Yellow. If thou haft the ordering of the mind, too, 'mongst all colours no yellow in't -This yellow Iachimo Raied with the yellows Yellowness. I will possess him with yellowness Yellow flockings. To put on yellow stockings A. S. P. C.L Winter's Tale. 2 3 342231 Cymbeline. 2 5906 112 Tam. of the Shrew. 32 265130 Merry W. of Wind. 1 3 49244 Twelfth Night. 5 1 332 123 2. Henry iv. 2 Yeoman. Where is your yeoman? is it a lufty yeoman? will a' stand to't - And you good yeomen, whose limbs were made in England, shew us here the mettle of your pafture - We grace the yeoman, by converfing with him - Spring creftless yeomen from so deep a root - Yet not fo wealthy as an English yeoman But, fir, now it did me yeoman's service 1 479 140 Henry v.3 I 520152 1 Henry vi. 245521/30 Ibid. 2 4 552135 3 Henryvi. 14 608246 Hamlet. 5 210372 5 Yerk. With wild rage, yerk out their armed heels at their dead maners, killing them twice Yern. It would yern your heart to fee it -My manly heart doth yern For Falstaff he is dead, and we must yern therefore Henry v.4 7 5342 13 Merry W. of Wind. 3 5 632 31 Henry v.23 517226 Ibid. 2 3 5172/30 Ibid. 4 3 53139 That every like is not the fame, O Cæfar, the heart of Brutus yerns to think upon Yerned. O, how it yern'd my heart Yesterdays. And all our yesterdays have lighted fools the way to dusty death -A kind of yesty collection Yer and yet Yew, Slips of yew fliver'd in the moon's eclipse - Thy very beadsmen learn to bend their bows of double fatal yew against -They told me, they would bind me here unto the body of a dismal The reason of our state I cannot yield God yield us Will you yield, and this avoid yew 28153 Macbeth. 4 1 378114 thy fstate Richard ii. 3 2 4272 15 Tit. And. 2 383912 Meas. for Meas. 51 Therefore, dread king, we yield our town and lives, to thy foft mercy But well and free, if so thou yield him, there's gold Tend me to-night two hours, I afk no more, and the gods yield you for't That fuch a crafty devil as his mother should yield the world this afs Yielded. Send your trunk to me; it shall fafe be kept, and truly yielded you Yielders. From yeilders all things catch Yielder. I was not born a yielder, thou proud Scot 97264 Ait's Will. 3 1 290135 Macbeth. 1 6 367/2/22 Henry v. 3 3 522 123 Ibid. 3 3 522110 Coriol. 2 2 715137 J. Cæfar. 54764213 Ant. & Cles. 2 5 777235 Ibid. 4 2 791114 901151 Cymbeline. 2 1 Ibid. 1 7 901216 Midf. Night's Dream. 3 2 185148 1 Henry iv. 53 4701 7 Yielding. Were not his requests fo far from reafon's yielding, your fair felf should make Yoaks. Do not these fair yoaks become the foreft better than the town alfo lies carded men Yoke. These, that accuse him in his intent towards our wives, are a yoke of his dif Thrust thy neck into a yoke The savage bull doth bear the yoke Whose fouls do bear an equal yoke of love Ay, and 'twere pity to funder them that yoke so well together We'll yoke together, like a double shadow to Henry's body Ibid. 1 1 123253 Mer. of Venice. 3 4 213 1 23 3 Henry vi. 4 1 622 136 Ibid. 4 6 625240 Ever may your highness yoke together, as I will lend you cause, my doing well, with my well faying Our yoke and sufferance shew us womanish you like draft oxen, and make you plough up the war -Our fubjects, fir, will not endure his yoke Henry viii. 3 2 69015 Julius Cæfar. 1 3 74611 Troil. and Cre: 2 21 8662 1 5 T3 م Cymbeline. 3 51 911141. Ibid.14 2 914239 Yokes. : A. S. P. C. L. Cymbeline 42 915124 Yokes. Nobly he yokes a smiling with a figh either's purpose Yoked by a fool - Hath yok'd a nation strong Yoke-fellows in arms, let us to France Yond's that fame knave Yonker. Trimm'd like a yonker, prancing to his love Yorick. Alas, poor Yorick York. Archbishop of York. D. P. - D. P. Duke of. D. P. -D. P. Henry v. 2 2 516243. I Henry iv. p. 441. 2 Henry vi. p. 571. -, Duke of. And we create, in absence of our self, our uncle York Lord Governor of England -, appointed Regent in France Richard ü. 2 1 421 2 50. 1 Henry vi. 41561122 If thou be not then created York, I will not live to be accounted Warwick -, Soliloquy on the giving up of Anjou and Maine -, accused of treafon -, His title to the crown dismisses his foldiers I arreft thee, York, of capital treason 'gainst the king and crown If that the bastard boys of York shall be the furety for their traitor father York-place. That title's lost; 'tis now the king's, and call'd-Whitehall Ibid. 2 4 553/2/18 2 Henry vi. 11 573 2,20 Ibid. 2 2 580163 I D. P. 3 Henry vi. Richard iii. 4 4 66428 Tam. of the Sbrew. 2 1 263 118 Tuus Andronicus. 2 1837 120 Coriolanus. 