صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني
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Pavin. Then he's a rogue, and a paffy-measure pavin; I hate a drunken rogue
Paul's. I bought him in Paul's

- Now, by St. Paul, that news is bad indeed

- By holy Paul

Τω. Ν. 53 330/2 48
476 193
635 123

2 Henry iv. 12

Richard iii. 1 1

Ibid. I

- Off with his head:-now, by Saint Paul I swear, I will not dine until I fee the

3 638 149

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Pause. (Without any pause or staggering) take this basket on your shoulders M.W.of W. 3 3

- Hadst thou but shook thy head, or made a pause

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- And pause us, 'till these rebels, now a foot, come underneath the yoke of govern

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Paufer. The expedition of my violent love out-ran the pauser, reason
Pawn. Lay your swords to pawn

- I'll pawn the little blood that I have left to save the innocent

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- If guilty dread hath left thee so much strength, as to take up mine honour's pawn,

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Merry Wives of Windfor. 3

K. Jabn. 5 2

409 119

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- There is my honour's pawn, engage it to the trial if thou dar'st

- By this heavenly ground I tread on, I must be fain to pawn both my

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- He would pawn his fortunes to hopeless restitution, so he might vanquisher

- me to this, your honour

His youth in flood, I'll pawn this truth with my three drops of blood - My life I never held but as a pawn to wage against thine enemies Pawn'd. Have I not pawn'd to you my majefty

- I rais'd him, and I pawn'd mine honour for his truth

Pays. He pays you as furely as your feet hit the ground they step on - 'Tis not due yet; I would be loth to pay him before his day

- He shall pay for me ere he has me

Pay'd. And with a thought, seven of the eleven I pay'd

Paying back. I do not like that paying back, 'tis a double labour
Payment. Fair payment for foul words is more than due

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Tr. & Cref. 1 3 864 22

Lear. I 193117

K. Jobn. 3

1397 110

Coriolanus. 55 738 113

Τω. Night. 3 4

1 Henry iv. 5

Troilus and Creff. 3
1 Henry iv. 2

Ibid. 3 3 463211

Peace. You have yourself been a great fighter, though now a man of peace M. W. of W. 2 - be to me and every man that dares not fight

Nor keep peace between the effect and it

Heaven grant us its peace, but not the king of Hungary's

- That right in peace, which here we urge in war

- Bleed France, and peace ascend to heaven

The fat ribs of peace muft by the hungry now be fed upon I'll make a peace between your foul and you, young Arthur is alive - And come ye now to tell me, John has made his peace with Rome:

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325 140 468 240



877 2 19 453 226

Love's Labor Loft. 4
wrestle for prize

[ocr errors]

157 129

As You Like It. 1

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Love's Lab. Loft. I

I 149 2 16

Macberb. 1

Meas. for Meas. 1
King Jobn. 2

Ibid. 4

peace to me

what is that

of gentle leep

- To awake our peace, which in our country's cradie, draws the sweet infant breath

Ibid. 5

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- To fright our native peace with felf-born arms

Richard ii. 1

Ibid. 2

- Deliver to the army this news of peace; let them have pay and part

Our peace will, like a broken limb united, grow stronger for the breaking

Not to break peace, or any branch of it, but to establish here a peace indeed 2 Hen. iv. 4
Our peace shall stand as firm as rocky mountain

Ibid. 4

Ibid. 14

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[blocks in formation]

494 241

party lofer

is of the nature of a conqueft, for then both parts nobly are fubdu'd, and neither

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495 2 12

- But peace puts forth her olive every where

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- In peace, there's nothing so becomes a man, as modest stillness and humility Henry v.13

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495238 498 47



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Peace. Why that the naked, poor and mangled peace, dear nurse of arts, plenties, and
joyful births

The peace, which you so urg'd, lies in his answer

-, proclamation to keep, read

A.S. P. C. L.

