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النشر الإلكتروني

cating ourselves. At day-light, on the 16th, 26°. above, until we dug out the entrance, when it fell to 159. above, while outside it was 25°. below. We again lighted our fire, and after sitting two hours in such thick black smoke that we could not see our feet, succeeded in making some tea which answered a double purpose, as it served to thaw some meat, which was frozen in the canisters. At 9, A.M. the gale was unabated, and the drift as severe as ever. The tent was half buried in snow, and I set all hands to work at digging out the sledge, but it was so deeply sunk that our efforts were unsuccessful, and in the attempts our faces and extremities were most painfully frost-bitten. With all these difficulties before us, Mr. Palmer and myself consulted together as to whether it would be most prudent to endeavour to pass another night in our present precarious situation, or, while we were yet able to walk, make an attempt to reach the ships, which we supposed were about six miles from us. We could not see a yard of our way, yet to remain appeared worse than to go forward, which last plan was decided on. At 30 minutes past 9, having placed all our luggage in the tent, and erected a small flag over it, we set out, carrying a few pounds of bread, a little rum, and a spade. The wind being now in our backs, we walked very briskly, and having an occasional glimpse of a very faint sun through the drift, managed to steer tolerably well. James Carr having loitered a little behind us, was suddenly missed, and by the most fortunate chance, we saw him running across our path in search of us, for had he been ten yards further off he might have been lost. After walking several miles, we came to grounded ice, and saw the tracts of Esquimaux men and dogs, but these were so confused that we knew not which marks to follow.

"Not knowing on which side the ships we had arrived, we feared to go to the southward or the eastward, and, accordingly, went as nearly west as possible, in which direction we again crossed tracks. We now wandered amongst the hummocks of ice, without knowing which tract to pursue, and suffering from cold, fatigue and auxiety were soon completely bewildered. Several of our party began to exhibit symptoms of that horrid kind of insensibility which is the prelude to sleep.-They all professed extreme willingness to do what they were told in order to keep in exercise,

but none obeyed; on the contrary they reeled about like drunken men.

"The faces of several were severely frost-bitten, and some had for a considerable time lost all sensation; in the the fingers and toes, yet they made not the slightest exertion to rub the parts affected, and discontinued their general custom of warning each other, on observing a discoloration of the skin. We continued for some time to employ them in building a snow wall, ostensibly as a shelter from the wind, but in reality to give them exercise, for standing still must have proved fatal to men in our circumstances. My attention was particularly directed to Serjeant Spackman, who having been repeatedly warned that his nose was frozen, had paid no attention to it, owing to the state of stupefaction into which he had fallen. The frost-bite had now extended over one side of his face, which was frozen as hard as a mask; the eye-lids were stiff and one corner of the upper lip, so as to expose the teeth and gums. My hands being still warm, I was enabled to restore circulation after which I used all my endeavours to keep him in motion, but he complained sadly of giddiness and dimness of sight, and was so weak as to be unable to walk himself. His case was indeed so alarming that I expected every moment he would lie down never to rise again. Our prospect now became every moment more gloomy, and it was too evident that four of our party could not survive another hour. Palmer, however, endeavoured with myself to cheer the people, but it was a faint attempt, as we had not a single hope to give them. We had less reason to fear immediate danger to ourselves in consequence of having fur coats instead of woollen ones. Every piece of ice or even small rock, or stone, was now taken for the ships, and we had great difficulty in preventing the men from running to the different objects which attracted them, and losing themselves in the drift. In this state, while Mr. Palmer was running round to warm himself, he suddenly pitched on a new beaten tract, and as exercise was indispensable, we determined on following it wherever it might lead us. Having taken the serjeant under my cloak, he recovered a little, and we moved onward; when only those who have been in a similar state of distress, can imagine our joy at finding the path led to the ships, at which we ar rived in about ten minutes. John Lee had two of his fingers so badly frost


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bitten as to lose a good deal of the flesh of the upper ends, and we were for many days in fear he would be obliged to have them amputated. Carr, who had been the most hardy while in the air, fainted twice on coming below, and all had severe frost-bites in different parts of the body, which recovered after the loss of skin, usual in those cases."

