i 1384 Incony. My sweet ounce of man's flesh! my incony Jew! Most incony vulgar wit! A.S. P. C. L. Love's Lab. Loft.3 1 156 121 Incorporate. As if our hands, our sides, voices, and minds had been incorporate You shall not stay alone, till holy church incorporate two in one I am incorporate in Rome, a Roman now adopted happily The incorporate conclufion Midj. Night's Dream. 3 2 187 16 Romeo and Jul. 2 6 681 240 Titus Andronicus. 1 2 836 18 Incorps'd. As he had been incorps'd and demy-natur'd with the brave beaft Increase. Lofs of virginity is rational increase Otbello. 2 1 1054 115 Hamlet. 4 7 1032 120 Ibid. 1 2 1002 27 All's Well. 11 278 225 Incurr'd. We are not the first, who, with best meaning, have incurred the worst Lear. 5 3 962139 It shall not wind with such a deep indent, to rob me of so rich a bottom here Ibid. 3 Dar'st thou be so valiant, as to play the coward with thy indenture, and Index. By the way, I'll fort occafion, as index to the story we late talk'd K. Jobn. 2 1 390238 shew it a 1 Henry iv. 2 4 4512/60 Rich. iii. 2 2 646 235 Ibid. 4 4 660 112 volumes, there is Troil. and Creffida. 1 3 864 248 An index, and obfcure prologue to the history of lust and foul thoughts India. And, to-morrow, they made Britain, India Indian. Thus Indian-like, religious in mine error, I adore the fun, that looks upon his Hamlet. 341024 137 M. W. of W. 1 3 Comedy of Errors. 3 2 282 159 701123 492 12 III 242 Or have we fome strange Indian with the great tool come to court - He does smile his face into more lines, than is in the new map with the augmenta- Twelfth Night. 3 - Our king has all the Indies in his arms, and more and richer when he Indifferent. Their garters of an indifferent knit - As the indifferent children of the earth Indifferently. I hope we have reform'd that indifferently with us Tam. of the Shrew. 41 268 117 Hamlet. 2 2 1012 2 11 Ibid. 3 2 101914 Indigest. You are born to fet a form upon that indigest, which he hath left so shapeless Indign. All indign and base adversities make head against my estimation Indignation. I'll deliver thy indignation to him by word of mouth His indignation derives itself out of a very competent injury K. John. 57 411134 Othello. 13105013 Twelfth Night. 2 3 314236 Ibid. 3 4 32515 Withhold thine indignation, mighty heaven, and tempt us not to bear above our Indignity. Some strange indignity, which patience could not pass Indifcretion. All's not offence that indiscretion sends Our indifcretion sometimes serves us well, when our deep plots do fail Indistinct. And makes it indistinct as water is in water Indite. She will indite him to some supper King John. 3 1 398 2 18 Lear. 2 4 944 248 Hamlet. 5 2 1035 18 Ant. and Cleo. 412 794243 Troil. and Creff. 5 1884152 Romeo and Juliet. 249792 15 Hamlet. 221014248 Nor no matter in the phrafe, that might indite the author of affection Indubitate. The pernicious and indubitate beggar Zenelophon Induc'd, as you have been; that's for my country Love's Labor Loft. 4 1 157 228 Inducement. My fon corrupts a well derived nature with his inducement Coriolanus. 19 7102 22 All's Well. 3 2 291 151 deeds R. iii. 4 4 66218 Henry viii. 2 4 6852 17 1 Henry iv. 3 145718 Richard iiii.11 634/1/18 i ! Induction. A dire induction am I witness to Indu'd. Or like a creature native, and indu'd unto that element Indurance. And to have heard you without indurance, further Industry. Thine in the dearest design of industry - His industry is-up stairs and down stairs A. S. P. C. L. Richard iii. 4 4 659/1/39 Hamlet. 4 7 103312 Henry viii. 5 1 697 257 Love's Lab. Luft. 4 1 1572 50 1 Henry 0.24 45227 Cymbeline. 3 6 913130 Love's Labor Loft. 4 1 157 222 Hamlet. 5 2 1038221 Love's Labor Loft. 5 2 172 2 39 Tavo Gent. of Verona. 