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النشر الإلكتروني

thy man-servant, nor thy maid-servant, nor thy cattle, nor thy stran ger that is within thy gates.

11 For in six days the Lord made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is, and rested the seventh day, wherefore the Lord blessed the sabbath day, and hallowed it.

12 Honour thy father and thy mother; that thy days may be long upon the land which the Lord thy God giveth thee.

13 Thou shalt not kill.

14 Thou shalt not commit adultery.

15 Thou shalt not steal.

16 Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbour...

17 Thou shalt not covet thy neighbour's house, thou shalt not covet thy neighbour's wife, nor his man servant, nor his maid servant, nor his ox, nor his ass, nor any thing that is thy neighbour's.

513. 3 thou shalt not kill. It is the 2d pers. m. ny to slay, or to murder.

sing. fut. Kal of

514. n shalt not commit adultery, or commit whoredom with another's wife. It is the 2d pers. m. sing. fut. Kal of 8).


to steal.

n shalt not steal. It is the 2d pers. m. sing. fut. Kal of

516, yn shalt not answer. It is the 2d pers. m. sing. fut. Kal of My to speak in reference unto.

517. against thy companion. pref. 7 suff. an associate. Vide

num. 413.

518. Ty testimony, a witness, fem. y the same. Ty to testify. 519. p false. As a verb, to lie; also as a noun, a falsehood.

520. shalt not covet. It is the 2d pers. m. sing. fut. Kal of DR to desire earnestly.

521. and his ox. 1 pref. and 1 suffixed his. Me an ox. The Septuagint, and Junius, and Tremellius have taken in Gen. xlix. 6, also to signify an ox; our translators, Montanus, and the Vulgate, a wall; but it is more probable that the is merely formative, not radical; and that it should be rendered, extirpated a PRINCE, because then it accords with the history of Simeon and Levi, Gen. xxxiv. 25. who slew Shechem, a prince or head of a family, for which their father was obliged to fly away with his sons, to avoid the danger of retaliation. The Septuagint have in Hos. xii. 11. themselves rendered D princes or rulers; where our translators render it "bullocks." 522. 11 and his ass. I and. 1 suffix. an ass from to trouble, also wine.




15 נביא 523 מקרבך 524 מאחיך 525 כמני 526 יקים 527 לך 135 16 והוה 154 אלהיך 475 אליו 583 תשמעון: 528 ככל 97 אשר 40 שאלת 529 מעם 530 יהוה 154 אלהיך 475 בחרב 531 ביום 30 הקהל 532 לאמר 19 לא 159 אסף 533 לשמע 288 את 4 קול 289 יהוה 154 אלהי 534 ואת 4 האש 445 הגדלה 80 הזאת 306 לא 159 אראה 535 עוד 536 ולא 159 אמות: 537 17 ויאמר 19 יהוה 154 אלי 383 היטיבו 538 אשר 40 דברו: 367

523. 3 a prophet, an interpreter of God's will, a spokesman, from to prophesy.


pp from the midst of you. from. I you. p the inmost

.to aftfiroach קרב fiart, from

So אחים in construct. for אחי .of thy brethren. n of thy מאחיך 525

ver. 18, with on suffix. Sing. ns a brother, a kinsman, countryman, also like. As a particle, alas. П Chald. to consociate.

526. like me. as. Rule 173.me. Rule 34. D from. But when preceded by a particle, ID seems to be a mere expletive. It is

of or front ממנו,of or from her ממנה to distribute. Hence מנה from .212 .of or from me. Vide num ממני,him




will raise up. It is the 3d pers. sing. m. fut. of Hiphil of to rise. Vide rule 99. Postea ps is the first person.

528. jypen shall ye hearken, or obey. I paragogic. woon is the 2d

.288 .to hear. Vide num שמע pers. m. plur. fut. Kal of

529. nsw thou hast desired. It is the 2d pers. m. sing. Kal of

.to ask שאל


15 THE Lord thy God will raise up unto thee a prophet from the midst of thee, of thy brethren, like unto me, unto him ye shall hearken.

16 According to all that thou desiredst of the Lord thy God in Horeb, in the day of the assembly, saying, Let me not hear again the voice of the Lord my God, neither let me see this great fire any more that I die not.

17 And the Lord said unto me, They have well spoken that which they have spoken.

530. Dyp from. □ prefix, and by with, against, before. As a noun, the people, or those who are consociated.

531. in Horeb. in.

532. pn the assembly.

to collect.

Horeb. Also, to lie waste, or desolate.

prefix. p an assembly; as a verb, it is,

533. D I will not add, instead of N, vide rule 97. It is the first pers. sing. fut. Kal of 0 to gather.

534. my God, for "s. The two Yods coalesce. Vide rule 34, and its note. * my, and 'n' in construction for . Vide num. 3 and 475. apud Arabes, colere, adorare. Vide Kals' Gram.


I will not see. It is the first pers. sing. fut. Kal of 8. Vide num. 24.

536. my any more, yet again. From w yet, still, further.

537. D I shall not die. It is the first pers. sing. fut. Kal of n to die. Num. 214.

538. 10' they have well spoken, or done. It is the 3d pers. plur. preter Hiphil of a to do good; of the like import as 30. Vide num.

18 נביא 523 אקים 527 להם 135 מקרב 524 אחיהם 525 כמוך 539 ונתתי 540 דברי 367 בפיו 541 ודבר 367 אליהם 383 19 את 4 כל 97 אשר 40 אצונו: 542 והיה 19 האיש 236 אשר 40 לא 159 ישמע 528, אל 543 דברי 367 אשר 40 ידבר 367 בשמי 190 אנכי 294 אדרש 544 מעמו: 530

539. like me.

thee. very, from who. A particle postfixed to 1, 2, or 4.1 with the very. as or like the very. mph to the very. Also D in a pron.


is נתנתי for נתתי .19 .and I will hut. convers. Vid. num ונתתי .540 .276 .to give. Vide num נתן the first pers. sing. preter Kal of

541. D in his mouth. I his. in. ' in construct. for a mouth, plur. says Parkhurst, as 'w for ny a lamb or kid. But as of sometimes occurs, it is probable that and nouns in regimine.

the masc.
are both plural

18 I will raise them up a prophet from among their brethren, like unto thee and will put my words in his mouth; and he shall speak unto them, all that I shall command him.

19 And it shall come to pass, that whosoever will not hearken unto my words, which he shall speak in my name, I will require it of him.

542. 11YN I shall command him. 11 him. Rule 39. 188 for mys. Rule 102. It is the first pers. sing. fut. Kal of my to command. Vide num. 494.

543. same.

of, &c.


to or unto, is a particle from to interpose. is the is the, that, not, no, within, among, towards, against, because

I will require, is the first pers. sing. fut. Kal of w to require, or inquire.

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