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النشر الإلكتروني

England and the conftitution and forms of the government of other countries. Such are the univerfal converfion of allodial lands into fiefs; the total abolition of sub-infeudation; the freedom of alienation of eftates in fee-fimple; and the limited and dependant fituation of our nobility when contrafted with the fituation of the high nobility of foreign countries; all these are peculiar in a great measure to our laws. It follows, that our writers must be filent on many of the topics which fill the immenfe volumes of foreign feudifts and they, from the fame circumstance, must be equally filent on many of the fubjects which are difcuffed by our writers. That this is fo, will appear to every perfon converfant with the ancient writers on our laws, who will give a curfory look at the writers on the feudal laws of other countries. Nothing in this respect can be more different than thofe parts of the writings of Bracton, Britton, Fleta, Littleton, Sir Edward Coke, and Sir William Blackstone, which treat of landed property, and the books of the fiefs, Cujas's Commentary upon them, the various treatifes on feudal matters collected in the 10th and 11th volumes of the "Tractatus Tractatuum, Du "Moulins's Commentarii in priores tres "Titulos Confuetudinis Parifienfis," or the more modern treatifes of Monfieur Germain Antoine Guyot, and Monfieur Herve.

Thefe obfervations are offered with a view to account for the contemptuous manner in which the two foreign writers, cited above, fpeak of Littleton. They may also account, in fome measure, for a circunftance which has been a matter of fome furprize, the total filence of Sir Edward Coke on the general doctrine of fiefs. It is obvious, how extremely defirous his lordship is upon every occafion to give the reasons of the doctrines laid down by him; and what forced, and fometimes even puerile reafons, he affigns for them: yet though fo much of our law is fuppofed to depend upon feudal principles, he never once mentions the feudal law.

"I do marvel many times, fays Sir Henry 44 Spelman, that my Lord Coke, adorning our law with fo many flowers of antiquity and foreign learning, hath not (as I fup"pofe) turned afide into this fi.ld, i. e. feu

dal learning, from whence fo many roots "of our law have, of old, been taken and "tranfplanted. 1 with fome worthy would "read them diligently, and fhew the feveral "heads from whence thofe of ours are taken. They beyond the feas are not only "diligent, but very curious in this kind; "but we are all for profit and lucrando "pane,' taking what we find at market,

"without enquiring whence it came." But this complaint is open to observation.

There is no doubt but our laws refpecting landed property are fufceptible of great illuftration from a recurrence to the general history and principles of the feudal law. This is evident from the writings of Lord Chief Baron Gilbert, particularly his treatise of Tenures, in which he has very fuccefsfully explained, by feudal principles, feveral of the leading points of the doctrines laid down in the works of Littleton and Sir Edward Coke, and fhewn the real grounds of feveral of their diftin&tions, which otherwife appear to be merely arbitrary. By this he has reduced them to a degree of fyftem, of which till then they did not appear fufceptible. His treatife, therefore, cannot hạ too much recommended to every person who wishes to make himfelf a complete mafter of the extenfive and various learning contained in the works of thofe writers. The fame may be faid of the writings of Sir William Blackstone. Much ufeful information may be derived alfo from other writers on these fubjects.

But the reader, whofe aim is to qualify himself for the practice of his profeftion, cannot be advised to extend his researches upon those subjects very far. The points of feudal learning, which ferve to explain or illuftrate the jurifprudence of England, are few in number, and may be found in the authors we have mentioned.

It is not impoffible but further enquiries might lead to other interefting discoveries, But the knowledge abfolutely neceffary for every person to poffefs who is to practise the law with credit to himself and advantage to his clients, is of fo very abftruse a nature, and comprehends fuch a variety of different matters, that the utmost time, which the compafs of a life allows for the study, is not more than fufficient for the acquifition of that branch of knowledge only: ftill lefs will it allow him to enter upon the immenfe field of foreign feudality. It were greatly to be wished that fome gentleman, poffeffed of fufficient time, talents, and affiduity, would dedicate them to this study. Those who have read the late Doctor GILBERT STEWART'S "View of Society in Europe, "in its Progrefs from Rudeness to Refine. "ment," will lament that he did not purfue his enquiries on this fubject. From fuch a writer, a work on this fubje&t might be expected, at once entertaining, interefting, and inftructive; but fuch a work is not to be expected from a practising lawyer. Whatever may be the energies of his mind, his induftry, his application and activity, he will foon feel, that to gain an accurate and

extenfive knowledge of the law, as it is practifed in our courts of juftice, requires them all. Thus, on the one hand, the student will find an advantage in fome degree of refearch into feudal learning; on the other, he will feel it neceffary to bound his researches, and to leave, before he has made auy great progrefs in them, the Book of Fiefs, and its commentators, for Littleton's Tenures and Sir Edward Coke's Commentary.

