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It is not Cæfar's natural vice to hate one great competitor

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A.S. P. C. L. Vice. An I but fist him once; and he come but within my vice 2 Henry iv. 2 1 479159 Thus, like the formal vice, iniquity, I moralize, two meanings in one word R. . 3 164919 - So fmooth he daubed his vice with shew of virtue Ibid. 3 5 653126 Ant. and Cleop. 1 4 771225 Tro. & Cref: 5 3 887 2 39 Cymbeline. 2 3 902250 90622 958 2.

You have a vice of mercy in you, which better fits a lion, than a man
It is a vice in her ears, which horfe hairs, and cats-guts, nor the voice of unpaved
eunuch to boot, can never amend

For there's no motion that tends to vice in man, but I affirm it is the woman's part 16.25
Through tatter'd cloaths small vices do appear: robes and furr'd gowns hide all Lear. 4 6
The gods are just, and of our pleasant vices make instruments to fcourge us
And vice fometime 's by action dignify'd

A vice of kings


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Vice's-dagger. And now is this vice's dagger become a squire
Viceroy. Thou shalt be plac'd as viceroy under him, and still enjoy thy regal dignity 1 H. vi. 55 568 250
Vicious. It had been vicious to have mistrusted her

Cymbeline. 5 5 924161

Viciousness. When we in our viciousness grow hard, (O, misery on't!) the wife gods feel our eyes

Victory. A victory is twice itself

Ant. and Cleop. 3 11 789 2 7 Much Ado Ab. Norb. 1 1 121 1 13 39325

And victory, with little loss, doth play upon the dancing banners of the French K. John. 2 2
To reach at victory above my, head

To whom God will, there be the victory

Richard ii. 1 3 416259 3 Henry vi. 25 614 1 20

-Methought, their fouls, whose bodies Richard murder'd, came to my tent, and
cry'd-on! victory

fits on our helms

O, my mother, mother! O! you have won a happy victory to Rome
At his nurse's tears he whin'd and roar'd away your victory

Upon your sword fit laurell'd victory

What shall be done to him that victory commands

Vittress. She shall be fole victress, Cæfar's Cæfar

Vistual. You had mufty victual

View. The beam of her view

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Vigour. My bones bear witness, that since have felt the vigour of his rage
Whose youthful spirit, in me regenerate, doth with a two-fold vigour lift

Vile race

1 Henry iv. 4 2 465 241 Com. of Err. 4 4 1152 51 me up R. ii. 1 3 416258 Tempest. 1 2 5224

When we for recompence have prais'd the vile, it stains the glory of that happy
verse which aptly fings the good

Wisdom and goodness to the vile seem vile

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For nought fo vile that on the earth doth live, but to the earth some special good doth give


Villages. Frighting her pale-fac'd villages with war
Villager. Brutus had rather be a villager, than to repute himself a son of Rome, under

Rom. and Jul. 2 3
Richard ii. 2 3

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When rich villains have need of poor ones, poor ones may make what price they


Ibid. 3 3 13515

Most like a liberal villain

Ibid. 4 1

1381 18

Is he not approved in the height a villain, that hath flander'd, scorn'd, dishonour'd
my kinswoman

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Which is the villain? let me see his eyes, that when I note another man like him, I
may avoid him

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An evil foul, producing holy witness, is like a villain with a smiling cheek; a goodly
apple rotten at the heart

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Villain. I like not fair terms, and a villain's mind

A. S. P. C. L. 3 2022 1 1224/1/18

Mer. of Ven.
As You Like It. I

And he is thrice a villain, that says, fuch a father begot villains
Should a villain say so, the most replenish'd villain in the world, he were as much

more villain

Winter's Tale.2

- I would not be the villain that thou think'st, for the whole space that's within the

tyrant's grafp, and the rich east to boot

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Macbeth. 4 3 380252 357714

- My conscience hath a thousand several tongues, and every tongue brings in a several

tale, and every tale condemns me for a villain

2 Henry vi. 1

Richard ii. 1

1634 1 16

Ibid. 5 3 6672/32

Ibid. 5 3 667 236

I am alone the villain of the earth

Ant. and Cleop. 46792/2 13

Your lordship's a goodly villain

Let no affembly of twenty be without

a score of villains

Timon of Athens. 3 3 814 225

Ibid. 3 6 818 114

He's a made up villain

Ibid. 5



Some villain, ay, and fingular in his art, hath done you both this injury Cymbeline. 3 4 910 2 5

Any thing that's due to all the villains paft, in being, to come

Ibid. 5 5 925253

Every villain be call'd Posthumus Leonatus

Ibid. 5 3 92613

As if we were villains by neceffity

Lear. 2933251

Fools do those villains pity, who are punish'd ere they have done their mischief Ib. 4 2 954213

