صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

Read the next two stanzas. What do the first six lines of these stanzas tell?

Ans. They tell how the exiles did not come.

How many classes of persons are mentioned whose coming was unlike that of the Pilgrims? How does the conqueror come? How do the flying come? What do the two remaining lines of these stanzas tell? Read the fifth and sixth stanzas. What does the fifth stanza describe? What does the sixth stanza do? What welcomed them?

Read the seventh and eighth stanzas.
Ans. They tell who were in the band.

What do these stanzas tell?

How many classes of persons are mentioned? Name each. What is the meaning of hoary?

Read the first question in the ninth stanza. Supply words making the second question complete. Express the third question fully. What does the last line of this stanza tell? What is meant by their seeking a faith's pure shrine ?

Ans. Seeking a place where they could worship God in their own way. Read the last stanza. What place should be called holy ground?


Copy the poem, and commit it to memory.




Find out what you can about The Pilgrim Fathers, and then tell in your own words

I. Who the Pilgrim Fathers were, and what caused them to leave their native country.

2. Tell where they went first, how long they remained there, and why they decided to come to America.

3. Describe their voyage to the New World, tell where they landed, and mention some of the hardships which they had to undergo on their arrival.

[blocks in formation]

1. Lay the books on the table.

2. Lie on the lounge.

3. The rugs lie on the floor.

Give the meanings of the words in Italics. Which word means to place in position? Which word means to take a reclining position, or to occupy a fixed place?

What is the past form of lay? What form of lay should be used with have and had?

What is the past form of lie? What form of lie should be used with have and had?



Change these sentences, making the verbs in Italics express past time:

1. I lay the key on the desk.

2. The soldiers lie down at night.
3. The cat lies by the fire.

4. The men are laying a new walk.

5. They lay the stones with great care.

6. The cows are lying in the shade.


Copy the following sentences, filling the blanks with some form of lay or lie:

[blocks in formation]

1. Sit down and rest.

2. Set the chair by the window.

What is the meaning of sit in the first sentence? Of set in the second sentence?

1. I sat in this seat last night.


The hen is sitting on twelve eggs.

3. He had sat under that tree for an hour.

What form of sit expresses a past action? What form is used with is? What form is used with had?

1. He set out two trees yesterday.
2. The men are setting fence-posts.

3. The doctor has set the boy's arm.

What does set mean in the first sentence? What time does it express? What form of set is used with are? What form is used with has?



Copy the following sentences, filling the blanks with some form of sit or set:

[blocks in formation]

7. They 8. He

by the pond, watching the gold-fish. down to rest before we reached the end of our



Write sentences containing the past tenses of the verbs -

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[Sound u, ue, and ew in these words like u in use, tube, etc.]

[blocks in formation]
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