صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

32. "Where's Van Bummel, the schoolmaster?".

"He went

off to the wars, was a great militia general, and is now in Congress."

33. Rip's heart died away at hearing of these sad changes in his home and friends, and finding himself thus alone in the world. Every answer puzzled him, too, by treating of such enormous lapses of time, and of matters which he could not understand. War-Congress! - he had no courage to ask after any more of his friends, but cried out in despair, "Does nobody here know Rip Van Winkle?"

34. "Oh, Rip Van Winkle!" exclaimed two or three, "oh, to be sure! that is Rip Van Winkle yonder, leaning against the tree."

35. Rip looked, and beheld a precise counterpart of himself as he went up to the mountain; apparently as lazy, and certainly as ragged. The poor fellow was now completely confounded. He doubted his own identity, and whether he was himself or another man. In the midst of his bewilderment the man in the cocked hat demanded who he was, and what was his name.

36. "God knows!" exclaimed he, at his wit's end; "I'm not myself I'm somebody else that's me yonder

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- that's somebody else, got into my shoes - I was myself last night, but I fell asleep on the mountain, and they've changed my gun, and everything's changed, and I'm changed, and I can't tell what's my name, or who I am!"

37. The by-standers now began to look at each other, nod, wink significantly, and tap their fingers against their foreheads. There was a whisper, also, about securing the gun, and keeping the old fellow from doing mischief; at the very suggestion of which the selfimportant man with the cocked hat retired with some precipitation.

38. At this critical moment, a fresh, comely woman passed through the throng to get a peep at the gray-bearded man. She had a chubby child in her arms, which, frightened at his looks, began to cry, Hush, Rip," cried she; "hush, you little fool; the


old man will not hurt you."

The name of the child, the air of the

mother, the tone of her voice, all awakened a train of recollections in his mind.

39. "What is your name, my good woman?" asked he. "Judith Gardener.”. “And your father's name?”

40. "Ah, poor man, his name was Rip Van Winkle. It is twenty years since he went away from home with his gun, and never has been heard of since. His dog came home without him; but whether he shot himself, or was carried away by the Indians, nobody can tell. I was then but a little girl."

41. Rip had but one question more to ask, but he put it with a faltering voice: "Where is your mother?” "Oh, she, too, had died but a short time since; she broke a blood-vessel in a fit of passion at a New England pedler."


42. There was a drop of comfort, at least, in this intelligence. The honest man could contain himself no longer. He caught his daughter and her child in his arms. 'I am your father!" cried he; 66 young Rip Van Winkle once - old Rip Van Winkle now! Does nobody know poor Rip Van Winkle?"

43. All stood amazed, until an old woman, tottering out from among the crowd, put her hand to her brow, and, peering under it in his face for a moment, exclaimed, “Sure enough! it is Rip Van Winkle -it is himself. Welcome home again, old neighbor. Why, where have you been these twenty long years?"

44. Rip's story was soon told, for the whole twenty years had been to him but as one night. The neighbors stared when they heard it; some were seen to wink at each other, and put their tongues in their cheeks; and the self-important man in the cocked hat, who, when the alarm was over, had returned to the field, screwed down the corners of his mouth, and shook his head; upon which there was a general shaking of the heads throughout the assemblage.

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1. IT might have confused a less modest man than Tom Pinch to find himself sitting next that coachman; for, of all the swells that ever flourished a whip professionally, he might have been elected emperor. He did not handle his gloves like another man, but put them on even when he was standing on the pavement, quite detached from the coach -as if the four grays were, somehow or other, at the ends of his fingers.

2. It was the same with his hat. He did things with his hat which nothing but an unlimited knowledge of horses, and the wildest freedom of the road, could ever have made him perfect in. Valuable little parcels were brought to him with particular instructions, and he pitched them into his hat, and stuck it on again, as if the laws of gravity did not admit of such an event as its being knocked off or blown off, and nothing like an accident could befall it.

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3. The guard, too! Seventy breezy miles a day were written in his very whiskers. His manners were a canter; his conversation a round trot. He was a fast coach upon a down-hill turnpike-road; he was all pace. A wagon could not have moved slowly with that guard and his key-bugle upon the top of it.

4. These were all foreshadowings of London, Tom thought, as he sat upon the box and looked about him. Such a coachman and such a guard never could have existed between Salisbury and any other place. The coach was none of your steady-going coaches, but a swaggering, dissipated London coach; up all night, and lying by all day.

5. It cared no more for Salisbury than if it had been a hamlet. It rattled noisily through the best streets, defied the cathedral, took the worst corners sharpest, went cutting in everywhere, making everything get out of its way, and spun along the open country

road, blowing a lively defiance out of its key-bugle, as its last parting legacy.

6. It was a charming evening, mild and bright. Tom could not resist the captivating sense of rapid motion through the pleasant air. The four grays skimmed along as if they liked it quite as well as Tom did; the bugle was in as high spirits as the grays; the coachman chimed in sometimes with his voice; the wheels hummed cheerfully in unison; the brass work on the harness was an orchestra of little bells; and thus as they went clinking, jingling, rattling smoothly on, the whole concern, from the buckles of the leaders' coupling-reins to the handle of the hind boot, was one great instrument of music.

7. Yoho! past hedges, gates, and trees; past cottages and barns and people going home from work. Yoho! past donkey-chaises drawn aside into the ditch, and empty carts with rampant horses, whipped up at a bound upon the little water-course, and held by struggling carters close to the five-barred gate, until the coach had passed the narrow turning in the road.

8. Yoho! by churches dropped down by themselves in quiet nooks, with rustic burying-grounds about them, where the graves are green, and daisies sleep—for it is evening—on the bosom of the dead.

9. Yoho! past streams in which the cattle cool their feet, and where the rushes grow; past paddock-fences, farms, and rick-yards; past last year's stacks, cut slice by slice away, and showing in the waning light like ruined gables, old and brown. Yoho! down the pebbly dip and through the merry water-splash; and up at a canter to the level road again.

10. Away with four fresh horses from the Bald-faced Stag, where topers congregate about the door admiring; and the last team, with traces hanging loose, go roaming off toward the pond, until observed and shouted after by a dozen throats, while volunteering boys pursue them. Now, with a clattering of hoofs and striking

out of fiery sparks, across the old stone bridge, and down again into the shadowy road, and through the open gate, and far away, away into the wold. Yoho!

11. See the bright moon! High up before we know it; making the earth reflect the objects on its breast like water. Hedges, trees, low cottages, church-steeples, blighted stumps, and flourishing young slips have all grown vain upon the sudden, and mean to contemplate their own fair images till morning. The poplars yonder rustle, that their quivering leaves may see themselves upon the ground. Not so the oak; trembling does not become him; and he watches himself in his stout old burly steadfastness, without the motion of a twig.

12. The beauty of the night is hardly felt when day comes leaping up. Yoho! past market-gardens, rows of houses, villas, terraces, and squares; past wagons, coaches, and carts; past early workmen, late stragglers, drunken men, and sober carriers of loads; past brick and mortar in its every shape, and in among the rattling pavements, where a jaunty seat upon a coach is not so easy to preserve. Yoho! down countless turnings, until an old inn yard is gained; and Tom Pinch, getting down quite stunned and giddy, is in London.



I BRING fresh showers for the thirsting flowers,
From the seas and the streams;

I bear light shade for the leaves when laid

In their noonday dreams.

From my wings are shaken the dews that waken

The sweet buds every one,

When rocked to rest on their mother's breast,
As she dances about the sun.

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