Love. A thousand pound Hal? a million: thy love is worth a million, thou ow'st me Let me but bear your love, I'll bear your cares If conjure up love in her in his true likeness, he must appear naked and blind Hen. v. 5 - My tender youth was never yet attaint with any paffion of inflaming love His love was an eternal plant; whereof the root was fix'd in virtue's ground - I do love thee so, that I will shortly fend thy foul to heaven Ibid. 56 632 138 Richard ii. 1 634 259 - This hand, which, for thy love, did kill thy love, shall for thy love, kill a far truer love She cannot chuse but hate thee, having bought love with such a bloody spoil Of her, that loves him with that excellence that angels love good men with thyself laft So that, if they love, they know not why, they hate upon no better a ground Whose loves I prize as the dead carcases of unburied men Not that I lov'd Cæfar less, but that I lov'd Rome more When love begins to ficken and decay, it useth an enforced ceremony There's beggary in the love that can be reckon'd Gentle Octavia, let your best love draw to that point, which seeks best to preserve it - O flave of no more trust than love that's hir'd - That there should be small love 'mongst these sweet knaves and all this courtesy -'s invisible foul Troil. and Greff. 3 1 871 155 -This love will undo us all Ibid. 3 1 872 13 - He eats nothing but doves, love; and that breeds hot blood; and hot blood begets hot thoughts; hot thoughts beget hot deeds, and hot deeds is love - This is the monstrosity of love, lady-that the will is infinite, and the execution confin'd; that the body is boundless, and the act a slave to limit Ibid. 3 2 873 158 Ibid. 3 2 874 121 But the strong bafe and building of my love is as the very center of the earth Ibid. 41 878 18 Ibid. 4 2 879 2 13 Ibid. 4 4 879 250 tune's tooth - She was belov'd, she lov'd; the is, and doth: but, still, sweet love is food for for -'s reasons without reason Ibid. 45 88424 I love thee; I have spoke it: how much the quantity, the weight as much, as I do love my father Cymbeline. 41 914 142 Tell me, my daughters, which of you, shall we say doth love us most is not love, when it is mingled with regards, that stand aloof from the entire point Ib. 11 931256 it is too rough, too rude, too boisterous; and it pricks like Romeo and Juliet. 1 1969 21 -goes toward love, as school-boys from their books; but love from love, school with heavy looks -Young men's love then lies not truly in their hearts, but in their eyes - O, the knew well, thy love did read by rote, and could not spell Ibid. 1 4 972 138 Ibid. 1 5 974 2 30 Ibid. 2 1975 141 Ibid. 2 2 976 120 towards moderately; long love doth fo; too fwift arrives as tardy as too flow Y 3 Ibid. 2 2 976 261 Love Love, Ah me! how sweet is love itself possest, when but love's shadows are fo rich in joy A. S. P. C. L. Romeo and Juliet. 51 9941 -"Tis a question left us yet to prove, whether love leads fortune, or else fortune love 2 Hamlet. 3 2 1020 2 33 - I lov'd Ophelia; forty thousand brothers could not with all their quantity of love make up my fum - It is merely a lust of the blood, and a permiffion of the will Make love's quick pants in Desdemona's arms From hence I'll love no friend, fith love breeds such offence Ibid. 5 1 103623 Othello. 1 3 10502 19 Ibid. 2 1 1052 35 Ibid. 3 3 1063235 Ibid. 3 3 1064 147 - Yield up, O love, thy crown, and hearted throne to tyrannous hate Love-broker. There is no love-broker in the world can more prevail in Ibid. 3 3 1064 150 man's commen dation with woman, than report of valour Twelfth Night. 3 2 321236 Love's counsellor should fill the bores of hearing to the smothering of the sense Cymbeline. 