صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

Chiapeios, Morales passes through,

Chiapoton, a cacique, cf. Champo-
ton, II, 10

Chicora, II, 249

Chicorana, Francisco, native of
Chicorana, II, 258; describes
treatment to make giants, 267
Chieregato, Francisco, II, 25
Chillia razed to the ground by
Cortes, II, 339

Chilpit, bay of, note, II, 160
China, merchants from, II, 159
Chiorisos sends gifts to Balboa, I,

Chipico, Spaniards trade in, II, 160
Chirara, I, 323

Chiribichi, church constructed in,
II, 273; the residence of Ortiz,
332; tree culture in, 369 et seq.;
animals and plants of, 373 et seq.;
fish of, 378 et seq.; native customs
in, 382 et seq.

Chiriqui founded by Spaniards,
II, 213
Chitazae, I, 323

Chiurutecal, II, 79; description of,

Cholula, note, II, 79

Ciamba, native name for, I, 317
Ciampi, cited, note, I, 1; quoted,
note, 22

Cibao, I, 88, 108; fortification at,


Cifuentes, Iago de, appointed judge,

Ciguaia, caciques forced to take
refuge in, I, 127
Ciguana tribe, attacks made by,
Ï, 142; war make-up of, 143
Ciguano Mountains, 1, 106
Cinnamon growth of. II, 306
Cipangu of Haiti, I, 88, 108, 363
Ciuriza, guide for Balboa, I, 305
Clavigero, cited, note, II, 40, 42,
107, 136

Clavigo, Viera Y, cited, note, I, 59
Clelia, heroic case of, I, 80
Clement VII, Pope, note, II, 57;
compliments Peter Martyr's
work, 212

Clunium, a Galician port, II, 237
Coalcopoca, treachery of, II, 97;
execution of, 99

Coatelimasso, a cacique, II, 101
Cochin, spices from, I, 408; Magel-

lan at, II, 151; markets at, 165
Codego, I, 191

Codices Borgianus, note, II, 206
Codrus, a learned Italian, II, 299
Cogolludo, cited, note, I, 170, II,


Coiba Rica, I, 404

Colhuacan, see Coluacon
Colmenares, Roderigo de, arrives
at Uraba, I, 210; adventures of,
210ff; gold and slaves presented
to, 220; visits cacique Turvi, 228;
chosen as companion to Quevedo,
238; arrives in Spain, 246; men-
tioned, 408

Cologne, translations published in,
note, II, 213

Colua, Spaniards reach plain of,
II, 86; soldiers captured in, 145
Coluacan, cf. Oloa, Colhuacan II,

15; sacrifices in, 18; fifteen towns
in, 18; books from, 40; mentioned,
90, 91
Columbus, Bartholomew, called the
Adelantado, I, 114; province left
in his power, 115; constructs
blockhouse El Dorado, 116;
receives tributes from cacique
Guarionex, 116; returns to Con-
cepcion, 116; receives new orders
from his brother and sover-
eigns, 117; transfers residence
to Santo Domingo, 117; ex-
plores river Naiba, 118; meets
Beuchios Anacauchoa, 118;
entertained by Anacauchoa,
119ff; leaves for Isabella, 120;
arranges for invalids, 120; leaves
for Santo Domingo, 121; col-
lects tributes from caciquea, 121;
quells uprising of caciquea, 122;
receives tributes and food from
Anacauchoa, 123ff; entertains
Anacauchoa on shipboard, 126;
returns to Isabella, 126; defied
by Ximenes Roldan, 127, 128;
grave charges made against, 141;
sent to subdue Ciguana tribe,
142ff; war with Ciguana tribes,
144 tries to make peace with
Maiobanexius, 145; invades vil-
lage of Capronus, 146; captures
Maiobanexius and Guarionex,
147; put in irons and sent to
Spain, 149; opinion of, 272; sails
for Veragua, 326; disastrous voy-
age of, 327
Columbus, Christopher, plan of, I,
57; asks for ships, 57; sails on his
first voyage, 58; stops at the

