THE HOPKINSIAN MAGAZINE. VOLUME IV. : FOR THE YEARS 1831 AND 1832. REV. OTIS THOMPSON, EDITOR. ZFLH Hopkincian L Brandy and cholera, 447 Family of Adam, 461 Burning of the world, $31 Future state of probation, 264 Calvanism, morality of 112 God governs the hearts of men, 472 intends men shall choose, 309 care of his people, 513 488, 497 China, religion of 556 How we Congregationalists treat, Clarke, Dr. Adam 525 Agriculture in England, 447 Congregationalism, 273 Institute of Inst. 239 Current opinion, 551 Temp. Soc. 527,531 Connection between belief and practice, 228 As it should be, Aux. Bible Soc., Bristol Co. 222 432 Education, infant 282 Cherokees 256 |