A. S. P. C. L. Shrine. From the four corners of the earth they come to kiss this shrine, this mortal Merch. of Venice. 27 206 238 him Timon of Athens. 3 281323 - Ah, that this fight should make so deep a wound, and yet detested life not shrink thereat Titus Andronicus. 3 1843 236 Shrive. And shrive you of a thoufand idle pranks Shriving. Your honour hath no shriving work in hand Richard iii. 3 2 651154 Shriving-time. He should the bearers put to fudden death, not shriving time allow'd Ham. 5 2 1037 2 16 Shroud. I will here shroud, till the dregs of the storm be past Tempeft. 2 2 3 Hen. vi. 3 1616 1 36 - The friends of France our shrouds and tacklings Shrouded. I have been closely shrouded in this buth Shrove-tide. And welcome merry shrove-tide Shrove-Tuesday. As fit as a pancake for Shrove-Tuesday Sbrowd. Die when you will, a smock shall be your shrowd Ibid. 5 4 63011 Love's Labor Loft. 4 3 161254 2. Henry iv. 5 3 504144 All's Well. 2 2285152 Love's Labor Loft. 5 2 170 239 -And all the shrowds, wherewith my life should fail, are turned to one thread, one * little hair If I do die before thee, pr'ythee shroud me in one of those same sheets -And put yourself under his shrowd, the univerfal landlord King Jobn. 5 7 411 166 3 Henry vi. 4 3 624 163 Ant. and Cleop. 3 11 789 114 Love's Lab. Loft. 5 2166 2 4 Sbrug. Still have I borne it with a patient shrug, for fufferance is the badge of all our tribe Shrunk death Mer. of Ven. 13 201 153 Rom. and Jul. 41990233 Shudders. You'll swear, terribly swear, into strong shudders, and to heavenly agues, the immortal Gods that hear you Shuffle. Am fain to shuffle, to hedge and to lurch Shuffling. 'Tis not so above: there is no shuffling; there the action lies in his true na ture Hamlet. 3 3 1023 139 Shun. Do not shun her, until you see her die again; for then you kill her double W.T. 5 3 36226 Shunn'd. Rather shunn'd to go even with what I heard, than in every action to be guided by other's experiences The spirit of deep prophecy she hath exceeding the nine fibyls of old Rome 1 H. vi. 1 2 Othello. 3 4 106521 Sibylla. If I live to be as old as Sibylla I will die as chaste as Diana, unless I be obtained by the manner of my father's will - They are as fick, that furfeit with too much, as they that starve with nothing Merch. of Venice. 12 -For I am fick and capable of fears K. Jobn. 3 1 199 150 396 130 breath -Not fick, although I have to do with death, but lusty, young, and chearly drawing Can fick men play fo nicely with their names Yet am I fick for fear Zounds! how has he leifure to be fick in such a justling time I know the young king is fick for me 'Tis meet we all go forth, to view the fick and feeble parts of France Richard ü. I 3 416251 Ibid. 2 1 430 221 I Henry iv. 4 1 464 1 II 2 Henry iv. 5 3 505-5 Henry v.2 4 51827 - I am fick of that grief too, as I understand how all things go Sicken'd. So ficken'd their eftates, that never they shall abound as formerly Sick. I would not be so fick, though for his place Henry viii. 2 2 6812/35 - I am not fick, if Brutus have in hand any exploit worthy the name of honour J. C. 2 1 749 252 Timon of Athens. 3 6 817211 Sickness. Sickness is catching; O, were favour fo Midf. Night's Dream. I 1 177 1 37 - There is a fickness which puts some of us in distemper; but I cannot name the difeafe This fickness doth infect the very life blood of our enterprize -My long fickness of health, and living, now begins to mend, and nothing brings me all things Timon of Athens. 53 827 1 17 Side. These are a fide, that would be glad to have this true, which they do feem to fear - Hardly shall I carry out my fide, her husband being alive Side-piercing. O thou fide-piercing fight Side-ftitches threat'ned Caliban Siege of this moon-calf - To lay an amiable fiege to the honesty of this Ford's wife - Upon the very fiege of justice -Lays down his wanton fiege before her beauty Our castle's strength will laugh a fiege to scorn Then turn your forces from this paltry siege Coriolanus. 46 732 146 Lear. 51 961253 Ibid. 4 6 957 29 Tempest. 1 2 Ibid. 2 2 M. Wives of Wind. 2 2 Meas. for Meas. 42 All's Well. 3 7 Macbab. 5 5 K. Jobn. 2 1 - Bound in with the triumphant sea, whofe rocky shore beats back the envious siege of wat'ry Neptune -You-to remove that fiege of grief from her And that in my regard, of the unworthiest fiege -I fetch my life and being from men of royal fiege 5148 11216 56 122 9426 294 2 43 385123 391 122 Richard ii. 2 1 420 150 Romco and Juliet. 5 3 997 1 52 Hamlet. 4 7 1032 17 Sieve. Cease thy counsel, which falls into mine ears as profitless as water in a sieve M. Ada About Notb. 5 1 141 1 23 In this captious and untenable fieve, I still pour in the waters of my love All's Well. 1 3 282 157 But in a fieve I'll thither fail Macbeth. 