Columbus, Christopher (Continued)
Canaries, 58; visits Hispaniola,
60; lands at Juana, 60; lands at
San Salvador, note, 60; one of
ships wrecked, 61; makes friends
with natives, 61ff; opinions of,
65; returns to Spain, 66; title of
Admiral conferred upon, 66; given
name of Adelantado, 66, 67; sails
on second voyage, 68; stops at
Hispaniola to explore, 69; dis-
covers Domingo, 70; other islands
discovered by, note, 70; discovers
Galana, 70; arrives at Guada-
loupe, 72; leaves Guadaloupe, 73;
passes many islands, 73; names
island of Montserrat, 74; dis-
covery of Santa Maria Rotunda,
74: names St. Martin but does
not stop, 74: names Antigua,
74; lands at Santa Cruz, 74, 75;
discovers San Juan or Puerto
Rico, 76; discovers death of
men left at Hispaniola, 78; sends
Melchior to Guaccanirillo, 79;
picks site for town, 83; sends
news to sovereigns, 84; founds
town at Santo Domingo, 87;
establishes post at San Tomas,
89; arrives at Alpha and Omega,
92; discovers the harbour San
Nicholas, 93; discovers Jamaica,
93; names and passes seven thou-
sand islands, 94; discovers har-
bour and lands, 94f; lands on
mountain, 98ff; wins approval of
natives, 102; ill from exposure,
104; Friar Boyl and Pedro Mar-
garita enemies of, 105; captures
murderers of Spaniards, 108;
builds blockhouse, Concepcion,
109; deserted by many of his men,
110; detained by destruction of his
ships, 114; confides government
of province to brother, 115; re-
turns to Spain, 115; sends in-
structions to brother, 117; granted
eight new vessels by King and
Queen, 128; orders new vessels
to Cadiz, 128; starts on third
voyage from Spain, 129; sails
from San Lucar de Barrameda,
130; first stop, Madeira, 130;
dispatches ships and provisions to
Hispaniola, 130; ships and men
suffer from heat, 131; discovers
and names Trinidad, note, 131;
lands at Punta del Arenal, 132;

attempts to make friends with
natives, 133ff; names strait
Boca de la Sierpe, 134; names
island Margarita, 134; takes
four natives of Paria with him,
135; his men entertained, by
Islanders, 136f; sails for His-
paniola, 137; reaches Cumaná
and Manacapana, provinces of
Paria, 138; reaches Curiana,
138; returns to Hispaniola, 140;
finds great disorder at Hispaniola,
141; grave charges against, sent
by Roldan to sovereigns, 141; begs
sovereigns to send soldiers to quell
offenders, 141; sends brother to
quell Ciguana tribes, 142ff; re-
leases beautiful captive which
restores peace, 148; put in irons
and sent back to Spain, 149; ex-
plored island of Guanassa, 185;
sails on fourth voyage for Veragua,
316; discovers Ciamba, 317; cap-
tures chief of Guanassa, 317; de-
scription of land and people,
318; discovers three rivers, 319;
leaves Ciamba, 319; discovers
Quatro Tempore, 320; discovers
Limonares, 320; discovers Miro-
bolan, 320; suspicious of people
of Cariai, 321; discovers Cera-
baroa and Aburema, 323; sails up
the Hiebra, 326; establishes him-
self on banks of Hiebra, 326
Columbus, Diego, a native of
Guanahani, 95; letter to, 391;
son of Christopher, viceroy of His-
paniola, note, 217
Columbus, Don Fernando, second
son of Christopher, II, 240
Comara, tempest in, 326
Como, Lake of, II, 283
Comogra, I, 218

Comogre, cacique of Comogra, I,
218; description of palace of, 219;
Spaniards entertained by, 219;
baptised by Spaniards, 224; death
of, 312; fort proposed in territory
of, 350; II, 199

Comoiaixa, a river in Cotohi, I, 377
Concepcion, one of Magellan's ships,
II, 152

Concepcion, new blockhouse called,
I, 109; capital of Hispaniola, II,
302; cinnamon in, 306

