صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

ing on war, 185; his challenge to
Francis serious, ibid. ; his later de-
signs against France, ibid. ; his
outward calmness, combined with
vehemence of character, ibid. ; his
moderation in success, 186; his
reliance on the honour of Francis,
ibid.; his success in the war against
Solyman, 187; his characteristics
as a general, 188; his campaign
in Africa, ibid. ; his attention to
the naval resources of Spain, 189;
devotedness of his generals and of
his armies, ibid. ; his great military
resources, ibid. ; his repugnance
to warfare against Christian states,
ibid.; result of his measures in
Spain, in Italy, and in Germany,
190; his sway propitious to Euro-
pean freedom, 191, 193; his
Italian policy, 194; organizes
Italy as a federal state, 194, 195;
brilliant results of his government
in Italy, 195; imparts a new
impulse to the Spanish mind, 196;
sudden development of genius
and learning in Spain, ibid.; his
friends and confidants, 197, 198;
his love of thoughful, reserved
characters, 198; his sole aim in
Germany to avert a schism, 199;
his efforts to conciliate the Pro-
testants, ibid.; his zeal for the
Church, ibid.; opportunities of
curbing the ecclesiastical power in
Spain, 200; reason of his dilato-
riness, ibid.; violent fermentation
of mind throughout Europe, ibid.;
his desperate situation at the open-
ing of the Smalcald war, 201;
his unexpected triumph, ibid. ;
his moderation in victory, 202;
hinders the war from becoming
one of religion, ibid.; effects a
religious peace of half a century's
duration, 203; political error in
his treatment of the elector of
Saxony, ibid. ; he commits the
administration of Germany to his
brother, 204; his power in Ger-
many remained unbroken, ibid.;

his object in retaining the elector
of Saxony and the landgrave of
Hesse in captivity, 205; his last
contest with France unsuccessful,
ibid.; his retirement from the
world, 206; his social qualities,
ibid.; his greatness as a sovereign,
ibid.; honours paid to him on his
decease throughout Europe, 207;
his views as to the succession to
his estates, 215; aims at a federa-
tive union between the states
under the Austrian dynasty, 215,
216; necessity of the hereditary
principle, 215; disunion among
his posterity, 216.
CHARLES VI., the emperor,

his go-
vernment mild and conciliatory,
279; compared with Ferdinand II.
and Leopold I., ibid.; renovates
Hungary, 279, 280; directs his
chief attention to internal adminis-
tration, 282; his excessive reliance
on international treaties, ibid.

CHIVALRY, the third power of the
middle age, 102; its rise and de-
velopment, 103; its nature and
importance, ibid.; exemplified in
Richard Coeur de Lion, 106, 107;
the heroes of the middle age con-
trasted with those of antiquity,
107; its war of little political im-
portance, ibid.; its depth of inward
feeling, ibid.; its poetry a faithful
mirror of the age, 111; spirit
of, assumed various forms, 119;
in Spain, its tendency religious,
ibid.; in Western Europe adven-
turous, ibid.; in Germany patrio-
tic, ibid.; Rodolph of Hapsburg
and his immediate successors, 120;
Frederick the Fair, 123.
CHRISTIANITY, how influenced by
national character, 82; asceticism
of the Egyptians, ibid.; logical
acuteness of the Greeks, ibid.;
the ritual and ecclesiastical, ibid. ;
legislature of the Romans, ibid. ;
Christian organization of the do-
mestic and public life of the Ger-


mans, ibid.; its imperfect realiza-
tion by man, 114; compared with
Mahometanism, ibid.

CHURCH, union of, with the state in
the old German institutions, 81, 82;
contest between the popes and the
emperors, 99; feudal and eccle-
siastical duties of the bishops in-
compatible, 99, 100; bishops pro-
hibited from carrying arms, 100;
sale of bishoprics by the emperors,
ibid.; ecclesiastical rights of the
emperors, 102.

