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ago. How much bloodshed fied, even if we put England, and misery would he have spared us and Ireland.

Scotland, and Wales under her vindictive heel! She doesn't Then with excellent justice want to be satisfied. She he compared the situation in wants 8 grievance, which Ireland with the situation of she сан growl and snap the Southern States of America. over 88 a dog growls and "There is a limit," he said, snaps over a bone. And Mr speaking with the voice of George had no difficulty in statesmanship, "as Abraham proving that Mr Asquith, in Lincoln discovered, to the the his foolish desire to deprive disruptive rights of a minor- Ireland of her grievance, would ity.... The Southern States endanger at once and destroy had just as good a right to finally the British Empire. set up an independent Republic "Do you know," he asked, as Ireland, Wales, or Scotland. "that Ireland was our worry ... History now shows that during the war? . . . IreAbraham Lincoln was abso- land was a real peril. They lutely right in saying there were in touch with Geris a limit to the right which man submarines. There it even a separate community stands at the gateway of has to tear up a large Britain; you cannot turn to combination that has been the right, you cannot turn to working together for common the left, except by either the ends. That is the limit in right or left gate of Ireland. Ireland." That is also the... It is girdled with British limit, if Mr George had only wrecks; yes, and British seafound it out before, in India, men are there too; and we are which has been rent asunder to hand over Ireland to be to please Messrs Montagu and made a base of the submarine Gandhi, and in Egypt, which fleet, and we are to trust to for no motive that is visible luck in our next war. Was has been handed over there ever such lunacy proZaghlul and his friends. posed by any body?"


For Mr Asquith and his policy of Dominion Home Rule Mr George reserved his fiercest soorn. He pointed out with unerring force the danger of Dominion Home Rule, which would give Ireland a navy and an army of her own, and leave her ports wholly uncontrolled by us, with the power of closing them against us if she chose. This is what Mr Asquith would give Ireland in order to satisfy her. As though Ireland would be satis

No: there never was such lunacy proposed, not even by Mr George himself, who, now that he is momentarily awake, sees plainly enough the danger which confronts Great Britain. "Don't you take these risks," says he.

"This is a great country-a great country; it has done more for human freedom than any other country. Don't risk its destinies and its future through any folly or any fear of any gang in Ireland. We saw the great


cost; we are not going to quail before & handful of assassins in any part of the British Empire. Hand our ports over to Ireland, the gateway of Great Britain! They might starve us." Starve us they certainly would, and it has taken Mr George two years to enunciate this simple truth.

through at gigantic remember what he has done, or rather left undone, in Russia, and we quail, as he pretends that he does not, before the future. If only he would translate his words into acts there would be some hope for us. Unhappily this is not his practice, and maybe tomorrow he will make another speech which shall soothe the assassins. For the moment we must be content with the speech that he has given us. After all, a pious aspiration is perhaps better than nothing.

He has (or should have) many sins upon his conscience, and not the least of his sins is that sin of inaction of which he has been guilty in Ireland. As soon as the Armistice was declared, it was his business to formulate a strong policy and to restore law and order to Ireland. Being the victim of political expediency he has done precisely nothing. He

has looked on while brave
men and peaceable citizens
were foully and treacherously
done to death. And now, at
the eleventh hour, he discovers
the risks with which we are
faced. He sees at last that in
the next war we should lie at
Ireland's mercy, that even in
time of peace abroad Ireland
might starve us out. And he
says, boldly and clearly, that
he is not going to quail. What
does it mean? Is it politics
or is it repentance, or is it
merely the last comer? Does
he see that the mass of British
voters are opposed to murder?
Is he sorry for the criminal
neglect of the last years? Has
a wise adviser got at his listen-
ing ear?
We do not know,
nor do Mr George's brave
words give us much con-
fidence for the future.


Yet if Mr George were the master of his own eloquence, if his mind were bound by the words that he speaks or by the opinions which he shapes, the logical conclusion of what he said at Carnarvon could be summed up in one word-Union. Truly if the Union did not exist to-day it would be necessary to invent it. If Ireland can defeat us in the next war, and in the meanwhile contrive our starvation, as she could if Mr Asquith, the chief begetter of the Easter Day Rebellion, had his way, then Ireland is as little to be trusted with a parliament as with a port. As Mr Lloyd George says, after Abraham Lincoln, "there is & limit to the disruptive rights of a minority." In

orisis of far less danger than our own, Lincoln fought until the revolting States were compelled to remain within the Union, and the task which lies ahead of us is the same task from which Lincoln did not shrink. As a result of his courage and firmness he has

won the admiration of Messrs George and Asquith, who each, after his own fashion, has fought hard for disruption. That they have not detected the signs of their own hypocrisy in this praise of a great Unionist says very little for their sense of history. But if Mr George's references to Abraham Lincoln and his policy are any more solid than the air which carried them away, then he cannot avoid pledging himself honestly and resolutely to the preservation of the Union, the one policy which can serve Great Britain and save Ireland. It remains for him to carry into action the speech which he made at Carnarvon, and after a necessary period of martial law to strengthen the ties which from the time of Pitt until 1906 bound Ireland tightly and firmly, in weal and in woe, to the British Empire.


ensure the discovery.
ever, with success the conspir-
ators, become callous, have
revealed their purposes, and an
intelligent reading of history
has shown us that, wher-
ever there is rebellion there
is a Jewish organisation to
strengthen and support it.
Here, then, is the danger that
is always in our midst-the
danger of Jewry, and we are
careless indeed if we allow
that danger to go unperceived
and unguarded against.

