صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

work Neutonianismo per le dame, a work on optics. Voltaire called him his cher cygne de Padoue. Returning from a journey to Russia, he met Frederick the Great who made him a count| of Prussia (1740) and court chamberlain (1747). Augustus III. of Poland honoured him with the title of councillor. In 1754, after seven years' residence partly in Berlin and partly in Dresden, he returned to Italy, living at Venice and then at Pisa, where he died on the 3rd of May 1764. Frederick the Great erected to his memory a monument on the Campo Santo at Pisa. He was a man of wide knowledge, a connoisseur in art and music, and the friend of most of the leading authors of his time. His chief work on art is the Saggi sopra le belle arti (“ Essays on the Fine Arts"). Among his other works may be mentioned Poems, Travels in Russia, Essay on Painting, Correspondence.

The best complete edition with biography was published by D. Michelessi (1791-1794).

ALGARVE, or ALGARVES, an ancient kingdom and province in the extreme S. of Portugal, corresponding with the modern administrative district of Faro, and bounded on the N. by Alemtejo, E. by the Spanish province of Huelva, and S. and W. by the Atlantic Ocean. Pop. (1900) 255,191; area, 1937 sq. m. The greatest length of the province is about 85 m. from E. to W.; its average breadth is about 22 m. from N. to S. The Serra de Malhão and the Serra de Monchique extend in the form of a crescent across the northern part of the province, and, sweeping to the south-west, terminate in the lofty promontory of Cape St Vincent, the south-west extremity of Europe. This headland is famous as the scene of many sea-fights, notably the defeat inflicted on the Spanish fleet in February 1797 by the British under Admiral Jervis, afterwards Earl St Vincent. Between the mountainous tracts in the north and the southern coast stretches a narrow plain, watered by numerous rivers flowing southward from the hills. The coast is fringed for 30 m. from Quarteira to Tavira, with long sandy islands, through which there are six passages, the most important being the Barra Nova, between Faro and Olhão. The navigable estuary of the Guadiana divides Algarve from Huelva, and its tributaries water the western districts. From the Serra de Malhão flow two streams, the Silves and Odelouca, which unite and enter the Atlantic below the town of Silves. In the hilly districts the roads are bad, the soil unsuited for cultivation, and the inhabitants few. Flocks of goats are reared on the mountain-sides. The level country along the southern coast is more fertile, and produces in abundance grapes, figs, oranges, lemons, olives, almonds, aloes, and even plantains and dates. The land is, however, not well suited for the production of cereals, which are mostly imported from Spain. On the coast the people gain their living in great measure from the fisheries, tunny and sardines being caught in considerable quantities. Salt is also made from sea-water. There is no manufacturing or mining industry of any importance. The harbours are bad, and almost the whole foreign trade is carried on by ships of other nations, although the inhabitants of Algarve are reputed to be the best seamen and fishermen of Portugal. The chief exports are dried fruit, wine, salt, tunny, sardines and anchovies. The only railway is the Lisbon-Faro main line, which passes north-eastward from Faro, between the Monchique and Malhão ranges. Faro (11,789), Lagos (8291), Loulé (22,478), Monchique (7345), Olhão (10,009), Silves (9687) and Tavira (12,175), the chief towns, are described in separate articles.

The name of Algarve is derived from the Arabic, and signifies a land lying to the west. The title "king of Algarve," held by the kings of Portugal, was first assumed by Alphonso III., who captured Algarve from the Moors in 1253.

ALGÄU, or ALLGÄU, the name now given to a comparatively small district forming the south-western corner of Bavaria, and belonging to the province of Swabia and Neuburg, but formerly applied to a much larger territory, which extended as far as the Danube on the N., the Inn on the S. and the Lech on the W. The Algäu Alps contain several lofty peaks, the highest of which is Mädelegabel (8681 ft.). The district is celebrated for its cattle, milk, butter and cheese.