Take the villain back that late thou gavest me

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An honourable villain

Ibid. 3

29842 5

- and he are many miles asunder

Ibid. 35 988 119

Villainous. Wherein villainous, but in all things

- Smiling, damned villain
Villain-lave. Tell me, thou villain-flave, where are my children

Villainy. Is it possible that any villainy should be so dear
- Chiefly by my villainy which did confirm any flander

Hamlet. 151007242 Richard iii. 44 6602 22 1 Henry iv. 2 4 45612 Much Ado About Notb. 3 3 1341 1 Ibid. 3 3 135/150

The villainy you teach me, I will execute; and it shall go hard,

the instruction

- He hath out-villain'd villainy so far, that the rarity redeems him

Since nor brass, nor stone, nor parchment, bears not one, let villainy

Mer. of Venice. 31 209 137
All's Well. 4 3 299150

but I will better

Winter's Tale. 1 2 337 236 itself forswear't

And what should poor Jack Falstaff do in the days of villainy
- And thus I clothe my naked villainy with old odd ends stol'n forth

In me'tis villainy; in thee, it had been good fervice

1 Henry it. 3 3 4631/41 of holy writ

Richard iii. 1 3 641/1/20 Ant. and Cleop. 27 78119 1843 149

Titus Andronicus. 3

O how this villainy doth fat me with the very thought of it
What villainy foe'er I bid thee do, to perform it, directly and truly, I would think

thee an honest man

hath made mocks with love

Villainies. Whose spirit lives in frame of villainies

I cannot think but the villainies of man will fet him clear

Vincentio. D. P.

Meas. for Meaf. P.75.

Cymbeline. 3 5 912 158
Otbello. 5 2 107728

Much Ado About Notb. 4 1 139 12

Vindicative. He, in heat of action, is more vindicative than jealous

Vine. Thou art an elm, my husband, I a vine

Her vine, the merry chearer of the heart, unpruned dies

That spoil'd your fummer fields, and fruitful vines

Timon of Arb. 3 3 814/2/29

Tam, of the Shrew.


Comedy of Errors. 2 2 10827

love Fr. and Creff.4 5 8821/39

Henry v.5 2 538 1/13 Richard iii. 5 2 665 149

Henry viii. 5 4 702/1/33

In her days, every man shall eat in safety, under his own vine
The fervants to this chofen infant shall then be his, and like a vine grow to him Ib. 5 4 70229

Grow, patience! and let the stinking elder, grief, untwine his perishing root, with

the encreasing vine

The vines of France

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Vinegar. Others, of fuch vinegar afpect, that they'll not shew their teeth in way of fimile,

though Neftor swear the jest be laughable

Vineyard. Pole-clipt vineyard

Vintner. D. P.

Viol. My tongue's use is to me no more,


an unstring'd viol, or a

Viol-de-gambo. He plays o' th' viol-de-gambo

Viola. D. P.

Violenta. D. P.

Fiolenteth. And violenteth in a sense as strong as that which causeth it

Violet. Lying by the violet in the fun, do as the carrion does, not as the

intons season

Merch. of Venice. 1 1 198 19


Tempeft. 4 1 1711

I Henry iv.




Rich. ii. 1 3 417 237
Night. 1 3 308 2 44


All's Well.



Meas. For Meaf. 22/ flower, corrupt

and Cref- 44 879245



Violet. Where ox-lips and the nodding violet grows

A. S. P. C. L.

Midf. Night's Dream. 22 181/1/48

It came o'er my ear like the sweet south that breathes upon a bank of violets,

stealing and giving odour

- dim, but sweeter than the lids of Juno's eyes, or Cytherea's breath

To throw perfume on the violet-is wasteful

Twelfth Night. 1 1 307 110
Winter's Tale. 4 3 350257

Who are the violets now that strew the green lap of the new come spring
The violet smells to him as it doth to me

A violet in the youth of primy nature

King Jobn. 4 2 403133

I would give you some violets; but they wither'd all, when my father died

Rich.ii. 5 2 436 124

Henry v. 41 528 150
Hamlet. 1 3 1004 146
Ibid. 45 1030 139

Troilus and Creff. 3 1 872 157

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Viper. Where is this viper, that will depopulate the city, and be every man himself Cor. 3 1 722 1 14

Is love a generation of vipers

Where is that viper? bring the villain forth

Viperous. Civil dissention is a viperous worm

Viperous traitor. We are peremptory to dispatch this viperous traitor

Virago. I have not feen fuch a Virago

Virgilia. D. P.

