صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني






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HE Proprietors of The STUDENT: Or, The OXFORD and
CAMBRIDGE Monthly Mifcellany, fenfible of the great Ob-
ligations they owe to the Publick, and willing in return to give
all the Satisfaction in their Power, have, in compliance with the
Request of many, but especially their Country Readers, fubjoined
an additional Half-Sheet; containing, a compleat Summary of
whatever is comprehended under the Denomination of NEWS.
This they intend to give away GRATIS every Month; and as it
no ways
interferes with the rest of their Work, it will be printed
on a different Letter, and paged separately; with an Intent that
(when the Number is sufficient) they may be collected and bound
together in a Volume by themselves. This, they hope, will
appear to be no inconfiderable Improvement of their original De-
fign, and must certainly be useful to fome; at least, as it is
no Expence to the Purchaser, it can offend nobody. As to the
Execution, that surely cannot fall short of the present Monthly
Productions. But their Aim is much higher. The fame Spirit
and Dignity which has hitherto commanded Succefs, will be ex-
erted and preserved in this as well as the other Parts of their Un-
dertaking: Nor let it be thought Arrogance in the AUTHORS to
add, that even in this Point they have as little to fear from the
Rivalship of others.






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HE king of Portugal has given orders, that for the future no perfon condemned to death by the inquifition, fhall be executed, until the fentence has been feen and approved by his council, and figned by his majefty; and at the fame time he has given great fatisfaction to the people at Lifbon, by obtaining of the court of Spain, an explanation of the treaty concluded by his father, by which it is ftipulated, that the limits of the two empires in America fhall be marked out and fully fettled, before the town of Sacrament be given up: And that the term of five years fhall be allowed for that purpofe; in which time the merchants hope, that fome new incident may happen for preventing the ceffion of that town, which they look on as the bulwark of the mines in Brazil, and their chief mart in that part of the world.

There has been a violent Earthquake in the Ifland of St Vincent in the Brazils, by which the town of Santos and part of the fortrefs of St Vincent were deftroy'd. By the mafters of feveral fhips from the Levant, we hear that the plague, which has raged there for fometime, has entirely ceased.


Madrid, Dec. 3. N. S. Mr Keene delivered his mafter's ratification of the new treaty of convention, and at the fame time communicated to our minifters a new commiffion, with which he is charged, of infinitely more importance than that which he had fo happily concluded; which are, That having complain'd to the Spanish Miniftry of the new Depredations committed by their Garda de la Coftas in the Weft-Indies, M. de Carvajal made Anfwer, That all Depredations, or illegal Vifits, if any fuch had been committed, would ceafe of course, as foon as they fhould be inform'd in America of the Treaty lately concluded between the two Crowns, and receive erders concerning the manner in

which his Catholick Majefty pretends they fhall behave there towards Englifh fhips failing directly to their own Colonies: And that as for the laft depredations complained of, they fhould be enquir'd into with the most fcrupulous attention, and due fatisfaction made for the damage done to the owners of any veffels that may have been anjuftly taken or visited. ITALY.


The Genoefe have at laft agreed on a regulation of their bank of St. George, which bears date the 12th ult. N. S. and was published the 6th inft. In the preamble they emphatically fet forth the misfortunes brought upon the republick in the year 1746, which forced them, for the first time, to lay hands on the facred depofi, to draw out of it fifteen millions of livers, and confequently to ftop payment of its notes. to reflore the credit of this bank, they have determined, that in a very short time all the old bills and notes of this bank fhall be united, and constitute a new fund, to be called Confecrazione, and to be divided into fo many actions or fhares, of 200 livers each, bank money, which actions fhall every year in certain portions be publickly drawn by lot, and paid by the treasurer according to their juft value of 200 effective livers, bank money. As a finking fund for this purpofe, the republick has made over to the houfe of St. George, as they call the bank, feveral new duties; and to make this fund the more confiderable, the house is to pay out of its old income, half the intereft fettled upon the actions of the new ftock, till its entire extinction.

The infanta, duchefs of Parma, was on the 2d. inft. N. S. brought to bed of a prince.

Naples, Jan, 29. The new gang of freebooters, who have affembled themselves together in Terracina and the Parts adjacent, being the remnants of the party, under that notorious villain Maftrigly, and who have at prefent at their Head, as their captains

captains and ringleaders the fons, and one of the nephews of the faid Maftrigly, ftill continuing from time to time to make their incurfions and outrages in thofe provinces in particular of this kingdom, which belong to the Ecclefiaftical State, his Majefty has been pleafed to iffue out exprefs orders for the immediate march of several strong detachments out of his troops, in order to give a check to their infolence, and if poffible to destroy them, and by that means to fecure the lives and effects of his good subjects from being loft and plunder'd by fuch a den of thieves.


The grand fignior has admitted even to the moft fecret confultations of the divan, the fultan Ibrahim, his nephew, the fon of Achmet III. depofed in 1704, and who was declared fucceffor to the empire in March 1736. This prince is much beloved by the Janiffaries, because they perceive in him a martial genius, which they like in their fovereigns. This difpofition makes them somewhat difpleafed with the pacifick reign of the prefent fultan, who has depofed four grand vizirs, because their meafures were fuch as tended to engage him in it.


The christenings in Paris for the year 1750 amount to 19035, marriages 4619, burials 18084, foundling children 3785.

