صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

Average prices of raw sugar by Ga- month there was a considerable improvezette: July 28........ .328. 24d.

Aug. 4..



.32. 94d.

.32s. 9d. .32s. 103d.

Coffee. We regret to say that the coffeemarket has been very heavy for this month past, and a considerable reduction has taken place. This morning the market was exceedingly heavy previous to the public sales, and a great decline was anticipated; and, in fact, the prices have experienced a decided reduction. Jamaica coffee is 3s. a 4s. lower than the previous market prices; good ordinary, which last week realised 105s. and 106s. sold in considerable parcels at 100s. 6d. 102s. and 102s. 6d. ; fine ordinary 106s. 6d. and 107s. which last week sold 109s. a 110s. 6d. Foreign coffee may also be stated 1s. a 2s. lower:-179 bags good ordinary Havannah, small bean, selling at 108s. 6d., 109s., and 109s. 6d.; 160 bags middling Porto Rico, 115s. 6d. a 1178.; the St. Domingo was withdrawn without being put up to sale. The Berbice coffee being scarce, supported fully the previous prices, middling selling 128s. 6d., 1298., and 1298. 6d. The quantity of coffee brought forward to-day was 732 bags and 116 casks; and, as the sales afford a criterion of the market, Jamaica descriptions may be stated at the reduction of 3s. a 4s. per cwt.; foreign 1s. a 2s. lower, and the market exceedingly heavy at the decline.

Indigo. There is little doing in indigo; yet the holders are firm, and confidently look to an improvement both in the demand and the prices. The premium on the last sale is nominally about 3d. per lb.

Spirits. The rum-market has been heavy, except that in the first week of this

ment in the demand, which, however, did not continue. Brandy and Geneva are dull of sale, and the prices nearly nominal.

Oils. The accounts of the Davis Straits and Greenland fisheries, as far as they go, are considered to be very favourable; and they have naturally thrown a damp on the market. There are sellers of Greenland oil to arrive, at 231.; and some buyers of small parcels at 221. The trade have not yet purchased, and at present decline doing so. Rape oil has advanced considerably, brown 40%. The last sales of old Greenland whalebone were at 781. It is now, we understand, offered at a much lower price.

Baltic Produce. The reports of war between Russia and Turkey had some influence at the end of July, on the price of hemp and tallow. The holders of hemp demanded an advance of 17. per ton; and extensive contracts were reported at this improvement. The warlike reports having continued to subside, the prices have receded in consequence. In the course of last week, the demand for tallow being very languid, the holders were desirous to effect sales at lower rates, by which buyers were attracted, and several purchases are reported at 44s. Hemp was in more request, because the stock is reduced. Flax has remained at the same nominal price as before.

Rice. While the weather continued unfavourable for the harvest, rice rose, and the demand increased, with an advance of 1s. to 2s. per cwt.; but as the weather, during the last week, has been favourable, the demand has subsided, and purchases might be made on lower terms.

Spices at the East India Company's sale, August 13th.

Saltpetre, 1000 tons Company's-passed, no offers at the Company's upset price, 268.

977 tons Privilege-sold..

a few lots.

Peper-Company's black, 2855 bags, sold.
Licensed-black, 90 bags, sold...

Cinnamon-1485 bales-542 bales 1st quality,

807 136

2d 3d

[ocr errors]
[blocks in formation]

about a half sold...6s. 1d. a 6s. 8d. all sold............5s. 3d. a 5s. 7d. Mace-200 casks, 2d quality-one lot 6s. 1d. all the rest out, no offers at the Com

pany's upset price, 6s.

[ocr errors]

Nutmegs-500 packages-not garbled; only 112 sold. .

Oil of Mace....

Cassia Lignea-1002 chests-sold...

984 chests..

Sago Licensed, 352 packages.

Ginger-Licensed, 593 bundles.. Cassia Buds-100 chests...

142 chests.

Oil of Cassia-79 canisters...

There is little variation in the prices since the above sale. 72d; several other considerable purchases of cassia lignea prices; cassia buds have sold at a considerable advance.

...3s. 7d.

.6l. 58. a 81.

.61. 5s. a 81. 88.

58. 6d. a 6s.

and 20s. a 258.