ALGEBRA (from the Arab. al-jebr wa'l-mugābala, transposition and removal [of terms of an equation], the name of a treatise by Mahommed ben Musa al-Khwarizmi), a branch of mathematics which may be defined as the generalization and extension of arithmetic.

The subject-matter of algebra will be treated in the following article under three divisions:-A. Principles of ordinary algebra; B. Special kinds of algebra; C. History. Special phases of the subject are treated under their own headings, e.g. ALGEBRAIC FORMS; BINOMIAL; COMBINATORIAL ANALYSIS; DETERMINANTS; EQUATION; CONTINUED FRACTION; FUNCTION; GRoups, THEORY OF; LOGARITHM; NUMBER; PROBABILITY; SERIES.


1. The above definition gives only a partial view of the scope of algebra. It may be regarded as based on arithmetic, or as dealing in the first instance with formal results of the laws of arithmetical number; and in this sense Sir Isaac Newton gave the title Universal Arithmetic to a work on algebra. Any definition, however, must have reference to the state of development of the subject at the time when the definition is given.

2. The earliest algebra consists in the solution of equations. The distinction between algebraical and arithmetical reasoning then lies mainly in the fact that the former is in a more condensed form than the latter; an unknown quantity being represented by a special symbol, and other symbols being used as a kind of shorthand for verbal expressions. This form of algebra was extensively studied in ancient Egypt; but, in accordance with the practical tendency of the Egyptian mind, the study consisted largely in the treatment of particular cases, very few general rules being obtained.

3. For many centuries algebra was confined almost entirely to the solution of equations; one of the most important steps being the enunciation by Diophantus of Alexandria of the laws governing the use of the minus sign. The knowledge of these laws, however, does not imply the existence of a conception of negative quantities. The development of symbolic algebra by the use of general symbols to denote numbers is due to Franciscus Vieta (François Viète, 1540-1603). This led to the idea of algebra as generalized arithmetic.

4. The principal step in the modern development of algebra was the recognition of the meaning of negative quantities. This appears to have been due in the first instance to Albert Girard (1595-1632), who extended Vieta's results in various branches of mathematics. His work, however, was little known at the time, and later was overshadowed by the greater work of Descartes (1596-1650).

5. The main work of Descartes, so far as algebra was concerned, was the establishment of a relation between arithmetical and geometrical measurement. This involved not only the geometrical interpretation of negative quantities, but also the idea of continuity; this latter, which is the basis of modern analysis, leading to two separate but allied developments, viz. the theory of the function and the theory of limits.

6. The great development of all branches of mathematics in the two centuries following Descartes has led to the term algebra being used to cover a great variety of subjects, many of which are really only ramifications of arithmetic, dealt with by algebraical methods, while others, such as the theory of numbers and the general theory of series, are outgrowths of the application of algebra to arithmetic, which involve such special ideas that they must properly be regarded as distinct subjects. Some writers have attempted unification by treating algebra as concerned with functions, and Comte accordingly defined algebra as the calculus of functions, arithmetic being regarded as the calculus of values.

7. These attempts at the unification of algebra, and its separation from other branches of mathematics, have usually been accompanied by an attempt to base it, as a deductive science, on certain fundamental laws or general rules; and this has tended to increase its difficulty. In reality, the variety of algebra corresponds to the variety of phenomena. Neither

mathematics itself, nor any branch or set of branches of mathematics, can be regarded as an isolated science. While, therefore, the logical development of algebraic reasoning must depend on certain fundamental relations, it is important that in the early study of the subject these relations should be introduced gradually, and not until there is some empirical acquaintance with the phenomena with which they are concerned.

8. The extension of the range of subjects to which mathematical methods can be applied, accompanied as it is by an extension of the range of study which is useful to the ordinary worker, has led in the latter part of the 19th century to an important reaction against the specialization mentioned in the preceding paragraph. This reaction has taken the form of a return to the alliance between algebra and geometry (§5), on which modern analytical geometry is based; the alliance, however, being concerned with the application of graphical methods to particular cases rather than to general expressions. These applications are sometimes treated under arithmetic, sometimes under algebra; but it is more convenient to regard graphics as a separate subject, closely allied to arithmetic, algebra, mensuration and analytical geometry.