An edict for eftablishing a royal military School imports, that there fhall be eight claffes of children admitted into it. The 1ft compofed of orphans, whose fathers have been killed in the fervice, or died of their wounds. The 2d, of children whofe fathers have died of a natural death in the fervice, or retired after having been 30 years in commiffion. The 3d of children burthenfome to their mothers, and whofe fathers were killed in the fervice. The 4th, of children burthenfome to their mothers, and whofe fathers died in the fervice, or retired after having been 30 years in commiffion. The 5th, of thofe whofe fathers are actually in the fervice. The 6th, of those whofe fathers fhall have quitted the fervice because of their infirmities or age.

The 7th, of children whofe fathers have not ferved, but whose ancestors have. The laft, of children of the other nobleffe, who, through their indigence, fhall have occafion for the affiftance of this fchool. They shall enjoy the fame rights and privileges as the hotel royal of invalids.

As his moft christian majesty was fome few days ago taking the diverfion of ftag-hunting, the beaft finding himself diftreffed, turned fhort, and made head at his majefty; but Mr. d'Eftournelles being apprehensive of the danger his majefty was in, threw himself in his way, and prevented his progrefs; by which bold and brave attempt, he was wounded in the leg, and his horse was most desperately gored by the animal's antlers. wards the rest of the sportsmen coming up, gave him a fresh chace, and killed him foon after.


Two celebrated actors, Ribou and Rozelli, having differed about their characters, in the play of Andromachus, met to dispute the point in the field, when the former was killed upon the spot.

We are affured, that ten men of war of the line will be launch'd in the fpring, and that our marine is intended to be augmented to what it was in the reign of Lewis XIV. it having fince that time been leffened every year, by a different turn of politicks.


From Holland we hear, that the people there are very uneasy about two projects now on foot, one upon the north, and the other upon the fouth fide of that republick. The first is the Eaft-India company proposed by the king of Pruffia to be fet up in Embden, which may draw many Dutch merchants to fettle there, and very much diminish their exports of EaftIndia goods to the Baltick and Germany; and the other is a canal which is propofed to be made from Oftend, by the way of Bruges, to Ghent, deep and wide enough for three mast ships; and as from Ghent there is a communication by the river Schelde down to Antwerp, and up the Schelde and the Lys through a great part of Flanders, and fome part of Hainault, they B 2


think it will diminish their trade with the Austrian Netherlands, for which reafon they have found out, that this

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election, in order to prove the le( gality thereof. If it unfortunately happens that his imperial majefty laft project is contrary to the spirit offhould die, which God forbid, what the treaty of Weftphalia, and are making strong remonftrances against it at the court of Vienna.

The ftates of Zealand have refolved upon a new negotiation for liferents, to be drawn by way of a lottery, confifting of fix claffes; the first class to bear 5 per Cent. intereft, the fecond 6 per Cent. the third 7 per Cent. the fourth 8 per Cent. the fifth 9 per Cent. and the laft 10 per Cent. The Spanish ambaffador, having_received the neceffary inftructions from his court, went this day about three of the clock, to wait upon the prince Stadtholder, with a very handfome retinue. His ferene highness is to return him the vifit to-morrow. The fame ceremonial is ufed upon this occafion, as was fettled lately for the French ambaffador.


The answer of the king of Pruffia to the memorial of the emperor relating to the election of a king of the Romans.

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a fituation would the empire be in, being then govern'd by an emperor · a minor, and under guardianship? The king would therefore rather advise their majefties to wait 'till that young prince is of age, before they bring this election on the carpet, as 'fuch a delay would likewife render 'the election more conformable to the laws, to the conftitution of the empire, and to the majefty of the germanick body.'

The king is ever inclined to feize all opportunities of obliging their imperial majefties, the emperor and emprefs queen: He would even do it in regard to the election of a king of the Romans in favour of the archduke Jofeph: Nay, his majesty moreover acknowledges, that as matters now ftand in the empire, that prince would be a candidate deferving of the moft notice. But the king leaves their imperial majefties to confider, whether it would not be ' haftening that election too much, to bring it on whilft the emperor is in the flower of his age, while he enjoys perfect health, and all Europe, < and the empire in particular, are in a ftate of profound tranquillity. Befides nothing can be alledged for the neceffity of fuch an election;

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For the better understanding this declaration, it is proper to observe, that tho' a king of the Romans may be chofen at any age, and when fo chosen always fucceeds to the empire, without any other election, yet no emperor is efteemed of age before 18 years; fo that the government of the empire must be in a regency till he comes of age. The houfe of Auftria was once fo powerful, that their emperors procured their fons to be elected kings of the Romans at what age they pleafed; but the eldeft fon of Ferdinand III. dying before his father, and before Leopold the 2d fon, grandfather to her imperial majefty, was chofen king of the Romans, the empire was abfolutely without a head for almost a year and a half; during which time the French made great intereft to prevent Leopold's election, but in vain, for he was unanimously chofen at Ratisbon, the very day that compleated the 18th year of his age, and qualify'd him for government according to the conftitution of the golden bull.

The alliance lately concluded with Ruffia, which is regarded as the work of his Britannick majefty, occafions much fatisfaction at Vienna.


The nobility of this country have great power, but are fo much divided into factions, that their diet and other affemblies generally terminate without producing any advantage to the community. Such has been the iffue of their laft fenate. The quarrels between the powerful families have often proceeded to blood and flaughter; there is no hint of fuch calamity now


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