1 A. S. P. C.L. Unbent. To be unbent, when thou hast ta'en thy stand, the elected deer before thee Cy. 34 9101/47 1 Henry vi. 12 Unbitted. We have reason to cool our raging motions, our carnal stings, our unbitted Unbolt. I'll unbolt to you 551214 Otbello. 1 310502/16 Timon of Athens. I 1 804 133 Unbolted. I will tread this unbolted villain into mortar, and daub the wall of a jakes Lear. 2 2 941 124 Ibid. 3 1 946130 Othello. 1 2 10461 2 Ibid. 4 11068:147 Coriolanus. 3 7202 7 I Comedy of Errors. 51 119 161 Unbrac'd. And, thus unbrac'd, Casca, as you fee, have bar'd my bosom to the thunder Unbreathing. But, like dumb statues, or unbreathing stones, star'd on each other, and Richard ii. 37654137 Unbridled. This is not well, rash and unbridled boy, to fly the favours of fo good a Unbruised youth, with unstuff'd brain All's Well. 3 2 290240 Romeo and Jul. 2 3 977225 Uncapable. Why, by making him uncapable of Othello's place; knocking out his brains Otbello. 4 2 1072 2/28 Uncape. I'll warrant we'll unkennel the fox:-let me stop this way first;-fo, now uncape Uncafe. Tranio at once uncase thee Uncafing. Do you not fee, Pompey is uncafing for the combat Uncaught. Not in this land shall he remain uncaught Uncertain. Be not uncertain Merry W. of Wind. 3 3 6128 The people will remain uncertain, whilft 'twixt you there's difference Uncertainty. This fure uncertainty Lear. 2 I Winter's Tale. 1 2 338223 Timon of Athens. 56 829 118 Much Ado About Nothing. I I Unclafp'd. I have unclasp'd to thee the book even of my fecret foul 124156 I Henry iv. 1 3 446255 Troi. and Cref. 45 881246 - He, most humane, and fill'd with honour, to my kingly guest unclasp'd my practice Uncle. Tut, tut, grace me no grace, nor uncle me no uncle I want more uncles here to welcome me Winter's Tale. 3 2 3452 19 Richard ii. 3 I 648126 Ibid. 3 Unclean. Where an unclean mind carries virtuous qualities, there commendations go All's Well. 1 Uncivanness. To redeem him, give up your body to such sweet uncleanness, as she that he hath stained Uncleanly scruples 1649 127 I 2772 20 Meaf. for Meas. 2 4 85235 K. Jobn. 4 1 401261 180523 Unclew. If I should pay you for't as 'tis extoll'd, it would unclew me quite T. of A. 1 to't Uncolted. Thou lieft, thou art not colted, thou art uncolted Coriolanus. 4 273722 1 Henry iv. 2 2 449218 Uncomeliness. He gave such orderly and well-behaved reproof to all uncomelinefs A. S. P. C.L. Uncuckolded. It is a deadly forrow to behold a foul knave uncuckolded Uncurbable. So much uncurbable her garboils Ant. and Cleo. 11 27691/21 ! Undeaf. Though Richard, my life's counsel, would not hear, my death's sad tale may yet Richard ii. 2 I Undeck. I have given here my foul's consent, to undeck the pompous body of a king Ib. 4 Macbeth. 57 Under-bear. And leave those woes alone, which I alone am bound to under-bear K. 7. 3 1 420 14 433245 386 1 6 3962 33 Underbearing. And patient underbearing of his fortune Richard ii. 1 4 41925 Underborne with a blueish tinfel Mu. Ado Ab. Noth. 3 4 135240 Undercreft. I mean to stride your steed, and, at all times, to undercrest your good addi- Coriolanus. I Undergo fuch ample grace and honour Meaf. for Meas. 11 9711130 7615 - these employments wherein I should have cause to use thee, with a serious industry Underlings. The fault, dear Brutus, is not in our stars, but in ourselves that we are un- Undermine. Man fitting down before you, will undermine you, and blow you up All's W. 1 1 278 2 17 You seem to understand me, by each at once her choppy finger laying upon her - Let me not understand you then, speak it in Welsh Understanding begins to swell, and the approaching tide will shortly fill the reasonable shore that now lies foul and muddy - I speak as mine understanding instructs me - I speak in understanding Lear. 45 956144 Hamlet. 