صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني




Friend of the People.

"Let the whole earth be filled with His glory."


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THE Cheap Press has now fairly entered upon its mighty career of popular illumination. The schoolmaster is the ally of the printer, and by their united efforts they are destined ultimately to revolutionize the globe. At a day not distant, every child, it may be, in Great Britain will be able to read. A key will thus be put into the hands of each of all the millions of this gigantic empire, with which he may open the storehouse both of good and of evil, of truth and of error. There seems reason to fear, howthat, at the outset, the preference for evil will everywhere be in the ascendant; but the triumph of error is from its nature limited; it will be comparatively short-lived, while the reign of righteousness will be established through all the land and all the earth, and will never come to an end.


There is not much to be feared from the spirit of directly vicious and corrupt publications; their day, we trust, is over: the danger will be found to arise very mainly, if not wholly, from the negative, secular, and godless literature of the age-a literature which, while it utters nothing against Christianity, will say nothing for it, and it will specially avoid all approach to a statement of its peculiar, and soul-saving doctrines.

Such is our danger at the present hour; we have a mountain mass of publication, which offers no opposition to Christianity, but which carefully ignores its doctrines; although often professing to bear the standard of the Cross! Such works may interest, amuse, and excite, but it is impossible that they should save the souls of men They know nothing of God, or of Christ, or of the Holy Spirit; every line might have been written by a Greek or a Roman philosopher. The virtue they inculcate is purely heathen it comprises no grace, blood, or righteousness;

and hence it is not, and it cannot be, "the power of God to salvation."

Now, it is to meet this state of things that “The Christian's Penny Magazine" was established; while it is as cheap as the cheapest of these publications, it is infinitely better than the best, for it exhibits man in his true character, as represented by the sacred Scriptures, a lost, an undone, and yet an immortal creature! It teaches that no intellectual culture whatever, no mere moral change, can meet his case, and save him from the wrath to come; that he has broken the law, and is subject to the infliction of its penalties; that he must be regenerated by divine power, renewed in the spirit of his mind, and made “a new creature" in Christ Jesus. Having laid open his disease, it exhibits the remedy which infinite love has provided, the divinity of Christ, His incarnation, atonement, resurrection, righteousness, justification by faith in His blood, and sanctification through His Spirit.

Now, man, in his natural state, recoils from all this; it offends and disgusts him, and he will resist to the uttermost the overtures of mercy. He will not go in quest of such a publication; it must be pressed upon his notice with gentle hands and loving words. What is wanted is, that every reader of the PENNY MAGAZINE should become an agent for it. It may be recommended by various means. "Where there is a will there is a way" is an aphorism which may here receive abundant illustration. Once more we earnestly and confidently commit the little Favourite to the good offices of our generous and faithful friends, and look for a year of great prosperity. J. C.


The Committee of the Magazines have resolved to issue, gratis, a beautiful Portrait of Mr. Martin, Chairman of the Congregational Union, with the January Number of the "CHRISTIAN WITNESS."

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