صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

Theologico - Controverfistical Conference,

Held at the HAGUE, June 2, 1785,

Between an English Lutheran, Scotch Calvinist, and Dutch Rabeen.




OU are proteftants ?

Luther and Calvin. We are members of the Reformation.

Mof. Both of one communion.

Luth. I am of Luther.

Calv. 1 of Calvin.

Mof. Luther was the firft proteftant?

Luth. He was.

Calv. Carnally; but Calvin fpiritually. Mof. You agree they were the two firft Reformers.

Luth, & Calv. We confefs it.

Mof. Explain the mystery of the fpirit." Calv. Rebecca had twin children, Efau and Jacob; Efau's heel appeared, which the midwife tyed a scarlet thread about this is a type of

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Luther's appearing carnally, with the rags of popery, Efau drew back his heel, when Jacob came forth and obtained the bleffing, who was a type of Calvin, obtaining the bleffing of the spirit.

Luth. We fhall never be reconciled but in our war against popery.

Mof. Then you are of different Religions ? Luth. & Calv. In every thing but what relates to popery, which all proteftants are obliged to proteft againft, according to their first institution. Mof. What is the foundation of your Faith? Luth. & Calv. GOD, Creator and Preferver of all Things, both vifible and invifible; Eternal and Infinite, in Power, Truth, Juftice, Goodness, and in all his Attributes. Infinite Knowledge of all things from Eternity to Eternity, that is paft, prefent, and to come. Is for eyer prefent with him one Only true God. This God revealed the fcriptures, and this is the ground of our Faith and Religion.

Mof. From what time do you date your religion?

Lutb. & Calv. The day dawned with Luther in 1517; but entered their proteft against the Roman Catholic Church, which was the Old Church, and took the name of Proteftants, in 1529.

Mof. Then the date of the proteftant religion was 1529 after Jefus Chrift, your Meffiah? Luth & Calu. We confefs it, and that Luther and Calvin were our two firft Apostles.

Mo From what feripture do you derive this fundamental article of your Falth?

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Luth, & Calv. From many texts,
Mof. Name your fcripture.

Luib. & Calv. From many texts.

Mof. This is folly. How many covenants has Almighty God promifed?,

Luth. & Calv. Two.

Mof. Both from the feed of Abraham ? Luth. & Calv. This cannot be contested. Mof. From what tribe of Ifrael are Luther and Calvin ?

Luth. & Calv. Luther from the German, and Calvin from the French tribes..

Mof. What were they and their ancestors. before they fet up your covenant?

Luth. & Calv. They were Roman Catholics, and Luther and Calvin were both priests.

Mof. Which of the two do you acknowledge your Meffiah of the new covenant ?

Luth. & Calv. Neither; Jefus Christ is our Meffiah, as you obferved before.

Mof. You acknowledge Luther and Calvin to be the two firft proteftants and apostles of your religion, and that they established the covenant of proteftantifm 1500 years after Jefus Chrift had established his. At the fame time you profefs but two covenants, you grant the Jews one, and Jefus Chrift the other, which is the accomplishment of the fcripture?

Luth. Calv. Luther and Calvin were reformers.

Mof. What do you mean by reformers?

Luib. & Calv. The proteftant creed, or faith, is, that prefently after the apostles age, the whole chriftian world, men, women, and children

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were drowned in idolatry and in a ftate of damnation; fo that there was no falvation in the world until Luther and Calvin restored life by fetting up our new religion.

Mof. If Jefus Chrift be the true Meffiah, as you believe, and is the ground of your faith, you must agree with me that your proteftant religion is an apoftacy and violation to the veracity and honour of God and difbelief of the whole fcriptures.

Luth. & Calv. We mean to do neither.

Mof. Madness has no meaning, in this; you fpeak truly.

Lutb. & Caly. We hold forth the doctrine of truth.

Mof. That blafphemes and reprobates the true God, and his holy fcriptures.

Luth. & Calv. You speak like a papist. Mof. I am a Jew, and speak as a Jew. Luth. & Calv. Our war is not against the Jews. Mof. All blafphemy against God and the fcriptures is aginft us.

Luth. & Calv. We are only against popery. Mof. Believe me, your darts are pointed against none, being blunted with folly.

L. & C. We feed and live by the fcriptures. Mos. Whenever you would be despised, mention fcripture.

L. & C. Scripture is the food of a christian. Mof. Your ignorance can never extend fo far as to perfuade yourselves that you who contemn Chrift, can be chriftians.

L. & C. We do not contemn Chrift; it is the Jews that are his adverfaries; we honour and adore him as our Lord.


Mof. In what degree of Lordship? Luth. & Calv. Lord of Truth and Juftice, and Prince and Head of his Church.

Mof. Of what church is Chrift Head and Prince?

Luth. & Calv. Of the chriftian church which he founded.

Mof. This is the mystery of myfteries.

Luth.&Calv. All are reconcileable with faith. Mof. You will allow truth and falsehood are two oppofites which cannot be reconciled?

Luth.& Calv. This would be childish to deny. Mof. You will allow that a Creator may act according to his will on the thing he creates ? Luth. & Cval. This alfo is as clear as the fun. Mof. You will allow that juftice and power cannot be injuftice and weakness ?

Luth. & Calv. We cannot deny this truth. Mof. You will allow that goodness and mercy cannot be wickednefs and unmercifulness? Luth. & Calv. Oppofites never coincide toge


Mof. You allow, in God, infinite power, truth, knowledge, forefight, and goodness, and infinite in whatever is his will, and that nothing can happen or be in his creation but what is his will to order or permit.

Luth. & Calv. To this we affent, both heart and foul.

Mof. You acknowledge and believe, that this God founded and established his fecond and laft covenant in the perfon of Jesus Christ with the chriftian church, which covenant, or church, by the affiftance and moft pofitive and folemn A 4


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