9. The association of algebra with arithmetic on the one hand, and with geometry on the other, presents difficulties, in that geometrical measurement is based essentially on the idea of continuity; while arithmetical measurement is based essentially on the idea of discontinuity; both ideas being equally matters of intuition. The difficulty first arises in elementary mensuration, where it is partly met by associating arithmetical and geometrical measurement with the cardinal and the ordinal aspects of number respectively (see ARITHMETIC). Later, the difficulty recurs in an acute form in reference to the continuous variation of a function. Reference to a geometrical interpretation seems at first sight to throw light on the meaning of a differential coefficient; but closer analysis reveals new difficulties, due to the geometrical interpretation itself. One of the most recent developments of algebra is the algebraic theory of number, which is devised with the view of removing these difficulties. The harmony between arithmetical and geometrical measurement, which was disturbed by the Greek geometers on the discovery of irrational numbers, is restored by an unlimited supply of the causes of disturbance.



Two other developments of algebra are of special importThe theory of sequences and series is sometimes treated as a part of elementary algebra; but it is more convenient to regard the simpler cases as isolated examples, leading up to the general theory. The treatment of equations of the second and higher degrees introduces imaginary and complex numbers, the theory of which is a special subject.

II. One of the most difficult questions for the teacher of algebra is the stage at which, and the extent to which, the ideas of a negative number and of continuity may be introduced. On the one hand, the modern developments of algebra began with these ideas, and particularly with the idea of a negative number. On the other hand, the lateness of occurrence of any particular mathematical idea is usually closely correlated with its intrinsic difficulty. Moreover, the ideas which are usually formed on these points at an early stage are incomplete; and, if the incompleteness of an idea is not realized, operations in which it is implied are apt to be purely formal and mechanical. What are called negative numbers in arithmetic, for instance, are not really negative numbers but negative quantities (§ 27 (i.)); and the difficulties incident to the ideas of continuity have already been pointed out.

12. In the present article, therefore, the main portions of elementary algebra are treated in one section, without reference to these ideas, which are considered generally in two separate sections. These three sections may therefore be regarded as to a certain extent concurrent. They are preceded by two sections dealing with the introduction to algebra from the arithmetical and the graphical sides, and are followed by a section dealing briefly with the developments mentioned in §§ 9 and 10 above.

I. Arithmetical Introduction to Algebra.

13. Order of Arithmetical Operations.-It is important, before beginning the study of algebra, to have a clear idea as to the meanings of the symbols used to denote arithmetical operations. (i.) Additions and subtractions are performed from left to right. Thus 3 lb + 5 lb-7 lb + 2 lb means that 5 lb is to be added to 3 lb, 7 lb subtracted from the result, and 2 lb added to the new result.

(ii.) The above operation is performed with 1 lb as the unit of counting, and the process would be the same with any other unit; e.g. we should perform the same process to find 3s.+5s.-75.+2s. Hence we can separate the numbers from the common unit, and replace 3 lb+5 lb 7 lb+2 lb by (3+5-7+2) Ib, the additions and subtractions being then performed by means of an addition-table.

(iii.) Multiplications, represented by X, are performed from right to left. Thus 5X3X7X1 lb means 5 times 3 times 7 times 1 lb; i.e. it means that 1 lb is to be multiplied by 7, the result by 3, and the new result by 5. We may regard this as meaning the same as 5X3X7 lb, since 7 lb itself means 7X1 lb, and the lb is the unit in each case. But it does not mean the same as 5X21 lb, though the two are equal, i.e. give the same result (see § 23).

This rule as to the meaning of X is important. If it is intended that the first number is to be multiplied by the second, a special sign such as should be used.

