صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

Art. 5. A Letter to the Right Hon. W. P. Efq; By an Englifhman. 8vo. Is. 6d. Scott.

This Letter-Writer fets out with complaining of the paft neglect, and prophecying the future difregard of his labours. I am a Writer," fays he, that ever has been, and ever shall remain, unpaid, and for the most part unthanked. However, nothing fhall deter me from throwing in my mite, to fave my finking country."

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This mite which he has toffed in to fave his country, is no less than a big fwoln pamphlet of one hundred and thirty-two pages. We confefs, that with all the attention we were able to give it, we could not difcover any thing conclufive in this tedious harangue. It is a wild rambling production, which starts from one reflection to another, and Jeaves the Reader in frequent perplexity. The language is incorrect and enervate; and the whole performance unequal. Some pages are in the dogmatic, dictatorial, and bombaft ftrain; others in the fami-. liar chit chat goffiping file. Nevertheless, it must be allowed, that the Writer appears to be well ftored with political knowlege; but he evidently wants judgment to arrange, and talents to exprefs his ideas. The materials which he has thrown together in a heap of confufion, might have been worked up by a skilful hand fo as to have done honour to the Author, and fervice to the public.

In the conclufion, he fays, I expect no benefit or advantage to myfelf of a fingle groat, for the pains I have taken: yea, fo far from it, I look upon it as certain, that I am to be treated for it with fcurrility and repro ch. The Reader may judge of the quaintnefs and inaccuracy of his language from this fpecimen; and will proba bly be of opinion, that he is very ill qualified for the office he has affumed which is that of penning a plan of administration for the perufal of a Prime Minister.

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Art. 6. The Cries of the Public. In a Letter to his Grace the Duke of Newcajlle. 8vo. Is. Sold at the Register-Office

in St. James's Country Market.

This little piece opens with an addrefs to the D of Ne, which takes up half the pamphlet; but whether the Author intends

1. for panegyric or fatire, we are at a lofs to determine.

His reflections, however, on the abufes in the Corn Trade, &c, merit ferious attention, He opposes the general opinion, that alum imparts whiteness to the bread.


It may be greatly questioned,' fays he, whether any fuch qualiis inherent to alum, as to impart whiteness in a greater degree than the quality of the flour will in itself admit of; fo that it may with better reafon be fuppofed, that the chief intent in its ufe is, by its allringency, to bring the dough to a vifcid and strong confiftence, and to affimilate all the particles of different grain which may have entered the compofition. By this means corrupt flour and unfit for


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'ufe, with the admixture of good, is compelled into a proper cobefion, the aluminous particles equally pervading the whole mafs, and dilating and compreffing, making light and heavy, much according to the proportion obfervable in the atmosphere. For if a thong of alum-leather be extended like a cord, and fastened to fomething at each extremity, it will give furprizingly in moist weather, and in dry, fhrivel up and contract like a fiddle-string. A barometer cannot more furely indicate the different changes of weather, nor even ⚫ determine more exa@ly the degrees. However, it must not be imagined, that a baker is fo ingenious as to make aluminated loaves ⚫ for amufing himself and his cullomers with meteorological obferva⚫tions: all he intends by impregnating his water with this acetaceous

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falt, is to render his dough compact, that it should not run in the ⚫ oven, and to affimilate all parts, by forcing them to cohere, as just ⚫ now mentioned.'

As this matter is now before the Houfe, we hope the wisdom of the Legislature will frame proper expedients to prevent these shocking abules for the future. R-d Art. 7. Authentic Documents of the French Administration, in his Majefty's German Dominions. 4to. 6d. E. Owen.

This is published by Authority, in the original French, with an English translation annexed; and may ferve to add great weight to the Matives which have induced the King our Sovereign, to take up arms afresh, and which have already been laid open to the eyes of the public. Page 13.

Art. 8. Heads of a Scheme for eracting public Magazines, to relieve the Neceffities of the Poor, and supply England with Corn. By Villars Clara Pitt, fourth Sifter to the Right Honourable William Pitt, Efq; principal Secretary of State. 8vo. 6d. Kinnerfley.

