a martyr to his caufe, his entrails or bowels falling out of his fundament, as Judas is men. tioned in the Acts, who, in the fame caufe, fuffered nearly a fimilar martyrdom, his bowels gufhing out. This grand effort of Arius and the reformation against the commencement and bringing in of popery. For it is upon this tenet our protestant religion is founded, that in 300 years after Chrift, whole Christendom changed into popery. This is the faith of our reformation. Taking this for granted, you Calvinists have great merit; it is allowed by all that the reign of the Arians was the most formidable and lafting against popery, computed at 400 years, upon the heel of which you made another ftrong fort against the images called the Iconoclaft Herefy, which was formidable, and continued 120 years; and many other hard battles, in different ages, you have rifqued against popery. In our prefent conteft we place you as our body-guard and weapon of violence or flaming fword that guarded paradife. Calv. I am tortured with excruciating pain and must retire. Returns to the privy. Mof. Poor Calvin; he looks ghaftly. Luth. You must know it is an effential article which in their fpiritual warfare never to overpower or stifle the rule of the fpirit. To keep up this liberty of fpirit, when they find the flesh turbulent and refractory, to difpel thefe mifts they with an impetuous zeal glut the carnal man, to reftore vigour and harmony to the spiritual man; he was roused throngh this zeal, at dinner, beB 4 ing. ing from Scotland, at a haggefs made of boar's entrails, which conflict I thought would have been of a very alarming nature; it is happy the matter operates medicinally, and will terminate in a long feries of health. Mof. By this Calvinian tenet you don't mean that they hold it lawful to offend against the commandments or any other wickedness. Luth. The firm they place their tenet on, there is no created fin, confequently all things pure and lawful, and requifite, when oppreffive, to be allayed. This is the medicine nature has pointed out to invigorate and renew the inward man; for, though in flefhly tabernacles, yet, not fleshly but fpiritually, as the lives of angels. Mof. I do not understand that a beast can be an angel. Luth. They pride themselves upon their new SION, mentioned in the Revelations. Mof. Which Spiritualift's, Wickedness? Luth. That fhall be difcuffed at our next. I am as a perfon on travel, cut and devoured by mad cats. Help, help, help. I faint. Oh, difpatch-Quick-it's all over. Mof. What is all this? I am ftifled with the abominable fwine ftench that iffues from these enormous gluttons. I am filled with what I never cat, and this in its excremental and putrid state. Take him hence, or I fhall never recover my breath. I alfo faint. Remove me into the air. Mofes faints. In this plight the firft day's conference was ended. Meffrs. SECOND CONFERENCE. Mers. Luther and Calvin to Mr. Mofes, greeting, pray a fecond conference this day at fix o'clock this evening precifely. Mr. Mofes declines evening meetings in future; but, if required, will not refuse to meet before dinner. Suppofe at ten to-morrow. Agreed. Luth & Calv. WE give you joy, Mr. Moses, we hope our medicine has operated the defired effect. Mof. A diabolical effect, a baneful medicine and diforder, fwines flesh and gluttony. Wickedness. Calv, Wickedness to you, but purity to me. Luth. You cannot change gluttony into purity. Mof. Pork and gluttony are deadly poison. Calv. To a Jew or carnal man, I grant you; but to a Ipiritual member all things are lawful. Mof. Is this your reformed spirit of the latter times? A bleffed reformation. Luth. We bear a part in the reformation, but decline the extremes. Calv. We have ever branded you bastards. Mof. You are very pleasant. Caly. How fweet are thy tidings, O Sion! Mof. Doth your Sion grant you these privileges? Calv. New Jerufalem is come down from heaven and dwelleth amongst men. Mof. This cannot be the fume of your laft night's fupper? Calv. Thefe are words of the fpirit which carnal men cannot understand; however, I will endeavour to hold forth a carnal fimilitude." If fo be you may efpy through the veil placed before the eyes of every Ifraelite or Child of Mofes, otherwife you never would have crucified the Lord of Glory. Mof. I will condemn you by your own confeffion. You fay, through ignorance, Ifrael crucified her Lord. If, through ignorance, we are excufed from difobedience and malice, it was, therefore, innocently done. On your fide of the queftion you acknowledge this Lord of Glory, yet you exert every means that is poffible for the heart, and invention of man to invent, to oppose, villify, contradict, and put to fhame, destroy and annihilate both him and his church; confounding his precepts by va rious blafphemies, and has for upwards of two centuries raised the most unheard-of perfecution, and every defamation against his church; at another time own her purity and perpetuity, and that her decifions, or creeds, are of the fame nature and authority with the other scrip tures. By this rebellious, envious, and untoward fpirit, the many perfuafions, oppofitions, hatreds, contradictions, impieties, ftraining the fcriptue text to favour what it condemns and numberless materials of this fort to raise a fabric which you call the Reformed Church; I fay, by fuch madnefs and folly you have brought on yourselves the ridicule and laughter of every perfon, even the illiterate, of what religion or denomination foever; and this ever has, has, and ever will be, the wages of folly and non-existence. Calv. What mean you by non-existence? Mof. I mean vacuity that admits no fubftance. Calv. You then terminate our reformation in nothing? Mf. Reafon and common fenfe grants this. Luth. & Calv. You have advanced a matter we deny. Mof. I fhould not wonder if you denied your own existence, which many wifh. Luth. & Calv. That the chriftian creeds are popery ? Mof. You have not the veil over your eyes not to fee what is clear to an ideot. Luth. I hope our forefathers have not been guilty of this abomination. Calv. We were weary and looked two ways. Luth. We endeavoured to guard in like fort to scratch both you and the papist. Calv. You will be Efau's feed, as Jews. Luth. The creeds are chriftian and not popish. Mof. All your fathers and church hiftorians grant that chriftendom, or church of Christ, three years after the nativity of Chrift, became popifh, after which period, two of the creeds, Nice and Athanafian, by the general council of Nice, and foon after by Athanafius and a council held by him fet forth. It is in vain to except against this truth. Luth. You lay things before us that are not lawful for us to confider, |