27 33121 The sweat of industry would dry, and die, but for the end it works to Infallible. By heaven, that thou art fair, is most infallible Infamonize. Dost thou infamonize me among potentates Infamy. Never dream on infamy Who smear'd thus, and mir'd with infamy, I might have said, no part of this is Much Ado Ab. Nothing. 4 1 1382 4 - The supposition of the lady's death will quench the wonder of her infamy Ibid. 41 139154 - Look here, I throw my infamy at thee Infant-like. Your abilities are too infant-like, for doing much alone Infect. She would infect to the North Star As You Like It. 2 7 233 223 867 2 27 3 Henry vi. 5 1 628 236 Troi. and Creff. 2 2 Henry v. 3 3 522 1 19 Troilus and Creff:42 878 2 12 712 142 Coriolanus. 2 1 Mu. Ado Abt. Noth. 2 1 127 221 This is the very false gallop of verses; why do you infect yourself with them As Y. L.It. 3 2 235 2 18 And my approach be shun'd, nay hated too, worse than the great'st infection W. Tale. 1 2 338 2 3 Lest his infection, being of catching nature, spread further What a strange infection is fallen into thy ear Hence; left that the infection of his fortune take like hold on thee Richard iii. 1 2 636120 Lear. 4 6 959142 - Take thou some new infection to thy eye, and the rank poison of the old will die Infer the bastardy of Edward's children This doth infer the zeal 1 had to fee him -fair England's peace by this alliance Infinite. It is past the infinite of thought Romeo and Juliet. 1 2 9702 4 Richard iii. 3 5 6532 12 2 Henry iv. 55 506 120 Richard iii. 4 4 6622 17 Mu. Ado Abt. Noth. 2 3 130 123 Infinite malady of man and beast. The infinite malady crust you quite over Infirmity. She speaks this in the infirmity of sense -, that decays the wise, doth ever make the better fool -But infirmity (which waits upon worn times) hath something ability T. of Atb. 3 6 8182 6 2 Hen. iv. 2 1 479 161 Meas. for Meas. 51 seiz'd his wish'd Winter's Tale. 5 1 3591 20 Macbeth. 3 4 376127 think it was his Jul. Cæfar. 1 2 7442 32 Lear. 24 943247 Timon of Athens. 35 816 257 Richard iii. 3 5 653138 All's Well. 2 1 284229 Macbeth. 2 2 370141 Informal. I do perceive these poor informal women are no more, but instruments of Meaf. for Meas. 1 4 78 234 Coriolanus. 3 3 724 2 14 - Henry, though he be infortunate, assure yourselves, will never be unkind 2 Henry ui. 4 9 5981 5 : Thou, king, send out for tortures ingenious A. S. P. C. L. Mu. Ado Abr. Notb. 1 3 1251 4 Tam. of the Shrew. 1 1 255 114 Ingraft. With one of an ingraft infirmity Ingrateful injury Ingratitude. I hate ingratitude more in a man, than lying, vainness, babbling, ness, or any taint of vice is monstrous: and for the multitude to be ingrateful, were to make a monster of the multitude -, more strong than traitor's arms, quite vanquish'd him The ingratitude of this Seleucus does even make me wild -! thou marble-hearted fiend, more hideous, when thou shew'st Ingroft. Your mariners are muleteers, reapers, people ingroft by swift impress A. and Cl. 3 7 7852 37 Inbabit. If trembling I inhabit, then proclaim me the baby of a girl Inhabitable. On any other ground inhabitable Inbabitants. That look not like the inhabitants o' the earth, and yet are on't An abuser of the world, a practiser of arts, inhibited and out of warrant Inbibition. Their inhibition comes by the means of their late innovation Inberit her Two Gent. It must be great that can inherit us so much as of a thought of ill in him Inberitor. But think how I may do thee good, and be inheritor of thy defire Inboop'd. His quails ever beat mine, inhoop'd at odds Injointed. Have there injointed them with an after-fleet Iniquity. Which is wifer here, justice or iniquity The prince himself is about a piece of iniquity - Thus, like the formal vice, iniquity I moralize, two meanings in Initiate. My strange and self abuse is the initiate fear Injunction. And, with a kind of injunction, drives me to these habits of Injurer. Thou monstrous injurer of heaven and earth Macbeth. 