1 21004121 Twelfth Night. 11 309 119 It is not fit your lordship should undertake every companion that you give offence to Undertaker. Nay, if you be an undertaker, I am for you - And, for Caffio, let me be his undertaker Under-write. And under-write in an observing kind his humorous Under-wrought. Thou hast under-wrought its lawful king Cymbeline. 2 1 901157 Tw. Night. 3 4 325228 Othello. 4 1 1069158 Undeferver. The undeferver may fleep, when the man of action is call'd on 2 Henry iv. 2 4 487 237 predominance He hath left undone that, which shall break his neck, or hazard mine - I cannot wish the fault undone, the issue being so proper Undrown'd. I have no hope that he's undrown'd Unearned luck Unearthy. The facrifice! how ceremonious, folemn and unearthy Lear. I 1 Meas. for Meas. 4 2 Tempeft. 2 1 782 16 929 121 94251 9222 Mid. Night's Dream. 52 196 221 Winter's Tale. 3 1 343 256 Uneasy. From whose simplicity, I think it not uneasy to get the cause of my fon's refort A. S. P. C. L, Stand and unfold yourself Unfledg'd. But do not dull thy palm with entertainment of each new-hatch'd 2 Unfold. My fons, I must, for my own part, unfold a dangerous speech - This honeft creature doubtless sees and knows more, much more, than he unfolds Oib. 3 3 un Hamlet. 1 3 1004254 Cymbeline. 55 9262 62 Hamlet. 1 I 99919 1062 133 Besides, the Moor may unfold me to him Ibid. 5 1 1074130 Unf Aded. Must I be unfolded with one that I have bred Ant. and Cleop. 52 800151 Unfolding ftar calls up the shepherd Mias. for Meaf. 42 95161 -To my unfolding lend a gracious ear Orbello. 1 : : 3 1049 225 Unfool. Have you any way then to unfool me again Merry W. of Windfor. 4 2 662 14 Unfriended. I Unfurnish'd. We shall be much unfurnish'd for this time 9312 12 99118 Ungain'd. Men prize the thing ungain'd more than it is Troil. and Creff. Ungalled. Against your yet-ungalled estimation Comedy of Errers. 31 110149 Ungarter'd. You would not have chid Protheus for going ungarter'd Two G. of V. 21 2813 Ungenerative. He is a motion unregenerative that's infallible Meas. for Meas. 3 Ungenitured. This ungenitured agent will unpeople the province with continency Ibid. 3 2 912/27 Ungentle queen, to call him gentle Suffolk 2 Henry vi. 3 - You star'd upon me with ungentle looks Jul Cafar. 2 I - For Cæfar cannot live to be ungentle Aut, and Cleop. 5 I 749 128 798 137 - When was my Lord fo much ungentle temper'd Tro. and Creff. 5 3 887152 Ungently. You have ungently, Brutus, stole from my bed J. Cafar. 2 Ungentleness. Youth, you have done me much ungentleness, to shew the letter that 1 Ungot. Who is as free from touch or foil with her, as the from one ungot M. for M. 51 99130 Curiolanus. 2 Unquem. I fmell false Latin; dunghill for unquem Unbair'd. This unhair'd sawciness, and boyish troops King John. 5 2 Lear, 4 6 959235 3 718 2 16 165 147 409110 Unballow'd. Bid that ftrumpet, your unhallow'd dam, like to the earth, swallow her Unhappily. There might be thought, though nothing fure, yet much unhappily Hamlu. 4 51028,2 Unbatch'd. Or fome unhatch'd practice made demonstrable here in Cyprus to him Orbello. 3 4 1066 124 Cor. 5 Unbelpful tears 2 Henry vi. 3 Unbop'd. Such as fills my heart with unhop'd joys 3 Henry vi. 3 3 621111 Unbopefullest. Is not the unhopefullest husband that I know Mu. Ado Abt. Noth. 2 I 128221 Unboufed. I would not my unhoused free condition put into circumfcription Otbello. 