On the References made to the Old Testament in Support of the Deity of Jesus. John i. 14, compared with Isaiah ix. 6, explained 272 Hebrews i. 8, 9, compared with Psalm xlv. 6, 7, considered 284 Luke i. 16, 17, compared with Isaiah xl. 3, and Malachi iji.1 285 John xii. 41, compared with Isaiah vi. 5 .... 286 ib. 1 Cor. i. 30, compared with Jeremiah xxiii. 6 .... The original of Jeremiah xxiii. 6, xxxiii. 16; Gen. xxv. 26; 2 Sam. ii. 16; Gen. xvi. 14, compared............ 287, 288 Rom. xiv. 10, 12, compared with Isaiah xlv. 23 2 Peter iii. 18, compared with Isaiah xliii. 3, on the term Saviour 288 .... 289 John x. 16, compared with Psalm xxiii. 1, on the term 290 1 Cor. x. 9, compared with Psalm lxxviii. 56, on tempting Christ....... John iii. 29, compared with Psalm [Isaiah] liv. 5, on the term husband .... Revelation xxii. 13, compared with Isaiah xliv. 6, on the phrase "Alpha and Omega" Page 291 292 .... 293 Rev. xxii. 12, compared with Isaiah xl. 10, on the phrase "My reward is with me" .... .. 296 Ephes. iv. 8, compared with Psalm Ixviii. 18, on the phrase "Thou hast ascended on high" ... John xix. 37, compared with Zechariah xii. 10, on the phrase "whom they pierced" ib. 297 1 Peter ii. 6-8, compared with Isaiah xxviii. 16, and viii. The Deity of Moses and of David cannot be proved from ..... 301 ...... 302 of fame 303 Nor the hope of success 304 But reverence for the author of Christianity, and a wish to raise it above all polytheistical systems ib. The author's views derived from the Scriptures ..... ib. The Old Testament should be studied before the New .... 305 Locke's testimony respecting the fundamental articles of Christianity ib. Extract from Sir Isaac Newton, pointing out the different natures of God and Christ Argument in favour of the Trinity, from its analogy to the triangle, considered ... ib. Several arguments occurring in the beginning of Serle's Horæ Conclusion ... 308 • 312 POSTSCRIPT. .... Page .... 313 .... 314 Dr. Prideaux's assertion respecting the testimony of Jonathan's Targum on Isaiah ix. 6, 7, examined The term "Messiah" applied to various kings.. Quotations from several ancient Jewish commentators...... ib. On the difference of meaning between "to be called" and "to be"..... .... 315 Passages illustrating the epithets employed in Isaiah ix. 6. 316 The terms "Son" and "only-begotten" incompatible with the nature of the First Cause ib. The assertion respecting two sets of terms and phrases being applied to Jesus, examined... 317 No Hindoo can conscientiously prefer the doctrine of the ib. True Christianity is free from Polytheism................ 318 A SECOND APPEAL. CHAPTER I. General Defence of the Precepts in Question. THE observations contained in No. I. of the Quarterly Series of "The Friend of India," on the Introduction to "The Precepts of Jesus," as well as on their defence, termed "An Appeal to the Christian Public," are happily expressed in so mild and Christian-like a style, that they have not only afforded me ample consolation for the disappointment and vexation I felt from the personality conveyed in the preceding Magazines, (Nos. 20 and 23,) but have also encouraged me to pursue my researches after the fundamental principles of Christianity in a manner agreeable to my feelings, and with such respect as I should always wish to manifest for the situation and character of so worthy a person as the Editor of the Friend of India. The Reverend Editor labours in his Review to establish two points-the truth and excellency of the miraculous relations and of the dogmas found in the Scriptural writings-and 2ndly, the insufficiency of L the compiled Precepts of Jesus alone to lead to salvation, unless accompanied with the important doctrines of the Godhead of Jesus and his atonement. As the Compiler neither in his Introduction to the Precepts of Jesus, nor in his defence of those Precepts, has expressed the least doubt as to the truth of any part of the Gospels, the arguments adduced by the learned Editor to demonstate the truth and excellence of the authority on which they rest, are, I am inclined to think, quite superfluous, and foreign to the matter in question. The only reasons assigned by the Compiler, ([in the] Introduction,) for separating the Precepts from the abstruse doctrines and miraculous relations of the New Testament are, that the former "are liable to the doubts and disputes of Freethinkers and Antichristians, and the latter are capable at best of carrying little weight with the natives of this part of the globe, the fabricated tales handed down to them being of a more wonderful nature." These sentiments respecting the doctrines and miracles, founded as they are upon undeniable facts, do not, I presume, convey any disavowal or doubt of their truth. Besides, in applying the term "fabricated" to the tales received by the credulous Hindoos, the Compiler clearly evinced the contemptible light in which he viewed those legends; and in stating that the miracles of the Scriptures were subject to the doubts of "Freethinkers and Antichristians," it |