صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

and pleafing to the Creator, who is infinite, perfection; to that evil commences through the abufe of free-will. Inftances we find, firft in the angels, after by man; and the cause, pride, conceit, luft, and disobedience to the rules prefcribed. We do not observe, that man improved in truth or virtue in the first ftate of the creation, but the reverse; Noah's flood is a convincing proof. This is an effential article in our religion; for throughout our fcriptures our punishments were brought on us as foon as we forfeited our duty and ftrict obfervance of the moft pure law of our fathers. This we agree, both Jew and chriftian, to be the first covenant. We both also agree, that the fecond will far tranfcend the first, having the Meffiah for its head, guide, and everlasting director and darling fpoufe. Our fcriptures are equally full of the Meffiah and his new Covenant, infeparate and everlafting, unmixt. The first covenant was upon the exprefs condition of adhering clofely to our law; but to the new covenant there are no fuch conditions, but a multiplicity of eternal promises and ca. reffes convince me that Jefus is the Meffiah. I fhould then convince you, that I have no objection to christianity.

Luth. The Lutherans would be much edified, we should efteem you a great acquifition. Calv. A man truly wife never can obtain the fpirit but in the company of prophets.

Mof. If I was convinced that Jefus was the Meffiah, his covenant, or church, that he eftablifhed and united to himfelf, by a union of


oaths, and the moft folemn promifes, of eter nal endearments, would be known by the unanimous voice of all nations and religions, of what denomination foever; let us only make the enquiry ourselves. I that am a Jew, were you or any other perfon to afk, where do the old chriftians meet to fay prayers, or which is the catholic church? neither you nor I would point out, unless it might be to laugh at them, either Luther or Calvin's church, or our fynagogue, &c. but would fhew them the Roman catholic church or chapel. This is an incon-teftable truth that your novelty is not the catholic or chriftian church. This is a truth worthy your notice. This duty pondered, you expofe yourselves when you invite others to join in your unhappy and deplorable cafe.

Luth. & Calv. The proteftant religion is truth and fanctity.

Mof. I was at fome pains to convince you, by different examples in our fcripture, the implacable hatred Almighty God has to difobedience, particularly in the cafe of Kore, Nadab, and Abiram, who went plump into hell. Luther and Calvin were far greater culprits than they; for Kore and his party were fchif matics of the old covenant, but Luther and Calvin are fchifmatics and heretics of the, or rather against the new covenant of the Meffiah.

Luth. & Calv. By what you affert, if you were converted to Jefus Chrift, we should be not a whit the more palatable to you, for you would join the worfhippers of images; we cannot join in idolatry.


Mof. Explain this, I beseech you; I have often made enquiry, but never could meet with due explanations on this head. Prove this, and I never will think more of being a chriftian. We Jews are commanded, in our law, when we prayed in the times of the tabernacle and temple, to turn our faces and adore the moft holy place or apartment, that contained the images of two angels, where the glory of our Lord delighted, and the ark that contained the ten commandments, were placed at the feet of the images. Solomon's temple was as fully ornamented with images as Luther's Weftminfter-Abbey, &c. fo that you will fatisfy yourfelves that the fcripture commands us to refpect holy images, and deteft idols, refpect our fcriptures and deteft books of magic or other deteftable volumes.

Luth. All what your law commanded was holy and true; fo our images in WeftminsterAbbey, on St. Paul's, horfe armoury, queen Elizabeth, St. Dunstan, queen Anne, or any other in the jurifdiction of England, Wales, or Berwick on Tweed, or any thing within the limits of Lutherifmm, either image, figure, painting, pictures, prints, books, or any matter, caufe, or thing whatfoever, by law eftablifhed or winked at, is holy, juft, and to be revered and refpected, by all loyal, dutiful and obedient fubjects. In this we are united, according to your fcriptures.

Calv. If images and figures of every defcription are juft and lawful to Jews and Lutherans,

therans, why are they criminal in the Roman Catholics? Anfwer me this.

Mof. I never ftudied the Christian faith in this point, but would be glad to say a few words upon this article, that, I believe, is fome part of the accufation laid against Catholics.

Luth. It was by divine commandment that Mofes made the two images of angels, and placed them in the Holy of Holies, whofe wings reached and covered the whole room, for to cover, and, as it were, protect the ark and ten commandments, which was placed at their feet, and the glory of the Lord refted upon their wings. Alfo in Solomon's Temple there was in the fame manner two gigantic. images of angels, richly ornamented and placed in the Holy of Holies, with their wings covering the whole room, meeting each other, the ark and ten commandments placed at their feet, and the glory of the Lord rested betwixt their wings. To be brief, the Temple was covered, decorated, and made refplendent with images of angels, oxen, pomegranates, open flowers, and as if it was one whole mass of images, glittering moft profufely with every brilliancy and fuperb luftre, which catched and dazzled the eyes of the beholders. There was also a very large molten fea, reaching 15 feet from brim to brim, ornamented with images. of oxen round about; this great fea refted upon twelve large images of oxen, either of them, I fuppofe, twelve times as big as Aaron's calf. Three looking North, three Weft, three South, and three Eaft, which are the four quarters of


the world, and many other figures. But what is particularly worthy our notice, was the huge molten image of a fnake, (what a beaft!) and this made by Mofes, that fpeaks exprefsly againft images, and he hung it up on a pole in the wilderness, and commanded the Ifraelites that were bit by poifoned ferpents to feek their cure by looking ftedfaftly with confidence on this molten image. Thefe and a number of ceremonies, you will, no doubt, call idolatry and fuperftition.

Calv. You fay thefe, and many other matters in fcriptures, will feem against the fecond commandment; fo that what it orders it condemns. My reply is, anfwer first my question, which is, if images and figures of every defeription, are juft and lawful to Jews and Lutherans, why criminal in Roman Catholics? Anfwer me this.

Luth. The law of God is juft and right, and not to be gain-fayed by man; this confirms all fcripture images, &c. holy and lawful.

The Proteftant images, &c. are just and. lawful, as per example: the law, and all under its fanction, being fanctified by the Kings and Parliaments. Thus we agreed that fin proceeds from difobedience.

Roman Catholic images, &c. are finful, not being authorized, but condemned by the legiflative body, which are called penal laws and teft oaths.

Calv. If you fpoke truth, we are culprits under the fame act of difobedience, and all other diffenters, though we abhor images.


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