Henry v. 5 2 5382 6

Ibid. 5 2 538250

1 Henry vi. 1 3 547 2 50

Or who should study to prefer a peace, if holy churchmen take delight in broils

offered to France

-, articles of, between France and England

with his foul, heaven, if it be thy will

Ibid. 3

15561 12

Ibid. 5 5 568 2 10

2 Henry vi. 11 572 1 18 Ibid. 5 2 601225

The peace between the French and us not values the cost that did conclude it H. viii. 11672245
A proper title of a peace, and purchas'd at a fuperfluous rate
I feel within me a peace above all earthly dignities, a still and quiet conscience Ib. 3 2 692 139

Still in thy right hand carry gentle peace, to filence envious tongues

Nor shall this peace sleep with her

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This peace is nothing but to rust iron, encrease tailors, and breed ballad-makers

- is a very apoplexy, lethargy; mull'd, deaf, sleepy, insensible; a getter of more bastard

children, than war is a destroyer of men

is a great maker of cuckolds

Ibid. 5 5 7302 2

Ibid. 45 7302 8

All the fwords in Italy, and her confederate arms, could not have made this peace Ib. 53 7373 15
We have made peace, with no less honour to the Antiates, than shame to the Ro-


Nor heaven, nor earth, have been at peace to-night

The time of univerfal peace is near

The wound of peace is surety, furety secure

Plenty and peace breed cowards

When the thunder would not peace at my bidding

What, drawn, and talk of peace? I hate the word, as I hate hell

Peach. If I be ta'en, I'll peach for this

Peaches. For fome four suits of peach-colour'd fattin, which now peaches

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Like a peacock sweep along his tail; we'll pull his plumes and take away his train

He stalks up and down like a peacock a-stride, and a-stand

And now reigns here a very, very-peacock

Peak. Weary seven nights, nine times nine, shall he dwindle, peak and

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Pear. They would whip me with their wits till I were as creft-fain as a dry'd pear Ib. 45 69225

-Your old virginity, is like one of our French wither'd pears

"Pear. It shall as level to your judgment 'pear, as day does to your eye

Pearl. If all their [twenty seas] fand were pearl.

Black men are pearls in beauteous ladies eyes

- enough for a fwine

[merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small]

Two Gent. of Verona. 24 31139

Ibid. 5 2

Love's Labor Loft. 4 2 1592 21

Midf. Night's Dream. 1 1 17724

as your pearl in your foul


- The time is free; I see thee compass'd with thy kingdom's pearl

Heaven-moving pearls

Your brooches, pearls, and owches

He kiss'd, the last of many doubled kisses, this orient pearl

I'll set thee in a shower of gold and hail rich pearls upon thee

This is the pearl that pleas'd your empress' eye

Her bed is India; there the lies, a pearl

As You Like It. 54 24827 Tam. of the Sbrew. 23263136 Ibid. 5 1 2742 6 Twelfth Night. 4 3 328/2/12 Macbeth. 5 7 386/238 K. Jobn. 2 1 392 124 2 Henry iv. 2 4 484 114 Antony and Cleop. 1577317 Ibid. 2 5 777/256

Titus Andron. 5 1 850234

Troil. and Creff. 1 1858243

She is a pearl, whose price hath launch'd above a thousand ships, and turn'd crown'd

kings to merchants

- Hamlet, this pearl is thine

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Of one, whose hand, like the base Judean, threw a pearl away, richer than all his


Peafe. I had rather have a handful, or two, of dried pease

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[ocr errors]

Peafeod. Commend me to mistress Squash your mother, and to master Peafcod your

[ocr errors][merged small]

Mids. Night's Dream. 33 184255

- And I remember the wooing of a peascod instead of her; from whom I took two

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As You Like It. 2 4 231 122

Lear. 1 4 936 2 48

- But wrangling pedant, this is the patroness of heavenly harmony
-But I have cause to pry into this pedant; methinks he looks as though he were in


Mids. Night's Dream.


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Ibid. 4 2 269/256

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A mercatantè, or a pedant, I know not what, but formal in apparel

Like a pedant that keeps a school i' the church

Pedafcule I'll watch you better yet

Pedigree. You tell a pedigree of threefcore and two years

Pedlar. He is wit's pedlar: and retails its wares at wakes, and wassels, meetings,
markets, fairs

Pedro, Don. D. P.

Peep'd. For from this league peep'd harms that menac'd him

Peers. Most mighty liege, and my companion peers, take from my mouth the wish of
happy years

- How bloodily the fun begins to peer. above yon busky hill

For many of your horfemen peer and gallop o'er the field

Richard ii. 1 3 417 121 1 Henry iv. 51 467147 Henry v. 47 5342 19

-The proudest peer of the realm shall not wear a head on his shoulders, unless he pay
me tribute

- King Stephen was a worthy peer

Peer'd. An hour before the worshipp'd fun peer'd forth the golden

2 Henry vi. 47 596254

Othello. 2 3 1055222

window of the eaft

Romeo and Juliet. 1 1 968/2/57

Peareth. And as the fun breaks through the darkest clouds, so honour
meanest habit