Virgin. A poor virgin, fir, an ill-favour'd thing

-Young budding virgin, fair, and fresh, and sweet

Virgin knot. Threatnings on breaking it before holy ceremonies are
Virgin-palm. By this virgin-palm, now kissing thine

Coriolanus. 31 722 146

Twelfth Night. 3 4 325 137


As You Like It. 54


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248 2 4 27328 16135

173 2 48

yield my virgin-patent

Midf. Night's Dream. I

1176 146

which, withering on the

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Virgin-patent. So will I grow, so live, so die, my Lord, ere I will

up unto his Lordship

Virgin-thorn. Earthlier happy is the rose diftill'd, than that,

virgin-thorn, grows, lives, and dies, in single blessedness

Virgin tribute paid by howling Troy to the fea-monster Virginal. Tears virginal shall be to me even as the dew to fire - palms of your daughters

Virginalling. Still virginalling upon his palm

Merch. of Venice. 3 2 210 138

2 Henry vi. 5 2 601250

Virgin'd. That kiss I carried from thee, dear; and my true lip hath virgin'd it e'er fince

Coriolanus. 52 734 142

Winter's Tale. I

2 335146

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- To trust the opportunity of night, and the ill counsel of a defert place, with the

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Virginius. Was it well done of rash Virginius, to slay his daughter with his own right

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Then we find the virtue that poffeflion would not shew us whiles it was ours Ibid. 4

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I cannot tell, good fir, for which virtue it was, but he was certainly whipp'd out of the court

Winter's Tale. 4 2 349 148

-There's no virtue whipp'd out of court

Ibid. 4 2 349/150



Virtue. Let me be unroll'd, and put into the book of virtue

A. S. P. C.L.

Winter's Tale. 4 2 349 227

If zealous love should go in search of virtue, where should he find it purer than in

So fhall my virtue be his vice's bawd


K. Jobr. 2 394 215 Richard ii. 53 43724

The virtue of this jest will be the incomprehensible lies that this same fat rogue will tell us

- he had; deferving to command

1 Henry iv. 1
I Henry vi. I

2 444 254



Bethink thee on her virtues that furmount, mad, natural graces, that extinguish art Ib. 54 567 225

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'Tis but the fate of place, and the rough brake that virtue must go through

2 Henry vi. 3 1 584233

Ibid. 4 2 59313

3 Henry vi. 14608253

Let me speak myself, since virtue finds no friend

H.viiii. 1 2 67533
Ibid. 3 1687227

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I would they would forget me, like the virtues which our divines lose by 'em

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My heart laments, that virtue cannot live out of the teeth of emulation Jul. Cafar. 2 3 75144 According to his virtue let us use him, with all respect and rites of burial

1bid.55 76530

Let not the piece of virtue, which is fet betwixt us, as the cement of our love, to

keep it builded, be the ram to batter the fortress of it

Ant. and Cleop. 32 782 216
Titus And. 1 2 833242
Ibid. 2


Whose virtues will, I hope, reflect on Rome, as Titan's rays on earth
And virtue stoops and trembles at her frown

-All his virtues, not virtuoufly on his own part beheld, do in our eyes begin to
lofe their glofs

Troi. and Creff.23 865224

-As when his virtues shining upon others heat them, and they retort that heat again to the first giver

O let not virtue seek remuneration for the thing it was

She holds her virtue stall, and I my mind

The temple of virtue was she; yea, and the herself

Trust to thy fingle virtue

- All the unpublish'd virtues of the earth, spring with my tears itself torn vice, being misapplied

No foil nor cautel doth befmirch the virtue of his will

Ibid. 3 3 87525

Ibid. 3 3 876138

Cymbeline. 15897 118

Ibid. 55 925261

Lear. 5 3 96323

Ibid. 4 4 955249

Rom. and Juliet. 2 3 97727

-, as it never will be mov'd, though lewdness court it in a shape of heaven

-?a fig! 'tis in ourselves, that we are thus and thus

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Whose folid virtue the shot of accident, nor dart of chance, could neither graze, nor


Virtucus seafon

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Hamlet. 1


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Mu. Ado Abt. Noth. 2

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Doft think because thou art virtuous, there shall be no more cakes and ale T. Night. 2
He was a fool; for he would needs be virtuous


Henry vili. 2


315 231 682140

You should account me the more virtuous, that I have not been common in my


Coriolanus. 2

3 717147

If his occasion were not virtuous, I should not urge it half so faithfully 'Virtucus deeds. I'll leave my fon my virtuous deeds behind; and 'would my father had left me no more