10s. a 10s. 6d. ..171. 58. a 17. 108. 157. 15s. a 18l. 4s. 7d. a 8d. per oz. Company's pepper 74d. to have been made at the sale

Corn, which experienced an advance while the weather was unsettled, has retrograded since the weather has been


The harvest in the southern counties is far advanced in the midland districts it is general: the weather has been, of late, exceedingly warm, and, in consequence, the expectation of a good crop is very generally entertained. There was a good supply of wheat at yesterday's market; the trade was heavy at the decline of 28. on the best runs; there were scarcely any enquiries for the middling and inferior samples. No alteration in the prices of barley; there was, however, little business doing. The holders of oats evinced a great inclination to effect sales, and in consequence a further reduction of 1s. was submitted to.-The few purchases of beans reported were at the previous currency, but a great proportion of the supply remains undisposed of.Grey and white peas were 28. lower.-Linseed advanced Il. per last, in consequence of the very short supply at market.

Import of Foreign Corn. The ports continue shut against the importation of all foreign grain, except buck wheat, which is importable at a permanent duty of 108. per quarter.

Aggregate average of the twelve maritime districts of England and Wales, for the six weeks preceding the 15th of August, by which importation is regulated in

Great Britain.

Wheat 528. 7d.
Rye 32s. 5d.
Barley 24s. 8d.

Oats 19s. 3d. Beans 30s. 9d. Peas 31s. 6d.

FOREIGN COMMERCE. Riga, July 27.-Flax keeps up at the following prices. Marienburg cut, 38 r.; white Thiesenhausen and Druiana Rackitzer, 41 r.; white mixed with light grey, 39 to 40 r.; grey, 38 to 39 r.; cut Badstub, 36r.; Risten Threeband, 28 r.; Tow, 14 to 13 r.-Hemp: the inferior sorts maintain their prices, but clean is rather lower; in general but little is doing. The prices may be noted as follows:Ukraine clean, 109 to 108 r.; Polish ditto, 116 to 115 r. Ukraine outshot, 80 r.; Polish ditto, 91 to 90 r. Ukraine pass, 72 r.; Polish ditto, 78 to 79r. Ukraine torse, 494 r.; Polish, ditto, 50 r. b. Hemp Oil may be had for 90 r.; For fine Polish Potashes, 100 r. b. are now asked. Seeds for crushing meet with more purchasers this week. The following prices are now demanded: for remaining sowing linseed, 4 to 5 r. Druiania, 14 to 17 r. b. Crushing linseed (of 110 to 112 lb.), 12 to 15r. Hemp seed (of 90 to 94 lb.), 9 to 9 r. Tallow is offered as follows: yellow crown candle tallow, 145 r.; white ditto, 140 r. Soap tallow, 135 r.

Bergen, Norway, July 14.-For these nine weeks past we have had such a drought here, that it is difficult to procure water even for domestic uses. Add to this, that we have had the whole time a north wind, which still continues, attended with storms, which hinders the arrival of ships; and much injury is done to vessels laden with corn not kiln-dried, because the cargoes easily become heated at this season. It is to be hoped, that we shall have a change soon, for in these parts every thing is burnt up, so that the farmer will reap little or nothing. The oldest inhabitants do not recollect such a season.

Copenhagen, August 7.-Qur corn trade continues to be very dull, so that the prices are to be considered as merely nominal. For the purpose of relieving the farmers an ordinance has been issued, allowing them to pay a certain part of their land-tax in corn. The prices allowed are very favourable to the farmer.

We have received large supplies of sugar. Ten vessels with full cargoes have arrived within this week, from our West India possessions alone. For the encouragement of our sugar refiners, his Majssty has granted a bounty on the exportation of treacle, viz. 13 rix dollars for 1000 lb. in parcels not under 1000 lb. nor above 54,000 lb.

Hamburg, 11 August.-Cotton appears likely to rise. Hitherto, however, no rise has taken place, except in the American descriptions, of which we have had but a very short supply this year.-Coffee. Our prices, which were already low, were still further depressed by the arrival of considerable supplies during the course of last month. A little has been doing this week at rather lower prices; but there are no purchasers for large parcels.-Dyeingwoods not much in demand, and therefore rather lower. The high price of Pernambuco at the end of last month caused a greater demand for other redwoods, such as Japan, St. Martin's, &c.—Spices. The finest sort maintain their prices, though there is not much demand. Pimento remains unchanged. Pepper very little at market, and prices very firm. Ginger is rather lower, the demand being small, and fresh supplies continuing to arrive.-Saltpetre is without demand, as well for speculation as for exportation.-Tobacco of all kinds maintains a good price, yet without any great demand.-Corn. As our stock of good wheat is rapidly diminishing, and the supplies are very inconsiderable, the holders ask, and have, in some instances, obtained an advance of from 5 to 15 rix dollars, though the demand is limited to our own consumption. A couple of cargoes which arrived this week from Dantzig met a ready sale at good prices. The de