1 3 36427 Nor the remainder viands we do not throw in unrespective sieve, because we now are full Sifted. If thy thoughts were fifted, the king thy sovereign is not quite exempt I could drive the boat with my fighs Two Gent. of Verona. 23 55533 4144 292 29 Heart-fore fighs Ibid. 24 30262 Thy head ftands so tickle upon thy shoulders, that a milk-maid, if the were in love, - Lord, let me never have a cause to figh, till I be brought to such a filly pass With fighs of fire What thriftlefs fighs shall poor Olivia breathe And then to figh, as 'twere the mort o' the deer - Be these fad fighs confirmers of thy words Go, count thy way with fighs; I, mine with groans Taming of the Sbretu. 52 Twelfth Night. 1 5 312251 Ibid. 2 2 314 143 Winter's Tale. 12 335 136 - Thou haft a figh to blow away this praise, ending with brother, fon, and all are dead Blood-confuming sighs Blood-drinking fighs Blood-fucking fighs 2. Henry iv. 1 1 474 2 31 2 Henry vi. 3 2 58725 Ibid. 3 2 58727 3 Henry vi. 44 624255 I have been blown out of your gates with fighs; and conjure thee to pardon Rome Sighs. Then will the fighs of Octavia blow the fire up in Cæfar I am the fea; hark, how her fighs do blow When my heart, as wedged with a figh, would rive in twain -Why figh you so profoundly Wherefore breaks that figh from the inward of thee With a figh like Tom o'Bedlam - Appear thou in the likeness of a figh A.S. P. C. L. Ant. and Cleop. 26 78011114 1843 160 Titus Andronicus. 3 Ibid. 3 1 843212 Troilus and Creff.11858 131 Ibid. 42 879149 Cymbeline. 34 909143 Lear. 129341 11 Romeo and Jul. 2 I He rais'd a figh so piteous and profound, as it did feem to shatter all his bulk, and 975117 Hamlet. 2 1 10092 39 3118 1 Henry iv. 24454233 Mids. Night's Dream. 1 1 1772 15 I shall review Sicilia; for whose sight I have a woman's longing Ibid. 5 1 1942/56 As You Like It. 5 4 249 130 Then you have kist a fight, which was to be seen, cannot be spoken of My earnest caping fight I am joyful of your fights - For fuch a fight will blind a father's eyes Titus Andronicus. 25 841/2/26 Sightless ful flances. Wherever in your sightless substances you wait on Nature's michiet Macbeth. 15 367 124 Sightly. It lies as sightly on the back of him, as great Alcides shoes upon an ass K.7.21 391257 Sign. Let them fignify under my fign She will rather die than give any fign of affection Much Ado About Norb. 1 1 123258 Ibid. 2 3 131 130 Ibid. 32 133 134 If he be not in love with fome woman, there is no believing old figns Be thefe fad figns confirmers of thy words 4 King Jobn. 3 1 396 1 42 But thou didít understand me by my figns, and didst in signs again parley with fin Ib. 4 2 405136 She's a good fign, but I have feen but small reflection of her wit Signiny. If ancient forrow be most reverent, give mine the benefit of figniory Rich.ui. 446592 16 Signiories. Eating the bitter bread of banishment, whilft you have fed upon my figniories Silence is the perfectest herald of joy - most offends me Sad filence Richard ii. 3 1426 128 Much Ado Abt. Noth. 2 1 128115 Ibid. 2 1128 140 Midf. Night's Dream. 41 19028 M. of V. 1 1 1982 18 228 153 255224 is only commendible in a neat's tongue dry'd, and a maid not vendible I like your filence, it the more shews off your wonder D. P. With filence, nephew, be thou politick My gracious filence hail All's Well. 1 1 278 118 Winter's Tale 5 3 3612 33 2. Hemyru 1 Henry vi. 25 Marullus and Flavius, for pulling scarfs off Cæfar's images, are put to filence X. C. 1 2 -Fill filence me e'en here Silnc'd. Is it therefore the ambassador is filenc'd Silent. The filent of the night -But that you shall not fay I yield, being filent, I would not speak Sibus. D. P. Silk. Breaking his oath and refolution like a twift of rotten filk 473 5542 29 7132 27 744 248 Cymbeline. 35.912138 Henry win. 1 1 67015 Cymbeline. 23 903215 Lear. 11930118 Silk button. The very butcher of a fiik button - Silly. A filly time to make prescription for a kingdom's worth A. S. P. C. L Romeo and Juliet. 2 4 97812 6 2 Hemy to. 1 1 474 159 Orbello. 1 3 10501/46 3 Hemy vi. 3 3 620 133 Cymbeline. 53 921 222 - There was a fourth man, in a filly habit, that gave the affront with them Silly cheat. And my reverence is the filly cheat Winter's Tale. 4 2 348 240 Silver. Nor none of thee, thou pale and common drudge 'tween man and man M. of V. 3 2 -Saw'ft thou not boy how Silver made it good Hetch'd in filver Silter found. Musick with her filver found Induc. to Tam. of the Sbrew. 