3 2 907239 Love-in-idleness, a flower supposed to have been changed from milk white to purple by - The juice of it on fleeping eye-lids laid, will make the man or woman madly doat upon the next live creature that it fees Love-juice. Haft thou yet latch'd the Athenian's eyes with the love-juice - Thou haft mistaken quite, and laid the love-juice on some true-love's fight LOVE'S LABOR LOST Love-letter from Armado to Jaquenetta Love's majesty. I that am rudely stamp'd, and want love's majesty Troilus and Creffida. 1 2 8612 17 Love-shaft [Cupid.] Loos'd his love-shaft smartly from his bow, as it should pierce a hundred thousand hearts Love-fuit. Whose love-suit hath been to me as fearful as a fiege Love-thoughts lie rich, when canopy'd with bowers Love's tongue. Tie up my love's tongue, bring him filently Though in thy youth thou wast as true a lover, as ever fighed upon a midnight Such as I am, all true lovers are: unstaid and skittish in all motions else Tw.Night. 2 4 3162 18 - All lovers swear more performance than they are able This unbound lover, to beautify him, only lacks a cover can fee to do their amorous rites by their own beauties Loving-jealous. And with a filk thread plucks it back again, so loving jealous of his liberty Lour. Why at our justice seem'st thou then to lour - The heavens do lour upon you for some ill Loufe. For I care not to be the louse of a lazar, so I were not Menelaus Louses. The dozen white louses do become an old coat well Loufy. Remembrance to-morrow on the lousy knave mine host - Upon my knowledge he is, and lousy Lout. In fuch a love, so vile a lout as he - Hang nothing but a calfs-skin, most sweet lout Cymbeline. 5 2 920222 - If that thy gentry, Britain, go before this lout, as he exceeds our lords, the odds is, that we scarce are men, and you are gods Louvre. He'll make your Paris louvre shake for it Low. If low, an aglet very vilely cut Mu. Ado About Noth. 31 132 139 Low-born lass. This is the prettiest low-born lass, that ever ran on the green-fward W. Tale. 4 3 351 135 2 Henry iv. 2 2 481210 Julius Cæfar. 3 1752 26 Antony and Cleop. 3 1 782 14 1 747 17 Otbello. 2 3 1055225 Julius Cæfar. 2 Lowness. Nothing could have subdu'd nature to such a lowness, but his unkind Lear. 3 4 948 223 Lowliness is young ambition's ladder Lown. With that he call'd the taylor-lown Comedy of Errors. 2 1 106227 Lowt. Foolish lowt Two Gent. of Verona. 4 3 40254 - Pronounce thee a gross lowt, a mindless slave Winter's Tale. 1 2 337 129 - And you will rather shew our general lowts how you can frown, than spend a fawn Loyal. Longer than I prove loyal to your grace, let me not live to look upon your grace -Take notice, lords, he has a loyal breast, for you have seen him open 't - Both to defend my loyalty and truth, to God, my king, and his succeeding issue R.ii. 1 If it be banism'd from the frosty head, where shall it find a harbour in the earth 2 H. vi. 5 Such which breaks the fides of loyalty, and almost appears in loud rebellion H. viii. 1 - My loyalty, which ever has, and ever shall be growing, 'till death, that winter, kill 3 416 160 1 600 2 48 2 674 237 Lozel. And Lozel, thou art worthy to be hang'd, that wilt not stay her tongue W. Tale. 2 3 342 234 Two Gent. of Verona. 25 32 113 - I am afraid this great lubber, the world, will prove a cockney Tw. Night. 4 1 326 156 Even already they clap the lubber Ajax on the shoulder Troil. and Creff 33 876 17 Lear. 1 4 935235 479 236 Lubberly boy - If you will measure your lubber's length again, tarry Lubber's-bead. And he's indited to dinner to the Lubber's-head in Lumbart-street 2 H. iv. 2 1 P Luce. They may give the dozen white luces in their coat -is the fresh fish - Thou art more deep damn'd than prince Lucifer - And when he falls, he falls like Lucifer, never to hope again Lucilius. D. P. Julius Cæfar. p. 741. Lucina lent me not her aid, but took me in my throes Lucio. D.P. Lucius. D. P. Jul. Cæfar. p. 741. -D.P. Tim. of Ath. p. 803. the younger. D. P. Titus Andron. p. 831. Luck. If we have unearned luck -, Caius. - I hear him mock the luck of Cæfar, which the gods give men to wrath Lucrece. And Roman Lucrece for her chastity Meas for Meas. D. P. Cymbeline. 