The Jew has always fished
in troubled waters. The
disaster of the Christian has
been his good fortune, and to
those who are still in doubt as
to his purpose and design we
commend with confidence a
recently published book, 'The
Cause of World Unrest,' with
an introduction by the editor
of the 'Morning Post' (Lon-
don: Grant Richards). In the
pages of this book are traced
with skill and ingenuity the
plot contrived by the Jews
against Christian civilisation, a
plot which was inaugurated
centuries ago, and which is
still as aetive and as perilous
as ever it was. Behind the
Sinn Feiner in Ireland, be-
hind the silly anarchist on
the Clyde, there lurks the
Jew, oynical and cunning,
who is determined to turn
to his own account the em-
barrassments of others.
is now in Russia and in Ire-
land, so it was in France before
the Revolution. Weishaupt
and the Illuminati were the
the powers; the revolutionaries
were merely the puppets. Thus
is the truth sketched by the

Wherever we look at home or abroad we shall see the same signs of disintegration. And disintegration does not come of itself. The old romantic idea that history was controlled by "movements," omnipotent and inevitable, like floods or hurricanes, has long since been proved fallacious. The troubles which beset the human race are not made by natural forces. Behind every disaster, every access of murder and brutality, there are a human hand and a human brain. To discover whose are the hand and the brain is the only sure way of making the hand and the brain innocuous, and hitherto it has been hard, indeed, to

Abbé Barruel in 1797: "You thought the Revolution ended in France, and the Revolution in France was only the first attempt of the Jacobins. In the desires of a terrible and formidable seot you have only reached the first stage of the plans it has formed for that general revolution, which is to overthrow all thrones, all altars, annihilate all property, efface all law, and end by dissolving all society." As it was in the time of the Abbé Barruel, so it is to-day. A terrible and formidable seot is attempting to get the world into its olutches, and the seot has changed neither in race nor in purpose in a century of


Crude as was the philosophy of Weishaupt or Spartacus, it was calculated to inflame the minds of the many fools, "Yes," said he, "princes and nations shall disappear from the face of the earth. Yes, a time shall come when man shall acknowledge no other Law than the great book of Nature. This Revolution shall be the work of our Secret Societies, and that is one of our Grand Mysteries." The language is the language of the dangerous humbug, and very well it has succeeded in the deception of human-kind. The following passage brings us still nearer to the design of the French Revolution and to the form assumed by the worst terror of all the terror of Bolshevism. "When the objeot is a universal Revolution, all the members of of these Societies, aiming at the same

point and aiding one another, must find means of governing invisibly, and without any appearance of violent measures, not only the higher and more distinguished class of any particular state, but even of all stations, of all nations, of every religion, must insinuate the same spirit everywhere; in silence, but with the greatest possible activity, must direct the scattered inhabitants of the earth towards the same point."

There you have as good a description of Lenin's method as you could find anywhere. Working in silence and with the greatest possible activity the Jews of Russia, clever and malignant, have done their best to debauch the opinion and the morality of the whole world. They have purchased such tools everywhere as they thought would be useful, and they have not been held back from their fell purpose by any scruples of decency or pity. Murder and torture have been the common means by which they have achieved their ends, and they have found apt pupils in Ireland and in India. If so far they have not succeeded, it is because they have tried to cast their spell upon a partially enlightened world. But the danger is not overpast, and we shall save our civilisation only if we watch the activities of the Jewish race, and bear in mind the part that has been played by the wickeder sort of freemasonry and by the ritual of revenge in this prolonged attempt to ruin us all.

In these terms it is that

Barruel sketched the sinister way and the end are alike principle upon which the Il- familiar. "The symbolism of luminati founded their hopes: the snake," says Nilus, "typi"Want and opinion are the fies a coiling and encircling two agents which make all movement, by which all men act. Cause the want, Europe, and through Europe govern opinions, and you will all the rest of the world, by overturn all existing systems, the use of all forms of force, however well consolidated they by wars of conquest, and by may appear." Again it is economic pressure, will be will Lenin's principle. It is the subjected to the influence of principle which ensured the in- Jewry." That the statement famous French Revolution, as of Nilus should carry weight Mrs Webster has shown in her is proved by the fact that he book. "Agents employed by prophesied precisely the shape the Duc d'Orléans deliberately and the course which the revobought up the grain," she tells lution in Russia would take us on excellent authority, many years before the event, "and either sent it out of the and declared that the precountry, or concealed it in dioted revolution would be order to drive the people to carried out by a Jewish orrevolt." It is the principle ganisation, which brings us which will underlie every at- back to the terrible and fortempt at revolution that is likely midable seot of the eighteenth to be made in the world, and century. it is the principle of the secret societies and of that part of Jewry which is closely related to them.

If we did not recognise the lineal descent of one set of conspirators from another, the revelations of one Nilus which have been set forth in 'The Jewish Peril' would appear strange indeed. The book contains the text of twenty-four Protocols of Meetings of the Learned Elders of Zion, and it shows how faithful have the modern conspirators remained to the teaching of the original Spartacus. "The protocols, in truth, are the plans of a secret government of Jewry for the return of this government to Zion and for the government of the whole world by Jewish dispensation." The

How, then, shall we combat this terrible and formidable seot? By watching its plots, wherever they be hatched, and by doing our best to frustrate them. Above all, it is essential to recognise that the evil that has been done in Russia has been done almost exclusively by Jews. Trotsky is a Jew, as is Lenin also, despite the denials of his friends. And from these examples we may learn, if it be not too late, how dangerous it is to admit Jews into our councils. Yet what have we seen during the last two years? The Jews supreme at the Conference of Paris, checking the aspirations of the Poles, for instance, because a strong Poland is not acceptable to Jewry, considering always the oreed and the hopes of the

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