(iv.) The sign means that the quantity or number preceding it is to be divided by the quantity or number following it. (v.) The use of the solidus / separating two numbers is for convenience of printing fractions or fractional numbers. Thus 16/4 does not mean 16÷4, but 5.

(vi.) Any compound operation not coming under the above descriptions is to have its meaning made clear by brackets, the use of a pair of brackets indicating that the expression between them is to be treated as a whole. Thus we should not write 8X7+6, but (8X7)+6, or 8X (7+6). The sign X coming immediately before, or immediately after, a bracket may be omitted; e.g. 8X(7+6) may be written 8(7+6).

This rule as to using brackets is not always observed, the convention sometimes adopted being that multiplications or divisions are to be performed before additions or subtractions. The convention is even pushed to such an extent as to make "4+3 of 7+5" mean "4+(3 of 7)+5"; though it is not clear what "Find the value of 4+3 times 7+5" would then mean. There are grave objections to an arbitrary rule of this kind, the chief being the useless waste of mental energy in remembering it.

(vii.) The only exception that may be made to the above rule is that an expression involving multiplication-dots only, or a simple fraction written with the solidus, may have the brackets omitted for additions or subtractions, provided the figures are so spaced as to prevent misunderstanding. Thus 8+ (7X6)+3 may be written 8+7.6+3, and 8+3+3 may be written 8+7/6+3. But 3.5 should be written (3.5)/(2.4), not 3.5/2.4.


14. Latent Equations.-The equation exists, without being shown as an equation, in all those elementary arithmetical processes which come under the head of inverse operations; i.e. processes which consist in obtaining an answer to the question 'Upon what has a given operation to be performed in order to produce a given result?" or to the question "What operation of a given kind has to be performed on a given quantity or number in order to produce a given result?"

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(i.) In the case of subtraction the second of these two questions is perhaps the simpler. Suppose, for instance, that we wish to know how much will be left out of 10s. after spending 3s., or how much has been spent out of 10s. if 3s. is left. In either case we may put the question in two ways:-(a) What must be added to 3s. in order to produce 10s., or (b) To what must 3s. be added in order to produce 10s. If the answer to the question is X, we have either (a) 10s. =3s. +X, ..X=10s. -3s. (b) IOS. X+35., .. X=10s. -35.



[blocks in formation]

125 c.dm. X3,.. X=√125 c.dm. = √125 dm.

(b) To what power must 5 be raised to produce 125? Let the answer be x; then

125=5*, .. x = log. 125.

(1) Where the inverse operation is performed on the unknown quantity or number:

(i.) If A=X-B, then X=A+B.

(ii.) (a) If M



of X, then X=m times M.

(b) If m=X÷M, then X=m times M.

(iii.) (a) If a=x, then x = a.

(b) If p=log.x, then x=a”.

(2) Where the inverse operation is performed with the unknown quantity or number:

(i.) If BA-X, then A- B+X.

(ii.) (a) If m=A÷X, then A = m times X.

(b) If M = of A, then A=x times M.


(iii.) (a) Ifp=log2n, then n = XP.

(b) If an, then n=a*.

In each of these cases, however, the reasoning which enables us to replace one statement by another is of a different kind

15. With regard to the above, the following points should be from the reasoning in the corresponding cases of § 15. There we


(1) When what we require to know is a quantity, it is simplest to deal with this quantity as a whole. In (i.), for instance, we want to find the amount by which 10s. exceeds 3s., not the number of shillings in this amount. It is true that we obtain this result by subtracting 3 from 10 by means of a subtractiontable (concrete or ideal); but this table merely gives the generalized results of a number of operations of addition or subtraction performed with concrete units. We must count with something; and the successive somethings obtained by the addition of successive units are in fact numerical quantities,

not numbers.

Whether this principle may legitimately be extended to the notation adopted in (iii.) (a) of § 14 is a moot point. But the present tendency is to regard the early association of arithmetic with linear measurement as important; and it seems to follow that we may properly (at any rate at an early stage of the subject) multiply a length by a length, and the product again by another length, the practice being dropped when it becomes necessary to give a strict definition of multiplication.

