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refreshment. Not wishing to supply his need, she pleaded as an excuse that she had nothing to give, whereupon the soldier told her to mix eggs and butter and make gravy for sharpening, and give it to him. The reply of the soldier is said to have given rise to the saying.

One must wash even a dog's feet to gain a support. (Bengalese).

The retort of one who has been taunted with engaging in some mean or ignoble employment. It is sometimes used as an excuse for obsequiousness.

Say aye “No” and ye'll ne'er be married. (Scotch). A jocular response to one who has declined to accept a favour.

Seek your sa' where you got your ail, and beg your barm where you buy your ale. (Scotch).

Seek your salve where you got your hurt, and beg your yeast where you buy your ale.

"The surly reply of a person who has been shunned for some trivial or mistaken reason by one who is compelled by circumstances to apply to him for information or assistance."-Alexander Hislop. This retort seems to be an enlargement of the Scotch saying, "Seek your salve where you get your sore," which James Kelly claims to be used with the same import as the phrase, "Tak a hair o' the dog that bit you," or "Sober yourself by taking another glass.'

Send your gentle blude to the market and see what it will buy. (Scotch).

A retort to one who boasts of his ancestors.

Sweet words are in your mouth, but in your heart a razor's edge. (Bengalese).

A response to a hypocrite who speaks fair words to one whom he has slandered.

That's the way to marry me if ere you should hap to do it. (Scotch).

A reply to one who has been too familiar.

The geese is a' on the green, and the gan'er on the gerse. (Scotch).

A phrase used in refusing one who asks a gift.

The sky was kicked away by the kite. (Telugu).
An answer to an impertinent question.

They wist as weel that didna speir. (Scotch).

An answer to an impertinent question equivalent to "You would know as well had you not asked."

Very weel; thanks to you that speers. (Scotch).

I am very well-thank you for inquiring about my health.

Wash your face with the water of a stagnant pool. (Hindustani).

Used contemptuously in refusing to grant a request.

Weel enough, but nothing too wanton. (Scotch).

An answer to one who inquires about another's


What puts that in your head that didna put the sturdy wi't? (Scotch).

Sturdy-i.e. a disease in cattle. Giddy.

A question of surprise to one who has spoken of something about which he was supposed to be in ignorance. Sometimes used when one has made a foolish remark.

Whom do I exceed in plaguing dogs? (Persian).

A retort by one who has been accused of treating others with disdain, tormenting and oppressing them-equivalent to saying: "Those whom injure are not men but dogs, who are treated with greater severity by others than they are by me."

Wonder at your auld shoon when you hae gotten your new. (Scotch).

A reply to those who express surprise at your behaviour. It's time enough to wonder at the condition of your old shoes when you get a new pair.

Ye're come o' blude, and sae's a pudding. (Scotch).
A retort to one who boasts of his ancestry.

Ye're early with your orders, as the bride said at the church door. (Irish).

You a lady, I a lady, who is to put the sow out of doors? (Gallican).

A satire on pride used in response to anyone who objects to engaging in some lowly employment because of his social position.

"You a gentleman and I a gentleman, who will milk the cow?" (Turkish). "If I am master and thou art master, who shall drive the asses?" (Arabian). "I am a queen and you are a queen so who is to fetch the water?" (Hindustani).

You cackle often but never lay an egg. (English).

You have broken my head and now you bring a plaster. (Spanish).

You may catch a hare with a tabor as soon. (English).

See Curious Proverbial Similes: "Like a sow playing on a trump."

Hazlitt suggests that this retort may have arisen from the satirical drawing of a hare playing on a tabor.

"It is astonishing what may be effected by constant exertion and continually tormenting even the most timid and most untractable animals; for no one would readily believe that a hare could have been sufficiently emboldened to face a large concourse of spectators without expressing its alarm, and beat upon a tambourine in their presence; yet such a performance was put in practice not many years back, and exhibited at Sadler's Wells; and, if I mistake not, in several other places in and about the metropolis. Neither is this whimsical spectacle a recent invention. A hare that beat the tabor is mentioned by Jonson in his comedy of Bartholomew Fayre acted at the commencement of the seventeenth century; and a representation of the feat itself, taken from a drawing on a manuscript upwards of four

hundred years old, in the Harleian Collection, is
given below."—Joseph Strutt in Sports and Pas-

Following the above statement, Mr. Strutt gives a
copy of the picture to which reference was made.
"The poor man that gives but his bare fee, or
perhaps pleads in forma pauperis, he hunteth for
hares with a tabor, and gropeth in the darke to
find a needle in a bottle of hay."-Robert Greene.
"Environed about us, quoth he, which showeth
The nearer to the church, the farther from God.
Most part of them dwell within a thousand rod;
And yet shall we catch a hare with a tabor?
As soon as catch aught of them, and rather."
John Heywood.

The saying is also quoted by William Langland in
the fourteenth century.

You would spy faults if your eyes were out. (English). A rebuke to one who speaks ill of his neighbour.


"A begun turn is half ended," quo' the wife when she stuck her graip in the midden. (Scotch).

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"A jocular beginning of work, which, if it went
no further, would be long enough ere it were
Alexander Hislop.
"Weel saipet is hauf shaven." (Scotch). "Boldly
ventured is half won. "A good beginning is
half the work." (German). "Two parts of work
is to begin it." (Welsh). 'Begun is two-thirds
done." (Gaelic). "To begin a matter is to have
it half finished." "A man prepared has half
fought the battle." "To be lucky at the
beginning is everything." (Spanish). "It is a
small thing to run, we must start at the right
moment." A happy beginning is half the work."
(French). "For a web begun God sends thread."
(French, Italian). "A good beginning is half
the battle.' (English).

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"He who has begun, has half done."-Horace.
There are many variations of the phrase. "Well
begun is half done"-which is commonly used
in France, Italy, Germany, England, Spain,
Portugal, Denmark, Holland, America, and other
lands, but in all cases they can be traced to
Hesiod, who declared that "The beginning is
half of the whole."

After he had eaten and was reclining on the sofa, he said, "Thy bread has a smell of mastick." (Arabian). "Ruse the ford as ye find it." (Scotch). "Praise the bridge which carries you over." eaters seldom meet with a good dinner." (English).


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