Contarini, Gaspar, ambassador of
Venice, II, 170, 195

Convalescence, River of, II, 302

Coquera makes peace with Balboa,

I, 288

Coral, the jurisconsult story of II,

Corales, a lawyer of Darien, I, 400
Cordoba, Francisco Fernandez de,
II, 6

Cordova, Pedro de, story told by,
II, 394

Cordilleras, the, note, I, 329
Corpophorus, holy relic of, I, 32
Cortes, Fernando, note, II, 5; a
judge in Cuba, 26; appointed
commander of fleet, 26; sails
for Mexico, 26; lands on Cozu-
mel, 26; makes peace with
islanders, 27; sends force to
rescue prisoners in Yucatan,
28; leaves Cozumel, 31; lands
at mouth of Tabasco River,
32; attacks natives, 33; ac-
cused of injustice to King,
48; letters from, 57; continues
expedition, 58; Cempoalans
come for protection to, 60;
orders ships burned, 61;
starts for Lake Temistitan,
62; received by vassal, 64;
receives gifts from caciques, 66;
attacked by Tascaltecans, 68ff;
pardons caciques, 72; takes pos-
session of Tascalteca, 74; discon-
tent of followers of, 74f; pardons
Zentegal, 76; receives gifts from
Muteczuma, 77, 84; decides to go
to Chiurutecal, 80; discovers plot,
81ff; fights with soldiers of Chíuru-
tecal, 82; reconciles people of
Tascalteca and Chiurutecal, 82;
starts for Temistitan, 84;
visited by Muteczuma's brother,
87; arrives at Temistitan, 93;
meets Muteczuma, 94; visit in
Temistitan, 94ff; Catamazin de-
fies, 103; receives gold from vas-
sals, 105; builds brigantines, 115;
visits temple with Muteczuma,
115, 118; overthrows idols, 118;
preaches God to the people of
Temistitan, 120; goes to meet
Narvaez, 129; chiefs refuse over-
tures of, 137; attacks towers, 139;
wounded in battle, 140; attempts
escape, 141; retreats from Ta-
cunia, 143; arrives at Tascalteca,
144; cordially received in Tascal-
teca, 145; marches against Tepe-
aca, 146; marches against Guac-

cachiulla, 147; marches to and
captures Izzuccan, 147; prepares
for attack on Temistitan, 149;
establishes camp at Tazcuco, 172;
digs canal, 173; besieges Tem-
istitan, 174; capture and rescue
of, 175; captures Temistitan, 175;
confirmed in command of New
Spain, 178; orders reconstruction
of Temistitan, 193; arranges for
defence of captured country, 195;
rumours concerning booty of,
277; controversy with de Garay,
279 et seq., 334 et seq.; burns
towns which refuse obedience,
339; adjusts difficulties with
Garay, 342ff; description of, 351;
great treasures possessed by, 352;
trying to restore Temistitan, 358;
sends force against Olid, 366; com-
plains of financial condition, 406;
enraged at Olid, 407; marches
against Olid, 408; rumoured death
of, 411

Cortes, Fernando, godson of Cortes,
II, 353
Coruña, I, 34
Corus, II, 9

Corvalano, I, 82

Corvinus, Matthias, King of Hun-
gary, I, 23

Cosa, Juan de la, I, pilot, Columbus,
I, 192; death of, 192; death of,
avenged, 193; maps made by, 192,
272; explorer of Cumaná, II, 276
Cosenza, Archbishop of, II, 299
Costa, Jorge da, Archbishop of
Braga, I, II

Cotochus, guide for Balboa, I, 305
Cotohi, land and people in, I, 376ff.
Cotoy, a district of Cahibo, I, 368;
gold from, 378ff.