(2) The results may be stated briefly as follows, the more usual form being adopted under (iii.) (a):—

(i.) If A=B+X, or=X+B, then X-A-B.
(ii.) (a) If A = m times X, then X = of A.
(b) If A=x times M, then x = A÷M.


I m

(iii.) (a) If n = x2, then x = (b) If n=a*, then x = log. n. The important thing to notice is that where, in any of these five cases, one statement is followed by another, the second is not to be regarded as obtained from the first by logical reasoning involving such general axioms as that "if equals are taken from equals the remainders are equal "; the fact being that the two statements are merely different ways of expressing the same relation. To say, for instance, that X is equal to A - B, is the same thing as to say that X is a quantity such that X and B, when added, make up A; and the above five statements of necessary connexion between two statements of equality are in fact nothing more than definitions of the symbols, I of,, V, and log..


An apparent difficulty is that we use a single symbol - to denote the result of the two different statements in (i.) (a) and (i.) (b) of § 14. This is due to the fact that there are really two kinds of subtraction, respectively involving counting forwards (complementary addition) and counting backwards (ordinary subtraction); and it suggests that it may be wise not to use the one symbol- to represent the result of both operations until the commutative law for addition has been fully grasped.

proceeded from the direct to the inverse operations; i.e. so far as the nature of arithmetical operations is concerned, we launched out on the unknown. In the present section, however, we return from the inverse operation to the direct; i.e. we rearrange our statement in its simplest form. The statement, for instance, that 32-x=25, is really a statement that 32 is the sum of x and 25.

17. The five equalities which stand first in the five pairs of equalities in § 15 (2) may therefore be taken as the main types of a simple statement of equality. When we are familiar with the treatment of quantities by equations, we may ignore the units and deal solely with numbers; and (ii.) (a) and (ii.) (b) may then, by the commutative law for multiplication, be regarded as identical. The five processes of deduction then reduce to four, which may be described as (i.) subtraction, (ii.) division, (iii.) (a) taking a root, (iii.) (b) taking logarithms. It will be found that these (and particularly the first three) cover practically all the processes legitimately adopted in the elementary theory of the solution of equations; other processes being sometimes liable to introduce roots which do not satisfy the original equation.

18. It should be noticed that we are still dealing with the elementary processes of arithmetic, and that all the numbers contemplated in §§ 14-17 are supposed to be positive integers. If, for instance, we are told that 15 of (x-2), what is meant is that (1) there is a number u such that x=u+2, (2) there is a number v such that u=4 times v, and (3) 15-3 times v. From these statements, working backwards, we find successively that v=5, u=20, x=22. The deductions follow directly from the definitions, and such mechanical processes as "clearing of fractions" find no place (§ 21 (ii.)). The extension of the methods to fractional numbers is part of the establishment of the laws governing these numbers (§ 27 (ii.)).

19. Expressed Equations.-The simplest forms of arithmetical equation arise out of abbreviated solutions of particular problems. In accordance with § 15, it is desirable that our statements should be statements of equality of quantities rather than of numbers; and it is convenient in the early stages to have a distinctive notation, e.g. to represent the former by capital letters and the latter by small letters.

As an example, take the following. I buy 2 lb of tea, and have 6s. 8d. left out of 10s.; how much per ib did tea cost?

left, the amount spent was 10s. - 6s. 8d., i.e. was 3s. 4d. There(1) In ordinary language we should say: Since 6s. 8d. was fore 2 lb of tea cost 3s. 4d. Therefore 1 lb of tea cost is. 8d.

(2) The first step towards arithmetical reasoning in such a case is the introduction of the sign of equality. Thus we say:— Cost of 2 lb tea +6s. 8d. = 10s.

.. Cost of 2 lb tea 10s. 6s. 8d. =3s. 4d.
.. Cost of 1 lb tea Is. 8d

[blocks in formation]

..2XX =10s.-6s. 8d. =3s. 4d. .. X= Is. 8d.