CIVILIZATION, three chief causes

of, 17; may be termed the age of
iron, 18; European, founded on
the primitive Germanic constitu-
tion, 29; slow development of,
in Western Europe, 63; language
a test of, 74, 75; in what it con-
sists, 117; comparison of the
middle ages with antiquity, 117,
118; growth of, 298; necessity
of large artificial states, 299; re-
lations of the state with the church
and with commerce, 300.
CLEMENT VII., his nepotism and
secular policy, 196, 199.
CLERGY under Charlemagne be-
came a separate estate, 81, 83;
were the depositaries of civiliza-
tion, 83; relations of, with the
nobility, 84; chief objects of their
calling, ibid.; the benefits result-
ing from their wealth in the middle
age, 85.

CONRAD, the emperor, election of,
89; magnanimity of, 90.
CONSTANCE, Council of, its condemn-

ation of the Hussites, 141; con-
tributed to revive the connection
between the several estates, ibid. ;
put an end to the schism, ibid.
CONSTITUTION of parliamentary es-
tates, excellence of, 131.
CRUSADERS, neglect of colonization,

104, 105; want of unity of plan,
105; their vast influence on civi-


lization, ibid.; their enthusiasm
and devotion, 106; love of adven-
ture, ibid.; motives of interest,

CRUSADES, causes of their failure,
108, 109; energies of the Span-
iards and Germans otherwise ab-
sorbed, 109; enthusiasm of the
Normans and French, ibid.; their
effects on the spirit of chivalry,
110; the three great military or-
ders, ibid. ; influence of the East on
European ideas, ibid.; their in-
fluence upon commerce and the
arts, 111, 112; furthered the
cause of freedom, 116; were the
means of accelerating anarchy,
ibid.; their influence on national
character, 130; effects of their
abandonment, 131.

DENMARK, growth of her power in
the times of the Hohenstaufen,
136; her influence superseded by
that of the Hanseatic League, ibid.;
disunion of the Scandinavian king-
doms, ibid.

EAST INDIES, trade with, its in-
fluence on the development of
national character, 130, 136; the
source of Portuguese prosperity,

ELIZABETH, Queen, inherited her

father's sentiments, 229; com-
pared with William of Orange,
ibid.; her heartlessness, ibid.
ENGLAND, its religious wars, 207,

208; predominance of the Protest-
ant party, 212; fermentation of
minds, ibid.; its peculiar relations
with America traceable to the Re-
formation, 225; hostility between
the two Protestant parties, 226;
absolutism of the Anglican party,
228; its resistance to Lewis XIV.,
280; happy effects of its alliance
with Austria, ibid. ; its intellectual
culture in the eighteenth century,

290; its steady equipoise in opin-
ion, ibid.; resistance to scepticism
from patriotic feeling, ibid.; her
separation from Austria, 295; pro-
bable results of a union with Hol-
land, ibid.; defects in her policy,
ibid.; her constitution, 302.
ENGLISH, their conquests and mili-
tary glory in the middle age, 132,

EUROPE, regenerated by the German

migrations, 5; causes of its civi-
lization, ibid.; primitive state of,
6; its primitive population, 6, 11,
12; its freedom, 7; contrasted
with Asia, 7, 8.

FERDINAND, the Catholic, his love
of absolute power,
of Charles V., was destined to in-
herit the Spanish throne, 174;
his fidelity to Charles V., ibid.
FERDINAND II. (the emperor), criti-
cal state of the empire at his elec-
tion, 245; his policy towards his
Protestant subjects, 249; his in-
fluence on the course of the Thirty
Years' War, 250; his heroism,ibid.;
his tenderness, ibid.; his eccle-
siastical advisers, ibid. ; his energy
in overcoming obstacles, 254; in-
sists on the restoration of the
church lands, ibid.

FEUDALISM, its excessive develop-
ment, 131; diminished sanctity of
the feudal tie, ibid.