831 893 2 196 221 excuse their after 2 801223 Twelfth Night. 2 5 Ibid. 2 5 Timon of Athens. 318 2 16 318229 803 -And the impression her Lucrece, with which she uses to seal Lullaby to your bounty, till I come again Tw. Nigbt. 5 1 329 1 37. - The day frowns more and more; thou art like to have a lullaby too rough W. Tale. 3 3 - As is a nurse's fong of lullaby, to bring her babe to fleep 346 247 Titus Andronicus. 23838143 Lump. Hence, heap of wrath, foul indigefted lump 2 Henry vi. 5 1 600238 Lumpish. Silvia is lumpish, heavy, melancholy Tawo Gent. of Verona. 3 2 3727 Lunatick. Oman, art thou lunaticks Merry W. of Wind. 4 - The lunatick, the lover, and the poet, are of imagination all compact M. N.'s Dr. 5 - To with me wed to one half lunatick, a mad-cap ruffian, and a swearing Jack Ibid. 2 - Thou a lunatick lean-witted fool - The terms of our estate may not endure hazard so near us, as doth hourly grow out On the Lupercal I thrice presented him a kingly crown, which he did thrice refufe Lurch. Am fain to shuffle, to hedge, and to lurch Lurch'd. And, in the brunt of seventeen battles since he lurch'd all swords o' the garland Coriolanus. 22 Lure. And, 'till she stoop, the must not be full-gorg'd, for then she never looks upon Luft. The best way were to entertain him with hope, till the wicked fire of luft have Serv'd the luft of my mistress' heart, and did the act of darkness with her Richard iii. 3 5 6532 18 Titus Andronicus. 23 839 219 Troi. and Cref. 44 8811 8 Cymbeline. 3 5 912/2/28 Lear. 3 4 948 239 Though to a radiant angel link'd, will fate itself in a celestial bed, and prey on garbage Hamlet. 1 51007 144 Luft-dieted. Let the superfluous and lust-dieted man, that slaves your ordinance Lear. 4 1 953 228 Luftier. With luftier maintenance than I did look for of such an ungrown warrior 1 H. iv. 5 4 470 2 40 Laftrous. And the clear stones towards the fouth north are as lustrous as ebony Lufty. It is a lusty wench; I love her ten times more than e'er I did - Reason and respect make livers pale, and luftyhood deject Lufty finews Lute. For God defend that the lute should be like the cafe - Iron may hold with her, but never lutes A. S. P. C. L. Twelfth Night. 4 2 T. of the Sbr. 2 1 Much Ado About Noth. 51 Troil. and Greff. 2 2 867 126 Julius Cæfar. 1 2 743 138 M. Ado Ab. Noth. 2 1 126 1 44 - Then thou canst not break her to the lute?-Why, no; for she hath broke the lute Taming of the Sbrew. 2 1 261155 Ibid. 2 1 261 157 Ibid. 2 1 2612 3 1 Henry iv. 1 2 443 230 Henry viii. 3 1 686 1 32 Lute-cafe. Bardolph stole a lute-cafe; bore it twelve leagues, and fold it for three pence Lute-ftring. His jesting spirit, which is now crept into a lute-string, and now governed Henry v. 3 2 520253 - How the devil luxury, with his fat rump, and potatoe finger, tickles these together - Let not the royal bed of Denmark be a couch for luxury and damned incest Hamlet. 1 5 1007 2 18 - How, did you find the quarrel on the seventh cause?-upon a lye seven times removed -And so to the lye circumstantial, and the lye direct - Different degrees of Shall Cæfar send a lye You lye, up to the hearing of the gods - Will poor folk lye, that have afflictions on them To lapse in fullness is sorer than to lye for need If I do lye, and do no harm by it, thơ' the gods hear, I hope Lying. For, lying so, Hermia I do not lie Let me have no lying; it becomes none but tradesmen - Lord, lord, how subject we old men are to this vice of lying - shall never vanquish'd be, until great Birnam wood to high Dunsinane hill shall - With these borne before us, instead of maces, we will ride through the streets - O murd'rous slumber! lay'st thou thy leaden mace upon my boy, that plays the mufick Julius Cæfar. 4 3 7612 16 Macedon. |