1 Unhoufell'd, disappointed, unaneal'd Hamlet. 1510072 12 Unburtful. You imagine me too unhurtful an oppofite Meaf. for Meas. 3 Unicorns. Tempest. 3 3 15120 - He loves to hear, that unicorns may be betray'd with trees Jul. Cæfar. 2 1 748/240 - Wert thou the unicorn, pride and wrath would confound thee Tim. of Athens. 4 3 823151 Unimprow'd. Young Fortinbrafs, of unimprov'd mettle, hot and full Hamler. I IICCO 216 Union. This union shall do more than battery can, to our fait closed gates K. Jobn. 2 2 394233 - And in the cup an union shall he throw Hamlet. 5 - Drink of this potion? - Is the union here Ibid. 5 21040151 2104111 Unity. If I were bound to divine of this unity, I would not prophesy so Ant. and Cleo. 26 78013 - If there be rule in unity itself, this is not the Troi. and Creff. 3 2 886 246 Univerfal. Sole monarch of the univerfal earth Romeo and Juliet. 3 2 9842/23 Universe. When creeping murmur, and the poring dark, fills the wide veffel of the Unkennel. If his occulted guilt do not itself unkennel in one speech, it is adamned ghoft A.S. P. C. L. Unkind. We were not all unkind, nor all deferve the common stroke of war T. of Arb. 5 6 828 2129 Merry Wives of Winds. 1 1 472 18 -Why, then we kill all our women; we fee how mortal an unkindness is to them - She hath tied sharp-tooth'd unkindness, like a vulture here Ant. and Cleop. 1 2 769 2 42 4944425 Lear. 2 Unkinglike. And for ourself to shew less sovereignty than they, must needs appear un- Unkifs. Let me unkiss the oath 'twixt thee and me Unknit. Will you again unknit this churlish knot of all-abhorred war And not unknit himself the noble knot he made Unknowing. Let me speak to the yet unknowing world Unlace. What's the matter, that you unlace your reputation thus Unless. By not so doing, our good city cleave in the midst, and perish 4 Cymbeline. 3 5 911 143 Richard ii. 5 1 435154 1 Henry iv. 5 1 4672 43 Coriolanus. 4 2 727 140 Titus Andronicus. 3 2 844 139 Romeo and Juliet. 1 5 9742 31 Unlike. The service, that you three have done, is more unlike than this thou tell'ft Unload. To you Duke Humphrey must unload his grief Uniuftrous. Base and unlustrous as the smoaky light that's fed with stinking tallow Cym. 17 900135 Unmanner'd dog! stand thou when I command Unmannerly. I'll rather be unmannerly than troublesome - Be Kent unmannerly when Lear is mad - If my duty be too bold, my love is too unmannerly Unmeet. A creature unprepared, unmeet for death - Prove you that any man with me convers'd at hours unmeet Behold the heavens do ope, the gods look down, and this unnatural scene they laugh at Foul whisperings are abroad: unnatural deeds do breed unnatural troubles Mach. 5 1 383227 Coriolanus. 5 3 736 245 Lear. 2 4 944149 Unnoted. With fuch sober and unnoted paffion he did behave his anger ere 'twas spent Unparagon'd. Either your unparagon'd mistress is dead, or she's out-priz'd by atrifle Cym. 1 5 897 135 Unperfetness. One unperfectness shews me another, to make me frankly despise myself Unpink'd. Gabriel's pumps were all unpink'd i' the heel Tam. of the Shrew. 4 1 Unpitied. But at hand, at hand, ensues his piteous and unpitied end Unpolicy'd. O, could'st thou speak! that I might hear thee call great Otbello. 2 3 1057228 268/22 Unpliffing bastard Unpoffible. Richard ii. 22 423 260 Unpregnant. Makes me unpregnant and dull to all proceedings - of my cause Meas. for Meaf. 4 4 97 146 Unprepared. I would not kill thy unprepared spirit Othello. 