صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

Strongly built were the houses with frames of oak and of hemlock.

RULE V.-Between the parts of sentences which are connected by a relative pronoun, a conjunction, or an infinitive, a pause is required; as,

Of the noble fifty-six | who, in the Revolution, stood forth undismayed by the ax or gibbet he alone remains.

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RULE VI.-In elliptical phrases, the ellipsis should be marked by a pause; as,

You are forever young, and gentle, and pure; | a part of my own childhood that time cannot wither; | always a little boy.

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REMARK.-Where there is more than one definition of a word the first definition gives the sense in which it is used in the Lesson.

The number preceding the word defined refers to the paragraph in which the word occurs.

Percy Wynn's First Day at College. Part I.

1. "Say, young fellow, what are you moping here for?" The person thus rudely addressed was a slight, delicate, fair-complexioned child, whose age, one could perceive at a glance, must have been something under fourteen. Previous to this interruption, he had been sitting solitary on a bench in a retired corner of the college playground.

The boy's lips trembled, but he made no answer. He seemed, indeed, at a loss for words.


Well, at least tell us what's your name," pursued Charlie Richards, the boy who put the question.`

"Percy Wynn, sir."

2. His voice was clear and musical. The name evoked

a low, derisive chuckling from the crowd.


Percy Wynn! Percy Wynn!" repeated Richards in a tone intended to be sarcastic. "Why, it's a very, very pretty name. Don't you think so yourself?"

"Oh yes, indeedy!" answered Percy very seriously, whereupon there was a shout of laughter from the boys. As Percy perceived that his questioner had been mocking him, the blood rushed to his face, and he blushed scarlet.

3. "My! look how he blushes-just like a girl," cried Martin Peters, a thin, puny, weazen-faced youth, who in lieu of strength employed a bitter tongue.

There was another laugh; and as poor Percy realized that the eyes of nearly a dozen boys were feeding and gloating upon his embarrassment, he blushed still more violently, and arising, sought to make his way through them and escape their unwelcome company.

4. But Richards rudely clutched his arm.

"Hold on, Percy."

"Oh, please do let me go. I desire to be alone."

"No, no; sit down. I want to ask you some more questions." And Richards roughly forced him back upon the bench.

"Now, Percy, do you know where you're going to sleep to-night?"

"Yes, sir; over there in that-that-dormitory, I think the prefect said it was. He showed me my bed a little while ago."

"Very well; now you're a newcomer, and don't know the customs of this place. So I want to tell you something. To-night, just as soon as you get in bed—and, by the way, you must hurry up about it—you must say in a loud, clear tone, Put out the lights, Mr. Prefect; I'm in bed.""

5. The listeners and admirers of Richards forced their faces into an expression of gravity. They were inwardly tickled lying came under their low standard of wit.

"Excuse me, sir, but

"Oh, indeed!" said Percy. can't you get some one else to say it ? "

"No, no; you must say it yourself. It's the custom for newcomers to do it the first night they arrive."

"But, dear me!" exclaimed Percy, "isn't it a funny custom ?

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"Well, it is funny," Richards assented, "but it's got to be done all the same."

"Very well, then; I suppose I must do it."

"Now, do you remember what you are to say?" "Put out the lights, Mr. Prefect; I'm in bed.'” "That's it exactly; you've learned your lesson well." 6. "Now there's another thing to be done. You must turn a handspring right off."

"Turn what?" asked Percy in a puzzled tone.

"Look," and Richards suited the action to the word. "Oh, upon my word," protested Percy in all earnestness, “I can't.”

"No matter;.you can try."

"Oh, please do excuse me, sir, this time, and I'll practice at it in private," pleaded Percy. "And when I've learned it, I'll be ever so glad to comply with your wishes."

"Whew!" exclaimed John Sommers, "he's been reading up a dictionary!"

"Oh, indeed I haven't," protested Percy.

"Come on," Richards urged in a tone almost menacing, "you must try. Hurry up, now; no fooling."

7. Percy could endure his awkward position no longer. Bursting into tears, he arose and again attempted to make his way through his tormentors.

Richards caught him more rudely than upon the first occasion, and with some unnecessary and brutal violence flung him back upon the bench. "See here, young fellow," he said angrily, "do you want to fight? or are you going to do what you're told?"

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