صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

FOR one whose life lay bound, long years,
In cold obstruction thrilled with fears,
Whose daily bread was salt with tears:

Whom the all-pleasant light of day
Woke to a scarce-forgot dismay,
Whose misery sleep might not allay:

Whose soul seemed, by an awful lot,
Fixed in a void but ghastly spot,

Where hope came not, where God was not:

Yet now, through grace, essays to trust

God is, is merciful as just,

And souls outlive all pangs of dust.

For friends, ah, many friends! who find
From ills of body, heart, or mind
No ease, except to be resigned:

Who, in the countless paths of pain, Weeping, sow seeds of precious grain, One day to bring back sheaves again!

For all, who, battling through this life In anguish steeped, with evil rife, Faint with the unremitting strife :

Dear, for the sorrows they endure,
And dear to pitying God most sure,
Who makes his own by all means pure.

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EVIL, every living hour,

Holds us in its wilful hand,
Save as Thou, essential Power,
Mayst be gracious to withstand:
Pain within the subtle flesh,

Heavy lids that cannot close,
Hearts that hope will not refresh,
Hand of Healing! interpose.

Tyranny's strong breath is tainting
Nature's sweet and vivid air;
Nations silently are fainting,
Or upgather in despair:
Not to those distracted wills

Trust the judgment of their woes;

While the cup of anguish fills,

Arm of Justice! interpose.


Pleasures night and day are hovering
Round their prey of weary hours,
Weakness and unrest discovering
In the best of human powers:
Ere the fond delusions tire,

Ere envenomed passion grows
From the root of vain desire,
Mind of Wisdom! interpose.

Now no more in tuneful motion
Life with love and duty glides;
Reason's meteor-lighted ocean

Bears us down its mazy tides ;
Head is clear and hand is strong,
But our heart no haven knows ;
Sun of Truth! the night is long,-
Let Thy radiance interpose!


A STILL Small voice spake unto me: "Thou art so full of misery,

Were it not better not to be?"

Then to the still small voice I said, "Let me not cast in endless shade What is so wonderfully made."

To which the voice did urge reply: "To-day I saw the dragon-fly

Come from the wells where he did lie.

"An inner impulse rent the veil

Of his old husk: from head to tail
Came out clear plates of sapphire mail.

“He dried his wings: like gauze they grew: Through crofts and pastures wet with dew A living flash of light he flew."

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