صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني


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- Who's there, i' the name of Belzebub

Macbeth. 2 3

2 477 142 2 423 2 6 138 218 143 124 331225 3702 19

Bemadding. Of how unnatural and bemadding forrow the king hath cause to plain Lear. 3 1

946 156

Be-mete. Or I shall fo be-mete thee with thy yard

Tam. of the Shrew. 43

2712 2

Be-mock the modest moon

Be-mock't at stabs

Coriolanus. II
Tempest. 3 3

706 123


Be-maild. How she was be-mail'd

Tam. of the Shrew. 4 1

267 260

Be-monster not thy feature

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Bench by his fide

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- Who stand so much on the new form, that they cannot fit at ease on the old bench

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Bench't. Whom I from meaner form have bench't and rear'd to worship Winter's Tale. 1

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I am fettled and bend up each corporal agent to the terrible feat

Why do you bend such solemn brows on me

Or bend one wrinkle on my fovereign's face

And bend up every spirit to his full height
Towards Coventry bend we our course

That same eye whose bend doth awe the world

Tended her i' the eyes, and made their bends adornings

To our own selves bend we our needful talk

Except she bend her humour, shall be assured to taste of too

The revenging Gods'gainst parricides did all their thunders bend

- My thoughts and wishes bend again toward France

[blocks in formation]

Macbeth. 1

Winter's Tale. 51 359148
7 368 243
K. John. 4 2 403255
Richard ii. 2 1 421 161

Henry v. 3 1 520141
627 247

3 Henry vi. 4 8
Julius Cæfar. 1 2 743 153
Ant. and Cleop. 22 7761-57
Troil. and Creffid. 44 881115

Cymbeline. 2 6-898/2/52
Lear. 2 I 93929
Hamlet. 1 2 1002 110

Ibid. 1 2 1002 227

[blocks in formation]

The benediction of these covering heavens fall on their heads like dew Cymbeline. 55-927 145 Benedictus. Why Benedictus? you have some moral in this Benedictus M. Ado. Ab.Notb. 3 4 136 137 Benefactors. Do bring in here before your good honour two notorious benefactors

[blocks in formation]

Benefit. Either accept the title thou usurp'st of benefit proceeding from our king 1 H.vi. 55 5691-8

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Benizon. The bounty and the benizon of heaven to boot

Bennet, St. The bells of St. Bennet, fir, may put you in mind

Bent. Met us again, and, madly bent on us

- Her affections have the full bent

Two of them have the very bent of honour

I fee you all are bent to fet against me for your merriment

- Though my revenges were high bent upon him

[blocks in formation]

-Then let thy love be younger than thyself, or thy affection cannot hold the bent

-To your own bents dispose you

Our cannon shall be bent against the brows of this refifting town - Speak on with favour, we are bent to hear

Twelfth Night. 4 4 316 2 43
Winter's Tale. 12 336 13
King John. 2 1391 1
Ibid. 2 2 394 28


[eyes]-that met them in their bent the fatal balls of murdering basilisks Henry v. 5 2 538 148

Divinely bent to meditation

Lead on this preparation whither 'tis bent

I can give his humour the true bent

There is but one mind in all these men, and it is bent against Cæfar Julius Cajar. 2
With a power of high-resolved men, bent to the spoil

To fet his sense on the attentive bent

- But gives all gaze and bent of amourous view

Tit And. 4 4 849 240 864 19

But not a courtier, although they wear their faces to the bent of the king's looks

If that thy bent of love be honourable

In the full bent to lay our service freely at your feet

- They fool me to the top of my bent

Ben venuto. I will undertake your ben venutu

- Petruchio, I shall be your ben venuto

Richard ji. 37 654220
Coriolanus. I

1706 2 13

Julius Cæfar. 2

1 748 2 46

3 751158

Troilus and Creffid. 1 3

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Benvolio. D. P.

Romeo and Julit.