Notwithstanding the perils thus experienced, another expedition was contemplated, so soon as the weather should appear more favourable, and with the view of obtaining every possible information for their guidance, they endeavoured to make Iligliuk comprehend the use of European maps, and to make her understand that they wished her to trace on paper in a similar manner, the line of coast which lay beyond them; she very readily comprehended their meaning, and, to their surprise and satisfaction, brought the continental coast short round to the westward of their position, thus offering to them the satisfactory prospect of soon rounding the north eastern point of America, and accomplishing the object of the expedition.

On the 8th May, Captain Lyon again set out with a party of five seamen and three marines, but returned after an absence of 13 days, without having made any observations of importance. The ships were now preparing to get out of their winter quarters, and their neigh

bours, the Esquimaux, also set out for a distant part, which, they said, was a great many day's journey, and where they again expected the ships would fall in with them.

On the 1st July, the vessels cleared the ice, and on the second day, again fell in with their old party, the Esquimaux, who were almost frantic with delight at meeting them again. "I never saw them (says Captain Parry) express more surprise, than on being assured that we had left Winter Island only a single day, a circumstance which might well excite their wonder, considering that they had themselves been above 40 days in reaching our present station."

The vessels soon resumed their course, and in a few days fell in with a colony of Esquimaux, but by the cautious manner in which the canoes approached them, they were soon convinced that they were strangers to their residence in Winter Island. They were much pleased to find that it was Igloolik on which they were about to land, a place marked out by Iligliuk in the chart she drew for them, thus showing the correctness of her information. Their first surprise overcome, the natives received them with all that good humour, which was so remarkable in their more southern brethren.

Captain Lyon made a journey with some of them into the interior, and the

information he obtained served very strongly to confirm all that had before been understood from the Esquimaux respecting the existence of the desired passage to the westward in this neighbourhood, though the impossibility of his proceeding further in that direction, combined with their imperfect knowledge of the language, still left them in some doubt as to the exact position of the Strait they expected to meet with.

An extraordinary attraction of the compass was here observed, the needle indicating the ship's head to be S, W., at a time when if unattended by any local attraction, it should have been about E.

They soon after proceeded on their course, and about the middle of August reached what they conceived to be their ultimate object, viz. the extreme northern point of the peninsula, overlooking the narrowest part of the strait leading into the Polar Sea; and loaded as it was with ice, they already felt as if they were on the point of forcing their way through it, along the northern shores of America. This interesting event was hailed with three cheers by the ship's crews, an extra allowance of grog was distributed, and the passage received the name of "Strait of the Fury and Hecla." After, however, waiting the disruption of the ice with great patience, and making many excursions on foot along the coast, all of which still further served to convince them that the strait was perfectly continuous to the Western ocean, they had the mortification to find the season turn out extremely unfavourable, and winter set in upon them ere they could make any further progress. In this state of affairs, Captain Parry held a council with his brother-officers, as to whether they should winter where they were, or whilst they were still able, break through the ice in their rear, endeavour to explore other more open straits, and ultimately station themselves at Igloolik, to await the return of summer. The latter was decided upon," and their friends, the Esquimaux, greeted their re-appearance among them with every demonstration of joy: the winter was occupied in making observations.on the atmospheric phenomena peculiar to those regions. The Aurora Borealis frequently illumined their darkness with the most brilliant light; and double or reflected Moons, and other extraordinary appearances became of constant occurence. For want of a sufficient supply of food, symptoms of disease manifested

themselves among the natives, and our countrymen built an hospital on the shore for their relief.

The reader will recollect that the vessels were provisioned to the end of the year 1824, and taking all circumstances into consideration, Capt. Parry did not think himself warranted in detaining the vessels in those regions till that period; he, however, proposed to take the stores from Captain Lyon's ship, and send him home to report the progress already made; Captain Parry determining to remain and explore every inlet where there was the least chance of success. This was a bold project, and only frustrated by the appearance of the scurvy among the crews of both vessels; the medical men being consulted, gave it as their decided opinion that they should return home as soon as the weather would permit, believing the constitutions of the men to be affected by a two years residence in these regions, and the peculiarity of their diet. They there fore abandoned all idea of further research, got clear of the ice in August, and reached a British port on Friday the 10th of Oct. 1823, after an absence: of 28 months.

