صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني



(Factories in which the employment of persons is restricted.}

In a part of a factory in which there is carried on

(a) the process of silvering of mirrors by the mercurial process; or (b) the process of making white-lead

a person under 18 years shall not be employed.

2. In the part of a factory in which the process of melting or annealing glass is carried on, a male person under 16 years of age and a female under 18 years of age shall not be employed.

3. In a factory in which there is carried on—

(a) the making or finishing of bricks or tiles, not being ornamental tiles; or (b) the making or finishing of salt

a female under 18 years of age shall not be employed.


In a part of a factory in which there is carried on

(a) any dry grinding in the metal trade;

(b) the dipping of lucifer matches

a person under 16 years of age shall not be employed.

5. No person under 16 years of age shall be employed at or in connection with any manufacturing process or machine where continuous casting from molten lead or any combination thereof is carried on in a printing establishment.


Chemists' shops; coffee-houses; confectioners; eating-houses; fish and oyster shops; fruit and vegetable shops; restaurants; booksellers' and newsagents' shops; tobacconists' shops; hotels.

2. An Act to make provision for the supervision and regulation of factories, bakehouses, laundries, dye-works, and shops; for the limitation in certain cases of the hours of working therein; to extend the liability of employers for injuries suffered by employees in certain cases; and for other purposes. (Assented to, 16th November, 1896.*)

3. An Act to provide a minimum wage for certain persons; to make better provision in certain cases for the payment of overtime and tea-money; to amend the Factories and Shops Act, 1896; and for purposes consequent thereon and incidental thereto. (Assented to, 24th December, 1908.*)

4. An Act to amend the Factories and Shops Act of 1896; and for other purposes. (Assented to, 29th December, 1909.*)

5. Factories and Shops Act, No. 3, 1896, and Factories and Shops (Amendment) Act, No. 28, 1909. Regulations.* (Assented to, 24th June, 1910.)

III. Netherlands

I. Besluit van den 20sten October, 1911, houdende wijziging van het Koninklijk besluit van 19 October, 1896 (Staatsblad No. 163), tot uitvoering der Stoomwet, zooals dit in verband met het Koninklijk besluit van 25 Juni, 1906 (Staatsblad No. 135), moet worden gelezen (Staatsblad No. 320).

Decree to amend the Royal Decree of 19th October, 1896 (Staatsblad, No. 163), respecting the administration of the Steam Act in the form in which the said Decree is to be read in connection with the Royal Decree of 25th June, 1906 (Staatsblad, No. 135). 20th October, 1911.

* The texts of these Acts are embodied in the Consolidated Act (see p. 165).


Besluit van den 16den December, 1911, tot bekendmaking in het Staatsblad van het op 26 September, 1906, te Bern gesloten internationaal verdrag nopens het verbod van het gebruik van witten (gelen) phosphorus bij het vervaardigen van lucifers (Staatsblad No. 361).

Decree to publish the international agreement respecting the prohibition of the use of white (yellow) phosphorus in the manufacture of matches, concluded at Berne on 26th September, 1906. (16th December, 1911.)

3. Besluit van den 16den December, 1911, tot bekendmaking in het Staatsblad van het op 26 September, 1906, te Bern gesloten internationaal verdrag nopens het verbod van nachtarbeid van vrouwen die in de nijverheid werkzaam zijn (Staatsblad No. 362).

Decree to publish the international agreement respecting the prohibition of the night-work of women in industrial employment, concluded at Berne on 26th September, 1906. (16th December, 1911.)

Vol. VII., No. 5.





[NOTE.-The German, French, and English editions of the Bulletin are referred to as G.B., F.B., and E.B., respectively.]

National Labour Legislation


I. Germany


Bekanntmachung betr. das Verfahren bei Anstellung, Kündigung und Entlassung von Angestellten und Beamten der Krankenkassen sowie bei Streitigkeiten aus deren Dienstverhältnissen. (Nr. 4011.) Vom 12. Januar

1912. (Reichs-Gesetzblatt 1912, Nr. 5, S. 150.) Notification relating to the method adopted for engaging, giving notice, and dismissing employees and officials of Sick Funds, and in the case of disputes arising out of their service conditions. (No. 4011.) Dated 12th January, 1912.


Bekanntmachung, betr. die Invaliden und Hinterbliebenenversicherung der deutschen Bediensteten ausländischer Staaten und solcher Personen, welche nicht der inländischen Gerichtsbarkeit unterstehen. (Nr. 4032.) Vom 6. März 1912. (Reichs-Gesetzblatt 1912, Nr. 13, S. 191.) Notification relating to the invalidity and survivors' insurance of German employees of foreign States, and of such persons as are not subject to the jurisdiction of the German Courts. (No. 4032.) Dated 6th March, 1912. The Federal Council has determined, in pursuance of §1231 of the Imperial Insurance Code, that German employees of foreign States and of such persons as are not subject to the jurisdiction of German Courts shall have to comply with the obligations of employers in regard to invalidity and survivors' insurance in conformity with the regulations of the fourth book of the Imperial Code.