Peering. No shepherdess; but Flora, peering in April's front
-Like a proud river peering o'er his bounds

- Even through the hollow eyes of death, I spy life peering

-And overlook the highest peering hills

peereth in the

Taming of the Sbrew. 43
Winter's Tale. 43

K. John. 3
Richard it. 2 1

Titus Andron. 2 1

Peerless. The most peerless piece of earth, I think, that e'er the fun shone bright on

-As she liv'd peerless, so her dead likeness, I do well believe, excels

you look'd upon

-It is a peerless kinsman

-Her peerless feature

Peer-out. So buffets himself on the forehead, crying, peer-out, peer-out M.
Peefel. Good Captain Peesel, be quiet

Pavish. He is something peevish that way

-What wilt thou do, thou peevish officer


27215 3492 38


422 149

836 143

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- Fie! what an indirect and peevish course is this of her's

Richard iii. 3 1

-And be not peevish found in great designs

Ibid. 44

Peg-a-Ramsey. Malvolio's a Peg-a-Ramsey, and three merry men be we

Tw. Night. 2 3

631 129 648 159 663149 315 128

Pegafus. To turn and wind a fiery Pegafus

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Pegs. But I'll let down the pegs that make this music

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Peised. The world, who of itself is peised well

K. John. 2 2 395248

Peize. I speak too long; but 'tis to peize the time

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Lest leaden slumber peize me down to-morrow

Richard iii. 5 3


Pelican. That blood already like the pelican, haft thou top'd out, drunkenly carows'd

'Twas this flesa begot those pelican daughters




Richard ii. 2 1 4211 13 49482 37 Pelican.

What a wretched and peevish fellow is this king of England
I will not prefume, to send such peevish tokens to a king

Why, what a peevish fool was that of Crete, that taught his son the office of a fowl

A.S. P. C.L. Pelican. And, like the kind life-rend'ring pelican, repast them with my blood Hamlet.14 5/1029/2/54 Pelion Mount.

- To o'er-top old Pelion Pell-Mell-down with them

Merry Wives of Windfor. 2 1

52140 Ibid. 5 1 1036 120 Love's Labor Left. 4 3 164 25

Why then, defy each other, and pell-mell, make work upon ourselves, for heaven or hell

K. Jobn. 2 2

- Nor moody beggars, starving for a time of pell-mell havock and confusion 1 Henry iv. 51 - March on, join bravely, let us to't pell-mell


Pelt. The chiding billows feem to pelt the clouds

Richard iii. 53

394 150 468 151 668 248

Lear. 4 6 957 244

Otbello. 2 11051145 83255

Pelting. Every pelting petty officer would use his heaven for thunder Meas. for Meas. 2 2

- river

- Like to a tenement or pelting farm


Poor pelting villages

That bide the pelting of this pityless storm

Pembroke. D. P. King Jobn. p. 387.

Ann Bulleyn created Countess of Pembroke

Pen. Side-ftitches which shall pen thy breath up

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- Well, do you fo: let me not take him then, for, if I do, I'll mar the young clerk's pen

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as easy as a down-bed would afford it - Gentlemen, the penance lies with you, if these fair ladies pass away frowning Ibid. 1 4677242 Pencils. 'Ware pencils

Pendant. With ribbands pendant, flaring 'bout her head

- world

Love's Labor Loft. 52 166 2

Merry W. of Windjor. 4 6


Measure for Measure. 3 I 882/19

Pendragon in his litter, fick, came to the field, and vanquished his foes 1 Henry vi. 3 2 557239

Pendulous. All the plagues that in the pendulous air hang fated o'er men's faults, light

on thy daughters

Penelope. You would be another Penelope

Penitence. By penitence the Eternal's wrath's appeas'd

Penetrable to your kind entreaties

- If thou be made of penetrable stuff

Lear. 3 4 948 2 17 Coriolanus. I 3 707227

Two Gent. of Verona. 54 43 352

Richard iii. 37 65619
Hamler. 3 4 1024 1 18

Penetrate. If you can penetrate her with your fingering, so: we'll try with tongue too

Penetrative. His face subdu'd to penetrative shame

Penitence. Paid down more penitence, than done trespass
- Fear, and not love, begets his penitence
- Since that my penitence comes after all imploring pardon
Penitent. I from thee departed thy penitent reform'd
- What have we done? did'st ever hear a man so penitent
- As nearly as I may, I'll play the penitent to you

[blocks in formation]