mand for Rye is less, but sufficient to keep up the prices. Barley is dull. Oats of the best quality have met a ready sale this week. Old Rape Seed is without demand, and there is no new yet at market.-Tea. The state of the market is favourable. The 100 quarter chests Imperial, 200 sixteenth chests of young Hyson, and 54 quarter chests of Pekoe, lately brought from Nantes, as well as 64 quarter chests, and 18 chests of Hyson and young Hyson from Rio Janeiro are already sold.-Sugar. Hamburgh refined have had a pretty brisk demand; the inferior sorts, however, low as the prices already were, sold at a further reduction. It is only of some sorts that we can state the prices accurately, viz. strong middle lumps 9; fine and fine middling white Havannah 12d. to 124d. ordinary brown ditto 64d. brown and yellow mixed 63d. middling and fine 74d. to 74d. The prices of other descriptions are the more to be considered as nominal, because the holders in general, ask in proportion much higher prices for them.

Saxony, Aug. 6.-While the inhabitants of Norway are afflicted with a severe drought which threatens to destroy all hopes of harvest, we in Saxony are complaining of the continued wet rainy weather, which hinders the corn already cut from drying, so that the grain in some instances already begins to grow. Similar complaints of wet weather are made in other parts of Germany, and further northward up to St. Petersburg. The eight Powers, through whose dominions the river Elbe flows, have, after four years' negociations, concluded a treaty for the free navigation of that river. We shall give the particulars when officially published.

Rastadt, Aug. 5.-We have detailed information on which we can rely, and by which we learn that the plenipotentiaries of the South German States, from the commercial Congress at Darmstadt, have agreed on several important points. It has been adopted as a principle that they must

necessarily have in view the general interest, and carefully dismiss mere local interests from their consideration: that there is, therefore, one only object to be attained, which is the adoption of general measures for the purpose of relieving the commerce and manufactures of the South of Germany from the fetters and restrictions under which they have so long languished.

The Commissioners also direct their attention to the finding of the means best calculated to make good the financial losses which the German Governments must necessarily experience by introducing freedom of commerce in the interior of the Confederation. Lastly, they have under consideration a common system of import and export duties, on goods passing to and from states, not members of this commercial confederation. Hitherto no difference has been observed in the opinions of the several plenipotentiaries. There is likewise at Darmstadt a delegate from the Society for the Encouragement of Trade. It is Mr. Müller, a merchant of Ilmenstadt; but he has no official character.

Stockholm, Aug. 7.-His Majesty has decreed that the united Swedish and Norwegian flag, being known and recognised by all sea-faring nations, shall alone be used by Swedish and Norwegian merchantmen navigating beyond Cape Finisterre as well in the Meditterranean, as in the West and South Atlantic, and Indian Ocean. The captains of Swedish ships of war will be ordered to afford no protection to, but to detain Swedish and Norwegian vessels found navigating under any other flag in these several seas, after the 1st of July, 1822, and the Swedish consuls in the seaports of the Mediteranean, and other seas above specified, are not to afford any protection or assistance whatever to such merchantmen as use any other flag after the above-mentioned time. Swedish and Norwegian vessels navigating the seas nearer home, may use the flags of their respective nations.

WORKS PREPARING FOR PUBLICATION. The Village Minstrel, and other Poems, by John Clare, the Northamptonshire Peasant, with a fine Portrait, will be published in a few days.

A New Poem, from the Pen of Mr. Barry Cornwall, will be published early in the next Season.

A Poem, by Mr. Percy Bysshe Shelley, in honour of the late John Keats, the Poet, is in the Press.

A Poetical Essay on the Character of Pope, by Charles Lloyd.

Sir George Nayler is preparing for Publication, by Command of His Majesty, a full Account of the Ceremonies observed at the Coronation, illustrated by Plates.

A practical Treatise on Diseases of the Liver, and on some of the Affections usually denominated Bilious; comprising an impartial Estimate of the Merits of the Nitro-muriatic Acid Bath. By George Darling, MD. Member of the Royal College of Physicians of London.

Mr. Elmes's Lectures on Architecture, recently delivered at the Russell, Surrey, and Birmingham Institutions.