A fcheme of this fort from a LADY, is enough to excite the curiofity of the public,-which we fhall not check by mentioning particulars; efpecially as the whole deferves to be well confidered.

Art. 9. Ireland difgraced, or the Island of Saints become an Island of Sinners; clearly proved, in a Dialogue between Doctor B-it and Doctor B-ne, in Dublin. 8vo. 1 s. 6d. Hooper.

. Contains a fatyrical Review of the Party-contefts in Ireland, for about thirty years pait; and feems to be the work of one who is a thorough master of the subject.

Art. 10. A Vindication of Mr. Pitt. thrown out against that Gentleman,

Wherein all the Afperfions relative to the Affair of

Rochfort, are unanswerably confuted. By a Member of Parliament. 8vo. 1s. 6d. Coote.

It is difficult to fay whether Minifters of State fuffer most from the extravagant zeal of their friends, or from the inordinate malice of their enemies. Perhaps fulfome adulation does as much prejudice as invi dious fatire.

The Writer of the Pamphlet before us, has very officiously laboured to rescue Mr. Pitt from fome imputations with respect to the late expedition. His endeavours, however generous, appear to have been unneceffary: and tho' the Writer fhews himself to be an ar dent friend, yet we cannot fay, that he proves himself an able advocate. He reasons with a degree of enthusiasm, more likely to create difguft than beget conviction. Nevertheless, it must be confeffed, that however his manner of writing may be exceptionable, his matter, in many places, deferves attention. He propofes fome fhrewd questions particularly, fpeaking of the Barfleur, which ran a ground at three or four miles diftance, he asks Was Thierry on board the Barfleur at that time? And he intimates, that had that skilful Pilot, who knew the coaft, been on board, he might have conducted the fhip through places inacceffible to the ignorant. There are fome other particulars in this little piece worthy confideration.

R--d Art. 11. The Folly of appointing Men of Parts to great Offices in a State. 8vo. 6d. Coote.

This is, upon the whole, a fprightly performance, intended to ridicule that deteftable ministerial policy, of appointing men of ductile natures, and contemptible talents, into the great offices of ftate. The Irony, however, is not throughout equally fuflained; and it now and then finks, till it becomes quite fpiritlefs. Where it is most perfect, we cannot greatly admire it. because its ufe is mifapplied, and it thereby lofes its poignance. The spleen of party malignity feems to lurk under an affected jocularity: and the facetious Author having fcattered a few flashes of falie wit, falls at laft into a whimpering fit, and unfuccessfully labours at the Pathes.

Art. 12. A Letter to the Citizens of London.



8vo. 6d.

This fober addrefs fpeaks the language of good fenfe, though it does not breathe a great portion of fpirit. The Author cenfures the Corporation of London for being fometimes too forward to interpofe in national concerns, by their premature decifion, and hafty accufations. He very judiciously condemns the licentioufnefs of the prefs and the print fhops; and takes particular notice of a Gentleman who fome years ago quitted the fervice of his H.R. H. and who laft winter figured in carricatura; which fet others upon exercifing the fame talent; by which means the town was fhamefully diverted at the expence of several worthy perfonages. The Writer feems to be a warm friend to the Conftitution; and though he is no excellent Author, he may make a very refpectable Alderman. R-d

Art. 13. A final Anfwer to the Country Gentleman; and Officer. In which the military Arguments and Reply, are fairly flated,


divested of Prejudice, and weighed in the Scale of Reason. With free Thoughts on the Expedition and its Failure. Svo. 6d. Cooper.

This final Anfwer is, in our opinion, very indefinite. It feems to be but little more fatisfactory than the answer which the Spectator gave to his Referees,-Much may be faid on both fides.

The Writer very gravely determines, that Rochfort might have been taken with the force that was fent: but that it would have been taken if we had fent more.