If it were proper to enter into a further defence of Littleton, it might be done, by obferving, that it must be a matter of great - doubt, whether Hottoman ever faw, or Gatzert more than faw, the work they fo feverely cenfure. Hottoman, if he had read it, might think it inelegant and abfurd; but he could not think it malicious, or indictive of a difpofition to flander. Gatzert says Ļittleton specifies twenty-five kinds of feudal fervices. It is probable, that by fervices be meant tenures: if he did, it is obvious that he confounded thofe chapters of Littleton which treat of the nature of the feudal eftate, with those chapters which treat of the nature of the feusiai tenure: in every other fenfe the word fervices, applied in this manner to Littleton's work, is without a meaning.-Befides, he mentions Latin editions of Littleton, when no edition in that language ever appeared.

In fact, were it not for the general obfer, yations to which they naturally give rife, neither the criticifm of Hottoman nor that of Gatzert would have been noticed.

When Doctor Cowell, in his Law Dictionary, cited the paffage in question from Hottoman, it raifed univerfal indignation, and he expunged it from the later editions of his book. It certainly was unjuft to impute it as a crime to Doctor Cowell, that he inferted this citation in his work; but the manner in which it was received is a ftriking proof of the high eftimation in which Littleton's Treatife was held.

The reputation of Sir EDWARD COKE'S COMMENTARY is not inferior to that of the work which is the fubject of it. It is objected to it, that it is defective in method. But it should be obferved, that a want of method was, in fome refpects, infeparable from the nature of the undertaking. During a long life of intense and unremitted application to the ftudy of the laws of England, Sir Edward Coke had treasured up an im menfity of the most valuable common law learning. This he wished to prefent to the public, and chose that mode of doing it, in which, without being obliged to dwell on thofe doctrines of the law which other authors might explain equally well, he might

produce that profound and recondite learning which he felt himself to poffefs above all others. In adopting this plan, he appears to have judged rationally, and confequently ought not to be cenfured for a circumstance infeparable from it.

It must be allowed, that the style of Sir Edward Coke is ftrongly tinged with the quaintnefs of the times in which he wrote; but it is accurate, expreffive, and clear. That it is fometimes difficult to comprehend his meaning, is owing, generally fpeaking, to the abftrufenefs of his fubject, not to the obfcurity of his language.-It has also been objected to him, that the authorities he cites do not in many places come up to the doctrines they are brought to fupport. There appears to be fome ground for this obfervation. Yet it fhould not be forgot, that the uncommon depth of his learning, and acutenefs of his mind, might enable him to difcover connections and confequences which elcape a common obferver.

It is fometimes faid, that the perufal of his Commentary is now become ufelefs, as many of the doctrines of law which his writings explain are become obfolete; and that every thing useful in him may be found more fyttematically and agreeably arranged in modern writers. It must be acknowledged, that when he treats of thofe parts of the law which have been altered fince his time, his Commentary partakes, in a certain degree, of the obsoleteness of the subjects to which it is applied; but even where this is the cafe, it does not often happen that the doctrines laid down by him do not ferve to illuftrate other parts of the law which are fill in force. Thus, there is no doubt but the cafes which now come before the courts of equity, and the principles upon which they are determined, are extremely different in their nature from those which are the subject of Sir Edward Coke's refearches. Yet the great perfonages who have prefided in thofe courts, have frequently recurred to the doctrines laid down by Sir Edward Coke, to form, explain, and illustrate their decrees, Hence, though portions charged upon real eftates, for the benefit of younger children, were not known in Littleton's time, and not much known in the time of Sir Edward Coke ; yet on the points which arise respecting the vesting and payment of portions, no writings in the law are more frequently or more fuccessfully applied to than Sir Edward Coke's Commentary on Littleton's Chapter of Conditions. It may alfo be observed, that notwithstanding the general tenor of the prefent business of our courts, cafes must frequently occur which depend upon the most abftrufe and intricate parts of the ancient


law. Thus the cafe of Jacob v. Wheate led to the difcuffion of elcheats and ufes as they stood before the ftatute of Henry VIII. and the cafe of Taylor v. Horde turned on the learning of diffeifins.