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Troil. and Creffida. 3

Bereaved. What can man's wifdom do in the restoring his bereaved sense

Bereft. Thee, of thy fon Alonso, they have bereft

- Madam, you have bereft me of all words

[blocks in formation]



976 142 411 252

427 252

21015241 2 873 130

Lear. 4 4 955241

All your interest in those territories is utterly bereft you; all is lost
O boy, thy father gave thee life too foon, and hath bereft thee of thy life too late

- You have bereft me of all words


Ibid. 2

everlastingly K. John. 57
Richard ii. 3
Hamlet. 2

Benummed wills

[blocks in formation]

2 Henry vi. 3


[blocks in formation]

Bergemask. Will it please you to fee the epilogue or to hear a

bergomask dance

Mid. Night's Dream. 5

1 1952 18

Be-rbimed. I was never fo be-rhimed fince Pythagoras' time

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Romeo and Juliet. 2
Richard i.

4 978 227


- Go mufter up your men, and meet me presently at Berkley
Berkley-castle. There stands the castle by yon tuft of trees, mann'd with three hundred

[blocks in formation]

Wholesome berries thrive, and ripen beft, neighbour'd by fruit of baser quality H.v. 1
Bertram. D. P.
All's Well.

Befcreen'd. What man art thou, that, thus befcreen'd in night, so stumblest on my

Henry v. 3 2 5212 2 Henry iv. 2 4 485133

Befresh'd. The town is beseech'd, and the trumpet calls us to the breach
Befck. I beseek you now, aggravate your choler
Bejeem. Ill it doth beseem your holiness to feparate the husband and the wife C. of Err. 5 1 117242
- Befide, fo qualify'd as may beseem the spouse of any noble gentleman T.of the Sbrew. 45 273 240

It would beseem the lord Northumberland, to say, King Richard

Richard it. 3 3 428227

[ocr errors]

Tempest. 1



2 187 19

1 510219 277

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- my jealoufy

[merged small][ocr errors][merged small]

Befide. Only be patient, 'till we have appeas'd the multitude, beside themselves with


Julius Cæfar. 3

[blocks in formation]

- Quite befides the government of patience

Cymbeline. 2

4 905 249

Beflubber. And then to beslubber our garment with it, and swear it was the blood of

true men

I Henry iv. 24

454 2 9

Befmear. My honour would not let ingratitude so much besmear it

Besmirch. And now no foil, nor cautel, doth besmirch the virtue of his will
Besmirch'd. Our gayness and our gilt are all besmirch'd

art 2 H.vi. 4

Merch. of Venice. 5 1 221 129 Hamlet. I 3 1004 156 Henry v. 43 532 1 17 7 596 1 16 Othello. I 3 1049 2 16 2 337 145 1182 58 2 868 1

Befom. I am the besom that must sweep the court clean of fuch filth as thou
Befort. With such accommodation, and befort, as levels with her breeding
Befpice. Thou might'st bespice a cup, to give mine enemy a lafting wink W's. Tale. 1

Bespoke. Then fairly I bespoke the officer

Bespotted. You speak like one bespotted on your sweet delights

Beft. You were best knock louder

Comedy of Errors. 5
Troi. and Cref. 2



Taming of the Shrew. 51 2747

What we oft do best, by fick interpreters, once weak ones, is not ours, or not allow'd

Ever at the best, hearing well of your lordship

Bested. I never faw a fellow worse bested

Beftirr'd. No marvel, you have so bestirr'd your valour

[blocks in formation]

Bestows. The boy is fair, of female favour, and bestows himself like a ripe sister

As You Like It. 43

- How might we fee Falstaff bestow himself to-night in his true colours

[blocks in formation]

244 2 13 482 243 65257


Julius Cæfar. 1 3 746 230

I will bestow you where you shall have time to speak your bosom freely

Beftorved. Our bloody coufins are bestow'd in England, and in Ireland

[blocks in formation]

Lear. 46 959249 Othello. 3 11059 138 Macbeth. 3 I 373 120 Lear. 2 4 945 240 Hamlet. 2 2 10152 27

Ibid. 4 3 1027 1 10

Troi. and Cref. 32 873 18

[blocks in formation]