Cymbeline. 2 3 902 232
Ant. and Cleop. 4 12 7952 19
Winter's Tale. 51 357157
Richard ü. 53 437 154
Henry v. 4 1 530124
Winter's Tale. 1 2 336 2 18
2 Henry vi. 32 586256
Antony and Cleop. 22775140
Richard iii. 3 5 653243
Ibid. 4 3 659 15
Henry v. 35523139

M. W. of Wind. II
Love's Labor Loft. 3 1 154 257

King Jobn. 5 2 408 233

in a trice Cymbeline. 54 923 148 Love's Labor Loft. 32 155235 Romeo and Juliet. 45 992 156

Penfion. I would not give up my part of this sport for a pension of thousands to be paid from the Sophy.

Twelfth Night. 2 5 319 2 11

Penfioners. Yet there has been earls, nay, what is more, penfioners
Pent. Let me not be pent up, fir

A. S. P. C. L.

M. W. of Wind. 22

Love's Labour Loft. I


542/24 151 229 Richard iii. 1 4 643 229 656 237

- If you were a prince's fon, being pent from liberty as I am now
- Ah, cut my lace asunder! that my pent heart may have some scope to beat
Pentecoft, when all our pageants of delight were play'd

-Since Pentecoft the fum is due

Ibid. 4 1

Two Gent. of Verona. 4 3

Com. of Errors. 41

- Come Pentecoft as quickly as it will, some five-and-twenty years Romeo and Juliet. 15 Pent-boufe. Stand the closer then under this pent-house for it drizzles rain

- With your hat pent-house-like, o'er the shop of your eyes

- This is the pent-house, under which Lorenzo defir'd us to make - Sleep shall, neither night nor day, hang upon his pent-house lid Penthefilea.

Penury. What prodigal portion have I spent, that I should come to

Much Ado Ab. Nutb. 3 3
Love's Lab. Left. 3 1
stand Mer. of Ven. 26

Macbeth. 13

Twelfth Night. 2 3

412 32 112 1 33 973226

134 256 154 246

205235 364 2 19 316 138

fuch penury

As You Like It. I

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People. We love our people well; even those we love, that are misled fin's part

upon our cou

- Masters o' the people, we do request your kindest ear

I Henry iv. 51 468 2 13
Coriolanus. 2 2


- It is a part that I shall blush in acting and might well be taken from the people Ib. 2 2 716 137 - You speak o' the people, as if you were a God to punish, not a man of their infir

[blocks in formation]

- The people deserve such pity of him as the wolf does of the shepherds

Ibid. 4 6

731 254

The people will remain uncertain, whilst 'twixt you there's difference

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Pepin. That was a man when king Pepin of France was a little boy Love's Lab. Left. 4

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Pepper box. He cannot creep into a half-penny purse, nor into a pepper box

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Pepper corn. An I have not forgotten what the infide of a church is made of, I am a pepper corn

1 Henry iv. 3 3 461230

Pepper ginger-bread. And leave in sooth, and such protests of pepper ginger-bread, to

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Percuffion. With thy grim looks, and the thunder-like percussion of thy mad'st thine enemies shake

Percy. D. P. Richard ii. p. 413.

-, Harry, characterized by the Prince of Wales

- Lady. D. P.

Perdita. D. P.

-, proofs of her being the daughter of Hermione

Perdition. Ling'ring perdition worse than any death can be at once

- This shall end without the perdition of fouls

- The perdition of th' athversary hath been very great

- His definement fuffers no perdition in you

Perdu. To watch (poor perdu!) with this thin helm

Comedy of Errors. I
Trweifib Night. 1
founds, thou



105225 308 111

Henry, furnamed Hotspur

I Henry iv.

Ibid. 5

D. P.

2 Henry iv.

Winter's Tale.

Ibid. 5


Coriolanus. 14


Tempest. 3 3


468 156



708 233



Tw. Night. 3 4 325 153

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5242 21038212 31060147

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- I confefs me knit to thy deserving with cables of perdurable toughness

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- Yea, in thy maw, perdy

Comedy of Errors. 4

Peregrinate. Too peregrinate as I may call it

- The knave turns fool, that runs away: the fool no knave, perdy

Henry v.2

Lear. 2

he ravish'd

Perigune. Didft thou not lead him through the glimmering night, from Perigune whom

Love's Lab. Loft. 5


960142 53334 31050223

8821 1152 43 5151 943 2 19 164 153


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Perfect. Her cause, and your's, I'll perfect him withal

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179237 261137 627248 96/2/38 Perf

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