صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

Confections. Our great king himself doth woo me oft for my confections

A.S. P. C. L.

Cymbeline. 1 6 898135

If Pifanio have, said she, given his mistress that confection which I gave him for cordial, she is serv'd as I would serve a rat

Confectionary. But myself, who had the world as my confectionary

Confederacy. I stood i' the level of a full charg'd confederacy

Ibid. 5 5 926134

Confederates. By the way we met my wife, her sister, and a rabble more of vile confe

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Tim. of Ath. 4 3 822224

Henry viii. 1 2

674 2 Σ

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I will confess what I know without constraint, if ye pinch me like a pasty, I can fay no more

If I confess much, you will play the tyrant Confeffed. If it be confessed, it is not redressed

All's Well. 4

Troilus and Creff: 3

Merry Wives of Wind. I

He hath confefs'd himself to Morgan, whom he supposes to be a friar

Confeffion. That loves his mistress more than in confeffion

There is a kind of confeffion in your looks, which your modesties enough to colour

He made confeffion of you

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Troi. and Creff. 1 3

864 129

Hamlet. 2 2 1013 126

All's Well. 4 3

have not craft

Ibid. 4 7 1032 130

Confeffor. O, that your Lordship were but now confeffor to one or two of these H. viii. 1 4 6772 17 Confidence. The next time we have confidence

Merry Wives of Wind. 1 4 51224

I would have some confidence with you, that decerns you nearly M. Ado About Notb. 35 13627 I make my wager rather against your confidence, than her reputation Cymbeline. 1 5 8972 6 If you be he, I defire some confidence with you

Confident. Be confident to speak

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The Douglas and the Hotspur both together are confident against the world in arms

These three, three thousand confident, in act as many

1 Henry iv. 5 1 468227
Cymbeline. 5 3 921115
308 228

Twelfth Night. 1 3
2 Henry iv. 4 I

Confine. I'll confine myself no finer than I am
Confin'd. To us and to our purposes confin'd
Confiners. The senate hath stirr'd up the confiners, and gentlemen of Italy Cymbeline. 4 2

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918 147 807 228 700 235

Much Ado About Noth. 5 4 14524

Curiolanus. I


797158 Comedy of Errors. 1 1 103126 Ibid. 1 2 104 245

If thou dost shed one drop of Christian blood, thy lands and goods are by the laws

of Venice, confifcate

And let it be confiscate all, fo foon as I have receiv'd it

Merch. of Venice. 4 1 217 165
Cymbeline. 5 5 927116

Confixed. Let me in safety raise me from my knees;-or else for ever be confixed here

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Confounded. As fearfully, as doth a galled rock o'erhang, and jutty his confounded bafe

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And by such two, that would, by all likelyhood, have confounded one the other, or have fallen both

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Confufion. Who, all for want of pruning with intrusion, infect thy sap, and live on thy confufion

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A. S. P. C. L.

Confufion. And vast confusion waits (as doth a raven on a sick-fallent ck-fallen beast) the eminent

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Othello. 2 11052 123

Much Ado About Nothing. 32 133255

Congregate. He rails even there where merchants most do congregate

Congregated sands

Congregation. In the congregation where I should wed-there will I shame her

- Before the whole congregation shame her with what he saw o'ernight

- To shew bare heads in congregations

- of vapours

Congreeted. That, face to face, and royal eye to eye, you have congreeted
Congruent. I spoke it, tender Juvenal, as a congruent epitheton

Ibid. 3 3 135 154



Coriolanus. 3 2 723 1
Hamlet. 2 2 10132
Henry viii. 525382 3

Love's Labor Loft. 1 2 1502 I

-The pofterior of the day, most generous fir, is liable, congruent, and measurable for the afternoon

Congruing in a full and natural close, like mufick

Conjointly. Both conjointly bend, your sharpest deeds of malice on this town
Conjunct. When he, conjunct, and flattering his displeasure tript me behind
- I am doubtful that you have been conjunct and bosom'd with her
Conjunction. List to this conjunction, make this match

- Heav'n smile upon this fair conjunction

- Now all my joy trace the conjunction

Conjunctive. She is so conjunctive to my life and soul - Let us be conjunctive in our revenge against him Conjuration. Mock not my senseless conjuration, lords