Cotta, Francisco, I, 249
Cotubanama, note, I, 107
Coyohuacan, note, II, 91
Cozumel, cf. Acuzamil, II, 4, 12;
description of, 12ff; Spaniards
driven to, 26

Cromberger publishes letter of
Cortes, note, II, 150

Croy, Guillamme de, Sieur de
Chièvres in Spain, note, I, 38
Cuba, see Fernandina

Cubak, land about, I, 93, 389; de-
scriptions of, referred to, II, 247;
cinnamon in, 306

Cubagua, monster seen near, II, 378
Cubaho River, I, 366

Cubana, language in, I, 367
Cubao, a district of Hubabo, I, 367
Cubbiga, the river, I, 324
Cuchibacoa, I, 196; Cape, 272
Cuellar, Velasquez born in, note,
II, 5

Cueyba, a cacique of, note, I, 240
Cuitlahuac, see Venezuela, note, II,
Cuitlahuatzin, ruler of Iztapalapan,
note, II, 90, 137
Culata, I, 226

Cumaná, a province of Paria, I, 138,

157; reconnoitred by the Pinzons,
162; explored by Cosa, II, 276
Cumatana becomes Spanish sub-
ject, II, 126

Cundinamarca, note, I, 401
Cuoquibachoa, cited, II, 276
Curia, ecclesiastics of the, I, 8
Curiana, country called, I, 138;
food and customs of natives of,
152f; reconnoitred by the Pin-
zons, 162

Cybaho, a district of Cahibo, I, 368


Dabaiba River, or Rio Grande, II,
51; the, flows into Uraba, 318;
festivals held in sanctuary of,
318; Spaniards explore, 320
Dabaigua, a district in Bainoa, I, 368
Dacicus, I, 386

Dahaboon, a district of Cahibo, I,

Dahazio River, I, 366

Dahibonici, a district in Bainoa, I,

Darien, note, I, 87, 201; famine
threatened in, 215; help and re-
inforcements promised to, 224;
crops ruined in, 225; fruits, etc.,
of, 261ff; birds of, 265; gold-pro-
ducing rivers about, 332; meeting
held in, 350; site of, unhealthy,
Datha, King of Duhare, II, 259;

palace of stone belonging to, 262
De Calo et Mundo, cited, I, 65
De Legatione Babylonica, note, I, 264
Decourlitz, cited, note, I, 171
Demahus River, I, 366
Demogorgon, legend of the, II, 298
Deseado, discovery of, II, 15
Deza, Pedro Suarez, doctor ap-
pointed to Concepcion, I, 258

Diaguo, a district of Bainoa, I, 368
Diaz, Bernal, cited, note, II, 5, 6, 10,
11, 26, 45, 61, 107, 131, 136, 142,
144, 173, 363

Diodorus cited, note, I, 159
Diriangan visits Gonzales, II, 219;
turns against Spaniards, 232
Dobaiba, a cacique, flees from Span-
iards, I, 226; in plot to massacre
Spaniards, 233

Dobaiba, the river, I, 331; referred
to, II, 199

Domingo, discovery of, I, 70; Pedro
Arias lands on, 336

Dominican of Verona, cult of, I, 2
Dominican friars construct church,
II, 273

Don Juan of Portugal, a pupil of
Peter Martyr, I, 21

Don Juan, Infante, heir to Castilian
crown, note, I, 60
Dos Arboles, I, 388
Douro, II, 241

Duhare, natives of, II, 259; rites,
ceremonies of, 262 et seq.
Duiguni, a mountain chain, I, 372
Duraba, stream rich in gold, I, 326
Duran cited, note, II, 107
Duribba, the river, I, 324


Ebetere, Columbus coasts along
shores of, I, 324

Eccampi, name for Yucatan, II, 7
Ecumenical Council of Florence, I, 4
Eduins, case of, cited, II, 59

Egidio Antonini di Viterbo, II, 3
Egidius, Gonzales, see Gonzales, Gil
El Comendador, cacique baptised
and called, I, 240; gives hospi-
tality to Enciso, 240; becomes
Christian, 242

El Dorado, blockhouse at mines,
I, 116

El Zagal, see Abdullah
Elysius, Baptista, I, 166

Elysius, Joannes Baptista, I, 125
Embigar, Columbus coasts along
shores of, I, 324.