Three times to-day I holp him to his horse, three times bestrid him

He bestrid an o'er-prest Roman, and i' the Consul's view flew three oppofers Cor. 2 2 715230

His legs bestrid the ocean

Never bestrid a horse, save one, that had a rider like myself, who ne'er wore rowel nor iron to his heel

Beftride. Like good men bestride our down-faln birthdom

[blocks in formation]
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Midf. Night's Dream. II

176 2 39

Merry Wives of Windfor. 3 3



Beteem. Belike, for want of rain, which I could well beteem them from the tempeft 1 2

of mine eyes

Bethink you of fome conveyance

[ocr errors]

Betbink. I will bethink me

'Twas bravely done if you bethink you of it

- Bethink you, I'll not be forsworn

[blocks in formation]

Measure for Measure. 22 84/1/30 143 222 989 136

Romeo and Juliet. 35

Betbought. And am bethought to take the basest and most poorest shape
Betbumpt. I was never so bethumpt with words

Betid to any creature in the vessel

- And let them tell the tales of woeful ages, long ago betid

- Neither know I what is betid to Cloten

Betide. A falve for any fore that may betide

- Ill reft betide the chamber where thou lyest

-If he were dead, what would betide of me

- And so betide to me, as well I tender you and all of yours

- O, now help, or woe betide thee evermore

Betideth. Reaking as little what betideth me

Betoffed. When my betossed soul did not attend him as we rode Betray. He will betray us all unto ourselves

- And my name be yok'd with his, that did betray the best

- Would not betray the devil to his fellow

Nor to betray you any way to forrow

- Yet she must die, else she'll betray more men

Betrayed. Repent, that e'er thy tongue hath so betray'd thine act - Alas, he is betray'd, and I undone

Betroths himself to unquietness

Betroth'd. We are betroth'd

- to her, my lord, was I betroth'd ere I faw Hermia

Lear. 2 3 942215


King John. 2 2 3942 54 Tempest. 1 2 Richard ii. 5 1435 119 Cymbeline, 4 3 919 160 3 Henry vi. 46 626 121 Richard iii. 1 2 6362 I Ibid. 1 3 63812 Ibid. 2 4 648 23 Titus Andronicus. 42 846255 Two Gent. of Ver. 4 3 40142 Romeo and Juliet. 5 3 995231 All's Well. 4 1 296 122 Winter's Tale. 12 338 147 Macbeth. 4 3 381235 Henry viii. 3 168715 Otbello. 5 21075239

Ant. and Cleop. 27 7811 13 21076/2/22

Othello. 5

Much Ado About Nothing. I 3 125 118

Two Gent. of Ver. 24

Midf. Night's Dream. 4


31148 191133

- You know, my lord, your highness is betroth'd unto another lady of esteem 1 Hen. vi. 5 656926

Better. I tell you all, I am your better, traitors as ye are

If this penetrate I will confider your music the better

- Better'd

- Striving to better, oft we mar what's well

Better-day. Her smiles and tears were like a better day

Betters. All in this prefence are thy betters

3 Henry vi. 5 5 630259 Cymbeline. 2 3 902250

Much Ado About Nothing. 1 1 121 121

Lear. 1 4 938151 Ibid. 4 3 955140 576 127

2 Hemy vi. 1 3

Between. For there is nothing in the between but getting wenches with child W.'s Tale. 3 3
Beverage. If from me he have wholesome beverage, account me not your fervant Ibid. 1
Bevis. D. P.

337 218

346 254


2 Henry vi.

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Henry viii. 1

[ocr errors][merged small][merged small]

- Have at thee with a downright blow as Bevis of Southampton fell upon Ascapart Ib. 2
- That Bevis was believ'd

Bevy. None here, he hopes in all this noble bevy, has brought with her one care

[blocks in formation]

Ibid. 1 4

Julius Cæfar. 1 2 742 159 Richard iii. 1 3 641 1 12 Ibid. 1 4 643 113 Otbello. 4 21071218 2 Henry vi. II 573 118 3 Henry vi. 3 3 620 155 Twelfth Night. 3 4 3232 23 wither'd up