A New Translation of Goethe's Tragedy of Faustus, in 8vo. with a Portrait of the Author, and in 4to. with a Series of Twenty-seven Outlines, to illustrate the above-mentioned Tragedy, engraved by H. Moses, after Retsch's Originals.

A Series of coloured Engravings, from original Drawings, taken on the Spot, by James Wathen, Esq. illustrative of the Island of St. Helena; to which will be added, Two or Three very curious Wood Cuts, relating to Buonaparte, a brief Historical Sketch of the Island, and a highly finished Portrait of Mr. Wathen.

An Introduction to Entomology; or Elements of the Natural History of Insects. Vol. III. by William Kirby, MA. FR. and LS. and William Spence, Esq. FLS. illustrated by coloured Plates.

Sketches of Upper Canada, domestic, local, and characteristic, with practical Details, for the Information of Emigrants, by John Howison, Esq.

The private and confidential Correspondence of Charles Talbot, Duke of Shrewsbury, during the Reign of King William III. never before published, illustrated with historical and biographical Narratives. The History of the Literature of Spain and Portugal, by Frederick Bouterwek; translated from the German.

Travels in Georgia, Persia, Armenia,

Ancient Babylonia, &c. &c. during the Years 1817, 1818, 1819, 1820, by Sir Robert Ker Porter, &c. &c. Vol. II. 4to. which completes the Work.

Travels in Palestine in 1816. By S. S. Buckingham, Esq. 4to. with Engravings. Memoirs of the Protector Oliver Cromwell, with original Letters, &c. by the late Oliver Cromwell, Esq. a Descendant of the Family.

The Third Part of the Physiognomical Portraits, will be published on the 15th of September.

Mr. Glover, Assistant Librarian to His Majesty, is preparing a Bibliographical Dictionary of English Literature, from the Year 1700 to the End of the Year 1820, containing the Title of every principal Work which has appeared in Great Britain during that Period, together with the Date of Publication, its Price, and the Publisher's Name, as far as they can possibly be ascertained; alphabetically arranged under the Names of their respective Authors, and under the Subject Matter of each anonymous Publication.

WORKS LATELY Antiquities, Architecture, and Fine Arts. Illustrations of Kenilworth, a Romance, by the Author of "Waverley," &c. engraved after original Designs of Charles Robert Leslie. Prints, 16s. Proofs, 11. 4s. India Proofs, 17. 10s.

The Rabbit on the Wall, engraved by Burnet from the celebrated Picture by D. Wilkie, RA. 134 Inches by 18. Prints, 1. 1s. Proofs, 31. 3s.

An Historical Account of Cumner, with Particulars of the Traditions respecting the Death of the Countess of Leicester; with an Extract from Ashmole's Antiquities of Berkshire relative to that Transaction, and illustrative of the Romance of Kenilworth, &c. By H. T. Usher, Esq. 8vo. 78.


Lexicon adapted to the work. Compiled for the Use of Schools, by John Walker. 12mo. 8s. 6d.

Tales of the Academy. 2 Vols. halfbound. 68.

An Introduction to French Grammar. By J. B. Mallett. 18mo. 48.

A New Greek and English Lexicon to the New Testament, on the Plan of Dawson's Greek and Latin Lexicon, for the Use of Schools. By the Rev. H. Laing, LLD. 8vo. 10s. 6d.

History and Biography.

The Life of David Haggart, alias John Wilson, &c. &c. written by himself while under Sentence of Death. 4s.

Memoirs of Count Boruwlaski; con

Antiquities of Ionia. By the Society of taining a Sketch of his Travels, with an AcDilettanti. Part I. Royal Folio.

Poetry and the Drama. The Plays and Poems of William Shakspeare, with the Corrections and Illustrations of various Commentators; comprehending a Life of the Poet, and an enlarged History of the Stage. By the late Edmond Maloné. With a new Glossarial Index. 21 Vols. 8vo. 127. 12s.

Don Juan, Cantos 3, 4, and 5, 8vo. 98. 6d. foolscap, 78.

Rome, a Poem, in Two Parts. 8vo. 6s.
Kentish Poets; a Series of Writers in

count of his Reception at the Different Courts of Europe, &c. &c. Written by Himself. 8vo. 12s.

Malay Annals, translated from the Malay Language by the late Dr. John Leyden, with an Introduction by Sir Thomas Stamford Raffles, FRS. 8vo. 10s. 6d.

