صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

(Mauritius Creole). "Crookid carlin,' quoth the cripple to his wife." (Scotch).

"That our Lord used familiar proverbs so often, is a hint to preachers that they should always keep in mind; for such simplicity and naturalness were the very soul of His addresses-His words about 'pulling the mote out of the eye' and 'the blind leading the blind,' in St. Luke's version of the sermon, were both in the same way proverbs of His day. 'It is written that in the days when men judged their judges, if a judge said to another, 'Cast the mote out of thine eye,' he would answer, 'Cast you out the beam from your own eye. So says the Talmud."-Cunningham Geikie, D.D. "All laws of optics notwithstanding, they see through the massive beam in their own eye, and in spite of it, if not indeed by means of it, detect, discern, demonstrate, and denounce the tiny splinter that lurks in the eye of a brother. The beam acts as a magnifying glass, and the splinter is magnified accordingly. They see through that glass darkly; but the darkness is not to them a darkness that may be felt."-Francis Jacox.

"In other men we faults can spy,

And blame the mote that dims their eye;
Each little speck and error find;

To our own stronger error, blind."

John Gay.

With what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged; and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured unto you. (Matt. vii : 2).

See Mark iv: 24; Luke vi : 38.




A double-minded man is a post in the mud swinging to and fro. (Telugu).

See James i: 8; iv : 8; Matt. v: 24.

The proverb is applied not only to men who vacil-
late but to those who seek personal advantage by
trying to follow two opposite courses of action.
"The word of an unstable man is a bundle of
(Telugu). "Riding two horses at the
same time." (Arabian). "Who stands hesitating
between two mosques returns without prayer.'
(Turkish). "Do not embark in two boats, for
you will be spilt and thrown on your back."

All seek their own object. (Sanskrit).

See Phil. ii: 21; I Cor. x : 24, 33; xiii : 5.

A match will set fire to a large building. (Marathi). See James iii : 5.

"A little fire burns up a great deal of corn." (Eng-
lish). "Of a spark of fire a heap of coals is
kindled." (Hebrew). "More than one war has
been kindled by a single word." (Arabian).
"A little stone may upset a large cart." (Italian,

As a man's heart is so does he speak. (Sanskrit).
See Matt. xiii : 34, 35; Luke vi : 45.

"That which is in the mind is spoken." (Persian).
"If better were within, better would come out.'

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(English). "As we are inwardly, so shall we appear outwardly." (Marathi). As the life is, so will be the language." (Greek).

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As is the king, so will the virtue be. (Telugu).

The reference being not to the king's virtue, but to the virtue of his subjects.

See Isa. xxiv: 2; Jer. v : 31; Hos. iv : 9.

"Such a king, such a people." (Latin). “Like
king, like law; like law, like people.' (Portu-
guese). "As the king, so are his people." (San-

A woman spins even while she talks. (Hebrew).
See I Sam. xxv.

Abigail sought her own interests while she talked
with David.

The proverb is not intended to teach feminine industry so much as shrewdness.

Blind with both eyes open. (Bengalese).

See Mark viii: 18; Rom. xi : 8.

This proverb is used not so much in referring to
people who lack spiritual discernment as in ad-
ministering reproof to those who, in excess of
anger or excitement, do not realize what they
are saying or doing.

Bread in one hand, a stone in the other. (German).
See Matt. vii : 7; Luke xi: II.

Can water be divided by a stroke? (Tamil).

See II Ki. ii : 8, 14; Exod. xiv : 16, 21; Josh. iii: 13,

Day and night are one to the Ruler. (Telugu).
The reference is to God, the Supreme Ruler.

See Ps. cxxxix: 12; Heb. iv : 13.

Do not think today of what you are to eat tomorrow. (Osmanli).

See Matt. vi: 25-34; Luke xii : 22-30.

See Contradicting Proverbs: "Never put off till tomorrow what you can do today."

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"You ought not to suffer today the grief which
belongs to tomorrow." "Enjoy the present time
and don't grieve for tomorrow." 'Who has
seen tomorrow?" (Persian). This last Persian
question is often used as an excuse for indulgence
in pleasure. "Enough for today is the evil
thereof." "Tomorrow never comes.'

tomorrow till tomorrow." (English). "To-
morrow will be another day." (Spanish).
"Tomorrow is a long day." (German). "The
provision for tomorrow belongs to tomorrow."

"Avoid inquiring what is to be tomorrow, and whatsoever day fortune shall give you, count it as a gain."-Horace.

"One today is worth two tomorrows."-B. Franklin. "Never leave that till tomorrow which you can do today."-Quoted by B. Franklin and by Lord Chesterfield.

Eat and drink and let the world go to ruin. (Arabian).
See Isa. xxii: 13; Luke xii: 19; I Cor. xv: 32.

Either friends like Job's friends or death. (Hebrew).
See Job ii: II.

Every Pharaoh has his Moses. (Persian, Osmanli).
See Exod. i: 1; xv : 27.

Everything forbidden is sweet. (Arabian).
See Prov. ix: 17, 18; xx : 17.

Except the thread of Mary there was none fit for the needle of Jesus. (Persian).

A proverb of respect for the Virgin Mary.

Father and mother are kind but God is kinder. (Danish). See Ps. xxvii : 10; Isa. xl : 11; xlix: 15.

Give to him that has. (Italian).

See Matt. xiii: 12; xxv: 29; Mark iv : 24, 25; Luke viii: 18.

God afflicts those whom He loves.


See Prov. iii: 12; Ps. xciv: 12; cxix : 75; Heb. xii : 6; Rev. iii: 19.

Good fruit never comes from a bad tree. (Portuguese).
See Matt. vii: 15-20; xii :33.

See also Bible Proverbs-New Testament: "The
tree is known by its fruit" and "Whatsoever a
man soweth that shall he also reap."
"Good tree, good fruit." (Dutch). "One knows
the horse by his ears, the generous by his gifts,
a man by laughing, and a jewel by its brilliancy.'
(Bengalese). "Will the tiger's young be without
claws?" (Tamil). "As the tree, so the fruit."
(German). “Of a good tree the fruit is also good."
(Modern Greek).

Good to the good and evil to the evil. (Persian).


See Exod. xxi : 24, 25; Levit. xxiv: 20; Deut. xix : 21; Matt. v: 38-42.

Great cry and little wool. (English).

See I Sam. xxv.

See also Quotation Proverbs: "Mair whistle than woo,' quo' the sauter when he sheared the sow."

"This is derived from the ancient mystery of David and Abigail, in which Nabal is represented as shearing his sheep, and the Devil who is made to attend the churl, imitates the act by shearing a hog. Originally the proverb_ran thus: "Great cry and little wool," as the Devil said when he sheared the hogs.""-E. Colham Brewer.

Hast given (the poor) to eat and to drink, accompany them on their way. (Hebrew).

See Gen. xviii : 5-8, 16.

This proverb was taken directly from the story of
Abraham's treatment of the three angels.

He has been weighed in the balances and came out wanting. (Osmanli).

See Dan. v: 27.

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