- Look how I am bewitch'd, behold mine arm, is like a blasted sapling,

Bewitchment. I will counterfeit the bewitchment of some popular man
Bewray. Here comes the queen, whose looks bewray her anger

[blocks in formation]

Richard iii. 3 4 652159 Coriolanus. 2 3 717 155 2 Henry vi. 1


3 Henry vi. 3 3 620 138

Our raiment and state of bodies would bewray what life we have led since thy exile

Write down thy mind, bewray thy meaning fo

Did not thy hue bewray whose brat thou art

- He did bewray his practice

- Tom, away: mark the high noifes; and thyself bewray

Bezonian. Under which king, Bezonian? speak or die

Great men oft die by vile Bezonians

Bianca. D. P.

- D. P.

Bias. Study his bias leaves

But nature to her bias drew in that

And that my fortune runs against the bias

4 D

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

And bid false Henry battle

A. S. P. C. La

Troi. and Creff. 1 3861/2/54

Ibid. 45 881143 Ibid. 45 882248 Lear. 1 2 933239

Twelfth Night. 4 2 328 1 17

2 Henry vi. 1 1 57316 As You Like It. 5 2 246 251 3 Henry vi. 3 3 621225 662 1 37

Save for a night of groans endur'd of her, for whom you bid like forrow Rich. iii. 44

Bidding. I shall not break your bidding

- Go, do your bidding, hence

Swear by this sword, thou wilt perform my bidding

Leave me, and think upon my bidding

Thy biddings have been done

Your bidding shall I do effectually

Come, fellow, be thou honest: do thou thy master's bidding

- Do his bidding, strike

Bide. And bide the penance of each three year's day

[blocks in formation]

Bigot, Lord, D. P.


All's Well. 2 5

Winter's Tale. 2 1

290 18 340 121

Ibid. 2 3 343 146

Ibid. 2 3 343245

Antony and Cleop. 14772 111

Titus Andronicus. 4485027 Cymbeline. 34 909254 Ibid. 3 4 9101 2 Love's Labor Loft. 1 148 2 12 Twelfth Night.I 5 311121 3 Henry vi. 22 612 126 Lear. 3 4 948 1 36

[blocks in formation]

Big-fwoln. For scarce I can refrain the execution of my big-fwoln heart
Bilbery. There pinch the maids as blue as bilbery


3 Henry vi. 2 2 61227

Merry W. of Windfor. 5 5 71236

Bilbo. To be compass'd like a good bilbo, in the circumference of a peck, hilt to point

Bilboes. I lay worse than the mutines in the bilboes

Ibid. 3 5 64136 Hamlet. 5 2 1037 1 6

Bile. Thou art a bile, a plague-fore, an emboffed carbuncle, in my corrupted blood Lear. 24 945 122

Billeted. Retire thee; go where thou art billeted

Billets. I will have more time to prepare me, or they shall beat out my brains with billets

Billiards. Let us to billiards

[blocks in formation]

Billing. What, billing again?

Billows. Who take the ruffian billows by the top, curling their monstrous heads 2 H. iv. 31 488 114

[blocks in formation]

When shall we go to Cheapfide, and take up commodities upon our bills
All our bills-knock me down with 'em; cleave me to the girdle Tim.
Bin. And every thing that pretty bin

Bind. To bind our loves up in a holy band
Biondello. D. P.

Richard ii. 3 2 427 2 17

2 Hen. vi. 4 7 59715

of Athens. 34 815254

Cymbeline. 2 3 902 246

Much Ado About Nothing. 3 1 132239

[blocks in formation]

And shew the world what the bird hath done to her own nest
Poor bird! thou'dft never fear the net nor lime, the pit-fall, nor the gin Macbeth. 4 2 379 251

O, Westmoreland, thou art a fummer bird

I heard a bird fo fing, whose music to my thinking, pleas'd the king

For both of you are birds of the feather

Such a pleasure as encaged birds conceive

2 Henry iv. 44 498 151

Ibid. 5 5 50721

3 Henry vi. 3 3 620253

Ibid. 4 6 625 21

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