34 379 149 Richard ii. 11 414146 Macb. 1 3 364 24 All's Well. 1 1 278 244 37231 of Verona. 3 2 Ant. and Cleop. 2 3 Othello. I 3 1047 147 81226 Meas. for Meas. 21 Winter's Tale. 4 3 356 140 2 Henry vi. 4 2 593 1 19 word R. iii. 3 1 64919 Masbetb. 3 4 376 241 one her liking Tw. N. 2 5 319 141 K. Jobn. 2 1 392 128 Injuries. To wilful men, the injuries, which they themselves procure, must be their Till the injurious Roman did extort this tribute from us, we were free Injury. Even in the strength and height of injury Such an injury would vex a faint, much more a shrew 2 Henry vi. 14 577251 Cymbeline. 3 1 906 244 118223 Comedy of Errors. 51 Tam. of the Shrew. 32 26514 If thy pocket were enrich'd with any other injuries but these, I am a villain 1 H. iv. 3 3 463136 - What with the injuries of a wanton time - We thought not good to bruise an injury 'till it were full ripe His injury the goaler to his pity The record of what injuries you did us, though written in our flesh, we shall re member as things but done by chance None but the fool, who labours to out-jest his heart-struck injuries Ant. and Cleop. 52 799 247 Injustice. Heaven will take our fouls, and plague injustice with the pains of hell R. ii. 3 1 426 142 Ink. Write, till your ink be dry; and with your tears moist it again Two Gent. of Ver. 3 2 I have your hand to shew: if the skin were parchment, and the blows you gave were ink 37 219 Comedy of Errors. 3 1 109 119 O, she is fallen into a pit of ink! that the wide fea hath drops too few to wath her clean again - The ebon-colour'd ink He hath not eat paper, as it were, he hath not drunk ink Beauteous as ink; a good conclufion Taunt him with licence of inc : ر Ink. Let there be gall enough in thy ink O that her hand! in whose comparison all whites are ink A. S. P. C. L. Taw. Night. 3 2 321/2/49 2 Henry iv. 4149317 Troi. and Creffida. I 1858 1 52 And with mine eyes I'll drink the words you send, though ink be made of gall Cут. 12 894221 Inkborn mate. To be disgraced by an inkhorn mate Inkles, Inkling. They have had inkling this fortnight, what we intend to do Yet I can give you inkling of an ensuing evil, if it fall, greater than this Inky cloak. "Tis not alone my inky cloak, good mother Inland man. In his youth an inland man Inlay. For they are worthy to inlay heaven with stars As You Like It. 3 2 237 227 Cymbeline. 5 5 927 147 21132 3 Henry wi. 12 6092 To see how inly forrow gripes his foul Inmanity. That such inmanity and bloody ftrife should reign among professors of one faith 1 Henry vi. 52565121 Isz. Thou most beauteous inn, why should hard favour'd grief be lodg'd in thee R.ii. 51 434 2 49 - Shall I not take mine ease in mine inn This our court, infected with their manners, shews like a riotous inn Inpocence. O, and is all forgot all school-day friendship, childhood innocence O, take the sense, sweet of my innocence By innocence I swear, and by my youth What we chang'd, was innocence for innocence beautifully defcribed The filence often of pure innocence persuades, when speaking fails The truft I have is in mine innocence It will help me nothing, to plead mine innocence -God and your majesty protect mine innocence - Incapable and shallow innocents, you cannot guess who caus'd your father's death Some innocents 'scape not the thunderbolt Richard iii. 2 Innovation. Which gape and rub the elbow of the news of hurly-burly innovation 1 H. iv. 5 - Myself attach thee, as a traitorous innovator, a foe to the public weal 3 463 140 341132 3 2 645 2 ΙΣ 5 778 142 1468 147 Hamlet. 2 2/10132 32 Coriolanus. 3 1 5211 2 Henry vi. 47 595245 Hamlet. 3 11017 244 Othello. 2 3 1057240 Macbeth. 1 3 365 135 Love's Lab. Loft. 51 1642 46 Titus Andronicus. 5 1851 125 Inoculate. For virtue cannot so inoculate our old stock, but we shall relish of it Infanie. It infinuateth me of infanie Infatiate. O most insatiate, luxurious woman Infconce. An you use these blows long, I must get a sconce for my head, and insconce it too Com. of Errors. 