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النشر الإلكتروني

operate to the good of Ireland, she will observe it for its utility, an Irish parliament being then its best preservative. If, on the contrary, it be made, as at present, to sacrifice the many for the few, it will be viewed as a curse by the Irish people-an evil that must be got rid of, rather than a good to be embraced and cherished.

"At present we see those persons who deny a parliament to Ireland on which to rest her peace and happiness, self-poised and self-protected; we see them sedulous to change the state of the question, and to represent the repeal of the legislative union as a schism in the government. They would limit the people of Ireland entirely to England for benefits-whence, then, have come their wrongs? An Irish parliament, on the contrary, would be a bond of liberal connexion; it would settle every question of domestic policy at home, prevent strife and recrimination between both countries, secure to the affairs of Ireland, a degree of attention which however necessary, they do not and cannot obtain among the weighty concerns of a different people in a foreign legislature. It would remove the old opprobrious evil of legislation without representation; for wherever

this is partial and foreign, it is inadequate: as relates to Ireland, it is worthless mockery. Why was a borough-constituency vicious, but because it sent men to make laws for the people who did not represent the people, who were returned by a different body, and intent upon serving themselves and their employers.

The attributes of genius are not rare among the countrymen of Emmett, and time is constantly developing the resources of mind. The labors of intellect press onward for distinction, while names of high endowments are forced back to make room for new reputation. They alone will be remembered who have acted with an impulsive power on the destinies of their country and kind. Among those who first taught how to overthrow the misrule of Ireland, who exposed its cause and prepared its cure, Emmett is distinguished. He had great influence in the adoption of those measures which are still at issue between Ireland and her foes, and which, in part obtained, in part withheld, are determinative of her future happiness, as they shall finally fall or be signally successful.


Preparations for an outbreak-Devotion of the PatriotsCruelties of the day-Explosion of a Depot-The day of attack approaches.

THE different depots of Dublin, which Emmett hired for his purposed outbreak, were, at his sole expense, furnished with military pikes and handles, ammunition and clothing. In one of these depots gunpowder was manufac tured; in another, timber was prepared for constructing pikes; and in others, pikes, fire-arms and stores were deposited.

It must be observed of the numerous persons connected with those depots, that neither the certainty of an ample reward, nor the wavering instability common to men engaged in dangerous designs, could draw the discovery from the impenetrable recesses of their fidelity: an evident proof that the hearts of the people were with the project; or, perhaps it was that the departments of the police of Dublin, were all filled by men who had been deeply engaged in the cruelties of the preceding rebellion, and who, being on that account stigmatized and detested by the people, even those who were

secretly inclined to give information, were not willing to unbosom themselves to men whom they regarded with so much horror.

We cannot resist the temptation to insert the following narrative, as illustrative of the cruelties and abominations committed daily, and with impunity, upon the unfortunate people of that dreadful period. It is from the pen of a writer, who will not fail to interest, as he was an eye-witness to these revolting scenes:

"After walking about a mile, we came to a neat thatched cabin, situated in a very sequestered valley. A river ran before it, and a few aged trees shaded the simple roof. The door was open, and on our entrance, a peasant rose to receive us. He smiled as he handed me a chair, and looked inquisitively at my companion..

"Don't you recollect Mr. J-?' inquired the exile. This interrogation was followed by a momentary pause, during which Howlan seemed lost in reflection, after which he burst into an exclamation of surprise and pleasure.

"Oh! blud-an-ounze!' he repeated several times, is this yourself-your own four bones whole and sound after all? Well, well, I knew, I knew I should see you again, though I was

certain you were dead; and many is the paterand-avi I said for your soul, though I believe you are a Protestant. But where's the harm in that? did you not fight like any Roman for ould Ireland? and what more could a real trueborn Catholic do? Troth, some of them didn't do as much, the spalpeens, or we would'nt have now to begin again.'

"So, so, Howlan,' said the Exile, 'you haven't yet learned to be loyal ?'

"Loyal!' repeated the hero of Oulard, 'no, in troth, for it is not in my grain; and faith, I believe if I was paid for it, these stripes on my back would not let me. will get white feathers before Denis Howlan will forgive the Orangemen-bad luck to them.'

Oh, no, the crows

"I recollect,' returned the Exile, 'a part of your story, but the apprehensions I was under when I first heard it, prevented me from attending to the whole. Was not your father murdered ?'

"Murdherd!' repeated Howlan; 'ay murdherd over and over again; and wasn't I murdherd myself? But,' he continued, 'I'll just tell it all here to you both.' Then drawing his stool close to where we sat, he proceeded:

"My father, (Lord be merciful to his sowl

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