If there be any thing,' he fays, that further interefts the British public in the question now, it is, that Rochfort ftill remains as open as it was; that France now levelied with the duft in Germany, will be daunted and difpirited every where; that England, with recovered Ipirit, has fufficient ftrength; and that the proper ⚫ conduct is not to combat arguments, but enemies; the juft and fi⚫nal anfwer will be, to take it now.'

Certes, This is fooner faid than done. But if the Writer can perfuade the Minitry to make a fecond attempt, we earnestly recommeud it to him, to embark as a Volunteer: He will then have an opportunity of combating enemies inflead of arguments; and, probaby, he may co his country more fervice by the ftrength of his arm, than by the power of his pen. R-d

Art. 14. An Account of the Origin and Effects of a Police, fet on foot by his Grace the Duke of Newcafile in the 1753, upon a plan prefented to his Grace by the late Henry Fielding, Efq; To which is added, A Plan for preferving thofe deferted Girls in this town, who become proflitutes fron neceffity. By John Fielding, Ejq. 8vo. 1 s. Millar.

This pamphlet conveys feveral hints which may be greatly improved for the benefit of fociety. It traces the progrefs of a plan of police, in which the following refolutions were formed, viz.

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ift. To break the great gang of robbers which then infested the Areets, and spread terror throughout this metropolis.

adly. To bring to juftice the several gangs of houfe-breakers, 1 lead-tealers, &c. which confifted chiefly of young fellows, who were thieves from their cradles, and were at this time about eighteen or nineteen years of age, and very numerous.

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3dly. It was propofed to remove the fhoals of fhop-lifters, pilferers, and pick-pockets, who, being the deferted children of porters, chairmen, and low mechanics, were obliged to fteal for their fubfillence.

4thly, The gamblers and common cheats were to be the next object of attention, which were likewife very numerous.

5thly, It was propofed to put down hops, illegal mufic-meetings, and to prevent gaming in public houfes.

6thly. To remove the nufance of common beggars; to prevent ftreet walking, by keeping the whores within doors; and feveral • other diforders committed by infolent carmen, which were punishable by law,'

The Author fhews, that these several resolutions have been carried into execution with great fuccefs. Giving an account of his endeavours to fupprefs the irregularities intended to be removed by the fifth refolution, he tells us, it was more difficult to discover where thefe diforders were carried on, than to fupprefs them when discovered. To remove this difficulty, he acquaints us, that he fettled an anonymous correspondence with the public, inviting all perfons to give notice of any places where diforders were carried on.

This was certainly a wife expedient. But for the honour of the Juftice, it must be remembered, that he did not look abroad for diforderly houses, till he had fuppreffed those under his own eye. We may remember when Covent garden might be juftly called, in the words of Seneca, the fentina urbis: and it was for a long time a reproach to magistracy, that the Spot where Juftice had fixed her headquarters, should continue to be the center of pollution: but it is now happily become the feat of purity; and the neighbourhood of justice is no more the deteftable refort of prophaneness, profligacy, and debauchery of every Species.

The Author's fcheme for employing proftitutes in a public laundry, and qualifying them for the various offices of working fervants, is highly commendable, and might certainly be rendered extremely beneficial.

We agree with him entirely, that Juftices ought to have a handfome fubfiftence. This would, as he observes, remove every temptation that difhonours magiftracy; and muft, in time, free fuch men ⚫ from the fcandalous imputation of trading Juflices, raise the dignity of the employment, and make it an object worthy the acceptance, nay, meriting the fludy of the best of men.'

While magiftrates depend for their fubfiftence on the fees of their warrants, &c. they may be tempted to act in a partial and oppreffive manner. They may become fo accustomed to corruption, that they may continue through avarice, what they first practifed by neceffity: They may put down gaming-houses in one corner, and be bribed to let them fland in another. By their want of principle, they may do prejudice to the community, and purchase repentance for themselves. In a wretched old age, they may have reason to lament in the words of the old Juftice in Shakespear,

"Play-houses, and bawdy-houfes have I licenfed; yea! and fre"quented too."

Art. 15.

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