صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

lovely shadow fled?


Hark! she bids all her friends adieu. [Continued.]


She justly claims our


The blooming wonder of her years, So soon enshrin'd among the dead, So soon enshrin'd among the dead,


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She justly claims one


Farewell, bright soul,

While travelling through life's varied road,

We lean upon our father's God;

On thee our steadfast hopes recline,
Nor own, nor ask, a help but thine.

Through all the thorny paths we trace,

In this uncertain wilderness,

Where friends desert and foes invade Revive our heart and guard our head.



trees of life bear fruits of love, And trees of life, and trees of life bear fruits

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Thus voices yet unform'd, shall raise
A grateful tribute to thy praise;
Our children learn their fathers' song,
And theirs, the cheerful notes prolong.

Thou Parent of the human race! Thou Fountain of exhaustless grace! Thy mercy, ages past have known, And ages long to come shall own.

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