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النشر الإلكتروني

little considers at the time, that that piece of peel may be the cause of a broken limb, or even of death.

Children should love those who teach them, as they love the sciences which they learn of them; and to look upon them as fathers, from whom they derive not the life of the body, but that instruction, which is, in a manner, the life of the soul.

He, whose windows are made of glass, should never throw stones; in other words, before he begins to point out the failings of his neighbour, he ought to be well convinced that he has none of his own.

When we do any thing which our conscience disapproves, we become the destroyers of our own peace.

Truth is always consistent with itself, and needs nothing to help it out; it is always near at hand, and sits upon our lips, and is ready to drop out before we are aware; whereas, a lie is troublesome, and sets a man's invention on the rack, and one untruth needs a great many more to make it good.

We all complain of the shortness of time, and yet we have much more than we know what to do with. Our lives are often spent in doing nothing at all, or in doing nothing to the purpose, or in doing nothing that we ought to do. We are always complaining that our days are few, and acting as though there would be no end of them.

No other disposition, or turn of mind, so unfits a man for all the duties of life, as indolence. An idle man is a mere blank in creation, he seems made for no end, and lives for no purpose.

Whatever we see, reminds us of the lapse of time. The day and night succeed each other; the rotation of the seasons varies the year; the sun rises, attains the me-rid'-i-an, declines, and sets; and the moon, every night, changes its form.



Great Britain, it is supposed, was first colonized by the Celts, a people who, at that time, occupied Gaul, now called France, but they originally came from A'sia, and, in the course of time, spread themselves over the southern and western parts of Europe.

At what time this took place cannot be ascertained, but it is known that the Pho-ni"-ci-ans traded with the inhabitants of Cornwall for tin, many centuries before the Christian era.

The authentic history of England commences from the invasion of the Romans, which took place fifty-five years before the birth of Christ; previously to that time, no events were committed to writing, and all depended on tradition, that is, on verbal accounts handed down from one generation to another.

At the time of the invasion, the inhabitants of the south-eastern coast had made some progress in agriculture, producing considerable quantities of corn, and having large herds of cattle, but in the interior, they were in a much more degraded state, living in caves, and rudely built cottages, and in the summer season, leading a wandering life, seeking pasturage for their cattle.

Not cultivating the ground, their entire dependance for support was on their domestic cattle, on hunting and fishing, and on the herbs and fruits natural to the country; with regard to clo'-thing, in the summer season, they went nearly naked, staining their bodies with different colours; and in the winter, they clothed themselves with the skins of the different animals taken in the chase.

They were divided into tribes, each tribe being under a chief; in their religion they were Pagans, or worshippers of idols, and some of their religious rites were attended with great cruelty, frequently sacrificing human beings as offerings to their gods; their priests, the Druids, led a most abstemious life, and possessed great power over them.

When in this state, the Romans, a warlike people of It'aly, invaded the country, the army being commanded by the celebrated Julius Cæ'-sar; he was strongly opposed by the natives, but discipline prevailed, and they were obliged to promise submission to the Roman power.

Julius Cæ'sar having withdrawn his army, the natives resumed their courage, and threw off the Roman yoke, but the general returning the following year, they thought it prudent to sue for peace, and to agree to pay a yearly tribute to the Romans.

Julius Cæ'sar having again withdrawn his troops, the Britons remained unmolested until the year of our Lord 43, when the Romans again invaded the country, and met with the most vigorous resistance, but native courage could not stand against Roman discipline, and the Britons always came off the worst.

The whole of the country was not finally subdued until about thirty years afterwards, when A-gric'-o-la, a Roman general, distinguished for his courage and humanity, succeeded to the command of the army, and he won so much on the affections of the natives, that they adopted the Roman dress, and became reconciled to the sway of their conquerors.

The invasion of the Romans was ultimately of great advantage to the country, for the natives became well acquainted with agriculture, and were taught many useful arts, and, upon the whole, they might, in some degree, be called a civilized people.



The ear, the organ of hearing, is formed of a gristly substance, and admirably contrived for the purpose of collecting sound; the sounds collected strike the tym'parum, or drum of the ear, which is closely connected with the brain by means of nerves; thus the brain, the seat of our senses, is informed of all the sounds the ear can collect.

Such is the intensity of the cold, in the depth of winter, in the northern parts of Russia, that boiling water thrown up into the air, freezes before it reaches the ground.

Although mercury, or quicksilver, is always in a fluid state in this country, yet in very cold climates it will congeal or freeze till it becomes a solid body.

A French physician says that pain is mitigated by giving vent to our feelings, and that a person who groans freely, when in great pain, suffers less than one who endeavours to bear it in silence.

The toes of a waterfowl are united with a membrane or web, which enables it to strike the water the same as a fish strikes it, with its fins and tail.

Waterfowls are furnished with a kind of oil with which they anoint their feathers, and this makes the water run off, the same as it does from a well varnished carriage.

The fox hides himself in a cover, or hole in the ground, during the day, and sallies out in the night for the purpose of plunder.

In this country, ardent spirits are supposed to kill more persons than any single disorder, to which the human family is subject.

In Lapland, Norway, and other northern countries, the Au-ro'-ra Bo-re-a'-lis, or northern lights, afford considerable light to the inhabitants during their long and dreary nights in winter.

In country situations a draw well frequently supplies the place of a pump, and water is drawn up from it by means of a rope, and a deep kind of pail, called a bucket.

In this favoured country, no person can be legally punished until he be pronounced guilty of a crime, by a jury, consisting of twelve of his peers, or equals.

The plum in-di"-ge-nous, or natural to this country, is the sloe; the fine plums we now produce are the effects of engrafting slips, reared from the stones of foreign fruits, into native stocks, that is, sloe thorns.

We have a right and a wrong way placed before us, and we have our choice which we will take; the one leads to happiness, the other to certain misery.

The water of the Baltic Sea contains very little salt, and this makes it more liable to freeze, than that of other seas, in the same latitude.

Great events often proceed from simple causes; thus, acorns planted in the ground, vegetate, shoot up, and become stately oaks; these, when cut down, and formed into ships, are the wooden walls of Old England.

In the sixteenth century, many persons were burnt at the stake, for not conforming to the religious opinions of those in power-in the present day, we are at liberty to worship our Creator in that way which our conscience tells us is right, none daring to make us afraid.

When we lie down on our beds, how sweet it is to reflect that we have conscientiously endeavoured to perform the various duties of the day.

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