THE PRESENT STATE OF THE GREEK CHURCH IN Russia, OR A SUMMARY OF CHRISTIAN DIVINITY; BY PLATON, LATE MÉTROPOLITAN OF MOSCOW. Translated from the Slavonian. WITH A PRELIMINARY MEMOIR ON THE ECCLESIASTICAL ESTABLISHMENT IN RUSSIA; AND AN APPENDIX, CONTAINING AN ACCOUNT OF THE ORIGIN AND DIFFERENT SECTS OF RUSSIAN DISSENTERS. BY ROBERT PINKERTON. EDINBURGH: PRINTED FOR OLIPHANT, WAUGH & INNES: LONDON. 1814. PREFACE. THE Author of the following translation and remarks having resided for many years in different parts of Russia, has had various opportunities of acquiring information respecting the principles and usages of the ecclesiastical establishment of that empire. When he arrived a few months ago on a visit to his native country for the sake of his health, it was suggested to him, that the publication of the knowledge he possessed on a subject hitherto little understood, would be highly acceptable and important, not only on account of the conspicuous and decided manner in which the Russian government has entered into the views, and adopted the plans, of the British and Foreign Bible Society, but on account of the interest naturally excited by recent public events, in every thing relative to |