صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني


Resolution relative to the brilliant achievements
of Captains Hull, Decatur, Jones, and Lieu-
tenant Elliott
Resolution requesting the President of the United
States to cause to be prepared and laid before
Congress a system of military discipline
Resolution requesting the President of the United
States to present medals to Captain William
Bainbridge, and the officers of the frigate Con-





[The small numerals point to the section-the figures
to the page.]


ALIEN ENEMIES, not entitled to benefit of proviso

contained in the act of July 6th,
1798; ch. CXXX 303.

APPORTIONMENT of representatives.


See Con-

APPROPRIATION, of $ 1,000 yearly for five years
for the library of Congress, ch.
III 4, 5.

Of $6,000 for compensating com-
missioners and assistants for ex-
ploring, surveying and marking a
road from the foot of the rapids
of the river Miami of lake Erie
to the western line of the Con-
necticut reserve, ch. VIII s. iii.
9, 10.

-Of $800 for opening a road
from the point where the United
States road from Vincennes to the
former Indian boundary line, esta-
blished by the treaty of Grenville,
strikes the said line, to the north
bend in the state of Ohio, ch.
XII s. ii. 15.

-Of $ 1,500,000 for the purchase
of ordnance and ordnance stores,
camp equipage and other quarter-
master's stores, ch. XVI s. i.
25, 26.

APPROPRIATION, of 8 400,000 for the purchase of

saltpetre and sulphur, for making
the same into powder, and for
ordnance and small arms for the
use of the navy, ch. XVI s. ii. 26.
-Of $ 1,400 to render effectual the
decision of the Secretary of the
Treasury in relation to Ezekiel
Hubbell and Nathaniel Goddard,
or either of them, ch. XIX s. ii. 30.
-Of $1,000,000 to defray the ex-
penses incurred in virtue of "An
act authorising the President of
the United States to accept and
organise certain volunteer mili-
tary corps," ch. XXI s. viii. 35.
-For contingent compensation to
commissioners and clerk, and for
defraying expenses incurred un-
der "An act for the revision of
former confirmations, and for con-
firming certain claims to land in
the district of Kaskaskia," ch.
XXII s. ii. 36.

-Of $ 108,772 for the expenses in-
cident to the six companies of
mounted rangers, during the year
1812, ch. XXIII s. i. 37, 38.
-For the support of the military
establishment of the United States
for the year 1812, including Ia-
dian Department, fortifications,
magazines, arsenals, and armo-
ries, &c. &c. ch. XXVI s. i. ii.
40, 41, 42.

For the support of an additional
military force, ch. XXVII s. i. iì.
43, 44.

-For the support of the navy for
the year 1812, ch. XXX s. i. 47,
48, 49.

APPROPRIATION, for the support of government

for the year 1812, ch. XXXIII s.
i. ii. 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58,
59, 60, 61, 62, 63.

-Of $ 60,000 for purchasing from
Winslow Lewis his patent right
to the new and improved me.
thod of lighting lighthouses, ch.
XXXIV s. ii. 64, 65.

For repairing great Hotel, ch.
XXXV s. ii. 66.

-Of $ 500,000 for the defence
of the maritime frontier, ch.
XXXVII s. i. 67, 68.

-Of $ 300,000 to equip and put
in service the frigates Chesapeake,
Constellation, and Adams, ch.
XLVII s. i. 89.

-Of $ 200,000 annually, for 1812,
1813, 1814, for purchasing ship-
timber, &c. ch. XLVII s. iii.
iv. 89.

-Of $ 1,000,000 to defray expen.
ses of calling out detached mili-
tia, ch. LV s. viii. 107.

Of $ 30,000 for the expenses of
the corps of artificers, ch. LIX s.
v. 114.

Of $7,752 for salaries of Secre-
taries of State, Treasury, War,
and Navy, ch. LXVI s. ii. 124.
-Additional of $ 30,000, under the
direction of the President, for
making the Cumberland road be-
tween Cumberland and Browns-
ville, ch. LXXVIII 162.
-Of $20,000 for expenses incur-
red under the act for the better
regulation of the ordnance, ch.
LXXXIII s. x. 174.

Additional for the support of go-
vernment for the year 1812, ch.

LXXXV 175, 176, 177.

APPROPRIATION, for redemption of Treasury

notes, ch. CXI s. viii. 258.

Of $ 20,000 for preparing, print-
ing, &c. Treasury notes, ch. CXI
s. ix. 259.

-Of $ 11,250 for raising an addi-
tional company of rangers, ch.
CIX s. ii. 278.

For discharging outstanding
claims for construction and repair
of the Capitol, President's house,
&c. ch. CXXI s. i. 279, 280.
-Of $1,000 to enable the President
to send certain Italian sculptors
home, ch. CXXI s. ii. 280.
Of $ 4,000 for defraying the ex-
pense of completing the sculpture
of the south wing of the Capitol,
to be contracted for by the super-
intendent under the direction of
the President, ch. CXXI s. iii.

-Of $ 4,000 for completing sculp
ture of the Senate chamber, &c.
ib. s. iv.

-Further for defence of the mari.
time frontier, for support of the
navy, repair of captured vessels,
&c. ch. CXXV s. i. ii. 295, 296;
sums appropriated not to be ap-
plied to any other object, s. ži.


-For safe keeping and accommo-
dation of prisoners of war, ch.
CXXVIII 298, 299.

Additional for the military esta.
blishment and the Indian De-
partment for 1812, ch. CXXXI
304, 305.

-Of $ 5,500 for paying commis-
sioners for selling stock in loan of
$11,000,000, ch. CXXXVI 312,


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