London, George Bell, 1854. 4to. Of little value. Louis Barron. Les fleuves de France. I. La Loire; II. La Seine; III. La Garonne; IV. Le Rhône. Paris, Librairie Renouard, 1888. 8vo. - Mediocre. Rev. H. H. Bishop. Pictorial architecture of France. London, Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, 1893. 4to. Worthless. CRITICISM AND MISCELLANIES Anthyme St. Paul. Viollet-le-Duc et son système archéologique. Tours, 1881. Anthyme St. Paul. L'archéologie du moyen âge et ses méthodes. (Revue de l'art chrétien, 48me Année, 1905, pp. 145, 233.) A suggestive essay. Francis Bond. Classification of Romanesque architecture. (In Royal Institute of British Architects, Journal 1901, ser. 3, Vol. 8, pp. 269-291.) An attempt to classify the various schools of French Romanesque. Jules Helbig. L'architecture religieuse de l'ancien diocèse de Soissons au XI et au XII siècle, par Eugène Lefèvre-Pontalis. (Revue de l'art chrétien, 1894, tome 43, p. 495.) Eustache-Hyacinthe Langlois. Extrait de quelques considérations générales sur les monuments gothiques. (In Archives de la Normandie, Vol. II, p. 133 f.) - Unimportant. Brutails. L'archéologie du moyen âge et ses méthodes. Paris, Picard, 1900. 8vo. — The philosophy of archaeology. L. Cloquet. L'art de bâtir chez les païens et chez les chrétiens. Conférence faite à la distribution des prix de l'école de St. Luc à Liège. (In Revue de l'art chrétien XXXV, 1902, p. 201.) George Martin Huss. Rational building, a translation of the article "Construction" in the "Dictionnaire raisonné de l'architecture française" of Viollet-le-Duc. New York, Macmillan, 1895. S. Beale. Roman and Romanesque France. (In American architect and building news, 1902-04, Vols. 76-80, 84.) ORNAMENT1 (GENERAL) Lechevallier-Chevignard. Les styles français. Paris, Librairies-Imprimeries Réunies, 1892. 8vo. - An excellent manual of decorative art. ORNAMENT (FLORA) Daniel Ramée Sculptures décoratives; motifs d'ornamentation recueillis en France, Allemagne, Italie, et Espagne, dans les plus beaux monuments du douzième au seizième siècle. Paris, Librairie d'Architecture, 1860. 2 vols. Folio. A valuable collection of drawings of details. Émile Lambin. La flore sculpturale du moyen âge. (Gazette des Beaux-Arts, 1899, ser. 3, ΧΧΙ, 291, 431.) A suggestive study. 1 For stained glass and figure sculpture see infra, pp. 435-437. ORNAMENT (POLYCHROMY) Louis Courajod. La polychromie dans la statuaire du moyen âge et de la Renaissance. Paris, 1888. ORNAMENT (TILES AND PAVEMENTS) Folio. Prosper Tarbé. St. Remi de Reims, dalles du XIII siècle. Reims, Assy et Cie., 1867. A publication of important examples of medieval tiling. J. Chappée. Le carrelage de l'abbaye de Champagne, d'après les pavés retrouvés sur l'emplacement du choeur de l'église de cette abbaye. (Revue historique et archéologique du Maine, tome XLIV, 1898, p. 26.) - An adequate publication. Émile Amé. LLes carrelages émaillés du moyen âge et de la Renaissance, précédés de l'histoire des anciens pavages, mosaïques, labyrinthes, dalles incrustées. Paris, A. Morel et Cie, 1859. ORNAMENT (RITUALISTIC UTENSILS) A. W. Pugin. Glossary of ecclesiastical ornament and costume. London, Quaritch, 1868. Folio. - Studies in the utensils of the ritual. p. 1.) A. N. Didron. Ameublement et décoration des églises. (Annales archéologiques, Vol. 4, WORKS OF REFERENCE De Lasteyrie et Lefèvre-Pontalis. Bibliographie des travaux historiques et archéologiques publiés par les sociétés savantes. Paris, Imprimerie Nationale, 1888. 4to. Ch. Bauchal. Nouveau dictionnaire biographique et critique des architectes français. Paris, 1887. 8vo. Anonymous. Carte des monuments historiques de France, indiquant les écoles d'art du territoire français pendant la première moitié du XII siècle. Adolphe Lance. Dictionnaire des architectes français. BERRY B. SPECIAL WORKS I. WORKS DEALING WITH SEPARATE PROVINCES Buhot de Kersers. Essai sur l'architecture religieuse en Berry. (Mémoires de la société des antiquaires du Centre, 1869, 3me volume, p. 91.) Contains valuable data. Buhot de Kersers. Caractères de l'architecture religieuse en Berry a l'époque romane. (Bulletin archéologique du Comité des Travaux Historiques et Scientifiques, 1890, p. 25.) Champeaux et Gauchery. Les travaux d'art exécutés pour Jean de France, duc de Berry. Paris, Champion, 1894. Folio. Only in part on architecture. Touring Club de France. A la France, sites et monuments. Le Centre de la France, Allier, Cher, Indre. Paris, Touring Club de France, 1905. 