- I do defy thy conjuration

- An earnest conjuration from the king

Conjure. Dost thou conjure for wenches, that thou call'st for fuch store

-I conjure thee leave me, and be gone

Some scholar would conjure her

To conjure tears up in a poor maid's eyes

My way is to conjure you

Ibid. 51 165 160 Henry v. 1 2512 226 K. John. 2 2 394 122 Lear. 2 2 941232 Ibid. 5 1 961 132 K. John. 2 2 394 156 Richard ii. 54 669228 Henry viii. 3 2 688 240 Hamlet. 4 7 1031155 Othello. 1 3 1050254 Richard ii. 3 2 426231 Romeo and Juliet. 5 3 995221 Hamlet. 5 210372 8

Com. of Errors. 3 1

109 153

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Mid. Night's Dream. 3 2 1862 14
As You Like It. 5 4 2502 3
Win. Tale. 1 2 338 123

I conjure thee by all the parts of man which honour does acknowledge

And whereupon you conjure from the breast of civil peace fuch bold hoftility 1 H.iv. 4 3 4662 5

If you would conjure in her, you must make a circle

Devil, or devil's dam, I'll conjure thee

And conjure thee to pardon Rome

'sfoot I'll learn to conjure and raise devils

- Nay, I'll conjure too

- The ape is dead, and I must conjure him

Conjured. He hath conjured me beyond them, and I must need appear

Conjurer. Between them they will kill the conjurer

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Unless you can find sport in their intents extremely stretch'd and conn'd with cruel


Midf. Night's Dream. 51 19315

- Have you not been acquainted with goldsmiths wives, and conn'd them out of rings

As You Like It. 3 2 236 115

- You were us'd to load me with precepts, that would make invincible the heart that conn'd them

- Learn'd and conn'd by rote

Coriolanus. 4 1 726 135 Julius Cæfar. 4 3 759 246

Conquered. If we be conquer'd, let men conquer us, and not these bastard Britains R.ii. 5 3 669 1 8 Conqueror. For Henry, son unto a conqueror, is likely to beget more conquerors Hen.vi. 56 569255 Conquest. Faith, 'tis a conquest for a prince to boast of

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A. S. P. C. L.

Confcience. My conscience will serve me to run from this Jew my master Mer. of Ven. 22 202/2/27 - My confcience hanging about the neck of my heart

- But, were my worth, as is my confcience, firm, you should find better dealing

Ibid. 2 2 202 240

Twelfth Night. 3 3 322 148

The colour of the king doth come and go between his purpose and his confcience

- Whom confcience and my kindred bids to right

The guilt of confcience take thou for thy labour

With confcience wide as hell

- They are our outward confciences, and preachers to us all

My confcience tells me you are innocent

King Jobn. 4 2 4032 38
Richard ii. 2 2 423 2 49

Ibid. 56 440 111

Henry v. 3 3 521256

Ibid. 4 1 527 23

2 Henry vi. 3

He is but naked though lock'd up in steel, whose conscience with injustice is corrupted

- The worm of confcience still begnaw thy foul

- 'Faith, fome certain dregs of confcience are yet within me

characterized by one of the murderers of Clarence


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Every man's confcience is a thousand swords, to fight against that bloody homicide

O coward confcience, how dost thou afflict me

My confcience hath a thousand several tongues

- Confcience is but a word that cowards use

If I have a confcience, let it sink me, even as the axe falls, if I be not faithful

No, his confcience has crept too near another lady

The marriage with his brother's wife has crept too near his confcience

But confcience, confcience, O 'tis a tender place, and I must leave her

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I feel within me a peace above all earthly dignities, a still and quiet confcience Ibid. 3

I'll haunt thee, like a wicked confcience still, that mouldeth goblins swift as frenzy thoughts

- Heaven and my confcience knows thou didst unjustly banish me

My confcience! thou art fetter'd more than my thanks or wrifts

- Now my heavy conscience sinks my knee, as then your force did

2 692 140

Troilus and Creff. 5 11 8911 10
Cymbeline. 3 3 909 1 22
Ibid. 5 4 921249

Ibid. 55 928 1 2

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Confent. The wealth I have waits on my consent, and my consent goes not that way

