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النشر الإلكتروني


being framed against their pernicious malpractices, and our pulpits ring Paul goose-berry against their diabolical tenets. In what myfte rious manner, and by: what affumed fanctity, they have blanketed themfelves in, and covered in the heart and vitals of even our Common-Prayer Book; nay, they have fo far infringed on the honour and dignity of our aforefaid. Book of Common Prayer, that if the poor lamb do but peep its little head without the limits of its own juridiction; who is immediately hunted as the flag by the hounds, her own darling reformed brethren; and why this derifion, scorn, hate, and mockery from her darling, and positively her own brethren? merely no other, but because we fuffer our Scriptures and aforefaid Book of Common. Prayer to be and remain stuffed with Prefbyterian or Calvinistical excrement, the bane of fo. ciety, deftructive to morals and good life, which ends in eternal reprobation. We of the Prieftbood cannot dive to the bottom, neither have we applied the remedy, which must be by a total abolition of the old, and forming a new and pure fyftem and body of religion, giving truth and our Priesthood its full authority and force, - To rob me of my honour, you rob me of my life. A man withoug glory is nothing preferable to a Sirreverence; it is a dirty but an old faying for a Calvinilt minifter, which is in truth the filth of a privy. What is life without happiness. Man was made Lord and mafter of the world; and fhall these fnarling puppies rob us of our patrimony? The Throne of my relation, the glorious I Tillotson;

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Tillotson; but he, as the faying goes, was an old fox. Poor fellow, he was fadly ruffled in the latter part of life, by being robbed of part of the member he fo much delighted to pleafe. Three darling virtues, and a famous pair of jack-boots of his drops into your fervant's inheritance, which I nourish and efteem as old gold a full belly, full purfe, and pretty young buxomb wench; to which I have vowed a fourth, which is Glory. Thefe vows I will cherish until my dying day, For let who will be King, I will be Vicar Bray

Boy. Chap. xiii. And if he (an offender) will not hear thee, tell the Church (the Priesthood) and if he will not hear the Church, let him be to thee as the heathen and publican, Amen♫ɔfa to you, whatfoever you fhall bind upon earth? fhall be bound alfo in heaven; and whatsoever thou shalt loose upon earth, fhall be loosed alfor iheaven. St. John, chap. xvii. Christ's prayer for his Apoftles. Sanctify them in truth. Thy word is truth. And for them do I fanctify my felf: that they fallo may be fanctified in truth. Chap, xx. After Chrift's refurrection, his Apoftles being together, he appeared to them, and faid, Peace be to you. As the Father hath fent me, I alfo fend you. When he had faid this, he breathed on them; and he said to them, Receive ye the Holy Ghoft: Whofe fins you thall for give, they are forgiven them: and whole fins you shall retain, they are retained. Mat. chap.. xxviii. And the eleven difciples went into Galilee, unto the mountain where Jefus had ap pointed them. And Jefus coming Ipoke to

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them, faying: All power is given to me in heaven
and in earth, Go ye therefore, and teach ail na--
tions: baptizing them in the name of the Fa
ther, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghoft-
teaching them to obferve all things whatsoever I
have commanded you: and behold I am with


all days, even to the confummation of the world., Mark, chap. xvi. The angels to the wo men at the fepulchre. Go tell his difciples, and Peter, that he goeth before you into Galilee: there you thall dee him, as he told you. At length he appeared to the eleven as they were attablet and he upbraided them with their incredulity and hardnels of heart, because they did not believe them who had feen him after he was rifen again. And he faid to them: Go ye into the whole world, and preach the Gospel to every creature. He that believeth and is baptized, shall be faved: but he that believeth not, fhall be condemned. And the Lord Jefus, after he had spoken to them, was taken up into heaven, and fitteth on the right hand of God. But they going forth preached every where: the Lord working with all; and confirming the word, with figns that followed.

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Maf. An outward and vifible fign, an inward and Ipiritual grace. This is what your Common-Prayer-Book requires to make a facrament. The Jewith Scripture gives ample teftimony to this facred character of their Priesthood; and the Christian Scriptures, as you call it, is equally full, It would be abfurd to expatiate on the Gofpels. The words and outward figns of Jefus Chrift are teftimonials that cannot be enlarged,


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or made more clear and convincing. He delivered to his Apostles the most facred and ample commiffion, authority and power, that a God could grant to a creature, both in word and effect. If your Scripture and Church, in all ages, from the commencement to this prefent age, can be credited; Jefus Chrift not only ordains and grants the virtue of Priesthood to his Apostles by words, but confecrates them by his breach, as his beloved difciple gives us; and this after his refurrection. And the faid to them a fecond time, Peace be to you. As the Father bath fent me, I alfo fend you. When he had faid this, he breathed on them; and he faid to them; Receive ye the Holy Ghoft: Whole fins you fhall forgive they are forgiven them; and whofe fins you fhall retain, they are retained. If you fay with me that Jefus was a feducer; we are agreed, that his words and geftures are empunels, prefumption and blafphemy; but, on the contrary, if you infilt that Jefus is God, according to the Chriflian faith, and yet not capable, with his aforefaid exertions, to communicate the power he wished, and pretended to establish, in putting his new Priefthood upon an equality with the Jewish, which he pretended was to give place to the new; I then lay with Solomon to the fluggard, Go, mock man, to the pifmire, confider her ways, and be wife. Wheh man lofes his reafon, he becomes obnoxious 'to the moft mean and pufilanimous; and this, Reverend Sir, is the unhappy afpe&t you and your accomplices has held up to the face of the world from your creation

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creation; and there is no alternative; whilft you covet, and brand yourselves with the name you vilify and abhor.

Luth. What more noble and glorious than the name Christian; it compofes the heart, and lulls the mind for all our labours; confider, or place yourself in my old relation, Doctor Tillotfon's Chair, and look around, the amazing extent of territory, that old ape, (I beg his pardon,) occupied, at least fucked the cream of tithes, and firit-fruits. Happy them, after they had held to his unfatiated and enormous mouth, who, like a leech, as the faying goes, would never quit, until he had drawn out the very heart's blood; that would go down on their knees, and, for a fupererogatory gift, get flily a kifs of the hind fkirt of an old goat, that was as greafy and rank as the privy of an old boar. I have been from my youth, by our family, fignalized by the borrowed name he went by, Old Doctor Square-Toes; but I hall never warrant or defend, as he did, to the great detriment and difgrace of our Church of England, Calvinistical and Prefbyterian tenets and principles, diametrically oppofite to the Gofpel of Chrift our Lord, which are the charges you raise against our Common-Prayer-Book; but as I live, as foon as I have taken old Roger's Chair, I fhall have them damned and expunged from our Journals. Journals. The glory of my heart is to be vefted in my Pontifical Robes, feated on my Metropolitan Throne, and invefted with Plenitude of both Spiritual and Temporal Authority," o that my power and glory may grafp and clafp


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