5 2 1076 118 Unpriz'd. Shall buy the unpriz'd precious maid of me i Unproper beds. There's millions now alive, that nightly lie in those unproper beds Orb. 4 1 1068 18 Unprouide. I'll not expoftulate with her, left her body and beauty unprovide my mind again Unprovided. He charges home my unprovided body Unpublybd. All you unpublish'd virtues of the earth, spring with my tears Unqualny'd. He is unquality'd with very shame "Unqueen'd. Embalm me, then lay me forth: although unqueen'd, yet like a queen, 1708 Unquestionable. An unquestionable spirit which you have not Unquietness. Betroths himself to unquietness Unready. What all unready Unreal. Hence, horrible shadow! unreal mockery hence Unrefpe&tive boy unreft Unrecuring. As doth the deer that hath received some unrecuring wound Titus Andron. 3 1842 157 Unreft. Thy fun sets weeping in the lowly west, witnessing storms to come, woe, and Unrest. Rest thy unrest on England's lawful earth - You fleeping safe, they bring you to unrest -But let her rest in her unrest awhile Richard i. 2 4 425257 Richard iii. 4 465917 Ibid. 5 3 668256 Titus Andronicus. 42 846225 - And so repose sweet gold, for their unrest, that have their alms out of the empress chest The sport is at the best,-Ay, so I fear; the more is my unrest Unreverent. See not your bride in these unreverent robes Unrolled. Let me be unroll'd, and my name put into the book of virtue Unroot. You do so grow in my requital, as nothing can unroot you W.'s Tale. 4 2 349 225 Ibid. 2 334250 All's Well. 5 1 301146 Unrough. And many unrough youths that even now protest their first of manhood Unfanttified. The most unsanctified of murderous lechers Unfavoury. Thou hast the most unfavoury fimilies Unscarr'd. Throw over her the veil of infamy: so she may live unscarr'd of bleeding flaughter Unschool'd. An understanding fimple and unschool'd Hamlet. 1 2 100229 Unfcal'd. Therefore your oaths are words, and poor conditions; but unfeal'd All's W. 4229628 Unfeam'd. "Till he unfeam'd him from the nave to the chops Unfeafor'd. The which hath something emboldened me to this Macbeth. 3632 19 Mu. Ado Abt. Notb. 2 2 128 2 52 Merry Wives of Windfor. 2 2 ourselves 55212 Love's Labor Loft. 2 1 1532 2 Troil, and Creff. 3 2 873 2 48 may not fly Unfecret. Who shall be true to us, when we are so unfecret to forth of Ægypt Unfettle. His wits begin to unsettle Unjex. Come, you spirits that tend on mortal thoughts, unsex me here Ant. and Cleo. I 5772231 Lear. 3 4 949 28 Macbeth. 15 367 115 Hamlet. 4 51028151 Unshapes. This deed unshapes me quite, makes me unpregnant, and dull to all proceed for Meaf. 4 4 97 146 Coriolanus. 54 737 240 Meas. for Meas. 3 2 Untendo Speak like a green girl, unfifted in such perilous circumstance Hamier. 131005139 Unfigbtly. These are unfightly tricks Unfinew'd. For two special reasons; which may to you, perhaps, seem much unfinew'd Meas. Othello. 3 3 1062 2 17 90/2/16 Unflipping. And to knit your hearts with an unslipping knot, take Antony Octavia to his wife Unfmirched. Brands the harlot even here, between the chafte unfimirched brow of my Unfounded. Glofter is a man unfounded yet, and full of deep deceit Unfpeak. And unspeak mine own detraction Unspeakable. A man, they say, that from very nothing, and beyond the imagination of his neighbours, is grown into an unspeakable estate Unsquar'd. With terms unsquar'd Unftain'd. Do plainly give you out an unftain'd shepherd Unftay'd. In wholsome council to his unstay'd youth The unstooping firmness of my upright foul Winter's Tale. 4 1 348 149 Lear. 1 2 933 227 |