Miscellaneous Publications, المجلد 11851 |
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Academy acting pastor actions Ahmednuggur Amherst College Andover Theological Seminary April autumn Bangor Theological Seminary Baptist Church beauty born boys Cambridge Law School character CHORUS-Let's sing Class Cloud Cocachelunk Congregational church Conn Creative writer delineation DISQUISITION drive dull drive dull care earth Easthampton EDWARD fact fancy fiction flowers Fugleman genius GEORGE graduated there August heart Heaven HENRY High School hopes Hopkinton human ideal January January 13 jobbing house July June Lamplighter Licensed to preach LITCHFIELD LITERARY DISSERTATION little Eva little Gerty Married Mass mind Miss MUSIC nature Newton Theological Seminary night novelist novels ORATION ordained pastor P. O. address painter personages Phillipston poet poetry Prattsburgh Principal Putskie Representative writer scenes September sing of fifty-nine song Sophomore Sophs sorrows soul spirit star studied law Studied Theology teacher thee Theology at Andover thou thoughts Vandunke Williston Seminary
مقاطع مشهورة
الصفحة 220 - I love thee, Twilight ! as thy shadows roll, The calm of evening steals upon my soul, Sublimely tender, solemnly serene, Still as the hour, enchanting as the scene. I love thee, Twilight ! for thy gleams impart Their dear, their dying influence to my heart...
الصفحة 194 - The darksome pines, that o'er yon rocks reclin'd, Wave high, and murmur to the hollow wind, The wandering streams that shine between the hills, The grots that echo to the tinkling rills, The dying gales that pant upon the trees, The lakes that quiver to the curling breeze...
الصفحة 207 - Things that were born, when none but the still night, And his dumb candle, saw his pinching throes.
الصفحة 200 - So on he fares, and to the border comes Of Eden, where delicious Paradise, Now nearer, crowns with her enclosure green, As with a rural mound, the champaign head Of a steep wilderness...
الصفحة 223 - A FAREWELL TO TOBACCO. May the Babylonish curse Straight confound my stammering verse, If I can a passage see In this word-perplexity, Or a fit expression find, Or a language to my mind, (Still the phrase is wide or scant) To take leave of thee, GREAT PLANT!
الصفحة 220 - twere anew, the gaps of centuries ; Leaving that beautiful which still was so, And making that which was not, till the place Became religion, and the heart ran o'er With silent worship of the great of old — The dead, but sceptered sovereigns, who still rule Our spirits from their urns.
الصفحة 215 - Short swallow-flights of song, that dip Their wings in tears, and skim away ; " and they are so emphatically songs that, in reading them, we feel as if each must have a twin melody born in the same moment and by the same inspiration. Heine is too impressible and mercurial for any sustained production ; even in his short lyrics his tears sometimes pass into laughter, and his laughter...
الصفحة 219 - Thou haply mightst offend ; Though some speak ill Of thee, some will Say better ; — there's an end.
الصفحة 190 - That a copy of these resolutions be spread upon the records of the class, and that a copy of the same be sent to the parents of the deceased.
الصفحة 187 - Easthampton, he became hopefully pious, and united with the church in that place, of which he was a member at the tune of his death.