2 2 107145 Infcroll'd. Your answer had not been infcroll d Merch. of Venice. 2 7 2071 1 Infeperate. That a thing inseperate divides far wider than the sky and earth Tr.and Cr. 5 2 886 253 - And pursy insolence shall break his wind with fear and horrid flight Timon of Ath. 56 828 2 18 -This infolence draws folly from my lips Troil. and Creff. 45 8832 30 Infosth. Sir, understand you this of me, infooth Tam. of the Sbrew. 1 2 2592 40 Inspiration. How can the thus then call us by our names, unless it be by inspiration -But not with such familiar instances, nor with fuch free and friendly conference, as he hath us'd of old Julius Cæfar. 4 2 7582 6 The instances, that second marriage move, are base respects of thrift, but none of love Instant. Any unseasonable instant of the night Take the instant way The shame itself doth speak for instant remedy Instinct is a great matter; I was a coward on instinct Hamlet. 3 2 1020 2 10 Mu. Ado About Norb. 22 1282 53 - By divine instinct, men's minds mistrust ensuing danger O rare instinct! when shall I hear all through Instruct. He'll then instruct us of this body Cymbeline. 4 29162 11 Ibid. 4 2 918 2 14 Instructed. A power I have; but of what strength and nature, I am not yet instructed Inftructions. I cannot say,'tis pity she lacks instructions; for she seems a mistress to moft that teach - My queen and Eros have, by their brave instruction, got upon me record Winter's Tale. 4 3 355147 a nobleness in Ant. and Cleop. 4 12 795250 As You Like It. 4 3 244 153 Instrument. What, to make thee an infstrument, and play false strains upon thee All's Well. 5 3 304 162 But loth am to produce so bad an instrument - I partly know the instrument that screws me from my true place in your favour We'll make an instrument of this Twelfth Night. 5 1 33013 3552 37 - So that all the instruments, which aided to expose the child, were even then loft Ib. 52 360219 - And oftentimes, to win us to our harm, the instruments of darkness tell us truths Macbeth is ripe for shaking, and the powers above put on their instruments - Or like a cunning instrument cas'd up May these same instruments which you prophane never found more The genius, and the mortal inftruments, are then in council - What a poor instrument may do a noble deed hung up in cafes; friends not used compared to them Our instruments, to melancholy hells Macbeth. I 3 365227 Richard ü. 1 3 417 2 38 Coriolanus. 19 7102 56 Julius Cæfar. 2 1 747 156 Ant. and Cleop. 5 2 801 127 Timon of Athens. 12807233 Romeo and Juliet. 45 993131 11058152 - Have your instruments been at Naples, that they speak i' the nose thus - I kiss the instrument of their pleasures If, haply, you my father do suspect an instrument of this your calling back, your blame on me Insubstantial pageant Orbello. 3 Infuit. And, in fine, her infuit coming with her modern grace, subdu'd me to her rate All's Well. 5 3 3032 16 Infult. Who might be your mother, that you infult, exult, and all at once, over the wretched Hath that poor monarch taught thee to insult Infultment. My speech of infultment ended on his dead body As You Like It. 35 240 215 3 Henry vi. 14 608 247 Cymbeline. 35 912227 Infurrection. Never yet did insurrection want such water colours to impaint his caufe -But now the bishop turns insurrection to religion To dress the ugly form of base and bloody insurrection, with your fair honours Ib. 4 1 492 242 - My robe, and my integrity to heaven, is all I dare now call mine own Intellect. His intellect is not replenished Intelligence. Owhere hath our own intelligence been drunk, where hath it slept K. Jobn. 4 2 Not I, inclin'd to this intelligence, pronounce the beggary of his change Intelligencing. A most intelligencing bawd |