FRANCE, rapid growth of royal au-
thority, 128; in the middle age
less civilized than Italy and Ger-
many, ibid.; the spirit of chivalry
less developed than among the
Normans and English, ibid. ;
career of the Maid of Orleans,
ibid.; establishment of despotism,
129; since Philip-le-Bel, its go.
vernment despotic, 190; was a
source of disquiet to Europe, ibid.;
its selfish policy, 191; political

character of the religious wars,
208; its immoral policy in religious
matters, ibid.; era of the belles
lettres commenced under Riche-
lieu, 211; divisions among the
Catholics, 226; contests between
the Jansenists and the Jesuits,
ibid.; comparison between the
moderate and the strict Catholic
party, 228; rise of a Spanish
party, ibid.; influence of Lewis
XIV. on French literature-philo-
sophy, 268; its literature, taste,
and art, 268, 269; parallel of the
intellectual culture of France and
Italy, 269; the separation of phi-
losophy and religion, 270; seeds
of the French revolution, ibid.;.
its irreligious school of literature,
289; parallel between Voltaire and
Rousseau, ibid.; its internal con-
dition in the eighteenth century,
293; adoption of the commercial
system, ibid.; fails in its rivalry
with England, ibid.; causes of the
failure of its new policy, 294; im-
mediate origin of the revolution,
294, 304.

FRANCIS I., his early career bril-
liant, 182; degeneracy of his cha❤
racter in his later life, ibid.; com-
pared with Charles V., 183; his
policy, ibid.; his ill success against
Charles, ibid.; his breach of faith,
ibid.; his envious disposition, ibid.;
his alliance with the Turks, 187.
three great national dynasties, 92;
arrived at unlimited power, 93;
laid the foundation of the contest
with the church, ibid.

FRANKS, mode of their conversion
to Christianity, 63; their yoke
rude and oppressive, 64; extent
of their kingdom, ibid.; their two
royal dynasties, the Merovingians
and Carlovingians, ibid.; virtues
and vices hereditary in families,
64, 65; development of the con-
stitution, 65; the old German


constitution unsuitable to later
times, ibid.; growth of the royal
authority, 65, 131; decay of the
order of freemen, 66; evils of the
spirit of conquest, ibid. ; extinc-
tion of the old nobility, ibid.; rise
of feudalism, ibid.; power of the
great feudatories, ibid.; their
kingdom not strictly hereditary,
67; their hatred of the Saxons,
67, 97; their law of succession,

FREDERICK THE FAIR(the emperor),

his chivalrous spirit, 122, 123.
FREDERICK IV., his policy, 143;
his singular character, ibid.; his
European influence, ibid.; his
negotiations and war with Charles
the Bold, 144; his love of peace,
ibid.; his friendship for Pius II.,

GAULS, sanguinary worship of, 26.
GENSERIC, barbarous policy of, 55.
GERMANY, its fertility, 14; its
mountain ranges, ibid.; its vast
forests, 15, 16; its climate, ibid. ;
its political importance, 22, 24.
GERMAN EMPIRE, idea of, derived

from Charlemagne, 70, 81, 85;
relations of church and state, 81,
82; the clergy a separate estate,
81, 83; the ecclesiastical order and
counterpoise to the nobility, 83;
nature of the nobility, 83, 84;
relations between the clergy and
nobility, 84; rapid rise of, 89;
its great emperors in the early
middle age, ibid.; advantages of
elective monarchy, 90, 98; de-
velopment of the hereditary prin-
ciple, 90, 92; its relations with
the neighbouring states in the
tenth century, 90; growth of, in
extent and power, 91, 96; parallel
between the three great imperial
dynasties, 92, 93, 94; its connec-
tion with Italy advantageous to


civilization, 94; its internal con-
dition under the Saxon emperors,
95, 96; colonization of Sclavonic
provinces, 96; rise of the order of
burgesses, 97, 98; nature of the
imperial power in the middle age,
97; its division into five great
national duchies, 97, 98; rela-
tions of the dukes to the emperor,
98; development of its constitu-
tion, ibid.; growth and prosperity
of the cities and towns, ibid. ; con-
tests between the popes and the
emperors, 99; feudal and eccle-
siastical duties of the bishops in-
compatible, 99, 100; sale of bi-
shoprics by the emperors, 100;
ecclesiastical rights of the empe-
rors, 102; right of the pope to
confirm the election of the empe-
rors, ibid.; consequences of the
disputes between the popes and
emperors, ibid.; European influ-
ence of the empire lost, ibid.; a
central power in Europe necessary,
191; power of the emperor pro-
pitious to general freedom, 192;
the papal power limited the impe-
rial, ibid.; its intellectual decay
after the Reformation, 211; out-
break of a religious war long de-
layed, ibid.; causes of the duration
of peace, ibid. ; abhorrence of the
Calvinists, 212; equality in power
of the religious parties, 227; the
religious peace a state of perma-
nent disunion, ibid.; disorganiza-
tion of the body politic, ibid.; its
great military resources in the
eighteenth century, 284; German
dynasties and German influence
in foreign states, 285; ambition
of Prussia and Bavaria, ibid.; the
virtual dissolution of the consti-
tution, ibid.; the national energies
limited to the acquisition of know-
ledge, 286; parallel between the
intellectual culture of the Germans
and French, 287; Leibnitz and
Grotius, 288; German philosophy,
290; its intellectual culture free