There is a sort of Append to the Narrative, giving some additional details of the peculiarities of the Esquimaux, which we must reserve for our next number.


(By WILLIAM James.)

Mr. James has completed, and published a Naval History of his country, up to the accession of George IV., in a manner highly creditable to himself, and serviceable to the country at large. The well remembered action between the Shannon and Chesapeake, is vividly recorded, and though the whole is too long for insertion; we shall give some portions. Captain Broke had sent a challenge to Captain Lawrence, which however did not reach him; but the latter observing the Shannon outside of Boston, came out purposely to engage her.

The action commenced with becoming spirit on both sides; but the ships getting foul, the Shannon's position enabled her to sweep the whole range of the American's decks with her shot.


Captain Broke now saw that the Chesapeake's quarterdeck division were deserting their guns. He instantly called

out Board!' and, accompanied by the first lieutenant and twenty men, sprang upon the Chesapeake's quarter-deck.Here not an officer or man was to be seen. Upon her gangways, about 20 Americans made a slight resistance.These were instantly driven towards the fore-castle; where a few endeavoured to get down the fore-hatchway, but in their eagerness prevented each other; a few fled over the bows, and reached the main deck through the bridle-ports; and the remainder laid down their arms and submitted. Between thirty and forty of the Shannon's marines quickly followed the first boarding party. These kept down the men who were ascending the main hatchway, and answered a spirited fire still continued from the main and mizen tops. The Chesapeake's fore-top was in the mean time, stormed by midshipman Smith and his top-men, about five in number; who either destroyed or drove on deck all the Americans there stationed. This gallant young man had deliberately passed along the Shannon's fore-yard, which was braced up, to the Chesapeake's also braced up; and thence into her top.

"After those upon the forecastle had submitted, Captain Broke ordered one of his men to stand sentry over them, and sent most of the others aft where the conflict was still going on. He was in the act of giving them orders to answer the fire from the Chesapeake's main top, when the sentry called lustily out to him. On turning round, the Captain found himself opposed by three of the Americans; who seeing they were superior to the British then near them, had armed themselves afresh. Captain Broke parried the middle fellow's pike, and wounded him in the face; but instantly received from the man on the pikeman's right, a blow with the butt end of a musket, which bared his skull and nearly stunned him. Determined to finish the British commander, the third man cut him down with his broadsword, and, at that very instant, was himself cut down by one of the Shannon's seamen. Capt. Broke and his treacherous foe now lay side by side; each although nearly powerless struggling to regain his sword, when a marine despatched the American with his bayonet. Captain Broke was not the only sufferer upon this occasion; one of his inen was killed, and two or three were wounded. Can it be wondered, if all that were concerned in this breach of faith fell victims to the indignation of the Shan

non's men? It was as much as their

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commander could do, to save from their fury a young midshipman, who, having slid down a rope from the Chesapeake's fore-top, begged his protection. Mr. Smith, who had also descended from the fore-top, and a seaman, were at this a time helping the captain on his legs. The seamen, while tying a handkerchief round his commander's head, called out, (pointing aft) There, sir, there goes up the old ensign over the yankee colours.' The captain saw it hoisting, (with what feelings may well be imagined) and was instantly led to the quarterdeck, where he seated himself upon one of the carronade-slides.

"The gallant first lieutenant of the Shannon (George T. L. Watt) was struck on the head with a grape-shot from one of that ship's fore-mast guns, while in the act of hoisting the British colours over the American. Another gun was discharged, unfortunately before the officer commanding that division knew of the Chesapeake's surrender; and three or four of the Shannon's men shared the lamented fate of Mr. Watt, besides several being wounded.


after the British colours were flying on board the Chesapeake, some of her men kept firing up the main hatchway, and killed a British marine. It was then, and not till then, that lieutenant (Chas. Leslie) Falkiner, who was sitting on the booms, very properly directed three or four muskets that were ready, to be fired down. Captain Broke, from his seat upon the carronade slide, told him to summon them to surrender, if they desired quarter. He did so. They replied,

We surrender;' and all hostility ceased. Soon after this, captain Broke's senses failed him from loss of blood; and the Shannon's jolly-boat arriving with a supply of men, (the two ships having separated, owing to the Chesapeake's quarter-gallery giving way) he was carried on board his own ship.