4to. - Of no value, except for the half-tones. BURGUNDY A. de Caumont. Rapport verbal sur une excursion archéologique aux environs d'Orléans et en Bourgogne. (Bulletin monumental, Vol. XVIII, 1852, p. 225.) Notes of travel. CHAMPAGNE E. Lefèvre-Pontalis. L'architecture gothique dans la Champagne méridionale au XIII et au XIV siècle. (Congrès archéologique de Troyes, 1902.) A. Gaussen. Portefeuille archéologique de la Champagne. Bar-sur-Aube, JardeauxRay. Folio. - Colored drawings of stained glass and church furniture. MAINE Guénet. Le Maine illustré. Le Mans, Imprimerie Sarthoise, 1902. 4to. - "Présente plutôt un caractère de vulgarisation intéressante que d'érudition pure." Wismes. Le Maine et l'Anjou, historiques, archéologiques, et pittoresques. Paris, Auguste Bry, no date. 2 vols. Folio. Notwithstanding many inaccuracies is valuable for the descriptions of several little known monuments. Bouveret. Vues des monuments du Maine. Le Mans, Bouveret, 1900. A series of albums of photographic views, each album sold separately. Touring Club de France. A la France. Sites et monuments. Bretagne orientale et Maine. (Ille-et-Vilaine, Mayenne, Sarthe.) Paris, Touring Club de France, 1902. 4to. Of little value except for the illustrations in half-tone. NORMANDY De la Balle et als. La Normandie monumentale et pittoresque, édifices publics, églises, châteaux, manoirs, etc. In five parts of two volumes, each part published separately and devoted to one of the departments, Seine-Inférieure, Calvados, Eure, Orne, Manche. Le Havre, Lemale et Cie, 1895. Folio. - A monumental work of high, though somewhat uneven, merit. The various descriptions of separate monuments and towns are sold individually as monographs. Ruprich-Robert. L'architecture normande aux XI et XII siècles en Normandie et en Angleterre. Paris, Librairie des Imprimeries Réunies, [1885-87]. - The standard work on Norman architecture, although the sections devoted to the Anglo-Norman style are unsatisfactory and the text contains certain inaccuracies and contradictions. The plates, however, are invaluable. Felix Benoist et als. La Normandie illustrée; monuments, sites, et costumes. Nantes, Charpentier Père, Fils, et Cie, 1852. 2 vols. Folio. - Text of unequal merit, illustrated with drawings of little practical value for the archaeologist. Pugin and Le Keux. Architectural antiquities of Normandy. London, 1827. 4to. A new edition edited by R. Phené Spiers, under title: Specimens of the architecture of Normandy, from the XI to the XVI century. London, Blackie & Son, 1874. 4to. These drawings are still valuable. John Sell Cotman. Architectural antiquities of Normandy, represented and illustrated in a series of one hundred etchings accompanied by historical and descriptive notices by Dawson Turner. London, John & Arthur Arch, 1820-21. Folio. A French edition (preferable) with text by Paul Louisy was published at Paris, Librairie Centrale des Beaux-Arts, 1881. Folio. - Cotman's plates are still of value, especially for buildings and details that have since been destroyed. [Dawson Turner]. Account of a tour in Normandy undertaken chiefly for the purpose of investigating the architectural antiquities. London, John and Arthur Arch, 1820. 2 vols. 4to. - A work whose day of usefulness has passed. Léon le Cordier. L'architecture de la Normandie au XIII siècle. (In Bulletin Monumen tal, Vol. 29, 1863, p. 513.) A suggestive criticism of Gothic architecture in Normandy. A. Coltee Ducarel. Anglo-Norman antiquities considered in a tour through part of Normandy. Illustrated with twenty-seven plates. London, Spilsbury, 1767. French translation has been published by A. L. Lechande d'Anisy. Caen, Mancel, 1823. 8vo. - Of little value to-day. Regnier. A travers la Normandie. Notes et observations archéologiques. Anonymous. The small churches of Normandy. (The Brochure Series II, 1896, p. 17.) - Reproductions of a number of little known parish churches of Normandy. Jules Quicherat. Rapport sur les mémoires de la société des antiquaires de Normandie. (Revue des sociétés savantes, 3me série, IV, 1864, p. 258.) H. G. Knight. An architectural tour in Normandy, with some remarks on Norman architecture. Second edition, London, John Murray, 1841. 12°. - Of very slight value. A French |