from any political direction, 291;
characteristics of the German
mind, ibid.


privileges of the nobles, 29,
their princely families, 30; their
royalty elective, ibid.; the Swiss
mountaineers and Swedish Dale-
carlians retained the primitive con-
stitution, 30, 31, 95, 96; basis of
their nobility, 31; nature of their
freedom, 31, 32; right of self-
defence, ibid.; duty of revenge,
31; mediatorial functions of the
state, 32; modern sentiment of
honour, ibid.; stringency of their
laws, ibid.; public duties, ibid.;
their leagues and confederacies,
32, 33; etymology of the name,
33; their brotherhood in arms,
34; the origin of feudalism, ibid. ;
their love of military enterprizes,
ibid.; social position of their wo-
men, 34, 35; their marriages and
wedding gifts, 35, 36; heroism of
their women, 36; their migra-
tions, 37, 38; their pacific dispo-
sitions, 37; their various wars
with the Romans, 40, 44; growth
of a German party in the Roman
empire, 44, 45, 53; the German
party particularly strong among
the Christians, 50; their close
intercourse with the Romans, 56;
their contempt for the Roman
dress, ibid.; their peculiar recep-
tion of Christianity, 82.
GERMAN language, version of the
Gospel by Ulphilas, its earliest
monument, 74; rise of, as a se-
parate tongue, 75, 76; encourage-
ment of, by Charlemagne, 70, 71;
early development of, 72; trans-
lations from the Latin frequent in
the Carlovingian times, 73, 74;
is compounded of two dialects,
75; origin of modern High Ger-
man, 76.
GERMAN poetry, encouraged by
Charlemagne, 70; heroic lays very
numerous, ibid.; "Wyne-lieder"
interdicted to nuns, ibid.; at-
tempts to substitute Christian
poems for the old national poetry,

GERMANS, primitive, vast results of
their migrations, 4, 5; their Asia-
tic origin, 13; motives for settling
in the extreme north, ibid.; their
deep love for nature, 16; not
savages, 17, 18; not to be com-
pared with American Indians,
ibid.; were acquainted with the
use of iron, 18; arms of, defen-
sive and offensive, ibid. ; their
various tribes not equally advanced
in civilization, ibid.; were ac-
quainted with the art of writing,
19; their alphabet in the Runic
character, ibid.; were acquainted
with the value of money, ibid.;
their commerce, ibid.; their houses,
towns, and forts, 19, 20; modern
ideas of their barbarism exagge-
rated, 20; their dress and orna-
ments, 20, 21; their poetry and
songs, 22, 27, 28; their faith and
worship, 23, 28; their religious
system contrasted with that of the
Greeks and Romans, 23, 24; their
worship similar to that of the
ancient Persians, 23; their repug-
nance to temples and images, ibid.;
their firm belief in a future life,
24; their conceptions of, sensual
and warlike, ibid.; their self-
devotedness, ibid.; the joys of
the Walhalla, ibid.; their con-
ception of God superior to that of
other heathen nations, 25; their
capital punishments, ibid.; their
deity the judge and avenger of
wrong, ibid.; origin of ordeals,
ibid.; their religious system wholly
different from that of the Gauls
and Celts, 26, 27; their human
sacrifices, 26; non-existence of
Druids or bards, 26, 27; the
chiefs themselves minstrels, 27;
their constitution, 29-32; judg-
ment of the Romans, 29, 65; the
rights of the freemen, 29; the

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