Emmanuel, chancellor of Valladolid,
II, 240

Enciso, fails to join Hojeda, I, 195;
returns to Uraba, 196; makes
peace with natives, 198; loses
provisions, 199; attacks natives
of Darien, 201; put in prison by

Enciso (Continued)

Balboa, 216; is released, sails for
Hispaniola, 216; has better for-
tune than others, 240; arrives in
Spain, 245

Enrique de Vedia, cited, note, II,
Enriquillo, a lagune, note, I, 370
Epileguanita, a zemes, I, 175
Eridus, Alpheus leaves, I, 388
Erythræan Gulf, red water of, II,

Escalante, Juan de, note, II, 97
Escobar, Diego de, people of, follow-
ers of Roldan, I, note, 128
Escudero, Juan, sentenced for trea-
son, II, 62

Esperanza, blockhouse at, I, 121
Espinosa, the licenciate, II, 236;

story told Martyr by, 327; letter
to, 338

Ethiopian seas, I, 92
Ethiopians, I, 133

Eucharist, the sacrifice of, II, 309
Euxine, the note, II, 24

Evangelista, discovery of, I, 101
Experiens, Callimachus, see Buona-



Fabié, cited, note, I, 376
Fajardo, Pedro, letters to, quoted,
note, I, 1, 26

Ferdinand of Aragon intervenes in
behalf of Beatrice, I, 23, 57; the
Catholic, note, 85; disagrees with
Portugal over discoveries, 259 ff.
Ferdinand and Isabella, see Prescott
Fernandez, Francisco, wounded by

natives, II, 11; Gonzales's lieu-

tenant, 415

Fernandina, or Cuba, II, 5; ex-

plorers return to, 11
Ferro, I, 59; Spaniards leave, 70
Feti, a village in Caribana, I, 400
Fidelius, holy relic of, I, 32
Figueroa, Lorenzo Suarez de, sent
as embassy to Venice, I, 31
Figueroa, Don Luis, leaves Jamaica
for San Domingo and Concepcion,
I, 42; II, 296

Figueroa, Ferdinando, II, 334
Filelfo, Franceso, famous Hellenist,

Fintiguanos, Chiaconus, entertains
Spaniards, I, 255

Fita, Padre, S. J., cited, note, I, 105

Florian, Jean, captures treasure.
note, II, 196

Florida, note, I, 140; island named
by Juan Ponce, II, 24; Garay ex-
plores coast of, 63; route between
Baccalaos and, 241; doves cap-
tured by natives of, 251

Foix, Princess Germaine de, I, 32;
marriage with King Ferdinand, 34
Fonseca, Juan de, Dean of Seville,
I, 67; enemy of Columbus, note,
149; receives envoys with great
honours, 246; Bishop of Burgos,
note, 354

Forli, Giovanni Ruffo di, Archbishop
of Cosenza, I, 39, 335; II, 299
Fortaventura, an island, I, 336
Fortunate Isles, meridian of, II, 238;
see Canaries

Fox, Captain G. V., note, I, 60
Francesca, wife of Gian Antonio, I,

Frederick II procures second edition
of Martyr's works, II, 245
Frederick III., of Aragon, King of
Naples, note, I, 85
Fuerteventura, I, 59

Fulvia, slave of Nuñez betrays
caciques, I, 234


Gachard, note, I, 36

Gaffarel, cited, note, I, 185, 337;
II, 50

Gaira, the river, I, 210, 341
Ganabra at Western extremity of
Hispaniola, I, 125

Ganges, Victoria crosses, II, 167
Galana, discovery of, I, 70

Galante named after ship, I, 391
Galeazzo, Gian, assassination of, I, 4
Galeazzo, Butrigario of Bologna, I,

Garay, Francisco de, expedition to
Panuco, note, II, 21; commanding
a squadron, 62; explores Florida,
63; attempts to found colony, 279
et seq.; quarrels with Cortes, 280;
reported death of, 282; Gov-
ernor of Santiago 332; ordered
to settle on banks of Panuco
River, 333; plans to rout Cor-
tes, 334; does not permit pillage,
338; arrives near Panuco, 338 et
seq.; sends two messengers to Cor-
tes, 342; received by Cortes, 342;
death of, 344

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