But the most advantageous, and, perhaps, the most proper point of view in which the merit and ability of Sir Edward Coke's writings can be placed, is by confidering him as the centre of modern and ancient law.-The modern fyftem of law may be fuppofed to have taken its rife at the end of the reign of king Henry VII. and to have affumed forething of a regular form about the latter end of the reign of King Charles II. The principal features of this alteration are, perhaps, the introduction of recoveries; conveyances to ufes; the teftamentary difpofition by wills; the abolition of military tenures; the statute of frauds and perjuries; the establishment of a regular fyftem of equitable jurifdiction; the difcontinuance of real actions; and the mode of trying titles to landed property by ejectment. There is no doubt, but that, during the above period, a material alteration was effected in the jurifprudence of this Country: but this alteration has been effected, not fo much by fuperfeding, as by giving a new direction to the principles of the old law, and applying them to new fubjects. Hence a knowledge of ancient legal learn ing is abfolutely neceffary to a modern lawyer. Now Sir Edward Coke's Commentary upon Littleton is an immenfe repofitory of every thing that is moft interefting or useful in the legal learning of ancient times. Were it not for his writings, we should still have to fearch for it in the voluminous and chaotic compilation of cafes contained in the Year-books; or in the dry, though valuable Abridgments of Statham, Fitzherbert, Brooke, and Rolle. Every perfon, who has attempted, must be fenfible how very difficult and disgusting it is, to pursue a regular investigation of any point of law through thofe works. The writings of Sir Edward Coke have confiderably abridged, if not entirely taken away, the neceffity of this labour.

But his writings are not only a repofitory of ancient learning; they alfo contain the outlines of the principal doctrines of modern law and equity. On the one hand, he delineates and explains the ancient system of Law, as it flood at the acceflion of the Tudor line; on the other, he points out the leading circumstances of the innovations which then began to take place. He fhews the different reftraints which our ancestors impofed on the alienation of landed property, the me thods by which they were eluded, and the various modifications which property received after the free alienation of it was allowed,

He fhews, how the notorious and public transfer of property by livery of seifin was fuperfeded, by the fecret and refined mode of transferring it, introduced in confequence of the ftatute of ufes. We may trace in his works the beginning of the difufe of reat actions; the tendency in the nation to convert the military into focage tenures; and the outlines of almost every other point of modern jurifprudence. Thus his writings stand between, and connect the ancient and modern parts of the law, and by fhewing their mutual relation and dependency, difcover the many ways by which they refolve into, explain, and illuftrate one another.

Mr. Butler then proceeds to give an account of all the editions of Littleton's Tenures with and without Sir Edward Coke's Commentary, which, though ef fentially neceffary for him as an editor to infert, would not, we apprehend, be fufficiently interefting to the generality of our readers for us to extract.

In addition to the great legal knowledge of the editors, they have received at leait fome affittance. Mr. Hargrave has been favoured with Lord Chief Juftice Hale's manufcript notes, and fome various readings from MSS. by Sir William Jones; and Mr. Butler has in like manner been afflifted by the notes of Lord Chancellor Nottingham and Lord Hale.Of the value of thefe notes fome eftimate may be formed from the following memorandum in Sir Thomas Parker's handwriting.

"The notes to this book, in my hand"writing (except one note in folio 26. b. "and fome modern cafes), were transcribed "from a copy of the lord chancellor Not"tingham's manufcript notes, in the margin "of his lord Coke's Commentary upon "Littleton, which copy was made for the "ufe of his fon Heneage Finch, efq. foli"citor-general, afterwards earl of Ayles"ford, and is now in the poffeffion of the "honourable Mr Legge, to whofe favour "I am indebted for thefe notes.

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"The notes in a different hand-writing

were transcribed from a copy of lord chief "juftice Hale's MSS. notes in the margin "of Coke upon Littleton, prefented by lord "Hale to the father of Philip Gybbon, efq. "which copy was made for the use of the "honourable Charles Yorke, efq. his Ma"jefty's folicitor-general. The book in "which the notes are in the hand-writing "of lord Hale, is now in the poffeffion of "Mr. Gybbon; and the book from which "these notes were tranfcribed by the favour "of Mr. Yorke, is now in his poffeffion.