3. Bekanntmachung betr. die Erhebung von Beiträgen zur Invaliden und Hinterbliebenenversicherung für Deutsche, die bei einer amtlichen Vertretung des Reichs oder eines Bundesstaats im Ausland oder bei deren Leitern oder Mitgliedern beschäftigt sind. (Nr. 4033.) Vom 6. März 1912. (ReichsGesetzblatt 1912, Nr. 13, S. 191.)

Notification relating to the collection of contributions for the invalidity and survivors' insurance of German subjects who are employed abroad by an official agency of the Empire or a Federal State or by the Directors or members of the same. (No. 4033.) Dated 6th March, 1912.

The Federal Council has determined, in pursuance of §§1436, 1228 of the Imperial Insurance Code, as follows:

German subjects who are employed abroad by an official Agency of the Empire or by the directors or members of the same, shall be insured at the Provincial Insurance Institute, Berlin.

German subjects who are employed abroad by an official Agency of a Federal State or by the directors or members of the same, shall be insured with that Insurance Institute which is competent for the capital of the Federal State.

2. Their employers shall pay the contributions in conformity with the regulations contained in the Imperial Insurance Code. They shall provide receipt cards for the insured persons and be responsible for the exchange of the


4. Bekanntmachung, betr. die Beschäftigung von Arbeiterinnen und jugendlichen Arbeitern in Glashütten, Glasschleifereien und Glasbeizereien, sowie Sandbläsereien. (Nr. 4036.) Vom 20. März 1912. (Reichs-Gesetzblatt 1912,

Nr. 14, S. 193.)

Notification relating to the employment of women and young workers in glass works, glass grinding and glass etching works, as well as in sand-blasting works. (No. 4036.) Dated the 20th March, 1912.

The Federal Council has resolved, in pursuance of §§120e and 139a of the Industrial Code, as follows:

The Regulations dated the 5th March, 1902 (Reichs-Gesetzblatt, p. 65), relating to the employment of women and young workers in glass-works, glassgrinding and glass-etching works, as well as in sand-blasting works, shall remain in force until the 1st April, 1913.

[blocks in formation]

1. Verordnung des Gouverneurs von Kamerun, betr. die Barlöhnung Farbiger. Vom 17. April, 1907. (Deutsches Kolonialblatt XVIII., Nr. 13, S. 608.) Order of the Governor of Cameroon relating to the payment of natives' wages in cash. (Dated 17th April, 1907.)

2. Verordnung, betr. Regelung des Trägerwesens. Vom 4. März 1908. (Amtsblatt für das Schutzgebiet Kamerun 1908, Nr. 2, S. 8.)

Order for regulating the system prevailing in connection with carriers. (Dated 4th March, 1908.)

3. Arbeiter-Schutz-Bestimmungen für den Bau der Kamerun -Nord -und Mittellandbahn. Vom 14. August 1909. (Amtsblatt für das Schutzgebiet Kamerun 1909, Nr. 24, S. 300.)

Regulations relating to the protection of workers in connection with the construction of the Cameroon Northern and Central Railway. (Dated 14th August, 1909.)


1. Vorläufige Verordnung des Kaiserlichen Gouverneurs von Deutsch-Südwestafrika, betr. die Anwerbung und Arbeitsverhältnisse der aus dem Ambolande kommenden eingeborenen Arbeiter. Vom 16. März 1911. (Amtsblatt für das Schutzgebiet Deutsch-Südestafrika 1911, Nr. 24, S. 309.)

Preliminary Order of the Imperial Governor of German South-West Africa, relating to the recruiting and working conditions of native workers from the Amboland. (Dated 16th March, 1911.)

2. Bekanntmachung des Gouveneurs, betr. Erläuterung der vorläufigen Verordnung vom 16. März 1911. Vom 16. März 1911. (Amtsblatt für das Schutzgebiet Deutsch-Südwestafrika 1911, Nr. 24, S. 311.)

Notification of the Governor to explain the preliminary Order, dated 16th March, 1911.* (Dated 16th March, 1911.)


Gouvernements-Verordnung, betr. die Einwanderung und Niederlassung von Chinesen in Samoa. Vom 1. März 1903. (Deutsches Kolonialblatt XIV., Nr. 8, S. 170.)

Order of the Governor relating to the immigration and settlement of Chinese in Samoa. (Dated 1st March, 1903.)


Verordnung des Gouverneurs von Deutsch-Neuguinea, betr. die Einwanderung und Einführung nicht einheimischer Eingeborener in das Schutzgebiet DeutschNeuguinea. Vom 1. November, 1908. (Deutsches Kolonialblatt XX., Nr. 4, S. 153.)

Order of the Governor of German New Guinea relating to the immigration and introduction of non-indigenous natives into the Protectorate of German New Guinea. (Dated 1st November, 1908.)




Der Minister für Handel und Gewerbe an die Herren Regierungspräsidenten und den Herrn Polizeipräsidenten in Berlin, betr. Krankheiten der Arbeiter in Tischlereien und Sägewerken. Vom 21. Juni 1911. (Ministerialblatt der Handels-und Gewerbeverwaltung 1911, Nr. 13, S. 257.)

The Minister of Commerce and Industry to the Presidents of Government districts and the President of the Police in Berlin, in regard to illnesses of workers employed in joineries and saw mills. (Dated 21st June, 1911.)

*Title E.B. VII., p. 185, No. 1.

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