Europe's Apprenticeship: A Survey of Medieval Latin with ExamplesT. Nelson, 1940 - 288 من الصفحات |
طبعات أخرى - عرض جميع المقتطفات
عبارات ومصطلحات مألوفة
abbey Abbot Alboin almonry school Archbishop Augustinian autem Benedictine Bishop brethren Canon Canon Law cathedral century Chapter Christ Church Cistercian clergy clerics Council Council of Basel decreed Deus dixit Dominus ecclesiae eius ejus English enim erat etiam exemplum expounded Franciscan frater French Friars fuit grammar haec hath Holy ignorance illa illi illo ipse Item exemplum Johann Busch language learned legatus letters Lollard Lord master medieval medieval Latin Middle Ages mihi monachus monastery monastic monks neque nihil nisi nobis Norwich Cathedral nuns omnes omni omnia Order papa papal Peredeo Pope prae Premonstratensian priest Prior propter quae quam quia quid quidam quod Ravenna Reformation saith scholars schools sibi sicut speech sunt tamen terra thee things thou tibi translated tunc unto vernacular vero vita vulgar tongue words writes