"T, PARKER, 1758.7 After

After this general account, Mr. Butler concludes with a very modeft, but we believe our readers will think with us, an unneceffary apology for his taking up the talk of an editor on Mr. Hargrave's relinquithing it.

When it became generally known that Mr. Hargrave had relinquished the work, the prefent editor engaged in it; but he did not engage in it while there was the flighteft probability of its being undertaken by any other perfon and even then, he would not have engaged in it, if by doing fo he incurred

any obligation of completing Mr. Hargrave's undertaking in all its parts. He thought, an imperfect execution of the remaining part of the work would be more agreeable to the public than none; that to prefent them with the remaining part of the text of Littleton and his Commentator, with fome references and fome notes, would be an acceptable offering to them. No other perfon appeared with any, and the prefent editor's performance does not prevent the exertions of any future adventurer.

To be continued. )

A Poetical Tour in the Years 1784, 5, and 6, by a Member of the Arcadian Society 8vo. 3s. 6d. Robfon. 1787.

at Rome.

THIS Collection of Poems is not, as its


title feems to intimate, a poetical defcription of places, or a narration of the event of a journey; but, as the author's preface expreffes it, they are the effufions of momentary impreffions, written on the very spots where thofe impreffions were received.”

Many of them have already been printed in Italy, being part (and by no means the least confiderable part, either in quantity or value) of the celebrated "Florence Mifcellany," which was noticed with much approbation by the Italian Reviewers, and which certainly does great credit to the ingenious writers who were concerned in it. The author evidently poffeffes the true poetical enthu-. fiafm, and every page of his work bears the marks of a warm imagination and a cultivated tafte.-Thefe poems are fo exceedingly various in their kinds, that it is not poffible to give our readers any idea of their nature by an extract. We fhall, however, infert the following Poem as a Ipecimen of this writer's manner in the familiar and fportive kind of verfe; and we will venture to fay, that it will not fuffer by a comparifon with Prior's epittle to Fleetwood Shepherd, or that of Soame Jenyns to Lord Lovelace.


MERRY, Efq. at FLORENCE. BENEATH Italia's fouthern sky, While you on Fancy's pinion fly

* To where o'er Ruffia's frozen plains

'Mid clouds and ftorms hoar Winter reigns,

In thrilling verfe the tale relate
Of injur'd Beauty's hapless fate,
Whofe breaft amid furrounding fnow
The God of Love had taught to glow,
And fuch a melting ftrain effuse,
That maids and youths unborn shall muse
O'er fad Paulina's lot fevere

With horror's chill, and pity's tear;
Dear Merry, thall my humbler rhime
Inform you how I pafs my time
In this strange city, once so splendid,
Whofe ancient glory now is ended?
Whofe modern precincts only fhow
An union of fublime and low;
Of former pride revered remains,
Baths, arches, theatres, and fanes;
Of prefent wealth a wond'rous treasure
For public ufe and private pleasure,

Fountains that copious tides fupply,
Churches that with old temples vie,
So much magnificence and ftate
In all the manfions of the great,

Such marbles, pictures, ftatues, blended!
The wealth of nations feems expended;
Yet clamours of the hungry poor
Befiege the lordly palace door,
And, iffuing, my difgufted eye
Beholds fuch filth and mifery,
That bome my thoughts are ever turning,
With patriot recollection burning
Of fortune's more diffufive fmiles
Spread o'er the northern sister-ifles;
Rough Induftry, thy rich rewards,
Which Freedom grants, and Valor guards!
As here each hillock is renown'd,
And every alles-claffic ground,
First let the Mufe obfervant tell

The spot in which I chance to dwell.

* In allufion to a Poem Mr. Merry was then writing; entitled "Paulina, or the Ruffian Daughter," and which is fince printed in England.

The fountains, which are very numerous and magnificent, form a diftinguish'd part

of the ornaments of modern Rome.


