صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني


THE truths inculcated in this little work were most of them taught from the pulpit. Some of those that heard them expressed their belief that they were capable of doing good to others, as they had done good to them. I have laboured to state these truths as briefly as possible, being anxious that they should be suggestive of thoughts in the reader rather than substitutes for thought.


There is plenty of wire-drawn writing, fit for reading machines, but not for thinking men. are wanted kindling truths-nuclei of thoughtssuggestive writing. It may be that this is not a successful specimen; should it not be, the reader will forgive the work if he believe in the sincerity and good intention of the writer.

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A Message from God.

"I have a message from God unto thee."


It is not necessary, on the present occasion, to refer to the peculiar circumstances under which the words placed at the beginning of this chapter, were originally uttered. We prefer to look at these words in their absolute rather than in their relative aspect. We may use them as an epitome of all that is addressed by God to mankind. We may venture, in this chapter, to regard them as substantially the message of the gospel intrusted to every ambassador of God, and addressed to every sinner upon earth.

Dear reader, give me your attention. Let wandering affections be called home; let earthly cares be banished; let every faculty of the soul be disengaged; let an open ear, and an unobstructed heart, receive now, reverently and obediently, "a message from God unto thee."

It is, I assure you, from its nature, its author, its

effects, worthy of all acceptance. Whatever of majesty reposes on the throne on which He sits—whatever of mercy shines from the cross on which Jesus died-whatever of responsive love is due to the words of a Father-whatever of reverential submission belongs to the rescript of a legislator,-all these eloquently urge your instant attention; and yet greater love, and loyalty, and obedience than these imply, ought to be given to "a message from God."

IT IS A MESSAGE OF TRUTH. "What is truth?" was once asked by one who waited not for a reply. God's word is truth. No fact in history, no phenomenon in science, no proposition in mathematics is, or can be, more true. Its Author, its subject, its words are eternal, irreversible truth. Every promise it embosomsevery threat it denounces-every doctrine it teachesevery prospect it unfolds—are the pure rays of truth, radiated outward to the world's circumference, from Christ the truth. "Thus saith the Lord," the strongest of all arguments, and the close of all disputes, commences and concludes the message of God. It is a great and joyful fact that there is truth in this world of fiction and semblance.

It is not a fable-or a beautiful romance-or a tale of enthusiasm-or a saying of man: it is a reflection of the brightness of God-a mirror that collects and concentrates the splendour of the skies for the instruction of earth; it is the portrait of the Infinitethe apocalypse of eternity. It shows man as God made him—as sin has left him—as grace can restore him. 66 Thy word is truth." To have this truth is to have a central column planted upon earth, on which

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