T. of Ab. 3


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There are a fort of men whose visages do cream and mantle like a standing pond

The youth bears in his visage no great presage of cruelty

Mer. of Venice. 1 198 148
Twelfth Nigbr. 3 2 32216

Let me know my trespais by its own vifage: if I'then deny it, 'tis none of mine

Winter's Tale. 123364 348312

Put not you on the visage of the times, and be, like them, to Percy troublesome 2 H. iv. 2 - O, let me view his visage being dead, that living, wrought me fuch exceeding trouble

Put on a most importunate aspect, a visage of demand Vifion. Majestic v.fion

'The bafelefs fabric of this vifion

2. Henry wi. 5159055
Timon of citbens 2 1 8121;
Tempest. 4 1

- When they next wake, all this derifien, small feem a dream, and fruitless vision

I 17245

Midj. Night's Dream. 3 2 188 24

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For, to a vifion so apparent, rumour cannot be mute - Art thou not, fatal vision, sensible to feeling, as to fight

appearing to queen Katherine in her fleep

It was a vision fair and fortunate

Thy wife hath dreamt, thy mother hath had visions

Last night the very gods shew'd me a vision

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Henry viii. 4 2 695 146 Julius Cæfar. 2 2 750255 Troil. and Creff. 5 1 888 1 12 Cymbeline. 4 2 918 159

Vifitation. The king of Sicilia means to pay Bohemia the visitation which he justly owes

[blocks in formation]

Winter's Tale. 1 2 333 111
Ibid. 5 358/2/24

Henry viii. 51 698153

Hamlet. 2 2 1013 121

M. Ado Ab. Noth. 2 1 126 145

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My very vifor began to affume life

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And fo adieu; twice to your visor, and half once to you

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Was your visor made without a tongue

Ibid. 5 2

168 155

Or ever but in vifors shew their faces

Ibid. 5 2 168 232

That vifor; that superfluous cafe, that hid the worse, and shew'd the better face Ib. 5.2 169 249

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Vive le roy. Have I not heard these islanders shout out, Vive le roy, as I have bank'd

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And make our faces vizards to our hearts Vizarded. Degree being vizarded, the unworthiest shews as fairly in the mask Tr. Cr. 138622

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2 408 240 188 11 46 113 682 3 374 227 9

Vizor. Nor never come in vizor to my friend

Love's Labor Loft. 5



Ah, that deceit should steal such gentle shapes, and with a virtuous vizor hide deep

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Umber. I'll put myself in poor and mean attire, and with a kind of Umber snirch my face

Umber'd. Each battle fees the other's umber'd face


Vizor-like. But that thy face is vizor-like, unchanging

Ulcer. Pour'st in the open ulcer of my heart, her eyes, her hair, her cheek, her gait, her voice

Hamlet. 4 7 10322 10

Merry W. of Wind. 31

Ibid. 4 5

3 Henry vi. 3

59 1 8 6922

2 619 127

3 Henry vi. 1

4 608 138

Troil. and Creff.

1 858 149

Umbrage. Who else would trace him, his umbrage, nothing more Umfrevile. My Lord, Sir John Umfrevile, turn'd me back with joyful - There is three umpires in that matter

- Whom right and wrong have chofen as umpire of their mutiny - Let me be umpire in this doubtful ftrife

As You Like It. 1
Henry v. 4
Hamlet. 5

3 228 232 ch 5271 21038 2 20 I 474 138 4718


tidings 2 Η. iv. 1 Merry W. of Wind. 1 Love's Lab. Loft. 1 I Henry vi. 4 Rom. and Jui. 4 1 Henry vi. 45 56312 Lear. 34 948 261

*Twixt my extremes and me this bloody knife shall play the umpire Unable limbs


Unaccommodated man is no more, but a poor, bare, forked animal as thou
Unaccustom'd. You of my houshold, leave this peevish broil, and set this
fight afide

Unagreeable. The time is unagreeable to the business
Unaneal'd. Unhousell'd, disappointed, unaneal'd


I 149 1 12 1 56119 1990 151

1 Henry wi. 31555252 Tim. of Athens. 2 2 810 2 17 Hamlet. 1510072 12 T. of A. 2 2 811 13

Unapiness. And that unaptness made you minifter, thus to excuse yourself
Unaffailable. I do know but one that unaffailable holds on his rank, unshak'd of motion;
and, that I am he

Unauthorized kiss

Julius Cafar. 3 1752 234
Othello.4 1106719

Unbarb'd. Must I go shew them my unbarb'd sconce
Unbated. With ease, or with a little shuffling, you may choose a sword unbated
-The treacherous instrument is in thy hand, unbated, and envenom'd

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