To the old Pincian's steepy fide

The house adheres, fo well applied,
That from the ambitious upper door
I can whene'er I please explore
The place which Eafe and Pleasure haunted
When rich Lucullus built and planted :
Or, from the humbler gate below,
Strait to the Campus Martius go,
Where weeping now her lowly state,
So wills inexorable Fate,

Rome, mindful of her ancient reign,
Sinking afham'd into the plain,
Calls on thofe hills, her former pride,
Her fad dejected head to hide!

At morn I ramble forth to view
Each curious object old and new.
But think not I fhall now prefume
To write in verfe a Guide to Rome;
Or fcribble, to difplay my parts,
A volume on. Antiques and Arts:
To study thefe 'twill better fuit ye
*To read Nardini and Venuti,
Or Winckelmann, who much unravels,
Or any books-but modern Travels.

What tranfports fill'd my glowing breast
When first this far-famed foil I prets'd!
How oft (I then exulting cried)
Will I by fome old ruin's fide,
While Fancy, fweet enthufiaft! feeds
On tales of vaft heroic deeds,
Devote to her the mufing hour,
Whofe magic wand's commanding power
More than Amphion's boasted lyre
Can bid each wall again afpire,
Till ancient Rome before my eyes
From this furrounding Chaos rife,
As erft the flood, unhurt by time,
When all her domes and towers fublime

Confantius, on his car of gold,
Forgot his triumph, to behold.
Alas! thefe feelings foon decay,
Each dear illufion haftes away.
Soon Appian and Flaminian stones
But ferve to diflocate one's bones;

And while I in the Forum trace
Some ancient temple's former place,
Or where once spread the Curtian flood,
Or where the Roftrum proudly stood,
If from the herd an ox fhould run,
The fneering drivers think it fun
To fee him mar the whole connexion
Of my hiftorical reflection;

Or Punchinello draws a croud,
Or ftreat-declaimers cry aloud,

Or priests entreat, or beggars bully,
Far other orators than Tully!
If to the Capitol I go,

And feek its lofty Portico,

Where Confuls fhunn'd the beams of day,
Now coachmen fwear, and horfes neigh,
As ftinking fifh ufurp the place
Which still Octavia's columns grace.

If Tullian dungeons I defcend
To mufe on fad Jugurtha's end,
Who in that loathfome fpot confin'd
Six tedious days in famine pin'd;
Horror 1 call, a welcome guest,
Awhile to agitate my breast:
But foon th' hiftoric fact is loft,
By bigot tales my mind is croft,
How at th' Apoftle's potent call
Baptifmal streams íprang through the wall
And how by marks on yielding stone

The hardness of his fcull is known.

Who feeks the Claudian Tomb must pop
His head into a butcher's fhop;

The house the author lived in at Rome is built against the fide of Trinita del Monte, the ancient Pincian Hill, where were the Gardens of Lucullus; and the Piazza di Spagna at the foot of it, with the greater part of modern Rome, is in the old Campus Martius.

* Nardini's Defcrizione di Roma antica, Venuti's Defcrizione Topografica delle Antichita di Roma, & Winckelman's Storia delle Arte, & Monumenti inediti.

+ Ammianus Marcellinus in his 16th book gives a very striking defcription of the furprize of Conftantius on viewing the most confiderable buildings in his triumphal entry into Rome. "Proinde Romam ingreffus imperii virtutumque omnium larem cura veniffet ad Roftra, perfpectiffimum prifcæ potentiæ forum, obitupuit, perque omae latus quo fe oculi contuliffent, miraculorum denfitate præftri&tus, &c.

The Forum Romanum is now an ox market, and was originally a pool of water called Lacus Curtius from Metius Curtius the Sabine who fell into it in retreating from the Palatine to the Capitoline Hill; or from Marcus Curtius who voluntarily threw himself into it. Livy mentions both stories, but with great reafon seems to confider the latter as a romance. See Ift and 2d book of 1ft Decad.

There are fome remains of the Public Portico of the Capitol, and alfo of that of Octavia, fister to Auguftus; but the former is converted into a stable, and the latter into a fish-market.

Plutarch in the Life of Marius, mentions Jugurtha's being ftarved to death in the Carcer Tullianus, which is in more perfect prefervation than any other ancient building in Rome. It is pretended, but with no probability, that St. Peter was alfo confined there. A fpring of water fald by an infcription to have been produced miraculously to baptize the jailor, and the impreffion of the Apostle's head in the wall of the ftaircafe are devoutly thewn as confirmations of it.


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