20. Notation of Multiples.-The above is arithmetic. The only thing which it is necessary to import from algebra is the notation by which we write 2X instead of 2X X or 2. X. This is rendered possible by the fact that we can use a single letter to represent a single number or numerical quantity, however many digits are contained in the number.

It must be remembered that, if a is a number, 3a means 3 times a, not a times 3; the latter must be represented by a X3

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The number by which an algebraical expression is to be multiplied is called its coefficient. Thus in 3a the coefficient of a is 3. But in 3. 4a the coefficient of 4a is 3, while the coefficient of a is 3.4.

Generally, we may say that algebraic reasoning in reference to equations consists in the alteration of the form of a statement rather than in the deduction of a new statement; i.e. it cannot be said that "If A=B, then E=F" is arithmetic, while "If C=D, then E=F" is algebra. Algebraic treatment consists in replacing either of the terms A or B by an expression which we know from the laws of arithmetic to be equivalent to it. The subsequent reasoning is arithmetical.

23. Sign of Equality.-The various meanings of the sign of equality (=) must be distinguished. (i.) 4X3 lb 12 lb.


[blocks in formation]

This is usually regarded as being, like (ii.), a statement of equivalence. It is, however, only true if is. is equivalent to 12d., 21. Equations with Fractional Coefficients. As an example of a and the correct statement is then special form of equation we may take

[blocks in formation]


{x = 10.

By successive stages we obtain (§ 18) x=2, x=12; or we may write at once x=576 of 10 of 10=12. The latter is the more advanced process, implying some knowledge of the laws of fractional numbers, as well as an application of the associative law (§ 26 (i.)).

(ii.) Perhaps the worst thing we can do, from the point of view of intelligibility, is to "clear of fractions" by multiplying both sides by 6. It is no doubt true that, if x+3x=10, then 3x+ 2x=60 (and similarly if x+x+x=10, then 3x+2x+x=60); but the fact, however interesting it may be, is of no importance for our present purpose. In the method (a) above there is indeed a multiplication by 6; but it is a multiplication arising out of subdivision, not out of repetition (see ARITHMETIC), so that the total (viz. 10) is unaltered.

22. Arithmetical and Algebraical Treatment of Equations.—The following will illustrate the passage from arithmetical to algebraical reasoning. "Coal costs 3s. a ton more this year than last year. If 4 tons last year cost 104s., how much does a ton cost this year?"



If we write X for the cost per ton this year, we have 4(X-35.) 1045. From this we can deduce successively X-3s. = 26s., X=295. But, if we transform the equation into

4X-12s. = 104s.,

we make an essential alteration. The original statement was with regard to X-3s. as the unit; and from this, by the application of the distributive law (§ 26 (i.)), we have passed to a statement with regard to X as the unit. This is an algebraical process. In the same way, the transition from (x2+4x+4) − 4 = 21 to x2+4x+4=25, or from (x+2)=25 to x+2=√25, is arithmetical; but the transition from x2+4x+4=25 to (x+2)=25 is algebraical, since it involves a change of the number we are thinking about.



I2d. X24d. =2s.

If the operator is omitted, the statement is really an equation, giving is. in terms of id. or vice versa. The following statements should be compared:X=A's share of £10=3×£5-£15. X=A's share of £10 of £30=£15.


In each case, the first sign of equality comes under (iv.) above, the second under (iii.), and the fourth under (i.); but the third sign comes under (i.) in the first case (the statement being that of £10-£5) and under (ii.) in the second.

It will be seen from § 22 that the application of algebra to equations consists in the interchange of equivalent expressions, and therefore comes under (i.) and (ii.). We replace 4(x-3), for instance, by 4x-4. 3, because we know that, whatever the value of x may be, the result of subtracting 3 from it and multiplying the remainder by 4 is the same as the result of finding 4x and 4.3 separately and subtracting the latter from the former. A statement such as (i.) or (ii.) is sometimes called an identity. The two expressions whose equality is stated by an equation or an identity are its members.

