صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني
[blocks in formation]


10. The books were sent to

II. I would not try if were

will deliver your message.



[blocks in formation]

Copy the following sentences, filling the blanks with suitable pronouns:

I. The committee decided the matter without leaving

[blocks in formation]

9. One who would succeed must learn to think for

IO. The committee has offered to refund the amount which

received from the company.

11. Every man must bear

own burden.

12. All men think all men mortal but


Copy the following sentences, and afterwards write them from dictation:

1. Bear ye one another's burdens.

2. One would be likely to lose one's way in this building.

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4. By others' faults wise men correct their own.

5. One would be surprised to see one's name in the list. 6. Who is one's neighbor?

7. One's pain is lessened by another's anguish.

8. I know not what course others may take.


Copy the following sentences, filling the blanks with relative proTell in each case why the form chosen should be used:


1. He was a descendant of Stephen Brown,

from England.

came over

2. The house stood among flourishing apple-trees, three or are yet standing.

four of

3. He

thinks much of himself will be in danger of being forgotten by the rest of the world.

4. He was surrounded by a shouting multitude, most of had been born in the country he had helped to found. 5. At length they came within full sight of the palace,

proved to be very large and lofty.

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(Review Lessons XII.-XIV.)


1. A chair stood by the table. 2. Did you notice that man?

3. The house contains nine rooms.

The broad streets were shaded by beautiful elms.

Give the use of each italicized word in the first sentence. State the difference in meaning between the and an or a. When should an be used? When a? Illustrate by examples.

State the offices of the italicized words in the remaining sentences, and tell what each modifies.

Mention an adjective that shows which thing is meant; how many things are spoken of; what kind of thing is meant.

How many forms has the adjective broad? What are these different forms called, and what do they denote? When should the comparative form be used? What does the superlative form express? What is the superlative of beautiful? Illustrate by examples two ways in which the comparative of adjectives is formed. Illustrate two ways in which

the superlative of adjectives is formed.

are compared irregularly.

Mention two adjectives that

Point out each noun, pronoun, and adjective in the following sentences; state its form and use, and tell what relation it bears to some other word or words in the sentence:


Under a spreading chestnut-tree

The village smithy stands.

2. The Squire was a fine, healthy-looking old gentleman, with silver hair curling lightly round an open, florid countenance. 3. The ford was deep and narrow.

4. Six whaling ships were crushed in the ice near Point. Barrow.

5. He was an honest, temperate, forgiving man.

6. The walls are high, and the shores are steep, And the stream is strong, and the water deep.

7. His stature was commanding, his face handsome, his address singularly winning.


With fingers weary and worn,

With eyelids heavy and red,

A woman sat in unwomanly rags,
Plying her needle and thread.

9. The passage was a boisterous one.

10. Others have filled places more conspicuous, by an exact and disinterested performance of duty.

11. He took a true delight in the return of singing birds.

12. Along the banks are beautiful shaded walks, and near the town is a little island covered with ancient trees of immense size.

13. Our little dwelling is a comfortable two-story house, quite new and very convenient.

14. We had frequent thunder-storms, and several violent gales of wind.

15. The autumn has been uncommonly fine, a warm, sunshiny September, a still and sunny October, and a great brilliancy of color in the woods.



Use in sentences suitable adjectives to describe the things named

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Write sentences, using an or a before each of the following

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Write in one column the following words, and in a second

column words of opposite meanings:

[blocks in formation]
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