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Their consent of one direct way should be at once to all the points o' the compass Cor. 2

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Confequence. Some consequence, yet hanging in the stars, shall bitterly begin his fearful

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Confidering. Many maz'd confiderings did throng, and press'd in with this caution H. viii. 2

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- with me in loud and dear petition

-Yes, madam, he was of that confort

Confort. And must for aye confort with black-brow'd night

A. S. P. C. L.

Mid. Night's Dream. 3 2 188/2/21
Trvi. and Greff. 5 3 88724

Lear. 2 1 940 114

- Thou wretched boy, that didft confort him hence, shall with him hence Rom.and Jul. 3 1 983 1 2

Conforted. With all the rest of that consorted crew, destruction straight shall dog them

at the heels

Richard i. 53 438 128

- Who to Philippi here conforted us

Julius Cæfar. 5 1 762 250

Conforteft. Thou confort'st with Romeo

Romeo and Jul. 3 1982 125

Confpectuities. What harm can your bisson conspectuities glean out of this character Cor. 2 1 712 215

Confpiracy against Alonzo prevented by Ariel

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- open-eyed

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- Now for conspiracy, I know not how it tastes

Winter's Tale. 3 2 3442 34

- The difficulty of concealing

Julius Cæfar. 2 1 747 2 14

Confpirant 'gainst this high illustrious prince

Lear. 5 3 9632-43

Conftable. In cafe to justle a conftable

Tempest. 3 2


- Who think you the most desartless man to be constable

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Charge to

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Ibid. 54 44 122

327 227

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I cannot now prove constant to myfelf
Were man but conftant, he were perfect
Make the trial of it in any conftant question

you are, but yet a woman

But I am conftant as the northern star

Midf. Night's Dream. 51

Julius Cæfar. 2 3

Twelfth Night. 4 2


I Henry iv. 23 451156

- That I was conftant Cimber should be banish'd, and constant do remain to keep him


- We have this hour a constant will to publish our daughters several dowers

Conftantinople. Shall go to Constantinople, and take the Turk by the beard
Conftellation. I know thy conftellation is right apt for this affair

Conftitution. Elfe nothing in the world could turn so much the constitution of any con

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- Bring his conftant pleasure

Ibid. 5 1 961121

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Meas. for Meas. 4 I


Henry v. 5 2 540 111

All's Well. 1 4

310 157

Confter. I will confter to them whence you come

Twelfth Night. 3

1 320 152

flant man

Merch. of Venice. 3 2

212 1 I

Coaftrain. Your grace would constrain me

Troi. and Cref. 5

Merry W. of Windfor. 1 3

315 116 38516 8871 19 738 113 49137

Julius Cæfar. 1 3 745 2 6

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Constrain'd. "Tis not the first time I have constrain'd one to call me knave Tw. Night.23
None serve with him but conftrained things, whose hearts are abfent too

Conftring'd in mass by the almighty fun

Conftruction. My pretext to strike at him admits a good construction

Conftrue. I can construe the action of her familiar stile

But men may construe things after their fashion

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Conful. Were he to stand for conful, never would he appear i' the market

-They have chose a conful, that will from them take their liberties

Macbeth. 5 4


Coriolanus. 5 5

Confummate. Marry her instantly-which confummate, return with him here again

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M. Ado About Noth. 3 2132 246

Confummation. "Tis a confummation devoutly to be wish'd
Confumption. I can get no remedy against this confumption of the purse

Confumptions sow in hollow bones of man

Contagion. Being strumpeted by thy contagion

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Hamlet. 3 11017 139 2. Henry iv. 1 2 478 132 Tim. of Athens. 4 3 821 2 3 Comedy of Errors. 2 2 IOS 132 Coriclanus. 1 4 708 155 Hamlet. 3 7 1032 237 Twelfth Night. 3 3 315114 Contagious. A. S. P. C. L. Henry v.4 8 538235 Cymbeline. 5 5 928 124

Contagious. A most contagious treason come to light
Containing. Whose containing, if so from fenfe in hardness, that I can make no collec-
tion of it