"Between the discharge of the first gun, and the period of captain Broke's boarding, eleven minutes only elapsed; and, in four minutes more, the Chesapeake was completely his. Hundreds of spectators from Boston and the surrounding neighbourhood, holding their watches in their hands, were astonished at the speedy termination of the firing; and the fact of the Shannon's first lieu tenant having been killed by a cannon- ... shot, as he was hoisting the colours on board the Chesapeake, clearly proves, that the firing did not cease till the very moment of victory!"



One day, after dinner at the Bellevue, a lively young Frenchman introduced me to a pleasant old gentleman, whom he called " Mon Oncle.'

Frenchmen are very loquacious at table, and during the act of eating; they reproach our countrymen with making a more serious business of a meal, and pretend that honest John does nothing but masticate his food and quaff his wine, either thinking profoundly the while, or enjoying the excitements of hunger first, and the pleasure accruing from repletion afterwards. They are wrong in this statement; well-bred persons resemble each other in all countries: but the Englishman enjoys the conversation over his dessert and wine; whilst the hasty Gaul makes play at first starting and gets on nimbly until coffee arrives, when he is off to some other pursuit with the activity of quicksilver. Mon Oncle was a thorough Frenchman, and his nephew brought him into action early in the first course, by observing how strange it was that he had never married, having a fine fortune, and so many advantages on his entering into life: "Il y a tant des filles aimables,' said he in concluding.



"Yes," replied the uncle, "they are all amiable and good-tempered when they are single, or rather on the list of promotion, but their defects come out afterwards. A long courtship is a most annoying thing, and yet it is the safest.' "But," interrupted the nephew, were very often on the point of marriage, how came you to break it off?" "Why,' resumed the old gentleman, "I had good cause each time, amounting in all to seven. My first flame was very ardent indeed, and, in consequence, it soon burned out. I was in love, because Aglae was admired by all the young beaux of the day; but she made an accidental remark which frightened me. Whilst dancing with her one evening, she said, 'Allons, we may dance two quadrilles running now, a time will soon come when we can be no longer partners in the dance.' 'The devil we can't,' said I, and immediately the idea of marrying a woman to be another man's partner came into my head, and shewed matrimony to me in rather an unfavourable point of view. She was a great coquette; I relaxed in my attentions, others redoubled their assiduities,

and we disentangled the unbending knot with mutual satisfaction.

“Virginia was a beauty of only fifteen, a saint, as her mother said; she had been immured in a convent until she was liberated to be married. The old duke, her father, never would allow her to speak to any man until the intended alliance with me was thought of, and even towards me there was such a reserve that it was quite freezing. His Grace was much embarrassed, and he required a rich husband for his daughter. But this young lady knowing nothing of the world, was not unlikely to grow giddy with admiration and the pleasures of high life, in a short time. It always struck me that it was my fortune and not myself (for she scarcely knew me) that she was to espouse, and I was determined to question and examine her closely on the subject. The result was just what I had anticipated, she was forced into the measure, and was resigned to enjoy affluence on the terms prescribed; but she had a tendre for a Captain of hussars, in spite of all the retirement, high walls, bolts and bars, which had surrounded her. I interrupted the bargain by declaring off, and I rather chose to meet an overgrown cousin, a colonel of dragoons, and to exchange shots with him, than to be made a convenience by the family of Point-d'argent.

"Love was now frightened out of ten years' growth, and I did nothing but flutter, when a very charming girl, Marie Josephine, was proposed to me. She was inferior in birth to me, but had much talent. All went on delightfully, until one day she indiscreetly mentioned so many things which she would do, whenever she married a man of rank and title, that it struck me that very little would be left for me to do, and still less to do it with. Now, as I had not absolutely made an offer of my hand in form, I could easily draw it out of the noose, and I retreated from Versailles, leaving Marie Josephine to marry another title, which was all that she looked for in me; she did so accordingly, and ruined Monsieur le Marquis in five years.


"The ensuing year, I fixed my choice on a lady, whose husband was an octogenaire; she was very handsome, and really fond of me, and as one might fairly calculate that the old man's lease could not be very long, my courtship was unusually interesting; one day, however, she discovered so much impatience at the tough constitution of what she called mon eternel mari, and acknow

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