23 718 229 Younker. How like a younker, or a prodigal, the skarfed bark puts from her native bay - I'll not pay a denier, what will you make a younker of me Your's. One half of me is your's, the other half your's,-mine own I would say; but if mine, then your's - A purpose more grave and wrinkled than the aims and ends of burning youth -Thou haft nor youth, nor age - He that is more than a youth, is not for me; and he that is less than a man, I am not for him In my youth I never did apply hot and rebellious liquors in my blood - Unbak'd and doughy youth All's Well. 42 206 138 Youth. A.S. P. C. L. Youth. Of fresh and stainless youth Twelfib Night. 5 312/2/55 Ibid. 3 4 322/2/32 For youth is bought more oft, than begg'd or borrow'd, Unftay'd youth And chid his truant youth with such a grace There is my hand; you shall be as a father to my youth Now all the youth of England are on fire Luft and liberty creep in the minds and marrows of our youth In the morn and liquid dew of youth to itself rebels, though none elfe near To flaming youth let virtue be as wax, and melt in her own fire Richard ii. 2 1 419 159 a Henry iv. 51 46927 2. Henry iv. 5250327 Henry v. 2 ch 51412 Tim. of Athens. 41 818252 Hamlet. 1.3.1004/220 Ibid. 1 3 1004229 Ibid. 3 4 1024 2 11 - no less becomes the light and careless livery that it wears, than fettled age his fables and his weeds Z Ibid. 4 7 1032 111 ZANIES. than the fool's zanies Some flight zany Zenith depends upon a most auspicious star Zeal. Intend a kind of zeal both to the prince and Claudio - The constraint of hofpitable zeal Much Ado Ab. Noth. 2 2 129 1 9 King Jobn. 2 1 392250 - Lest zeal now melted: by the windy breath of foft petitions, pity and remorse, cool and congeal again to what it was Let not my cold words here accufe my zeal This doth infer the zeal I had to fee him With whom an upright zeal to right prevails Had I but ferved my God with half the zeal I served my king Ibid. 2 2 23551 Richard ii. 11 414 128 2 Henry iv. 55506120 3 Henry vi. 5 1 6282 28 Henry vili. 3 2 692759 Like those, that, under hot ardent zeal, would set whole realms on fire Tim. of Atb. 3 3 814 2 31 Zed. Thou whorefon zed! thou unnecessary letter Zenelopbon. The pernicious and indubitate beggar Zenelophon Zepbyrs. They are as gentle as zephyrs, blowing below the violet Zodiac. Like unscour'd armour, hung by the wall so long, that nineteen gone round, and none of them been worn - Gallops the zodiack in his glistering coach Zounds. Titus Andronicus. 2 1836 142 I Henry iv. 41 46414 1752 F REFERENCES. P Face, see Complexion, Countenance, Wee face, Whey face Pen, lee Snow-white Pen Phenix, fee Arabian Bird Pinfold, fee Pound Poifon, see Empoison Wine, fee Baftard, Canary, Sack, Sherris-fack Women, see Maids, Mißress, Mother, Nun, Nurfe Wench, fee Whore, Widow, Wife, ERRAT Page 1110, Andramadio, read Adramadio. 1121, Barbury-ben, read Barbary-ben. 1144, Bodkin, read with a bare bodkin. 1263, Embaiming, read Emballing. A. 1345, Obferve a transposition between Hannibal and Hafte, should come in from Hap to Harvest-men, from pages 1347, 8, 9. ADDENDUM to the Songs, page 1619, The Oufel Cock, so black of hue-Bottom's, Midj. Night's Dream, Act 3. Sc. 1. P. 184. C. 1. L. 43. SPLENDID In Two VOLUMES FOLIO, with a COMPLETE INDEX. In the Press, and speedily will be published, Containing near 1800 Pages, beautifully printed upon a Superfine Wove Royal SHAKSPEAR INCLUDING The Whole of his Dramatic Works; With Explanatory Notes, compiled from various Commentators. TO WHICH WILL BE ADDED, A Copious INDEX to all the remarkable PASSAGES and WORDS. Calculated to point out the different Meanings in which the Words are made use of by SHAKSPEARE. By the Reverend SAMUEL AYSCOUGH, F.A.S. And Afsistant Librarian of the BRITISH MUSEUM. Printed for JOHN STOCKDALE, Piccadilly. **Mr. STOCKDALE has already experienced a liberal Encouragement from the Public for his Edition of SHAKSPEARE, in one Volume, 8vo. and to whom he begs Leave to return his grateful Acknowledgments. As the present Edition will cost him fome Thousands, he humbly folicits the Assistance of the Admirers of SHAKSPEARE, by favouring him with their Names as Subscribers. N. B. A Specimen of the Paper and Type, may be seen at Mr. STOCKDALE's. AN ELEGANT EDITION OF ROBINSON CRUSOE. This Day is published, BEAUTIFULLY printed on a SUPERFINE PAPER, in Two handsome Volumes, Royal Octavo, Price One Guinea in Boards; and embellished with FIFTEEN ORIGINAL ENGRAVINGS, and Two Elegant VIGNETTES, designed by STODHART, and engraved by MEDLAND: Who lived Eight-and-Twenty Years all alone, in an uninhabited Island, on the Coast of America, near the Mouth of the great River Oroonoque; having been cast on Shore by Shipwreck, wherein all the Men perished but himself: with an Account how he was at last as strangely delivered by PIRATES, Written by Himself. T TO WHICH IS ADDED, THE LIFE OF DANIEL DE FOE. BY GEORGE CHALMERS, Esq. LONDON: PRINTED FOR JOHN STOCKDALE, PICCADILLY: N. B. The Public will please to order that printed for Mr. STOCKDALE, as the Plates alone are worth more than the Price of the whole Book. |