Contaminate. That this body confecrate to three, by ruffian lust should be contaminate

Comedy of Errors. 2 2 108 120 Contaminated. A contaminated state Much Ado About Noth. 22 128 2 61 - Whilft by a flave, no gentler than my dog, his fairest daughter is contaminated H.v. 45 533243 Contemn'd. Yet better thus, and known to be contemn'd, than still contemn'd and


Contemplation makes a rare Turkey cock of him

- The prince obfcur'd his contemplation under the veil of wildness

Lear. 4 1 952150 Twelfth Night. 2 5 318 12

Henry v. 1 1510221

- If we did think his contemplations were above the earth, and fix'd on spiritual

objects, he should still dwell in his mufings

Contempt. I hope upon familiarity will grow more contempt

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Henry viii. 3
Merry Wives of Wind. 1 I
Much Ado Ab. Noth. 3
Love's Labor Loft. II 149135
All's Well. 5 5 30317
Twelfth Night. 2 5 3182 10
Winter's Tale. 4 3 356236
Coriolanus. 2 3 718150
Ant. and Cleop. 1 2 769230
M. Ado Ab. Noth. 2 3 130242
Tempeft. 2 I 101 I

What our contempts do often hurl from us, we with it ours again

Contemptible. The man, as you know all, hath a contemptible spirit
Content. How does your content tender your own good fortune

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Nought's had, all's spent, where our defire is got without content - I shall be well content with any choice tends to God's glory, and my

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All's Well. 41

Macbeth. 3 2

country's weal


2282 59 247 138 2552 34 296 1 5

374 47

1 Henry vi. 5 2 565134

Ibid. 5 6569 161

2 Henry vi. 4 2 594 147 3 Henry vi. 31 617 1 14

-If you be a king crown'd with content, your crown content and you must be con

tented to go along with us

Come the next fabbath, and I will content you

Ibid. 3 1 617 1 16

Richard iii. 3 2 651149

And all the ruins of distressful times repair'd with double riches of content

This night he dedicates to fair content, and you

'Tis better to be lowly born, and range with humble livers in content

Our content is our best having

Ibid. 4 4


Henry viii. 1 4 6772 2 Henry viii. 2 3 682222 Ibid. 2 3 682/2/26 11053 158 1 268/2/52

- I cannot speak enough of this content, it stops me here; it is too much of joy Orb. 2 Contented. The meat was well, if you were so contented

Tam. of the Shrew. 4

And that we are contented, Cæfar shall have all true rites and lawful ceremonies

Contention, like a horfe full of high feeding, madly hath broke loose, and all before him

No quarrel, but fuch a sweet contention

- The great contention of the fea and skies parted our fellowship

There are fome shrewd contents in yon fame paper

- The contents, as in part I understand them, are to blame Contestation. Their conteftation was theme for you

Julius Cæfar. 3
bears down

1754 158

2 Henry iv. I I 4741 6

2 Henry vi. 1 2 60622 Othello. 2 1 1052 149 Merch. of Venice. 3 2 211 260 Lear. 1 2 933 120

Ant. and Cleop. 2 2 774238

Continency. In her chamber, making a fermon of continency to her Tam. of the Shrew. 4 1 269 17 Continent. Contrary to thy established proclaimed edict and continent canon L.'s L Loft. 1 1 149244 - My continent of beauty

Have every pelting river made so proud, that they have overborne their continents



Ibid. 4

Here's the scroll, the continent and summary of my fortunes
Why, thou globe of finful continents, what a life do thou lead
Heart, once be stronger than thy continent, crack thy frail cafe

Midf. Night's Dream. 2 2 18011
Mer. of Venice. 3 2 2111 3
2 Henry iv. 2 4 486 236
Ant. and Cleo. 4 12 795 133

I pray you, have a continent forbearance, 'till the speed of his rage goes flower Lear. 1 1 934 145

Close pent up guilts, rive your concealing continents

Ibid. 3 2 947 137

Which is not tomb enough, and continent, to hide the flain

Hamlet. 4 4 1028 1 34

You shall find in him the continent of what part a gentleman would fee

Ibid. 5 2 10382 10

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