24. Use of Letters in General Reasoning.-It may be assumed that the use of letters to denote quantities or numbers will first arise in dealing with equations, so that the letter used will in each case represent a definite quantity or number; such general statements as those of §§ 15 and 16 being deferred to a later stage. In addition to these, there are cases in which letters can usefully be employed for general arithmetical reasoning.

(i.) There are statements, such as A+B=B+A, which are particular cases of the laws of arithmetic, but need not be expressed as such. For multiplication, for instance, we have the statement that, if P and Q are two quantities, containing respectively and q of a particular unit, then pXQ=qXP; or the more abstract statement that pXq=qXp.

(ii) The general theory of ratio and proportion requires the use of general symbols.

(iii.) The general statement of the laws of operation of fractions is perhaps best deferred until we come to fractional numbers, when letters can be used to express the laws of multiplication and division of such numbers.

(iv.) Variation is generally included in text-books on algebra, but apparently only because the reasoning is general. It is part of the general theory of quantitative relation, and in its elementary stages is a suitable subject for graphical treatment (§ 31).

25. Preparation for Algebra.-The calculation of the values | corresponding exactly with those of integral multipliers, and we of simple algebraical expressions for particular values of letters are therefore able to deal with the fractional numbers as if they involved is a useful exercise, but its tediousness is apt to make were integers. the subject repulsive.

What is more important is to verify particular examples of general formulae. These formulae are of two kinds:-(a) the general properties, such as m(a+b)=ma+mb, on which algebra is based, and (b) particular formulae such as (x-a)(x+a) = x2-a2. Such verifications are of value for two reasons. In the first place, they lead to an understanding of what is meant by the use of brackets and by such a statement as 3(7+2) 3.7+3.2. This does not mean (cf. § 23) that the algebraic result of performing the operation 3(7+2) is 3.7+3.2; it means that if we convert 7+2 into the single number 9 and then multiply by 3 we get the same result as if we converted 3.7 and 3.2 into 21 and 6 respectively and added the results. In the second place, particular cases lay the foundation for the general formula.


Exercises in the collection of coefficients of various letters occurring in a complicated expression are usually performed mechanically, and are probably of very little value.

26. General Arithmetical Theorems.

(i.) The fundamental laws of arithmetic (q.v.) should be constantly borne in mind, though not necessarily stated. The following are some special points.

28.. Miscellaneous Developments in Arithmetic.-The following are matters which really belong to arithmetic; they are usually placed under algebra, since the general formulae involve the use of letters. -The formula

(i.) Arithmetical Progressions such as 2, 5, 8, . for the rth term is easily obtained. The problem of finding the sum of r terms is aided by graphic representation, which shows that the terms may be taken in pairs, working from the outside to the middle; the two cases of an odd number of terms and an even number of terms may be treated separately at first, and then combined by the ordinary method, viz. writing the series backwards.

In this, as in almost all other cases, particular examples should be worked before obtaining a general formula.

2, 3, 4,

(ii.) The law of indices (positive integral indices only) follows at once from the definition of a2, a3, a1, . . as abbreviations of a.a, a.a.a, a.a.a.a, ..., or (by analogy with the definitions of themselves) of a.a, a.a2, a.a3, . . successively. The treatment of roots and of logarithms (all being positive integers) belongs to this subject; a=√n and p-log.n being the inverses of n=a” (cf. §§ 15, 16). The theory may be extended to the cases of p=1 and p=0; so that a means a.a.a.1, a2 means a.a.1, a1 means a.1, and ao means I (there being then none of the multipliers a).

