THE CHURCH OF ENGLAND QUARTERLY REVIEW: A Journal of Theology, Art, Science, and Literature. PARTRIDGE AND CO., PATERNOSTER ROW; NEW YORK: A. D. F. RANDOLPH. 1857. CONTENTS. The Monumental History of Egypt, as Recorded on the Ruins of her Temples, Palaces, and Tombs. By William Osburn, R.S.L., Author of "The Antiqui- 1. Sermon Notes. By the late Rev. James Scholefield, M.A., late Fellow of Trinity College, Regius Pro- fessor of Greek in the University of Cambridge, &c. 2. The Hulsean Lectures for 1856. By the Rev. Harvey 3. Better Times and Worse; or, Hints for Improving the Church's hold on the People. A Sermon preached |