1 Silver-fweet. How filver-sweet found lovers' tongues by night Unless you let this filver water keep a peaceful progress to the ocean Simile. A good fwift simile, but something currish Silver water. Similiés. O, yes, into a thousand fimilies Simony was fair play Simcox and his wife. D. P. Simple, fervant to Slender. D. P. though I stand here 210 231 252 111 Smelt like Bucklersbury in fimple time You fee how fimple and how fond I am That to provoke in him are many fimples operative, whose power will close the eye Simpleness. In her they are the better for their simpleness, she derives her honesty, and Simplicity. You are a very fimplicity 'oman -Love, therefore, and tongue-ty'd fimplicity, in least, speak most, to my capacity Our compell'd sins stand more for number than for accompt And many fuch like liberties of fin Teach sin the carriage of an holy faint People fin upon purpose M. W. of W. 3 359 2 44 Henry v. 3 7 526 128 Coriolanus. 4 5729252 Cymbeline. 5 5 925 240 Lear. 3 2 Meaf. for Meas. 33 947 33 84249 : Ibid. 3 3 8517 Ibid. 2 4 Comedy of Errors. 1 2 Ibid. 2 85246 105245 O what authority and shew of truth can cunning fin cover itself withal So the fins of my mother shall be vifited upon me Moft mischievous foul fin, in chiding fin Wickedness is sin, and fin is damnation - that amends is but patch'd with virtue If the fins of your youth are forgiven you, you're well to live Some fins do bear their privilege on earth, and so doth yours Thy fins are visited in this poor child Be Mowbray's sins so heavy in his bosom, that he may break his foaming courser's Commits the oldest fins the newest kind of ways Then is fin struck down like an ox, and iniquity's throat cut like a calf Nor for all this land, would I be guilty of so deep a fin' But I am in, fo far in blood, that fin will pluck on fin The willing' fin I ever yet committed, may be abfolv'd in English - Produce the grand fum of his fins, the articles collected from his life Π Sin. Nothing emboldens sin so much as mercy - You cannot make gross fins look clear A. S. P. C.L Tim. of Athens. 31 51 816/1/42 Which portends (unless my fins abuse my divination) success to the Roman host Cym. 42 9182 3 - Plate fin with gold and the strong lance of justice hurtless breaks, arm it with rags - I beseech thee, youth, pull not another fin upon my head, by urging me to fury - Alas, what ignorant fin have I committed Sin-conceiving womb Sincerity. And make a riot on the gentle brow of true fincerity Ibid. 4 6 9582 Romeo and Juliet. 5 3 995 215 Orbello. 4 2 1071118 K. Jobn. 2 1 392 37 - In very fincerity of fear and cold heart, will he to the king, and lay open all our pro- Sinel. By Sinel's death, I know, I am Thane of Glamis Sinews shorten with aged cramps With him the portion and finew of her fortune Nay, patience, or we break the finews of our plot Who with them was a rated finew too By God's help and yours, the noble finews of our power Stiffen the finews, fummon up the blood Sinewed. He will the rather do it, when he sees ourselves well-finewed to our defence Sinewy. Worthy fellows; and like to prove most finewy swordsmen K. John. 57 418236 All's Well. 21 283220 127 2 3 Sing. I will but teach them to fing, and restore them to the owner M. Ado Ab. Notb. 2 1 When you fing, I'd have you buy and fell fo; so give alms; pray fo He sings several tunes, faster than you'll tell money Why he fings them over, 'as they were gods and goddesses She will fing any man at first fight She will fing the savageness out of a bear Singing. Not so young, fir, as to love a woman for finging Singularity. Put thyself into the trick of fingularity Wi's Tale. 4 3 351 114 Ibid. 4 3 351210 Ibid. 4 3 351235 Troilus and Creffida. 5 2 885155 Otbelle. 4 1/10691 34 Lear. 1 4 935 130 Tw. Night. 3 4 323 148 Singularities. Your gallery we pass'd through, not without much content in many fin- Sink of fear - That all the tears that thy poor eyes let fall, may run into that fink Sinklo. D. P. Sinned. Yet finned I not, but in mistaking I have then finned against his experience, and tranfgress'd against his valour All's W. 25 289135 Sir. But in this case of wooing, a child shall get a fire, if I fail not of my cunning 3 Henry vi. 3 2 619 128 Titus Andronicus. 53854211 And Sinon's weeping did scandal many a holy tear Cymbeline. 34 909 2 48 Tam. of the Sbrew. 2 1 263 248 Sirrah! you shall buy this sport as dear as all the metal in your shop will answer Comedy of Errors. 41 113 128 Sir-reverence. Such a one as a man may not speak of, without he say fir-reverence Ib. 3 2 111160 Sifter bood. I, in probation of a sisterhood Sit. I fit at ten pounds a week -the wind in that corner Two Gent. of Ver. 2 329155 Much Ado About Nubing. 2 3 O fit my husband's wrongs on Hereford's spear, that it may enter butcher Mow 982/12 48/255 130 1 19 |