(a) The commutative law and the associative law are closely related, and it is best to establish each law for the case of two numbers before proceeding to the general case. In the case of The terminology is sometimes confused. In nao, a is the addition, for instance, suppose that we are satisfied that in root or base, p is the index or logarithm, and n is the power or a+b+c+d+e we may take any two, as b and c, together antilogarithm. Thus a, a2, a3, . . . are the first, second, third, (association) and interchange them (commutation). Then we .. powers of a. But a" is sometimes incorrectly described as have a+b+c+d+e=a+c+b+d+e. Thus any pair of adjoin-"a to the power p"; the power being thus confused with the ing numbers can be interchanged, so that the numbers can be index or logarithm. arranged in any order.

(b) The important form of the distributive law is m(A+B) =mA+mB. The form (m+n)A=mA+nA follows at once from the fact that A is the unit with which we are dealing.


(c) The fundamental properties of subtraction and of division are that A-B+B=A and m× of A=A, since in each case the second operation restores the original quantity with which we started.

(ii.) The elements of the theory of numbers belong to arithmetic. In particular, the theorem that if n is a factor of a and of b it is also a factor of pa qb, where p and q are any integers, is important in reference to the determination of greatest common divisor and to the elementary treatment of continued fractions. Graphic methods are useful here (§ 34 (iv.)). The law of relation of successive convergents to a continued fraction involves more advanced methods (see § 42 (iii.) and CONTINUED FRACTION). (iii.) There are important theorems as to the relative value of fractions; e.g.

(a) If, then each=



a + n (b) is nearer to I than is; and, generally, if, then b+n pag lies between the two. (All the numbers are, of course, pb+qd supposed to be positive.)

27. Negative Quantities and Fractional Numbers.—(i.) What are usually called "negative numbers" in arithmetic are in reality not negative numbers but negative quantities. If a person has to receive 78. and pay 5s., with a net result of +2s., the order of the operations is immaterial. If he pays first, he then has -5s. This is sometimes treated as a debt of 5s.; an alternative method is to recognize that our zero is really arbitrary, and that in fact we shift it with every operation of addition or subtraction. But when we say -5s. we mean "-(5s.)," not (-5)s."; the idea of (-5) as a number with which we can perform such operations as multiplication comes later (§ 49).

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(iii.) Scales of Notation lead, by considering, e.g., how to express in the scale of 10 a number whose expression in the scale of 8 is 2222222, to

(iv.) Geometrical Progressions.-It should be observed that the radix of the scale is exactly the same thing as the root mentioned under (ii.) above; and it is better to use the term "root" throughout. Denoting the root by a, and the number 2222222 in this scale by N, we have

N = 2222222. aN=22222220.

Thus by adding 2 to aN we can subtract N from aN+2, obtaining 20000000, which is 2. a7; and from this we easily pass to the general formula for the sum of a geometrical progression having a given number of terms.

(v.) Permutations and Combinations may be regarded as arithmetical recreations; they become important algebraically in reference to the binomial theorem (§§ 41, 44).

(vi.) Surds and Approximate Logarithms. From the arithmetical point of view, surds present a greater difficulty than negative quantities and fractional numbers. We cannot solve the equation 7s.+X=4s.; but we are accustomed to transactions of lending and borrowing, and we can therefore invent a negative quantity -3s. such that -3s.+35.=0. We cannot solve the equation 7X=4s.; but we are accustomed to subdivision of units, and we can therefore give a meaning to X by inventing a units. such that 7 Xs Is., and can thence pass to the idea of fractional numbers. When, however, we come to the equation r2= 5, where we are dealing with numbers, not with quantities, we have no concrete facts to assist us. We can, however, find a number whose square shall be as nearly equal to 5 as we please, and it is this number that we treat arithmetically as √5. We may take it to (say) 4 places of decimals; or we may suppose it to be taken to 1000 places. In actual practice, surds mainly arise out of mensuration; and we can then give an exact definition by graphical methods.

When, by practice with logarithms, we become familiar with (ii.) On the other hand, the conception of a fractional number the correspondence between additions of length on the logfollows directly from the use of fractions, involving the sub-arithmic scale (on a slide-rule) and multiplication of numbers division of a unit. We find that fractions follow certain laws in the natural scale (including fractional numbers), √5 acquires

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