صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني
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CHAP. IV. Gospel according to Matthew continued.




VIII. Miracles of Jesus recorded by this writer-Testimony of
the prophecies recorded in this Gospel-Prophecy of
the destruction of Jerusalem

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V. Nothing in this Gospel that can be deemed a prophecy, but

a few short sentences which seem to refer to futurity—

"Destroy this temple, and in three days I will raise it

up"-That the hour would come when men should neither
worship God in the mountain of Samaria, nor yet at Je-
rusalem-That the Jews, though they would not receive
him coming in his father's name, would receive another
Messiah, who should come in his own name-Our Lord's
assertion, that if a man keep his saying, he shall never
see death-His promise to his disciples of divine inspira-
tion after his death-His assertion, that his disciples
should be immediately scattered, every one to his own
home, and should leave him alone



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