صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

Shall I, wasting in despair
Shepherd, what's Love, I pray thee tell
Shun delays, they breed remorse .
Shut not so soon; the dull-eyed night.
Sigh no more, ladies, sigh no more
Silly boy, 'tis full moon yet, thy night as
day shines clearly.

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Since brass, nor stone, nor earth, nor
boundless sea.

Since first I saw your face I resolved to
honour and renown ye.

Since there's no help, come let us kiss

and part

Sing his praises that doth keep
Sing lullaby, as women do

Wither 180

Raleigh 76

Southwell 15

Herrick 153
Shakespeare 225

Campion 85

Shakespeare 19

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Sleep, angry beauty, sleep and fear not


Sleep, Silence' child, sweet father of soft

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Slow, slow, fresh fount, keep time with

my salt tears.

Campion 156

Drummond 159

Jonson 165

So sweet a kiss the golden sun gives not Shakespeare 165

So sweet is thy discourse to me

Spring, the sweet Spring, is the year's

pleasant king.

Steer, hither steer your wingèd pines
Still to be neat, still to be drest
Sweet are the thoughts that savour of

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Sweet, be not proud of those two eyes .
Sweet, come again !

Sweet day, so cool, so calm, so bright
Sweet Love, if thou wilt gain a monarch's



Sweet Love, renew thy force; be it not

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Sweet Spring, thou turn'st with all thy
goodly train

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Sweet western wind, whose luck it is

Sweetest of sweets, I thank you: when

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Take, O take those lips away

Tell me, thou skilful shepherd swain
Tell me where is fancy bred .

That time of year thou may'st in me

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Shakespeare 205

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The earth, late choked with showers
The forward violet thus did I chide

The glories of our blood and state
The Indian weed witherèd quite
The ivory, coral, gold.

The Lady Mary Villiers lies

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Drummond 235

Herrick 32

Herbert 163

Shakespeare 226
Drayton 66


Shakespeare 251

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Crashaw 317

Lodge 108

Shakespeare 202

Shirley 286
Wisdome 257

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The lopped tree in time may grow again
The Nightingale as soon as April bringeth
The man of life upright

The ousel cock so black of hue
The Rose was sick and smiling died
The sea hath many thousand sands

The soote season that bud and bloom

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The world's a bubble, and the life of Man


Carew 295



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Then hate me when thou wilt; if ever, now Shakespeare 230

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There is a garden in her face
There is a Lady sweet and kind
There is none, O none but you
There's her hair with which Love angles
They flee from me that sometime did me

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This day Dame Nature seem'd in love
This life, which seems so fair

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Though beauty by the mark of praise
Though I be scorn'd, yet will I not disdain

Though others may her brow adorn

Throw away thy rod

Thus saith my Chloris bright

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Campion 169
Jonson 264

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Thy bosom is endeared with all hearts Shakespeare 144
To me, fair friend, you never can be old Shakespeare 247

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Urns and odours bring away! Shakespeare or Fletcher 283

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J. Fletcher 238

Weep no more, nor sigh nor groan
Weep not, my wanton, smile upon my

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Welcome, Welcome! do I sing
Were I as base as is the lowly plain

What bird so sings, yet so does wail?
What conscience, say, is it in thee
What is it all that men possess, among

themselves conversing?

What needs complaints.

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What sweeter music can we bring
Whenas in silks my Julia goes

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Sylvester 196

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Herrick 184

Campion 215

Herrick 298

Herrick 239

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Herbert 312

When as the rye reach'd to the chin
When daffodils begin to peer
When daises pied and violets blue
When first mine eyes did view and mark

When God at first made man

When I behold a forest spread

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When in the chronicle of wasted time Shakespeare 116
When love on time and measure makes

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Drummond 234

When that I was, and a little tiny boy Shakespeare 253
When thou from earth didst pass
When thou must home to shades of

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Where the bee sucks, there suck I
While that the sun with his beams hot
Who can live in heart so glad

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Campion 173

Shakespeare 144



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Whoever comes to shroud me, do not

Why I tie about thy wrist

Wilt Thou forgive that sin, where I

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Donne 231
Herrick 153

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Donne 323

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Ye little birds that sit and sing
Yet if His Majesty, our sovereign lord.
You meaner beauties of the night .

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Sidney 167
Campion 277

Herrick 248

T. Heywood


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You spotted snakes with double tongue Shakespeare


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