Via Crucis via Lucis. 73 Through strife to peace! And though, with bristling front, A thousand frightful deaths encompass thee, Good cheer! good cheer! brave thou the bat tle's brunt For the peace-march and song of victory. Through toil to sleep! And though the sultry noon, With heavy, drooping wing, oppress thee now, Good cheer! good cheer! the cool of evening soon Shall lull to sweet repose thy weary brow. Through cross to crown! And though thy spirit's life Trials untold assail with giant strength, Good cheer! good cheer! soon ends the bitter strife, And thou shalt reign in peace with Christ at length. Through woe to joy! And though at morn thou weep, And though the midnight find thee weeping still, Good cheer! good cheer! the Shepherd loves his sheep; Resign thee to the watchful Father's will. 74 Via Crucis via Lucis. THROUGH DEATH TO LIFE! And through this vale of tears, And through this thistle-field of life, ascend To the great supper, in that world whose years Of bliss unfading, cloudless, know no end. ΠΑΘΕΙ ΜΑΘΟΣ. I ONLY would be spent, -in pain And loss, perchance,- but not in vain. I am content to be so weak, Put strength into the words I speak, I am content to be so bare My wounds being stroked by heavenly air. Because my portion was assigned I KNOW is all the mourner saith: Knowledge by suffering entereth, Glory to God-to God! he saith: ADVERSA MUNDI TOLERA. ADVERSA mundi tolera Plus nocent sæpe prospera Cum levi flamine. Quum a multis molestaris, Nam Deum honorificas, Labor parvus est et brevis vita, Merces grandis est, quies infinita; Toties martyr Dei efficeris, Quoties pro Deo pœnam patieris. ENDURE THE WORLD'S RUDE BUFFET INGS. ENDURE the world's rude buffetings, For Christ and Charity; More hurtful oft the flatterings Of mild prosperity. When much wrong thy soul endureth, For thou the Lord dost glorify, A twofold crown thou winn'st thereby, And dost thy neighbors edify. earthly life soon speedeth; Great the gain, - eternal rest succeedeth; Martyr of God, so oft a crown thou wearest |