Medicine, Surgery, and Physiology. Medico-Chirurgical Transactions, published by the Medical and Chirurgical Society of London. Vol. the Eleventh, Part II. 8vo. 9s.

The Principles of Forensic Medicine, English Poetry, Natives of, or residents in systematically arranged and applied to BriKent. By R. Freeman. 2 Vols. 15s.


Selections from Lucian, with a Latin Translation and English Notes: to which are subjoined, a Mythological Index, and a

tish Practice. By J. G. Smith, MD. 8vo. 14s.

A Treatise on Indigestion and its Consequences, called Nervous and Bilious Complaints. 8vo. 9s.


Reply to the Charges of Robert Adair, Esq. against the Bishop of Winchester, in consequence of a Passage in his Lordship's Memoirs of the Rt. Hon. W. Pitt. 8vo. 28. Enchiridion, or a Hand for the OneHanded. By George Webb Derenzy.

8vo. 5s.

An Analysis of the Talents and Character of Napoleon Buonaparte. By a General Officer. 8vo. 6s.

Regal Heraldry. The Armorial Insignia of the Kings and Queens of England from coeval Authorities. By Thomas Willement, Heraldic Artist to the King. 4to. 21. 2s. Large paper, 41. 48.

Letters to Richard Heber, Esq. containing Critical Remarks on the Series of Novels beginning with Waverley, and an Attempt to ascertain their Author. 8vo. 78.

Advice to the Young Mother in the Management of Herself and Infant. By a Member of the Royal College of Surgeons.

3s. 6d.

An Irish English Dictionary, with copious Quotations from the most esteemed ancient and modern Writers, to elucidate the Meaning of obscure Words, &c. to which is annexed a compendious Irish Grammar. By Edward O'Reilly. 4to. 21. 12s. 6d.

The Principles and Doctrine of Assurances, Annuities on Lives, and contingent Reversions, stated and explained. By William Morgan, Esq. FRS. 8vo. 12s.

The System of the Weather of the British Islands, by George Mackenzie. 8vo. 88. Observations on the Calumnies and Misrepresentations in Lady Morgan's Italy, respecting the British Transactions in that Country, 1814-15. 1s. 6d.

Three Enigmas. 1. The Import of the Twelve Signs. 2. The Cause of Ovid's Banishment. 3. The Eleusinian Secret. 8vo. 6s.

Natural History, Botany, &c. Vegetable Materia Medica of the United States, or Medical Botany: containing a Botanical, General, and Medical History of Medicinal Plants indigenous to the United States. Illustrated by coloured Engravings, made after Original Drawings from Nature. By William P. C. Barton, MD. 2 Vols. 4to. 61. 6s.

Barton's Flora of North America, 4to. 10 Numbers, 6s. each.

An Illustration of the Genus Cinchona, comprising Descriptions of all the Officinal Peruvian Barks, &c. By A. B. Lambert, Esq. FRS. &c. 4to. 1. 10s. 6d.

Political Economy.

The Universal Cambist and Commercial Instructor; being a Full and Accurate Treatise on the Exchanges, Moneys, Weights, and Measures, of all Trading Nations and their Colonics; with an Ac

count of their Banks, Public Funds, and Paper Currencies. By P. Kelly, LLD. 2 Vols. 4to. 2d Edition, revised. 47. 4s.


Medicina Clerica, or Hints to the Clergy for the healthful and comfortable Discharge

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Village Prayers, or short and plain Forms of Devotion, for the Use of Families; to which are prefixed a few Hints on the Nature of Prayer. By a Clergyman of the Church of England. 12mo. sewed, 1s.

The Word of God, concerning all who are in Trouble or Affliction. By a Clergyman of the Church of England. Sewed, 4d.

Some remarkable particulars concerning the Rapid Civilization of the Negroes in the Colony of Sierra Leone, West Africa, wherein the Power of the Gospel is strikingly displayed. 8vo. 28.

A Letter to the Rev. Joseph Wilson, AM. in reply to his Remarks on the Bishop of Peterborough's 87 Questions. 2s.

Voyages, Travels, and Topography.

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Daniell's Voyage round Great Britain. Vol. V. 7. 108.

History of Madeira, with 27 coloured Engravings of the Customs, Manners, and Occupations of the Inhabitants. Imperial 8vo. 21. 28.

New Picture of Dublin, forming a complete Guide in the Irish Metropolis. By John James M'Gregor. 10s.

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